ssoooo.........Korean girls

Jan 21, 2001
I do not generalize groups of people. A friend of mine also has been scarred for life by a Korean girl. I need to know why they are so bipolar/a little crazy. Is it the upbringing? parents? what?
Originally Posted by stillmatic

I do not generalize groups of people. A friend of mine also has been scarred for life by a Korean girl. I need to know why they are so bipolar/a little crazy. Is it the upbringing? parents? what?

off yourself
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

lock this trash up.
uhhh why?

OP is onto something.

I'm Korean, a lot of my friends are too so I think I have some expertise on the topic.  OP is dead on.  Obviously growing up I hung out with some Koreans and dug on some Korean girls.  I dated a Korean chick and fool me once... never again.  I vowed never to date another Korean chick cause its just too much effin drama and illogical BS.  I'm sure my parents would have preferred I married a Korean, but I wasn't having none of that.  I found myself a perfectly wonderful Chinese girl to marry who is not crazypants.

Its actually funny this topic came up.  One of my boys (white fella) recently started hittin the circuit.  He told me he met this Korean chick who was cute and an absolute champ in bed.  He didn't know about how ridiculous Korean girls are so I felt that it was my duty as a good friend to inform him.  I asked him if he took her back to his place or went back to hers.  He said they went back to his place.  RIP.  Told him to lock his doors and dead that relationship ASAP cause 98% chance that she is going to be a lunatic.  A couple days later he was out having drinks with his roommate (who is a girl) and asked her to come out.  She said yes but then flaked.  Later that night she was blowin up his phone with texts telling him how she didn't know how she felt bout him being out with another woman, and that she felt a little bit jealous, etc... etc...  The thing is, its not like these chicks get any better when they mature.  Me and my boys are all 30ish.  This chick he went out with was slightly younger (I think he said she was 27 or somethin?) but at 27 most girls have grown out of that crazy stage.  Not Koreans.

This man speaks some truth. Anyone getting mad probably hasn't dated a fob korean girl. I actually think its cool to be kinda crazy in their culture...
i know these korean sisters that are crazy. im talking about callingthe police on each other for small things to fighting each other andending up with broken bones. then the next they will be best friends again.
I would ask korean people but i don't know any. hopefully i can get some answers on this board. I have seen this board cover almost every female/ethnicity issue. thought i'd give it a shot.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1
You lying if you don't think Korean dudes are crazy too. I'm Korean and I would say that a majority of my friends are too. We are some of the most hot-headed, proud people that you will ever meet. I read somewhere that 30% of all Korean adults (meaning men AND women) are alcoholics as well. I love Koreans, but man, we are intolerable to many others. I've heard plenty of people say, "My mom told me not to date a Korean guy because he'll beat me."
I guess that's part of the reason that we mainly stick to ourselves. I could write a book about this, but you get the point.

Korean chicks are usually drama, and often ridiculously materialistic. I think it's because of the upbringing. I know of a bunch of Korean adults driving around in brand new Benzes or Bimmers and way above their means in general.
I find it funny when Koreans get all pissed off when someone mistakes them for Chinese or Japanese.
Originally Posted by stillmatic

I would ask korean people but i don't know any. hopefully i can get some answers on this board. I have seen this board cover almost every female/ethnicity issue. thought i'd give it a shot.
my guess, cause i cant figure it out either.

korean soap operas (dramas).  everytime i would walk in the room and my mother or grandmother would be watching a korean drama on tv, there is always some love triangle/octagon, someone is dying, its all very crazy dramatic.  people (women mostly) LOVE watching this stuff, its like a drug.  they always feel for the helpless romantic caught in this love octagon, and my guess is they want to emulate that person.

another theory is that most koreans (self inclusive) are raging drunks.  even women.  hell, my kid sister is 22 and has been hospitalized for alcohol poisoning, fallen face down from being blackut drunk, etc...

hey OP...i know this purple kid that steals cars. do all purple kids steal cars? is that how theyre brought up?

it's amazing how ignorant and dumb people can be.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by stillmatic

I would ask korean people but i don't know any. hopefully i can get some answers on this board. I have seen this board cover almost every female/ethnicity issue. thought i'd give it a shot.
my guess, cause i cant figure it out either.

korean soap operas (dramas).  everytime i would walk in the room and my mother or grandmother would be watching a korean drama on tv, there is always some love triangle/octagon, someone is dying, its all very crazy dramatic.  people (women mostly) LOVE watching this stuff, its like a drug.  they always feel for the helpless romantic caught in this love octagon, and my guess is they want to emulate that person.

another theory is that most koreans (self inclusive) are raging drunks.  even women.  hell, my kid sister is 22 and has been hospitalized for alcohol poisoning, fallen face down from being blackut drunk, etc...

She smashed the homies, guaranteed 
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

hey OP...i know this purple kid that steals cars. do all purple kids steal cars? is that how theyre brought up?

it's amazing how ignorant and dumb people can be.

I swear 80% of the members on NT are fruity as hell.

OP simply asked a question. Dirty can make a thread titled "Asian Drivers" or "" and it will get lulz all across the board. A guy asks one question and all of you turn into little female dogs.

-The Juice
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by stillmatic

I would ask korean people but i don't know any. hopefully i can get some answers on this board. I have seen this board cover almost every female/ethnicity issue. thought i'd give it a shot.
my guess, cause i cant figure it out either.

korean soap operas (dramas).  everytime i would walk in the room and my mother or grandmother would be watching a korean drama on tv, there is always some love triangle/octagon, someone is dying, its all very crazy dramatic.  people (women mostly) LOVE watching this stuff, its like a drug.  they always feel for the helpless romantic caught in this love octagon, and my guess is they want to emulate that person.

another theory is that most koreans (self inclusive) are raging drunks.  even women.  hell, my kid sister is 22 and has been hospitalized for alcohol poisoning, fallen face down from being blackut drunk, etc...

This. So hard.

It's normal to see drunks passed out on the streets vomit everywhere/ drunks fighting in Korea.
You just keep it moving.

The drama thing too. A lot of them just want to emulate what they saw on some drama.
and the stories are super crazy. Amnesia, birth secrets, love triangles and that's just about 2 episodes right there.
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