Stanford swimmer sentenced to 6 months for rape.

I had a lot of faith in some of my NT Fam, but after reading a few posts I've alarmingly became aware that some of them are some of the dumbest ************* on the face of the planet. After reading some of **** posted, it is painfully obvious that they are either trolling in a feeble attempt to start "intellectual" dialogue, and that their father's should have worn condoms.
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Thank God this guy doesn't have kids much less a daughter, what a creep :smh:

It's ninjahood, his father didn't hug him enough as a kid cause....that' But yes, some people have no business having children.
Im actually :rofl:

He'd be upset that his daughter was drunk rather than the little creepy boy that assaulted and took advantage of his daughter

Me think he can relate to Brock Turner that's why he's more understanding. All types of reprehensible acts take place in da heightz
I had a lot of faith in some of my NT Fam, but after reading a few posts I've alarmingly became aware that some of them are some of the dumbest ************* on the face of the planet. After reading some of **** posted, it is painfully obvious that they are either trolling in a feeble attempt to start "intellectual" dialogue, and that their father's should have worn condoms.
Yep some people on this board are some of the most stupid people I've ever communicated with
id be more mad at my daughter for being in da position to be violated.
i cant really send duke to hell that long if he aint penetrate her wit his member..

we can all agree 6 months is laughable...but 10 years i aint wit it..
Given your lack of empathy I expected you to try and make light of rape but this?

For her sake, I hope you never have a daughter.

Jesus christ.
Shoutout to the people who don't know the definition of rape and saying he didn't use his penis so he didn't rape her

"We shouldn't be calling this rape he only finger banged her come on"

Ignorance is booming.
The problem is our society long has focused on "How can women protect themselves from getting raped?" versus "What can we do to teach our men not to rape?"

Of course she made some very questionable decisions. She wasn't smart that night. But if guys like Brock Turner didn't exist she wouldn't have been raped.

Women SHOULD be able to get drunk like men do without having to worry about being raped. If all guys held each other accountable and we taught everyone to respect women things could be a lot different.

This is basically all it comes down to.

except i live in da real world, where your ALOT more safer when you take steps to protect yourself instead of depending on da next person to act civilized. when you get ur driver's license they teach you defensive driving which means everybody EXCEPT YOU is crazy and you have to factor that into how you operate your vehicle & move around..

life in general works da same way...if you put yourself into situations where you could potentially be in a **** ed up deal in da end, 9/10 times, its gonna happen.

it goes back to a core motto i subscribe to, no one follows or abides by da same set of morals...what you may think crosses da line for one person, is free play for da next cat.
except i live in da real world, where your ALOT more safer when you take steps to protect yourself instead of depending on da next person to act civilized. 
I wonder what it would look like if we treated all crimes like this. If he didn't have Da Jesus piece he wouldn't have gotten robbed.  If she didn't cheat on him, she wouldn't have gotten murdered. 

Ninjahood's rap sheet of ignorance

-Gays are child molesters
-Women should not drink if they don't wanna get raped
-Slavery wasn't that bad
-Reading and school is overrated
-Da Census B

Am I missing any?

He's not black
Sexism and rape culture is written into Dominican culture, I can't say I'm surprised.

I would never raise a daughter in that country with a bunch of ninjahoods on the prowl for comatose women.

generalizing a entire Country? im sure someone in here would love to here your rationale for that.

except i live in da real world, where your ALOT more safer when you take steps to protect yourself instead of depending on da next person to act civilized. 
I wonder what it would look like if we treated all crimes like this. If he didn't have Da Jesus piece he wouldn't have gotten robbed.

and imma use your pie on da sky mentality as a teachable moment.

me walking around with a 30k+ thousand dollar cuban and jacob jesus piece, you have to exercise JUDGEMENT...if i posted here that i got robbed @ gun point in Brooklyn cuz i decided to take my dumbass to da pink houses to smash a project chick @ 2am..its called i should've left da chain home, not assume everyone subscribes to da 10 commandments.. :smh:

if that was my daughter, by da time she 12 she already tired of hearing me lecture her about boys & alcohol. you don't put yourself into a situation where wolves can catch you slipping.

you just don't give people da opportunity to violate you...laws only work when people abide by them...guess what? not everyone cares and you gotta factor that into how you move.
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Ninjahood's rap sheet of ignorance

-Gays are child molesters
-Women should not drink if they don't wanna get raped
-Slavery wasn't that bad
-Reading and school is overrated
-Da Census B

Am I missing any?

-Systemic racism is a false narrative
-Real racism in 2016 is dead
So I guess women can't get drunk and enjoy themselves because there might be a guy at the party ready to take advantage of them. Meanwhile, men can get drunk and refuse to use this same "judgement" because "their morals aren't the same as everybody else's," and proceed to sexually assault whomever they please.

Wow :lol:
You're the ones who keep entertaining him like he's an adult, and then everyone's shocked when he says some stupid off the wall ****.
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I wonder what it would look like if we treated all crimes like this. If he didn't have Da Jesus piece he wouldn't have gotten robbed.  If she didn't cheat on him, she wouldn't have gotten murdered. 

Ninjahood's rap sheet of ignorance

-Gays are child molesters

-Women should not drink if they don't wanna get raped

-Slavery wasn't that bad

-Reading and school is overrated

-Da Census B

Am I missing any?
"How you in debt when you have a vagina b?"

"Systemic racism is a liberal fantasy constructed by the left to get the black voters to vote for them"

"Nobody in 2016 thinks of blacks as 2/5ths of a person"

Words of wisdom from our local prophet Ninjahood
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generalizing a entire Country? im sure someone in here would love to here your rationale for that.

and imma use your pie on da sky mentality as a teachable moment.

me walking around with a 30k+ thousand dollar cuban and jacob jesus piece, you have to exercise JUDGEMENT...if i posted here that i got robbed @ gun point in Brooklyn cuz i decided to take my dumbass to da pink houses to smash a project chick @ 2am..its called i should've left da chain home, not assume everyone subscribes to da 10 commandments.. :smh:

if that was my daughter, by da time she 12 she already tired of hearing me lecture her about boys & alcohol. you don't put yourself into a situation where wolves can catch you slipping.

you just don't give people da opportunity to violate you...laws only work when people abide by them...guess what? not everyone cares and you gotta factor that into how you move.

if you walk around through the hood flossing the jesus you already know what looms over you. You obviously know the dangers that come with that, and I'm sure a lot of cats do not do that.

you know how many girls in colleges drink at parties? going to a party.... that aura of doom isn't really over their heads like walking through the hood flossing 30k.
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generalizing a entire Country? im sure someone in here would love to here your rationale for that.


Hey man, admitting you have a problem is the beginning. America is racist, that's a fact....denying it only perpetuates the problem. Dominica has a pandemic of domestic violence and rape sympathizers. Clearly not everyone in the Dominican republic thinks like you, many of the people who don't would read that article and say "Hmm, maybe we do have a problem. Let's fix it" instead of making excuses Mr. Hood.

I love my country(S) to death, but I'm the first one to criticize its flaws. 

Dominica & da Dominican Republic are 2 different countries.....go sit down somewhere b.
Man. Y'all really think ninjahood is like this. Dude is playing a character online.
He has literally always been like this. If he's playing a character, give that man an award for the many years of dedication.
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So I guess women can't get drunk and enjoy themselves because there might be a guy at the party ready to take advantage of them. Meanwhile, men can get drunk and refuse to use this same "judgement" because "their morals aren't the same as everybody else's," and proceed to sexually assault whomever they please.

Wow :lol:

I'm not condoning what he said but what I get from it is that certain groups have this false sense of security. That we still live in a society filled with savages and need to take the necessary precautions. That we could be better off if we accept this as a foundation of truth.

This is a slippery slope though since certain groups are treated with this lense while others are given a pass.

Also in a sense this can come across as victim blaming
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Ninja at it again

I've never seen a half naked chick and thought "damn I'd like to rape her".

Neither have I. But then again we've got self restraint.

Do we know what actually goes down in the mind of a rapist? Does a man even know he's about to rape?

I've never knowingly held a convo with a rapist. I'm thinking they see a girl and they're like most dudes, 'damn that mass is phat, she got nice breasts, long hair and a sexy walk too. That's where the arousal comes to play. He attempts to talk to her, and suggests sex. She denies and he can't resists. He pulls her somewhere secluded because he can't control his primal urges and violates her. That's the first type of situation that comes to mind when I think of rape. I don't think a dudes first thought it, 'I'm about to hold this chick down and sex her against her will'. I could be wrong.

Bruh :lol: You sound completely lost.

Most men that commit these crimes are f'ed up individuals and leave the house looking to commit these crimes.

This dude really thinks it happens cuz a man got turned down... Gotta be the dumbest **** I've read in a while.
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Does anyone really think women walk around with a false sense of security when it comes rape? Seriously? :smh:

Ask anyone women the **** they've gone through in they life when it comes to men and tell me if they have a false sense of security
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