• It's a Masterpiece!!! (kiLLerisLame was right)

    Votes: 46 26.3%
  • Not the Best but Top 5 Easily (like Lebron)

    Votes: 44 25.1%
  • Above Average, Maybe Top 10 (butF4notBYKE)

    Votes: 50 28.6%
  • Average (like Duff and Milana and M5s)

    Votes: 27 15.4%
  • Terrible (this will get 1 vote and it's from AmeL w/ another L)

    Votes: 8 4.6%

  • Total voters
Spider-Man joining the MCU was specifically so that Spider-Man can be on screen with other Marvel heroes. We're getting that, now people are upset laugh.gif If Marvel did nothing else right today, they made people talk about another Spider-Man film. No fatigue in sight.

No, we saw that in CW and that shouldn't be the purpose of this film, we will see more of that in IW.

What we're getting here though is IM being shoehorned in a Spidey film.

And who the hell is even upset at that? Where did that even come from?

All people were saying (and by all people, I mean like 2-3 people?) is that they feel like they showed too much.

For a movie you claim to be a masterpiece based on the trailer (actually you called it a masterpiece just from the teaser yesterday iirc) you seem so defensive and nervous.
uh oh... did not know Sony hired the guy who didn't want to up the budget on the XFilms at Fox...

Pepper Potts is Back but Opens Up the Demise of the Marvel/Sony Relationship?

Which brings us to the uneasy alliance of Marvel and Sony. Creatively, I’ve not heard a peep, and given the strength of the character and story elements we’re seeing, I’m not worried about Homecoming being a mess. But on the production side, there have been some hiccups. Marvel has a reputation for being cheap because they don’t pay actors private island money—not even RDJ, who takes on ill-advised franchise reboots to make that kind of cash—but never mistake that for cheapness across the board. Where it matters, Marvel SPENDS. They are willing to pay to make their sh*t look good, and they make the kind of bank that allows for some spendiness when it comes to marketing.

Speaking of spending, remember last year, and Gwyneth Paltrow’s will-she-or-won’t-she role in Captain America: Civil War? At the time, I was the one who said she wasn’t in it, which was undoubtedly for reasons due to story bloat, but also at least in part because her Marvel contract is up and they’d have to pay through the nose to get her back, even for a cameo. Well, Marvel isn’t the footing the bill for Homecoming, so guess who’s back? That’s right, Pepperony lives as Pepper Potts returns to the MCU, and don’t think Sony hasn’t noticed they’re the ones on the hook for Goop’s day rate.

And that has been a problem for Sony, who has been a bit snippy about the cash flow on Homecoming. There’s been some sticker-shock about the price tag on a Marvel movie—remember that Tom Rothman, who hates superheroes and has previously short-changed the X-Men movies at Fox, is in charge at Sony—and with Sony announcing plans for a Spider-Man universe separate from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I do wonder if this marriage might already be over.
I am curious of the breakdown for profits on this film is because a few years back, Sony traded merchandising rights for more movie rights but now Marvel has been working with them on the movies so they'll get a bigger cut of the profit there too while they have 100% of the merchandise money.

I mean this might be the exact reason why Sony wants to make a Venom/BC/SS films outside of the MCU. Not only is Marvel going spend crazy but they're probably getting a huge cut too.
Spidey was great in Civil War and if they can release Homecoming without any issues, I'll have no complaints whatever happens in the future. Sure, I'll be sad but at least I'll have the blurays of CW and HC to cheer me up :lol:
6 films might be contingent of them making further films but those 6 films might also be with Sony and if they do separate with MCU, they could probably just toss him in the new universe they are creating with Venom.
Money solves everything. Sony is complaining as if they're the ones doing the favor. 2 things have to happen; Homecoming has to make more than any Spider-Man film before it and Venom has to underperform somewhere in the neighborhood of ASM1 numbers or less. Once these 2 things happen, Spider-Man on film will be a permanent fixture with marvel. If Homecoming makes a billion which I'm predicting to happen due to its release date in the summer box office schedule and RDJ's screen presence, Marvel gains the leverage immediately and Sony comfortably buckles up in the backseat
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SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING Producer Suggests Spidey's Future In the MCU Could Be Uncertain Following The Sequel

While being interviewed at CinemaCon last night, Spider-Man: Homecoming producer Amy Pascal spoke about the partnership between Marvel and Sony

Up until now it's generally been assumed that this partnership would continue for a long time past these initial films, but during an interview at CinemaCon last night, producer Amy Pascal implied that the studios could part ways following the first Homecoming sequel:

If RDJ is getting like 60 mill for these films and they're calling that cheap, wonder what they think he's really worth in the context of the MCU.
If RDJ is getting like 60 mill for these films and they're calling that cheap, wonder what they think he's really worth in the context of the MCU.
RDJ is the MCU to an extent. Civil war doesn't do the numbers it does if RDJ isn't in it. Look at the jump from Winter Solider to Civil war.
Na If Iron man isn't in it I think it still get huge numbers.

If anything look at the jump from WS from first avenger. Guardians, strange almost hit 700.
Even the 2nd ironman did closer to 600.

I think having 2+ super heroes puts these movies into huge numbers.

Nice little test we will see is Thor 3 having Thor, Hulk, Loki and some strange. Let's see what numbers that will pull without RDJ
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Without IM in CW, I don't think it would have made a billion, not to mention story would have a lot less impact.

I also believe that it would have made more than $1.1b had it been called Avengers: Civil War.
Na If Iron man isn't in it I think it still get huge numbers.

If anything look at the jump from WS from first avenger. Guardians, strange almost hit 700.
Even the 2nd ironman did closer to 600.

I think having 2+ super heroes puts these movies into huge numbers.

Nice little test we will see is Thor 3 having Thor, Hulk, Loki and some strange. Let's see what numbers that will pull without RDJ
Thor still isn't going to do as well as the avengers movies. It's still thor and people have been burned in the past. Adding Hulk isn't going to really change that. Also Thor has a really bad release date. 2 weeks before Justice League and then Star Wars

Thor may make like $750 million. If you added Iron man to it instead of Dr Strange, the movie would make a billion
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You're overrating Iron Man's influence.

Saying Thor won't make as much as the Avengers isn't really saying anything. Nothing makes as much as the Avengers, outside of FF, Jurassic World and Star Wars lol.

Civil War was basically an Avengers movie.
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Iron man was definitely needed for CW. Could it see it any other way wth out Cap or IM.

As I said Thor 3 will be a nice test. I want to see the numbers for that.
how the movie starts...

It seems the very first scene in Spider-Man: Homecoming will take us back to 2012, where Earth's Mightiest Heroes repelled the invading Chitauri, though not without a ton of collateral damage. Que Michael Keaton's Adrian Toomes, whose salvaging company was in charge of clean-up until running afoul of the Department of Damage Control. ComingSoon.net breaks down how the film starts.

"The film literally begins in the shadow of Stark Tower, now with its trademark “A” still hanging on. Michael Keaton’s Toomes has arrived with his boys to begin the clean-up process, a nice little contract he’s picked up for his salvage business, only to be stopped by the Department of Damage Control (a nod to the classic Marvel comic series) who are taking over the clean up and send Toomes away. Following that, and the Sony and Marvel logos, things will jump into the middle of Civil War, just after Tony Stark has recruited Peter to his side of the fight. A montage will show Peter’s exploits in leaving New York, riding on a private jet to Germany, and taking place in the big airport fight. We’ll also see what he did right after that, hanging around in Europe… literally, as he explores the world in his brand-new Spider-Man suit."

Following those shots of Peter web-slinging around Europe it seems there's a hard cut right back to Peter suddenly thrust back into normal high school life as he rides the subway to class. Apparently, some time has passed and Peter has been waiting for a call from Tony that never came.
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Stark has waaaaay too much influence over the new Spidey's world. So now you're telling me he even shapes his villains :rolleyes
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