St. John's University Heads please check in! (new yorkers also welcome)

1860 SAT
Whoa..... I think you can do much better. Apply to Columbia, NYU its only January you still have time. Why even bother with NYC for that mattter?If your as good as I think you do Cornell, or something elsewhere (other ivies maybe?). Freddypee listed some other options as well. But I wont reccomend CUNYschools since you might want to dorm and all.

Just curious, im a freshman and go to City College, majoring in Political Science as well. Where are you going with that? I want to a diplomat and land in theU.N./State Department
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Dude we're NYers. You'll prob. love St. John's since you're from Cali and you'll be living in NY.
this is exactly how i feel you guys probably hate because new york is what your used to everything feels old, but the WHOLE CITY and way of livingwould be new to me you know???

Originally Posted by socaking

Whoa..... I think you can do much better. Apply to Columbia, NYU its only January you still have time. Why even bother with NYC for that mattter? If your as good as I think you do Cornell, or something elsewhere (other ivies maybe?). Freddypee listed some other options as well. But I wont reccomend CUNY schools since you might want to dorm and all.

sorry for the super late response, no im not trying to bump my thread i just barely got off of work...

for everyone asking what i would be going for i want to be an accountant, i thought just being in new york would already give mesomething good on my resume, because to me new york is a big center of busniess (internationaly i feel LA, NY, and maybe IL are up there ) so yeahh.... thatsmy thinking. also.. going to college in new york > UC schools, if the tuition would be the same cost out of pocket.
for everyone asking what i would be going for i want to be an accountant, i thought just being in new york would already give me something good on my resume, because to me new york is a big center of busniess

Just a couple points:
1. New York City is the center of business in the United States and one of the most if not the most important financial city in the world.
2. Going to school in ny isn't going to make a difference on your resume.
3. If you want to be a cpa you just have to pass the cpa exam. If you want to do corporate accounting you just have to be a human calculator.

Take the opportunity to go to school in nyc. If you don't like it, you can always transfer out.
SJ is a joke bro, unless you're interested in pharmacy there's nothing really going on there. The girls are sexy as all hell, but it's NYC...theyall are. If you are looking for a real "college" experience, there isn't a single school in NYC that can offer that to you, PERHAPS Hofstra sinceit's in LI, but other than that nothing. If you just want to go to NYC for School and academics is your 1st criteria (as it should be) then Columbia >NYU > Fordham > Baruch/Hunter >>>>>>>>>> SJU.
like others said don't bother if not for pharmacy. even the pharmacy program is rumored to be hard but it's actually probably the easiest program. (notsaying it's not good either, it's a good program) for some regular bs program they have there though, not worth the 30k u'll spend a year even withyour "generous" scholarship.

also nyu is just hype. i don't see what's good about nyu at all, it just got so popular and more competitive because it's in the "city"and kids just want to have an experience living in manhattan. i got into it, decided to go to st johns instead though.
Originally Posted by impalaballa187

SJ is a joke bro, unless you're interested in pharmacy there's nothing really going on there. The girls are sexy as all hell, but it's NYC...they all are. If you are looking for a real "college" experience, there isn't a single school in NYC that can offer that to you, PERHAPS Hofstra since it's in LI, but other than that nothing. If you just want to go to NYC for School and academics is your 1st criteria (as it should be) then Columbia > NYU > Fordham > Baruch/Hunter >>>>>>>>>> SJU.
like can i have reasoning behind this? is it just bad education or?? you know i need some elaboration =\
I'm an accounting major at St. Johns. It's alright. I shoulda went to baruch though way cheaper. I commute it's cool wish I dormed freshman year.Honestly it's what you make out of it. Wish school had a wrestling or football team I could walk on for but that's anonther story. Anyway it'sreally up to you but honestly you can do accounting anywhere. Just get that 3.5 intern at a BIG 4. Get your 150 credits Pass the CPA. Grind for a few yearsthen Bottles and Models hopefully lol
Originally Posted by JCASH DA KID

I'm an accounting major at St. Johns. It's alright. I shoulda went to baruch though way cheaper. I commute it's cool wish I dormed freshman year. Honestly it's what you make out of it. Wish school had a wrestling or football team I could walk on for but that's anonther story. Anyway it's really up to you but honestly you can do accounting anywhere. Just get that 3.5 intern at a BIG 4. Get your 150 credits Pass the CPA. Grind for a few years then Bottles and Models hopefully lol
i shall apply
I went to high school with DJ Kennedy, he was 2 grades under me. We played football together, but he got a scholarship for hoops, he's nice. Not exactly myboy tho, but he's cool.
the city doesn't matter on the resume. the school's program does. with that being said, go for respectable accounting schools..... ut, uiuc, um,upenn....... but to answer your question, don't bother with st johns unless it's pharmacy
Originally Posted by ThizzBaby

Originally Posted by impalaballa187

SJ is a joke bro, unless you're interested in pharmacy there's nothing really going on there. The girls are sexy as all hell, but it's NYC...they all are. If you are looking for a real "college" experience, there isn't a single school in NYC that can offer that to you, PERHAPS Hofstra since it's in LI, but other than that nothing. If you just want to go to NYC for School and academics is your 1st criteria (as it should be) then Columbia > NYU > Fordham > Baruch/Hunter >>>>>>>>>> SJU.
like can i have reasoning behind this? is it just bad education or?? you know i need some elaboration =\
I'm focusing on the holistic experience. From the academics, to extra-curricular offerings, and everything in between. It really doesn'thave much to offer.
Originally Posted by ThizzBaby

Originally Posted by impalaballa187

SJ is a joke bro, unless you're interested in pharmacy there's nothing really going on there. The girls are sexy as all hell, but it's NYC...they
all are. If you are looking for a real "college" experience, there isn't a single school in NYC that can offer that to you, PERHAPS Hofstra since
it's in LI, but other than that nothing. If you just want to go to NYC for School and academics is your 1st criteria (as it should be) then Columbia >
NYU > Fordham > Baruch/Hunter >>>>>>>>>> SJU.
like can i have reasoning behind this? is it just bad education or?? you know i need some elaboration =\

2 of my best friends dorm at SJU..They kinda like it, but I don't think they're going anywhere..

I went for halloween, and there really is NOTHING going on on-campus. I mean, I'm from Long Island and even when theres nothing to do, theres always ahouse party going on..At SJU (or ANY of the NYC Colleges), its all clubs and bars...Theres nothing wrong with that, but for me, if I was dorming, Iwouldn't wanna go to a bar everytime I went out...

Broski, you're in Cali...Look around there, theres PLENTY of great colleges.
Originally Posted by ThizzBaby

Originally Posted by JCASH DA KID

I'm an accounting major at St. Johns. It's alright. I shoulda went to baruch though way cheaper. I commute it's cool wish I dormed freshman year. Honestly it's what you make out of it. Wish school had a wrestling or football team I could walk on for but that's anonther story. Anyway it's really up to you but honestly you can do accounting anywhere. Just get that 3.5 intern at a BIG 4. Get your 150 credits Pass the CPA. Grind for a few years then Bottles and Models hopefully lol
i shall apply

Baruch has the #2 undergraduate business program in the NY metropolitan area. It's great if you want to be an accountant, and you can get internships outthe $%&, but there are no dorms...
Originally Posted by Yoda

Originally Posted by ThizzBaby

Originally Posted by impalaballa187

SJ is a joke bro, unless you're interested in pharmacy there's nothing really going on there. The girls are sexy as all hell, but it's NYC...they
all are. If you are looking for a real "college" experience, there isn't a single school in NYC that can offer that to you, PERHAPS Hofstra since
it's in LI, but other than that nothing. If you just want to go to NYC for School and academics is your 1st criteria (as it should be) then Columbia >
NYU > Fordham > Baruch/Hunter >>>>>>>>>> SJU.
like can i have reasoning behind this? is it just bad education or?? you know i need some elaboration =\

2 of my best friends dorm at SJU..They kinda like it, but I don't think they're going anywhere..

I went for halloween, and there really is NOTHING going on on-campus. I mean, I'm from Long Island and even when theres nothing to do, theres always a house party going on..At SJU (or ANY of the NYC Colleges), its all clubs and bars...Theres nothing wrong with that, but for me, if I was dorming, I wouldn't wanna go to a bar everytime I went out...

Broski, you're in Cali...Look around there, theres PLENTY of great colleges.
i feeel you. on point 1: just being in NYC for me would be

and on point 2: i applied to 5 UC's and like 5 Cal states
so dont trip i was just hoping to see the "students" point of view the guides dont tell you about, seems to me like st. johns is
because of the cost... but what if it was cheaper ???

thanks by the way for all the responses!!! still looking for someone to give me a tour of the city feb 11th-18th
Originally Posted by ThizzBaby

Originally Posted by Yoda

ThizzBaby wrote:

impalaballa187 wrote:

SJ is a joke bro, unless you're interested in pharmacy there's nothing really going on there. The girls are
sexy as all hell, but it's NYC...they

all are. If you are looking for a real "college" experience, there isn't a single school in NYC that can offer that to you, PERHAPS Hofstra

it's in LI, but other than that nothing. If you just want to go to NYC for School and academics is your 1st criteria (as it should be) then Columbia

NYU > Fordham > Baruch/Hunter >>>>>>>>>> SJU.
like can i have reasoning behind this? is it just bad education or?? you know i need some elaboration =\

2 of my best friends dorm at SJU..They kinda like it, but I don't think they're going anywhere..

I went for halloween, and there really is NOTHING going on on-campus. I mean, I'm from Long Island and even when theres nothing to do, theres always a
house party going on..At SJU (or ANY of the NYC Colleges), its all clubs and bars...Theres nothing wrong with that, but for me, if I was dorming, I
wouldn't wanna go to a bar everytime I went out...

Broski, you're in Cali...Look around there, theres PLENTY of great colleges.
i feeel you. on point 1: just being in NYC for me would be

and on point 2: i applied to 5 UC's and like 5 Cal states
so dont trip i was just hoping to see the "students" point of view the guides dont tell you about, seems to me like st. johns is
because of the cost... but what if it was cheaper ???

thanks by the way for all the responses!!! still looking for someone to give me a tour of the city feb 11th-18th

I guess when you're around the city all the time, you take it for granted...Come to the city, but only do the Times Sq/Tourist thing for a day or 2...Getto know the lesser known parts of Manhattan, and more importantly, the area around SJU.

All of the boroughs, maybe minus Staten Island, are a melting pot..So if you're open to meeting all kinds of people, then it'll be an easytransition...It's not like its some small school in Iowa..

It's not that SJU is a terrible school..It's got a great reputation, it's just that for the price and the on campus life, there might be betteralternatives...I know Baruch is a GREAT business school, Fordham is great for Law, NYU and Columbia great period...But like it's been stated before, beingon "campus" at one of the schools mentioned before compared to a campus of an average well, non-existant. It's the city.
st johns education fell off a long time ago along with their basketball team.

better schools in ny


st johns is a joke...real talk...only thing they got going for the is their reputation. but even that is falling off. HOWEvER....shorties do look right overthere haha
St. John's has a credible business program. So you're not totally screwed since you're majoring in accounting.
man you guys are all across the board =/ loll... giving me responses like... "its the worst school in NYC... to... it has a great busniess program"geez NT!!!

and come on man I'm serious about the tour thing, if your available any of those days and can spend a day w/ me and the homie i will cover all yourexpenses (train/cab/meal etc.) and give u 40 cash.....
its a good school.. the neighborhood its in is eh with stuff to do but you are in queens which does have alot to do, and you are in NYC need i say more

you get a free laptop from the school, can't complain about that

the few times i've been there i did see some good looking women

don't listen to people.. if you got the scholarship why not come out to NY and get a chance to experience life on the east coast.. its not a party schoolbut if your looking for fun in a city of 8 million you'll find it

PM me with any questions.. what specifically you'd wanna see or do when you come in or any questions about the school

btw i don't go there but have a bunch of friends that do
Originally Posted by ThizzBaby

man you guys are all across the board =/ loll... giving me responses like... "its the worst school in NYC... to... it has a great busniess program" geez NT!!!

and come on man I'm serious about the tour thing, if your available any of those days and can spend a day w/ me and the homie i will cover all your expenses (train/cab/meal etc.) and give u 40 cash.....

When, and do you want a NYC tour or a campus tour ? or both ?
I'm just saying Baruch>SJU Tobin. Plus I feel SJU is run so poorly. How are you going have a program where you can get your BS in Business (Finance,Econ, MGT) Etc and Get your masters in Accounting have students apply then halfway through the semester say that they might be pulling the program so you mighthave wasted a semester. God I cant wait to be done with this +$+@#+$!. I pretty much just pay 30k a year to drive to school sit and learn nothing cram duringfinals and get decent grades at the end. Also 9 credits in Theo and 9 credits in Philosophy like come on man. 3 credits on DNY. So much garbage and wastedcores
don't listen to people.. if you got the scholarship why not come out to NY and get a chance to experience life on the east coast.. its not a party school but if your looking for fun in a city of 8 million you'll find it
He's still looking at 25K of loans/money of his own/parent's money that he has to pay which is why he's asking people... I'mpretty sure dude wants all the info instead of going in blindly.

I know a couple people that go to St. John's and they hate it. One ended up transferring to Fordham and the other to Syracuse. I wouldn't waste my timethere unless you're going for pharmacy. If you really wanna live in the city try CUNY Baruch or Fordham. Both are harder to get into then St. John'sbut it's worth a shot (looking at the stats and what I know of Fordham). Baruch is also a lot cheaper.
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