Sports, music, or sex?

Originally Posted by Big J 33
I d_? ..maybe

Are you guys serious?! Sex hands down. As someone who played sports all through highschool, and has been a musician since I could hold a pair of drumsticks, sex wins HANDS DOWN. I'm pretty surprised at these responses...not gonna lie.
Interesting inquiry. It's a tough one between music and sports but I think sports has a small edge. There's nothing like live competition.
Interesting inquiry.
It's a tough one between music and sports but I think sports has a small edge. There's nothing like live competition.
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Are you guys serious?! Sex hands down. As someone who played sports all through highschool, and has been a musician since I could hold a pair of drumsticks, sex wins HANDS DOWN. I'm pretty surprised at these responses...not gonna lie.

weird NTers

i dont keep up with music or sports like i used to, so it wouldnt be difficult to live without either one.
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