Luke lived like Obi Wan, and died like Yoda (and Obi Wan for that matter) Vader didn't disappear into the Force. Qui-Gon didn't. None of the other Order 66 Jedi did.
Obi Wan and Yoda got their a$$es kicked and went into hiding for two decades. Luke lost his rebuilt Order, and went into hiding as well. I mean.....
He came back to fight in the most powerful way you could imagine, really, the ONLY way he could, because I'm sorry, he wasn't going to be able to take down the whole garrison Kylo had with him. He bought them time, and that's it. The 65 year old ACTOR wasn't going to be able to do anything crazy, they could have hired a stuntman to do a bunch of Maul like moves, but we all know that would have been pointless.
Shrugs. I thought he was handled well, outside of the weird milk thing.
His teachings, his lessons, his convo with Yoda about the books etc, his loss of Kylo from the "different points of view" I mean.......all of that was fine. I don't know why people walked in expecting old man Hamill to run rampant thru the New Order and demolish everyone and everything. Have we EVER seen a single Jedi do anything remotely like that?
Across 10 films, the most aggressive, bad *** thing we've seen is a 90 second clip from Vader killing nobodies. Maul got cut in half by a padawan, Qui-Gon got got, Vader lost, Anakin lost, Yoda fought an 82 year old actor who just swung a light in front of his face from side to side......I just don't understand how everyone EXPECTED Luke to be some sort of ninja bad ***.
(Actually, I guess Luke in RotJ rescuing Han was one of the baddest moments we've seen from a Jedi)
The scene in Mando was awesome, and really really really fake af. He killed some droids, ala Vader in Rogue One, digitized his face, and then shot from the neck down multiple times.
I'm perfectly fine with how they handled Luke in the sequel films. Would I have enjoyed seein him cuttin Sith down? Sure. Could they have done that? Nooooooo. And I understood that and welcomed the way they went. It ties in perfectly with Obi-Wan and Yoda, his teachers.