(Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

i spent all day at work reading things on the asoiaf wiki :lol:

the amount of information :wow:

this dude needs to finish these books ASAP. can't wait much longer to find out the fates of the remaining characters >:
I wonder if they're going to tone down Theon's torture/appearance in the show. Can't help but wonder that since they pretty much just gave Tyrion a scar across the face instead of what happened in the books.
I wonder if they're going to tone down Theon's torture/appearance in the show. Can't help but wonder that since they pretty much just gave Tyrion a scar across the face instead of what happened in the books.

they'll probably show what happened to his fingers. but im more curious to see how they will present the whole reek/theon transformation b/c the way it was done in the book was brilliant
I actually thought they wouldn't cut Jaimes hand off. but that was a key point of the story.
I wonder if they're going to tone down Theon's torture/appearance in the show. Can't help but wonder that since they pretty much just gave Tyrion a scar across the face instead of what happened in the books.
Yeah, they tend to tone down the extreme looks of characters and just change it up a little bit. Like at the end of season 1 I didn't know Khaleesi's hair was supposed to be burned off. I was wondering if they were going to cut Jaime's hair off too but they opted to let him keep the long hair.
If they're going to continue to have a Theon storyline in season 4 and 5 (when he's not in ASOS or a AFFC), they may have to show more of the torture just to keep his storyline going. Or at least show what Ramsay has done to him.
he may still cut it. I thought he didn't cut it til after they left? or am I wrong
When They showed Bran and Cat in the tree and they sucked the color out of her face making her super pale. Thought it was a good tease for the end of this season.
Don't think this happens until season 4.

I think this season will end with the Red Wedding and the aftermath of it.

In fact reading the episode titles for the rest of the season I think the Red Wedding happens in episode 9.
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And then the shocking ending of deadcat coming back to life

I'm convinced that will be the final scene of the season. Either that or the Brojen gang riding off with cold hands.
So R'hollor's power was the one that made Cat a zombie right? The life force went from Dondarrion's body to hers. Seems similar to how the Others have the power to bring back the dead. R'hollor will probably flex more of his power with his priests and priestesses when the Others become a bigger problem. I think I read that The Lord of Light's greatest enemy is the god the Others worship. Makes you wonder how the rest of the religions will factor into this.
I think it has been confirmed that the Red Wedding will be episode 9. Damn, I can't wait. Hope it's an amazing episode.
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So R'hollor's power was the one that made Cat a zombie right? The life force went from Dondarrion's body to hers. Seems similar to how the Others have the power to bring back the dead. R'hollor will probably flex more of his power with his priests and priestesses when the Others become a bigger problem. I think I read that The Lord of Light's greatest enemy is the god the Others worship. Makes you wonder how the rest of the religions will factor into this.

Pretty much. Thoros was always a drunken priest who could never see through the fires or resurrect anything. But once Dondarrion died and he went to bury him, he accidentally reincarnated him. Every time Dondarrion died he lost more and more of his memories so he gave his life to Cat. But seeing how she was dead for days, she couldn't look as good as he did :lol:

I believe they call him the Great Other (real original George :lol:). I think it'll become more of a factor once they go further North in the books. Especially with Melisandre still at the Wall and her saying that she's never been more powerful.

The Red Wedding will be the defining moment of the series. I'm hoping they did it right.
All I know is that bastard Martin said we're going more north than ever in the new book and that we will finally understand the Others' culture.

Between that and Dany actually showing up in Westeros I'm going to be :wow:

I think a main problem that the show will have in the next few years is that everyone is going to wonder why the hell Dany doesn't get her **** together and get to Westeros. After ADWD I'd have to agree.
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I'm really looking forward to when the Martells meet Griff, Victorian's plan with Dany and when Davos lands on Skagos. I'm itching for them :lol: I want to know already.

Speaking of the Others, what do you guys think Jon's fate will be?
No way he is dead... Melisandre will have something to do with him surviving.

I'm most excited to find out the results of the battle at meereen. Victarion with the dragon horn... I don't know wtf will go down. Just hope Tyrion makes it out in a favorable position.

Do y'all think young griff is really a targ? The Internet has decided he's not. I think grrm will surprise us with that somehow
All I know is that bastard Martin said we're going more north than ever in the new book and that we will finally understand the Others' culture.

Between that and Dany actually showing up in Westeros I'm going to be :wow:

I think a main problem that the show will have in the next few years is that everyone is going to wonder why the hell Dany doesn't get her **** together and get to Westeros. After ADWD I'd have to agree.
I've gotten annoyed with Dany. She definitely acts her age sometimes. She's a stubborn teenage girl who doesn't want to listen to people. I also shake my head at her falling in love with a weird looking pirate with a trident beard :smh:.

No way he is dead... Melisandre will have something to do with him surviving.

I'm most excited to find out the results of the battle at meereen. Victarion with the dragon horn... I don't know wtf will go down. Just hope Tyrion makes it out in a favorable position.

Do y'all think young griff is really a targ? The Internet has decided he's not. I think grrm will surprise us with that somehow
I hope she heals his wounds and doesn't make him her puppet :frown:. I'd rather him die than be some sort of zombie. It would also suck if he died without finding out who his parents are or that his half brother and aunt are out there.

So the websites don't believe that Young Griff is Aegon? I'm surprised by that. Tyrion figured it out and noted the boy's silvery hair and purple eyes. Connington has been by his side his whole life. And Varys has helped set all of this up. I think he even told Ser Kevan about it. There would be no need to lie to a dying man.
Speaking of the Others, what do you guys think Jon's fate will be?

I'm figuring Jon lives, especially how Melissandre started to take more of an interest in him. Robb said he was gonna make Jon heir of Winterfell, which is what Stannis wanted anyway, but the books never say if he sent the letter naming him heir. He's one of the most important characters in the whole story. I'm thinking the three heads of the dragon will end up being Dany, Jon and Tyrion.

I've been rereading the series (almost done book 3) and I came up on a part that I didn't remember the first go round where Stannis throws 3 leeches with Robert's bastard Edric into the fire, and he names Balon Greyjoy, Robb and Joffrey as the ones he wants to die. Of course they all die.

As far as the show, I'm eager to see if the Martells show up this season, and if so, who they cast as Prince Oberyn. I know they're in Kings Landing before the wedding but still. I'm eager to see how the story unfolds with House Martell.
It is. But a one of the legitimized bastards of one of the old Targayen kings founded the house based on the sword name. They led a lot of rebleiions against the throne. Selmy pretty much ended it :lol: him and Bryden Tully.
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