Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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That article was good, but gave WAY too much credit that Lucas even intended to hit those marks. He didn't. The articles "wants" were more inline with what someone like me wanted, a truer rise and fall of Anakin. Not "its only because I'm so in love with you" *rolls around in some daisies* ****

But Luke's Jedi, as he rebuilds them, are much better than the prequel ones. Shame we might never see them onscreen.
i dont think they gave lucas much credit at all, they say he basically accidentally included all the good points
Yeah, without focusing on it like he should've.

A lot of the stuff is there just portrayed in a different light or glossed over. The children as padawans training with light sabers, the implied want for the Sith to be wiped out, the council and all of their damn rules.

What he wanted to change and the movie to be was some things with Anakin, the love story with Padme, etc.

One thing that article didn't fully touch on that I've wondered about is why Jedi can't have relationships or children. It's simple really, family drama, spousal conflict. What do those things cause? Stress, fear, frustration leading to anger, etc. all things leading to the dark side. On top of that your commitment, duty, and loyalty are strained. How can you fully be a Jedi knight and have a family at home? Being a Jedi is clearly not the same thing as joining the rebellion. Being a pilot and fighting in the war is a means to an end. You're fighting for what you believe in so you can go back to your family and live in a better galaxy. Being a Jedi, the closest thing to that family experience is your fellow Jedi. That's it. Other than that the force is the only thing that will comfort you.

Quite frankly, the simplest way to show Anakin turning to the dark side in eps II & III would've been to put his mother in danger and have his duty to the Jedi get in the way of that (protecting some politicians) and have him be too late to save his moms. Then he'd blame the Jedi's ineffectiveness for ppl that really deserve their help. Then have the whole thing be planned by Sidious. The final nail on the coffin would've been letting him know Padme was pregnant and then Palpatine telling him she died. Then you show him raged out killing all of the Jedi except for Yoda and Obi-Wan gets him good to where he needs his Vader suit.

As for that RotJ stuff, and why Vader still brought Luke to Sidious knowing he'd die and be replaced by his son. I almost still want to say some force mind control was involved. Re-watching I badly wanted it to be the case that Vader was plotting to take out Sidious and do what he said in ESB and have it be he and his son ruling the Empire but that motive would've made it close to impossible for Anakin to redeem himself.
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Making the Jedi out to be the bad guys and anakins push in the other direction seem like the right thing to do is just genius writing with a great understanding of the concepts behind what makes the force so interesting
I'll say one of my biggest surprises was how much I loved BB-8. I figured it was just clear attempt of "We need a new droid, we need to sell toys, so here is this new character".

But man.. he was awesome. I don't know if it's blasphemy or not, but I kind of liked him a little better than Artoo. I was never a huge fan of R2-D2, I get it, he was cute and funny and had his moments, but for whatever reason, I never really loved him. But BB-8, on the other hand, I was a big big fan of. 
R2 will always be #1 for me cuz of the nostalgia, but BB-8's a very-close #2.  One thing that works in BB-8's favor is that they were able to make him much more expressive than R2 with his movement and other CGI effects.  More charismatic.  The part on the Falcon with Rey and Finn going back and forth with BB-8 turning his head back and forth had me 
.  On a sidenote, Sphero's updated BB-8 with in-movie sounds!
less leia too, she cant act anymore 
Yeah, unfortunately, at certain parts, it felt more Carrie than Leia to me... Oh well.
On a side note, I had no idea that Oscar Isaac was Guatemalan. Thought he was mixed and that some of that was Middle Eastern.
I didn't know either till I saw this! 

"droid, please!" and "move, ball" were great lines that most of the theater missed 
I only caught that during my 2nd viewing... 

yoda told gin that he couldnt have two students when yoda has classes with like 20 kids 

Sat through it with the flu :( Movie was great though can't wait to see it again :hat
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wait whats wrong with that theater? i thought it was one of the only places in the country to see it in 70mm non-3D IMAX. I was about to cop tix.

If you go it is vital that u sit as high up and as close to the center as possible. If u sit to the side it can impact alot.

It was a great experience to see ot there but some scenes were fast and man was it difficult to keep up at times lol
How many times have you guys seen it so far?

I've seen it twice...I still want to see it again lol
^I've seen it twice on Saturday.

Hoping to see the movie one more time in IMAX.
How many times have you guys seen it so far?

I've seen it twice...I still want to see it again lol
4 times, and only cuz I missed it on saturday. I have seen it in IMAX 3D (expensive but so worth it!), 3D (still good), regular theaters twice. I gotta say that IMAX 3D is tha !@#$, my fam came  thru with 1st showing and tickets were like 13 USD (
), then we get to the theater and I go 
.  Gotta give AMC Theaters props they let us in TWO HOURS before the show... My fave theater from now on.
I'm all for watching movies multiple times.

Same day though?
The original plan was to watch the movie in the AM  (That was my scheduled alone time from our newborn baby

Came home and wife ended up reading the reviews and wanted to watch the movie, so we decided to watch it in the evening.

Plus, I was still shook from what happened to my favorite character
 So I felt like I had to see it again, to gain some form of closure? lol
I've seen it twice.

Saw it opening night in 2D on a regular (albeit larger) screen. Saw it yesterday in IMAX 3D and that was great too. I hadn't seen SW in 3D before (I know TPM was re-done for theaters). The opening crawl in 3D is really cool. Seeing it again on Christmas day in IMAX 3D again :hat
I've seen it twice.

On advance screening night last Thursday in 3D and in IMAX 3D last Sunday night.

I plan on watching it 3 more times in IMAX 3D.
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