Sport/Body Building supplements vol.who takes them

Sep 15, 2004
To the people who actually exercise/workout/or train.

Currently training 5 days a week, on a 60/20/20 diet, and drink nothing but water. (endurance strength plan - 160lbs 5'6)

However, i started taking one protein supplement called probolic sr and it has done some great things. (not a fan of muscle milk aka cytosport or anything highin sat. fats)

One thing, i dont trust are the creatines, nitric oxide, or seperate amino acid joints ike glutamine (i guess it only works for certain people.)

Who here takes supplements and what are they and why?
I know most aren't fda approved but, what do you guys think about supplements, bad or good?
Is the protein supplement the only thing i should be taking for my plan? (i use it for muscle recovery)

lemme know!
Optimum Nutrition Whey
Creatine Monohydrate

creatine is perfectly safe if you don't od on it.

if you take too much like 20 grams a day for several months straight then your kidneys can go bad.

5-10 grams of creatine on a workout day is fine.

a lot of supplements are harmless if used correctly, and they can provide you with some enormous gains...
Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard
Muscletech Cell-Tech Hardcore
Purple Wraath
Fish oil
nitric occide with some creatine. it worked for my friend so started taking it, ive seen
some improvements.
Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard

Optimum Nutrition 100% Casein Gold Standard
I really don't know how many bodybuilders are at here at NT but nontheless is neccesary for everyone too be at the gym
Yes you reading this go get a gym now!
Originally Posted by Purple Face

Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard
Muscletech Cell-Tech Hardcore
Purple Wraath
Fish oil

Lyin as dude.........but then again you always do

Originally Posted by CarmineJordan

I really don't know how many bodybuilders are at here at NT but nontheless is neccesary for everyone too be at the gym
Yes you reading this go get a gym now!
Originally Posted by Purple Face

Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard
Muscletech Cell-Tech Hardcore
Purple Wraath
Fish oil

Lyin as dude.........but then again you always do


Umm... actually, Purple was being serious. He actually lifts.

I use:

Syntha-6 Protein from BSN (Strawberry and Vanilla flavors)
N.O. Explode (half an hour before I work out)
Fish Oil
Milk Thistle (good for your kidneys after that creatine)

Alternate every other month with CellMass.

EDIT: Try for your supplements. It's mostly a better price than GNC. But when I do get my stuff from GNC, I get it in the first week ofthe month with my Gold Card. It's about the same price as that website and if they're running specials, it's even cheaper sometimes.
Originally Posted by MoMoney848

Originally Posted by CarmineJordan

I really don't know how many bodybuilders are at here at NT but nontheless is neccesary for everyone too be at the gym
Yes you reading this go get a gym now!
Originally Posted by Purple Face

Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard
Muscletech Cell-Tech Hardcore
Purple Wraath
Fish oil

Lyin as dude.........but then again you always do


Umm... actually, Purple was being serious. He actually lifts.

I use:

Syntha-6 Protein from BSN (Strawberry and Vanilla flavors)
N.O. Explode (half an hour before I work out)
Fish Oil
Milk Thistle (good for your kidneys after that creatine)

Alternate every other month with CellMass.

EDIT: Try for your supplements. It's mostly a better price than GNC. But when I do get my stuff from GNC, I get it in the first week of the month with my Gold Card. It's about the same price as that website and if they're running specials, it's even cheaper sometimes.

Aiiiite my boy Mo. Who the hell is this frenchie thinking he knowsme

And every $75 you spend at you get a free shirt. It's not much but it's something
For those who use fish oil. How much should I be taking daily? I've read/heard different stuff so I'd like to know how much you guys use.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

For those who use fish oil. How much should I be taking daily? I've read/heard different stuff so I'd like to know how much you guys use.

Eh... you're SUPPOSED to take it three times a day but I take mine twice a day.
I still bench more than purple face

........bodybuilding profile
(no h)

America needs necessary Bulk//Cut lessons a soon as possible

It really depends how bad you want it in bodybuilding........
Originally Posted by CarmineJordan

I still bench more than purple face

........bodybuilding profile
(no h)

America needs necessary Bulk//Cut lessons a soon as possible

It really depends how bad you want it in bodybuilding........

Do you reread your stuff when you're done? None of that makes any sense at all. And I read it twice. Come on man.
I used to take cellmass but I got lazy makin a creatine drink then protein shake after... so now I just take protein shakes. And ya its the ON 100% wheyprotein..

Back in Florida I used leukic for like 2 weeks and saw some gains.. but Im not tryin to waste all my money on supplements Id rather buy food.
Originally Posted by The Rat Pack Is Back

i take 3 in the morning and 3 at night of this kind

6000mg total

it doesn't really matter how much you take

Actually... it does because Fish Oil is a blood thinner much like aspirin. You really shouldn't go overboard with it. 6000mg sounds like a lot. I knowthe recommended dosage is anywhere from 2 to 5 grams so 6000mg is good, just don't do any more than that.
yo has anyone tooken cell tech?
My boys $%!$@!+ bought the 4.5 lbs bottle for the retail price and is shook to use it and he said he'd give it to me for 10 dollars lol
IDK if i want to take it though bcuz it has 75 grams of sugar and I feel like that would make me fat.
I'm trynna lose fat by doing cardio and eating right but also maintaing my muscle weight.
I've lost 40 pounds and now i'm down to 210 standing at 6 foot 1.
but anyways do you guys reccomend it? how is it for those who have tooken it?

for the OP
I took N O explode for a while and it's a great product helped me step my weight up in evey excercise at the gym. Helps you stay focused and doesn'tlet you get tried so quickly and plus recovery time is faster on this product. I recommend it just drink a lot of water to keep your liver clean and yoursystem clean overall. can you assume someone doesn't work out? What made you think that?

^ As for No-Xplode...the original formula was dope. I still have a couple of tubs left of it. I find the new reformulated stuff is all caffeine. In bothcases I found my body to get use to it too fast. The pumps diminish substantially.

I'm dying to try some stuff from Controlled Labs. How's Purple Wrath...Purple Face..
Originally Posted by ZEEN1NE

yo has anyone tooken cell tech?
My boys $%!$@!+ bought the 4.5 lbs bottle for the retail price and is shook to use it and he said he'd give it to me for 10 dollars lol
IDK if i want to take it though bcuz it has 75 grams of sugar and I feel like that would make me fat.
I'm trynna lose fat by doing cardio and eating right but also maintaing my muscle weight.
I've lost 40 pounds and now i'm down to 210 standing at 6 foot 1.
but anyways do you guys reccomend it? how is it for those who have tooken it?

I don't do ANY cardio at all and I eat like a beast.

I wouldn't say I'm "cut" but you can definitely see muscle definition in me. As a matter of fact, ever since I've loaded on Cell-Techand got off of it for like a week, I lost weight more than anything. I think it was all the water weight I lost. I dunno though cuz everybody's bodies aredifferent.
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