Sprained Ankle Question

Like a few ppl have said, RICE is the way to go and I wouldnt put heat on it just yet. Your ankle is still newly sprained and putting heat on it would onlydraw more blood to the area causing more inflammation. Id give it a few days to let the swelling go down before u start putting hot packs on it
I sprained my ankle twice this week playing ball. Damn 18's...I was wondering what exercises make your ankles stronger?
I think I sprained my ankle wednesday a week ago

and I played basketball like twice since then and it feels kind of awkward

should I take it easy for a bit
Originally Posted by soltheman

@ most dudes in this thread.


Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.

Rest it as much as possible. As lame as it'll probably feel, you might want to use crutches for a few days just to give it a bit of extra time. You can try to just walk it off, but it might result in prolonging the healing time, and it could lead to permanent damage if you're not careful.

Ice it 15-30 minute intervals. I hate the feeling of ice, even when it's in a bag and wrapped in a towel, on my skin, so I change it every 15 minutes. But, you might be able to stand it for 30. 30 is kind of easier, because then you can just go along with TV shows.

Compressing it is almost as important as icing it. Compressing it will keep the swelling down, and it can relieve pain in some cases. Just make sure that the bandage isn't so tight that it makes a throbbing feeling. It should be snug.

Elevation also keeps swelling down. Try to keep your ankle above your heart whenever possible. (So, whenever you're laying down, put a couple of pillows under it.)

That's everything a doctor will tell you, only for free. You might want to invest in some ibuprofen as well, but it won't accelerate things too wildly and it might not be worth the trip to the store.

As for walking, you should try to apply a slight bit of pressure every so often, whenever you feel courageous enough to, really. You'll probably have a little bit of pain in it for at least a month, and you'll be more susceptible to re-injury if you're not careful. Just go by your comfort level. Don't force anything, though. You'll end up with clicking ankles for life.
Ditto. Said the words I was going to speak. Last thing said ain't no joke. I sprained my ankle a couple years ago from a fastbreak. I went upto block my cousin's shot and landed on his foot. Ankle has never been the same. It's like 97%. I got clicking ankles and jammed up fingers from alwaysrushing back. Oh well, I'm going to have arthritis anyway.
Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

Just got back from the hospital.

Broken ankle. Ughhhh
Damn, sorry to hear that bro. Guess you're gonna be wearing the boot for a while. Hold you head, and refrain from returning to the court tooearly.
Spraining your ankle is technically worse than breaking your ankle. A broken bone heals back, but a sprain never seems too.
Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

Just got back from the hospital.

Broken ankle. Ughhhh
Ah crap...sorry to hear that. What a blow. Take it easy now man and don't rush back after it heals up! Get well!

Broken bones
I just read that it was a Broken Ankle OP. Sorry to hear that.

I broke my ankle three monthsago. I was on crutches for about 6 weeks and had a splint/cast on for a total of about 2 months. Just know that if you rest yourankle properly it will be at 100% again. I'm starting track up next week and I got off my cast about 4 weeks ago.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

Just got back from the hospital.

Broken ankle. Ughhhh

you think thats bad, wait til you get the bill.

That's the same EXACT thing I thought once I left the hospital with Crutches, and cast, and a boot on the side.

Thanks to everyone out there that helped out. Even those that said it wasn't too serious.
Did they tell you what exactly you broke?

Mine was a posterior process fracture of the talus. I was in a cast for 5-6 weeks. Not sure if you're in school or not, but you'll probably be ondisability from work, so you should use your spare time to start hitting up the gym and working on your upper body. I had a friend go with me everyday for theentire time I was on crutches, and by the time I was back there were noticeable gains. I had a little atrophy on my right calf, but that went away with somerehab. All of my past ankle problems seemed to be gone, because I finally gave my ankle enough time to fully heal by keeping off of it for so long.

Sorry for the bad news, but like I said, if you make the best of it, and keep busy (lifting weights), it should go by in no time.
I can't even count how many times I sprained my ankle playing ball...one time when it was reallllly bothering me, to the point I wanted to go to the ER, Iwent out and got an ankle brace for like $10 bucks. I rocked it for a couple of days with sneakers and at home and it helped A LOT. The pain was there for aweek plus but I thought it would be silly to go to the hospital for it.
Originally Posted by gregzzy23

I can't even count how many times I sprained my ankle playing ball...one time when it was reallllly bothering me, to the point I wanted to go to the ER, I went out and got an ankle brace for like $10 bucks. I rocked it for a couple of days with sneakers and at home and it helped A LOT. The pain was there for a week plus but I thought it would be silly to go to the hospital for it.
Well it all depends. In the case of the OP, and myself, the pain was pretty severe even after hours of self treatment, etc. I thought all I haddone was a sprain, but I heard a pop when I rolled it, and I had a fracture.

Not silly, but I guess if you can't afford it and/or do not have health insurance, then of course it's silly. But for those of us that do, what issilly about it?
haha I just rolled the...poop...outta mine on sunday hoopin. usually you are back walkin 2-3 days with a little pain still and by a week at the most you shouldbe back to normal. The pain sucks for the first couple days. I don't know bout you but it feels so painful I get this paranoid feeling I'll never beable to wear my shoes again...NNOOOOOO!!!!
Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

Rice Method


if you do this and its still golf ball size in 5 days plus you cant put pressure on it
then I'd go to the hospital and look for bone and [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]ligament damage[/color]
obviously there is ligament damage with you sprain your ankle.

If you fractured your ankle, obviously you'll be in more pain you can bear. I'd save the trip to the hospital or doctor.

Also, people putting heat isn't a good idea until your swelling minimizes. But I'll tell you, you're going to need heat after you wake up becauseyou aren't going to be able to push when you walk.

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