Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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  • Poll closed .
Never understood all the Boba Fett love? He took Ls

TMAC= Boba Fett

A bunch of first round exits and regular season highlights that don't mean nothing then came back with the Spurs to watch his pop get merked on the bench
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Cant freakin wait!

Just picked up IMAX 3D tix for me and the baby bro!  The wait is almost over!
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That Kylo gif oh my gah!!!

It's about to be lit Thursday gonna come in so hot.

Still haven't decided what tee to wear but I know I'm rocking my hood/scarf portion of my Kylo costume. shoot might just rock the rest of the costume underneath my tee since the sleeves are dope :lol: and of course taking the Kylo saber. I was gonna take my Mace Windu one but nah Kylo saber too ill :pimp:
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I've never went to a very first showing of something this big before..  i went to see ep1, 2,and 3, the following week

i wonder how crazy this theater is gonna be 
JJ Abrams on 60 Minutes talking Star Wars.

Steven Spielberg, Harrison Ford, and John Williams are also interviewed.

Apparently Star Wars has to make $1.5 Billion with a B to make investors happy.

That's a LOT of pressure.

This film has be excellent & hopefully it is.
What is this wet stuff on my face 60 minutes? It's salty... ugh!

Hello? Did anyone else get an eye infection from 60 minutes?
In a galaxy far far away.... I would have won an Adidas raffle for Yeezy 750 Saturday morning, pick it up, get a haircut, and 8pm be dressed in all black with the 750 on to watch this in IMAX 3D

One can only dream right
Didn't someone mention that the film is being released overseas today? If so, I may have to stay out of this thread starting today

And shoutout to @Singer10  for hooking me up with a Capt. Phasma!
I watched the Star Wars Holiday Special last night. Other than the Boba Fett cartoon, it was awful. Nothing redeemable about it either.
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