Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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All Range Rover Dreamers hoping you will get to hold the keys to that 70k piece of garbage one day.Sorry your dream truck was in the middle of this A22 whippin.When you do get a RR you will probably trade that trash in and get you something else biggest waste of money I ever spent.I honestly belive if this was any other type of vehicle this thread would have never existed.Yall listen to way to much rap.
it dont matter what car the dude was driving in, im glad he had the RR to even be able to go over the bikes to be honest. any other whip other than a SUV (ofcourse smaller than a SUV) wouldve probably had no shot of going nowhere. u just ignorant point in talkin to your type. the type to do the crime but be like "FREE _____" 
87 pages .. whoa

.. idk the whole situation.. but he should have known better { the driver } .. A baby being in the car alone would have me me think twice about doing something crazy to the man.

.. but than again he did run over these guys like nothing, isn't one in the hospital still in a coma ? wish well for both parties, cold world. :smh:

- stay freshh
What should he have known better about Mr. Drake?
This right there gave you away .... same **** you said last time you got banned .. LOOSER!

PS. I had a Range Rover Spot Supercharged and traded in for a Corvette ZR1 and I ride - still know the bikers where in the wrong ... what's your point?
Never said the bikers were wrong not one time did I holding up traffic so ya boys can stunt ain't cool not one bitI also know there is no law in the world not just NY the world that gives you the green light to roll over somebody.I see you had half a brain to get rid of that RR.I had a 2011 sapphire black white seats black stitching them 150$ oil changes some ol B.S.

Who got banned man i never post on this site been lurking since 2010 never felt the need to .Why you wanna go to name callin can we talk like some adults or you wanna go ahead and let the gloves come off? Take my advice on this one not gonna turn out good for ya fam.Lets keep it civil.

Also what's asking price for zr1 what Ls based motor is in there(Ls3 Ls6 Ls2 etc) what supercharger do they use.this is not an open google test please answer to the best of your knowledge.
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This right there gave you away .... same **** you said last time you got banned .. LOOSER!

PS. I had a Range Rover Spot Supercharged and traded in for a Corvette ZR1 and I ride - still know the bikers where in the wrong ... what's your point?

Never said the bikers were wrong not one time did I holding up traffic so ya boys can stunt ain't cool not one bit?I also know there is no law in the world not just NY the world that gives you the green light to roll over somebody.I see you had half a brain to get rid of that RR.I had a 2011 sapphire black white seats black stitching them 150$ oil changes some ol B.S.

Who got banned man i never post on this site been lurking since 2010 never felt the need to .Why you wanna go to name callin can we talk like some adults or you wanna go ahead and let the gloves come off? Take my advice on this one not gonna turn out good for ya fam.Lets keep it civil.
The law is called self defense though ..
it dont matter what car the dude was driving in, im glad he had the RR to even be able to go over the bikes to be honest. any other whip other than a SUV (ofcourse smaller than a SUV) wouldve probably had no shot of going nowhere. u just ignorant point in talkin to your type. the type to do the crime but be like "FREE _____" 
Johnny,Johnny,Johnny You saying plow though people and expect nothing to happen?

Johnny you got to get out more.
Never said the bikers were wrong not one time did I holding up traffic so ya boys can stunt ain't cool not one bit?I also know there is no law in the world not just NY the world that gives you the green light to roll over somebody.I see you had half a brain to get rid of that RR.I had a 2011 sapphire black white seats black stitching them 150$ oil changes some ol B.S.

Who got banned man i never post on this site been lurking since 2010 never felt the need to .Why you wanna go to name callin can we talk like some adults or you wanna go ahead and let the gloves come off? Take my advice on this one not gonna turn out good for ya fam.Lets keep it civil.
First of all - I can barely understand you! Please keep the conversation to a minimum ...

Second, it's obvious that you aren't well educated when it comes to the law. If this was the case, the driver would of have been arrested already ... There would not be an investigation nor it would take this long. The problem is that, everything indicated it was self defense, thus HE IS ENTITLE to the actions he took.  

Third, I can give two damns to what you had or have - I didn't state what I did with my RR to initiate a conversation or talk about vehicles! I did it so I can debunk your theory to why people are defending the driver. 

Lastly, I have been keeping it civil - but don't be in the Internet making empty threats. By telling me I don't want to go there, you aren't putting any fear in my heart! I know one day my time will come, whether it be by an individual or by god. I can accept my fate, hope you can accept yours if you do decide to walk that path! Just saying!
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Yes you are correct, and the hit and run law is overruled when it is considered self defense.
The attempted vehicular man slaughter still lingers there though.

There is a paralyzed man now that was a husband and father.Trying to help the RR guy out.So what can you tell your kids don't do the right thing because you might loose the privilege of walking?
Yes you are correct, and the hit and run law is overruled when it is considered self defense.
The attempted vehicular man slaughter still lingers there though.

There is a paralyzed man now that was a husband and father.Trying to help the RR guy out.So what can you tell your kids don't do the right thing because you might loose the privilege of walking?
and how was the guy trying to help rr guy out?
First of all - I can barely understand you! Please keep the conversation to a minimum ...

Second, it's obvious that you aren't well educated when it comes to the law. If this was the case, the driver would of have been arrested already ... There would not be an investigation nor it would take this long. The problem is that, everything indicated it was self defense, thus HE IS ENTITLE to the actions he took.  

Third, I can give two damns to what you had or have - I didn't state what I did with my RR to initiate a conversation or talk about vehicles! I did it so I can debunk your theory to why people are defending the driver. 

Lastly, I have been keeping it civil - but don't be in the Internet making empty threats. By telling me I don't want to go there, you aren't putting any fear in my heart! I know one day my time will come, whether it be by an individual or by god. I can accept my fate, hope you can accept yours if you do decide to walk that path! Just saying!
I don't put fear in nobody you and  your soup coolers  expect for you to have the last word.Since your asking me if I wanna go there then yes I do Your lucky im giving you something to read.Lord know the last time you picked up a book.Also the reason you don't give a damn but what I got had or will own is because you don't have it or never will.While im making moves you will still be on this website with the rest of these pittyfull lil boys looking for that empty void in your life known as the rest of the world as success.Last but not least how bout taking that smart a22 mouth of yours somewhere far far away and let the men handle this you got Mr.I aint got 2hlt but the internet?

Hate it when some fake internet gangster wanna bring the lord name into his own self entitlement for gratification.You Just wrote a whole novel and has not said one single word of significance.
Yes you are correct, and the hit and run law is overruled when it is considered self defense.

The attempted vehicular man slaughter still lingers there though.

There is a paralyzed man now that was a husband and father.Trying to help the RR guy out.So what can you tell your kids don't do the right thing because you might loose the privilege of walking?
Huh? First off the dude whose bike was hit in the back wasn't even injured nor did he fly off the bike, fall off the bike or anything like that. He was still riding the bike and still antagonizing. So why would my kid think he needs to stop in the middle of the highway instead of pulling over to the side like a normal person would do?

and manslaughter is also overrule when said person is acting in self defense, which the police confirmed the driving was doing.
Yes you are correct, and the hit and run law is overruled when it is considered self defense.

The attempted vehicular man slaughter still lingers there though.

There is a paralyzed man now that was a husband and father.Trying to help the RR guy out.So what can you tell your kids don't do the right thing because you might loose the privilege of walking?

and how was the guy trying to help rr guy out?
I mean it was obvious he was trying to help the driver...


This right there gave you away .... same **** you said last time you got banned .. LOOSER!

PS. I had a Range Rover Spot Supercharged and traded in for a Corvette ZR1 and I ride - still know the bikers where in the wrong ... what's your point?
Dude got a 100k plus zr1 and can't tell me not one flippin word about it.You would have been better off going to your dirty laundry basket a stuffing a dirty sock in your mouth.You the only dude on here try that try inetrnet bullying
Huh? First off the dude whose bike was hit in the back wasn't even injured nor did he fly off the bike, fall off the bike or anything like that. He was still riding the bike and still antagonizing. So why would my kid think he needs to stop in the middle of the highway instead of pulling over to the side like a normal person would do?

and manslaughter is also overrule when said person is acting in self defense, which the police confirmed the driving was doing.
Watch the Vid Fam when the first bike got bumped everybody stopped the the RR flew though everybody and thats when the chase endured.Also look at the part when that man plowed over everybody you will see one guy pulling people back from the RR that's the man that got paralyzed.There has been no ruling and once that gets proved that he was helping a man who has already broke the law by not stopping at the scene of an accident that vehicular man slaughter is gonna stick like glue.
I don't put fear in nobody you and  your soup coolers  expect for you to have the last word.Since your asking me if I wanna go there then yes I do Your lucky im giving you something to read.Lord know the last time you picked up a book.Also the reason you don't give a damn but what I got had or will own is because you don't have it or never will.While im making moves you will still be on this website with the rest of these pittyfull lil boys looking for that empty void in your life known as the rest of the world as success.Last but not least how bout taking that smart a22 mouth of yours somewhere far far away and let the men handle this you got Mr.I aint got 2hlt but the internet?

Hate it when some fake internet gangster wanna bring the lord name into his own self entitlement for gratification.You Just wrote a whole novel and has not said one single word of significance.
I barely was able to understand you ...

Internet gangsta, but you are still making internet threats! The only reason you are here, is to make others feel good about themselves. You don't understand how to construct a sentence, formulate your thoughts, or use proper punctuation, comma, or breaks. You are the epitome of someone trying to be something they're not! Educated, intellectual does not suit you well!

I don't need to dream about what others have, I know what I have and if I didn't have 75% of what I have, I'm sure I would be happy. Reason being because I know you and others like you are alive. Suddenly the world wouldn't be so cruel thru my eyes! We all can take an educated guess and know you have it ruff! 

Someone that is trying his hardest to put a few sentences together and sound smart while doing it, but yet is so far from it, it's a shame! I bet if you walk into the SS office you would qualify for SSI ... It's impossible for you to have a job/profession that takes any brain power and if you do, I'm willing to be it's a failing one! There's no employer that comes to mind that would hire you ... 

Anyways, continue your discussions and live in your fantasy world, because anyone that likes to flex online is a pendejo in my eyes. You aren't about that life - stop it!

"Hate it when some fake internet gangster wanna bring the lord name into his own self entitlement for gratification.You Just wrote a whole novel and has not said one single word of significance." - this alone is down right disgusting and embarrassing! Quit while you have some dignity! 
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