Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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[quote name]Lol cacs stay with this attitude til my p95 is in their pasty pale faces[/quote]

LOL @ that poverty gun and the ensuing e-threats.

Bunch of internet tough guys right chea
I bet all of them on stay in 1 br appartments with less then 1k in there checking accounts.Or blow the only extra 200$ a month they make on some sneakers instead of learing some financial responsibilty so they can stop borrowing money from there parents because they are felling at adult hood.

This the B.S that kills me on here they post lil funny cartoons and pics like they jus got there first taste of pu55y I mean what adult does that? 

U mad I'm stuntin' with my money. I worked hard for this unemployment check you looser
zx, ill be fair with you...the only way to truly find out what happened from the start is if these rider would upload the entire trip the moment the RR came into view...then we can have a clear side as to what happened...but..we dont...we do however, have videos of these bikers breaking the law multiple times throughout their ride BEFORE they met the RR. now if we could pull up the 911 phone calls the RR is said to have made, then maybe we can truly say "that guy tried everything to avoid the situation"...but still, seeing hundreds of bikers surrounding your family and antagonizing you and trolling you knowing they are squad deep leading to somethin happenin cause they know its 100+ VS 1 MAN, you in instinct would do the same as the RR driver in that situation....
First off hat's off fam for speaking with rationality thank you.I agree with what you said the whole tape needs to be played.That is the only way you are gonna get the truth.The point im making is that neither side should get off without some sort of punishment.This is coming from A rider and I think that slowing down traffic so you can stunt is totally out of pocket.It is way to many empty back streets empty industrial complexes to go do your thing.It is even way more unacceptable to run over someone because they look scary and you didn't even take the decent measure to go thru necessary steps taken during an accident and feel your at liberty to drive off because the guy you jus took down looks scary im sorry but that is hard to belive.Like you said bruh need to see the whole untainted truth.

zx, ill be fair with you...the only way to truly find out what happened from the start is if these rider would upload the entire trip the moment the RR came into view...then we can have a clear side as to what happened...but..we dont...we do however, have videos of these bikers breaking the law multiple times throughout their ride BEFORE they met the RR. now if we could pull up the 911 phone calls the RR is said to have made, then maybe we can truly say "that guy tried everything to avoid the situation"...but still, seeing hundreds of bikers surrounding your family and antagonizing you and trolling you knowing they are squad deep leading to somethin happenin cause they know its 100+ VS 1 MAN, you in instinct would do the same as the RR driver in that situation....

First off hat's off fam for speaking with rationality thank you.I agree with what you said the whole tape needs to be played.That is the only way you are gonna get the truth.The point im making is that neither side should get off without some sort of punishment.This is coming from A rider and I think that slowing down traffic so you can stunt is totally out of pocket.It is way to many empty back streets empty industrial complexes to go do your thing.It is even way more unacceptable to run over someone because they look scary and you didn't even take the decent measure to go thru necessary steps taken during an accident and feel your at liberty to drive off because the guy you jus took down looks scary im sorry but that is hard to belive.Like you said bruh need to see the whole untainted truth.

So getting your tires slashed (meaning there's a guy right next to your car holding a knife) isn't threatening to you? I'm not sure why you guys are neglecting that piece of the story and keep insisting that the dude drove off ONLY because the bikers were surrounding his car.

Also note, the only guys talking reckless here are the ones on the bikers' side. Take that how you want.
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haha frank mucus come out to our next ride and tell me about my poverty gun.
Yo Tru go back and read what he said he is stunting with his unemployment check which is meant to keep you afloat during your time of unemployment.

Did he just either himself?
So getting your tires slashed (meaning there's a guy right next to your car holding a knife) isn't threatening to you? I'm not sure why you guys are neglecting that piece of the story and keep insisting that the dude drove off ONLY because the bikers were surrounding his car.

Also note, the only guys talking reckless here are the ones on the bikers' side. Take that how you want.
So what led up to that point that caused that where you there?I wasn't the other guy hit the nail dead on the head you need to see and hear the whole untainted truth.Rather you like it or not the RR could have ignited this whole thing.Note the ones on the RR side are mostly biased because the media painted that pretty family portrait and you fell for it.
haha frank mucus come out to our next ride and tell me about my poverty gun.

Yo Tru go back and read what he said he is stunting with his unemployment check which is meant to keep you afloat during your time of unemployment.

Did he just either himself?
View media item 604189

dat vanderbilt education and can't tell the difference between ether and either :smh:
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Riders are represented poorly in this thread right now...

honestly...where are the experienced riders to make sense of all this?

yea, these guys aren't really articulating their point very well...fortunately most riders i've come into contact with are reasonable people. to reiterate, it just seems plain as day that all parties involved made several poor decisions that resulted in what happened.

motorcycle club (or gang depending or your perspective) thing is real though, it can be likened a brotherhood/fraternity, not trying to defend their reckless actions, and seeing an suv basically mow down another rider; especially when mobbed up like that, you can understand why the riders didn't make the best decisions. honestly, if whoever was at the front leading the group would have just kept it moving past the range &/or just been more organized , maybe the whole situation doesn't take place...

and true the driver was entitled to his lane in the road, and didn't have stop; but if he were really concerned about swarm of bikes around him he probably should have just stopped or slowed up, having ridden in one of these type of impromptu rides before, that is usually what happens because most people have never been surrounded by that many bikes, don't want to hit those riders, & don't know what to do so they usually just get out of the way or slow down (accompanied by much gesturing & expletives!) to let the bikes pass.

since that didn't happen, once homie brake checked the suv (and it definitely LOOKS like a brake check from the vid), it was a wrap, there were not going to be any good outcomes...perhaps (and maybe he did try to, you definitely can't know from the video) the driver could have been more 'delicate' with how he tried to extricate himself & his family in that 2+ ton vehicle from the guantlet bikes surrounding him, but i'm not sure what else he could have done...who knows what went down before the vid starts, but from what i've seen most of the blame lies on the riders, in a ride like this it is really up to the individuals not to put themselves in harm's way, the the biker that puts the whole thing in motion definitely put himself in a precarious position...
Yeah, I don't get it ether.
Yup you right you don't get it and when i say IT i mean MONEY.


You can reply but I won't answer back.Just really don't see you as a productive member in society that's worth having a convo with via internet or in person good bye
any bikers I may have offended, please don't report me to your undercover homies for cyber bullying... i didn't mean to cause you any harm
All Range Rover Dreamers hoping you will get to hold the keys to that 70k piece of garbage one day.Sorry your dream truck was in the middle of this A22 whippin.When you do get a RR you will probably trade that trash in and get you something else biggest waste of money I ever spent.I honestly belive if this was any other type of vehicle this thread would have never existed.Yall listen to way to much rap.
Where do these guys come from?

They came in here talking about all the charity work and great human being they are to full blown assault, name calling, stalking, pervs ....

I wish a dude would ....

They wouldn't even make it pass the guard in my gated community ... LMAO
Yo Tru go back and read what he said he is stunting with his unemployment check which is meant to keep you afloat during your time of unemployment.

Did he just either himself?

Originally Posted by Frank Mucus View Post

Yeah, I don't get it ether.

Yup you right you don't get it and when i say IT i mean MONEY.


You can reply but I won't answer back.Just really don't see you as a productive member in society that's worth having a convo with via internet or in person good bye

Surely no won can be this dumb.

Nope, actually they're can be someone that dumb.
All Range Rover Dreamers hoping you will get to hold the keys to that 70k piece of garbage one day.Sorry your dream truck was in the middle of this A22 whippin.When you do get a RR you will probably trade that trash in and get you something else biggest waste of money I ever spent.I honestly belive if this was any other type of vehicle this thread would have never existed.Yall listen to way to much rap.
This right there gave you away .... same **** you said last time you got banned .. LOOSER!

PS. I had a Range Rover Spot Supercharged and traded in for a Corvette ZR1 and I ride - still know the bikers where in the wrong ... what's your point?
This thread

CACs vs. Pigs

Bikers vs. Ranges

Me reading everything that dude trifuncti in a RDJ from Tropic Thunder fake black man accent.

Other dude sincerely not wanting any of these people bringing their ignorance to Canada.
87 pages .. whoa

.. idk the whole situation.. but he should have known better { the driver } .. A baby being in the car alone would have me me think twice about doing something crazy to the man.

.. but than again he did run over these guys like nothing, isn't one in the hospital still in a coma ? wish well for both parties, cold world. :smh:

- stay freshh
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