Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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I thought only african americans were violent?
He had already hit one of the drivers at that point.
Because a biker pulled alongside him, inches away from the Range, cut him off, and came to a sudden stop on the highway.
 And notice how it's just one guy walking up to him while everyone else is parked, chilling?
If by "parked, chilling" you mean several bikers put their bikes on the ground in front of the Range so he couldn't go anywhere and then attacked it, then sure.
As the video begins, the sport utility vehicle can be seen in the center lane, surrounded on either side by motorcycles, some without license plates. One of the riders appears to slow down in front of the car and is struck, causing the group to stop and block the entire highway.

The police said the collision appeared to have been inadvertent on the part of the driver. The motorcyclist who was struck sustained a broken leg, the police said.

Seconds later the motorcyclists, most wearing face-covering helmets, crowd around the sport utility vehicle. The police said some began attacking it, though their actions are not readily apparent in the video.
so you accidentally crash a cyclist, BREAK HIS LEG... and da prevailing opinion is you speed off?
i hope none of people talking ever set foot in

a vehicle...
We all know you can't speak from experience of ever setting foot in your own vehicle.

everyone is CHILLING until da loon decides he wants to run over GLAD that piece of **** caught that fade

none of these punks in this thread came from our era b....da closest thing to a showdown they ever had is a pokemon card battle...

a simple TALK would've took care of EVERYTHING....
Your the worst on NT.. BLOCKED
right...a cyclist brake checks.

da driver BREAKS his leg,

doesn't stop,

RUNS OVER more people as he makes a get away (hit and run is illegal)

and get trapped,and turns into a stain on da concrete (which i walked over today, its still there)

yeah...cowards in SUVs.

alot of ya should never leave da internet..its real safe behind them keyboards acting like GTA is real life... :lol:

Driver does stop. Is threatened, then drives off. Crucial details you seem to be glossing over.

Judging by the post count, you never leave the internet.

Like I said, backwards as hell. :lol:
If the first motorcyclist purposely brake checked me, i would assume the motorcyclist was looking for a physical confrontation. I am pretty sure the RR was scared and pressed the gas.
Exactly. The only reason someone would slow to a complete stop in the middle of the highway would be to instigate. No other reason.

Ninja - I think the motorcyclist that broke his leg wasn't the one who brake checked, it was one of the dudes he ran over on his way out.
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Son there would have been ALOT of casualties if I feared for the life of my family....I would have been on the highway not running from them but straight bumping dudes off the road....seems like the first idiot slowed down right in front of him so he got TAPPED...then dudes started getting off their bikes and dude reacted accordingly, I would have done the same exact thing, gone straight to the GW to the toll, let them try to beat me in front of toll patrol, I'll gladly go to court and claim involuntary manslaughter but my family would have been safe....I'm disgusted by this
Both were at fault.

If you aren't like that, you better control your temper and have some patience like the other drivers did. Motorcycle drivers drive like ***** often.

Dude was probably impatient, let his temper get the best of him and wanted them to move and was blowing his horn. So they slowed down completely and stopped.

Then to plow over their bikes? Didn't he hit someone too? Did he think he was going to let that slide? That's assault with a deadly weapon.

Was he worried about his family when he ran over their bikes?

Sometimes you have to swallow your pride and take an L. His family wouldn't have thought any less of him.
No man, prevailing opinion is to speed off once you feel like you and your family's life is in danger.

I hope you never have kids.

Love how you ignore all rationality for the "streets" mentality.

That's why you'll never better yourself.
So the RATIONAL thing to do is to run over property/people over a minor traffic accident?

That's RATIONAL to you?

That's the crux of this situation.
and ALOT of idiots seem to be choosing door #1 where da story ends with da driver sprawled out after getting his **** handing to him..

not surprised at all..looks like this topic from da avis to locations of certain people is dividing to familar lines now that we know da what driver looks like.
The usual suspect is here defending the ratchetness and pure ignorance and lack of safety these bike clubs display....son stop it now.
Lmfaooooooo @ this dude calling the mad a "coward" ARE YOU ******** SERIOUS FAM!!!!!! dude is out there with his wife and child, and some dude out of what looks like a good 70+ dudes aggressively tries to open his door!?....what is he supposed to put a life cheat and stand up for himself against a bunch of these clowns?
..seems like the first idiot slowed down right in front of him so he got TAPPED...then dudes started getting off their bikes and dude reacted accordingly
so mowing down MORE people, because you didn't want to handle a situation that your vehicle was involved with is smart? yeah thats not only bone headed,

its illegal.
Son there would have been ALOT of casualties if I feared for the life of my family....I would have been on the highway not running from them but straight bumping dudes off the road....seems like the first idiot slowed down right in front of him so he got TAPPED...then dudes started getting off their bikes and dude reacted accordingly, I would have done the same exact thing, gone straight to the GW to the toll, let them try to beat me in front of toll patrol, I'll gladly go to court and claim involuntary manslaughter but my family would have been safe....I'm disgusted by this

So instead of just slowing down or getting off on an exit, you would have caused a confrontation?

How exactly was his family in danger when they were just driving and he was in his car. He caused his family to be in danger.
If the first motorcyclist purposely brake checked me, i would assume the motorcyclist was looking for a physical confrontation. I am pretty sure the RR was scared and pressed the gas.

WUT?! :rofl:

Why would you jump to that conclusion?

Maybe he was just messing with you for being the only one stupid enough to honk at a group of bikers, dozens deep on the highway.

Y'all dudes own self-created fear will get you into really dangerous situations.

This could have been handled soooo simply.

See the Prius in the other video.

Stay in your car, shut up and let the bikers keep riding.
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me either since it perfectly applies.

posting GIFs doesn't hide da veiled prejudice.

So he was prejudice when he decided to not wait and see if the biker approaching him the first time was gonna talk it out with him?

Really though, does that make him prejudice?

And even if it is prejudice driving his reasoning, it has a basis. Just look at the other vid. Entire groups of bikers don't just stop after one of their members was hit and talk it out.

Live in the real world.
and ALOT of idiots seem to be choosing door #1 where da story ends with da driver sprawled out after getting his **** handing to him..

not surprised at all..looks like this topic from da avis to locations of certain people is dividing to familar lines now that we know da what driver looks like.

More so, the lines are drawn from the lack of consideration for a two-year old in a car surrounded by bikers about to give her dad a beatdown.
Lmfaooooooo @ this dude calling the mad a "coward" ARE YOU ******** SERIOUS FAM!!!!!! dude is out there with his wife and child, and some dude out of what looks like a good 70+ dudes aggressively tries to open his door!?....what is he supposed to put a life cheat and stand up for himself against a bunch of these clowns?
yes, thats exactly what he should've done..what he did was cowardly. da man broke someone's DO NOT UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES

leave da scene of a accident...i bet that ***** gets his license revoked.
Son there would have been ALOT of casualties if I feared for the life of my family....I would have been on the highway not running from them but straight bumping dudes off the road....seems like the first idiot slowed down right in front of him so he got TAPPED...then dudes started getting off their bikes and dude reacted accordingly, I would have done the same exact thing, gone straight to the GW to the toll, let them try to beat me in front of toll patrol, I'll gladly go to court and claim involuntary manslaughter but my family would have been safe....I'm disgusted by this

So instead of just slowing down or getting off on an exit, you would have caused a confrontation?

How exactly was his family in danger when they were just driving and he was in his car. He caused his family to be in danger.

Am I the only one who feels a little dumber after reading a post made by ninjahood?

Anyway, I think they're both to blame for this situation.
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