Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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    Votes: 68 71.6%
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TPM did have arguably the best lightsaber battle of the saga.

And Maul :lol:

I'd rather watch it then AOTC. I literally have to force myself to watch Clones :smh:
Yeah, if you take out every single thing except Maul and the music, it's not too bad.
Please tell me what's wrong with it? I don't think it's a good Flim or even decent but what makes it that bad to you?

You're opening up a can of worms.

CP can and will type out exactly what he thinks should have happened in every movie.

CP should be writing Star Wars Legends novels :lol:.
Godzilla Director Gareth Edwards Ice bucket challenge in Lucas ranch. Nice to see he was there planning the spinoff most likely. I know randomness.

that whole pod race storyline was horrible. jingle all the way boy was horrible and i chuckle everytime i see that greedo jr looking fool

they shoulda just had teen anakin getting in trouble accidentally killing someone and qui gon and obi wan having to bail him out or some **** lol
When I get in to work in a lil bit, I will type out the flaws of Menace.

May take a day or eight. :lol:
Godzilla Director Gareth Edwards Ice bucket challenge in Lucas ranch. Nice to see he was there planning the spinoff most likely. I know randomness.

And not that there was ever really any doubt, but seeing that there hasn't been an official announcement yet, it's good to see Rian Johnson's name mentioned in this video, more confirmation. Don't know why Disney just doesn't announce it themselves :smh:
I thought the prequels had both pros and cons

The pros were the lightsaber fights - literally compare the fight between Obi Wan and Anakin in Revenge of the Sith vs their fight in A New Hope. Like night and day. Other pros were the space battle scenes and the graphical effects. Another of course Maul - dude was on screen for maybe 20 minutes in total - yet he is top 5 most RECOGNIZABLE (did not say popular or powerful, relax) star wars characters.

The Cons were of course the HORRIBLE romantic aspects - I will tell you this George Lucas is good at alot of things but he's hit or miss when it comes to romance. With Han and Leia - it was well done. Developed into a mutual flirtatious dislike of one another and then soon became something more. And it was FUNNY. Han was a jerk but he was charming. With Anakin and Padme. OMG it was awful.
Anakin Skywalker: You are so... beautiful.
Padmé: It's only because I'm so in love.
Anakin Skywalker: No, it's because I'm so in love with you.

....CRINGE Worthy

Other Cons of course being Jar Jar, the ridiculous amounts of political parallels with the Bush Administration (its a fantasy movie - relax with the subtle messages), the LACK of Jedi - Sith fighting (lightsaber battles in star wars are too rare when thats what people WANT to see)

And of course the dialogue. Here is a list (taken online) of the top 50 cheesiest lines in the prequels. (Some are pretty bad - while some are acceptable if you watch the entire film)

“Yousa thinking yousa people ganna die?”
“I don’t care what universe you’re from, that’s got to hurt!”
“Love won’t save you, Padme. Only my new powers can do that.”
“…Don’t try it, Anakin. I have the high ground!”
“There’s always a bigger fish.”
“I’m haunted by the kiss that you should never have given me.”
“Are you an angel?”
“I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.”
“Ye gods, whatta meesa sayin’?”
“I sense Count Dooku.”
“Ani? My goodness, you’ve grown!”
“How wude!”
“I can’t take Dooku alone! I need you!”
“I’ve been wondering… what are midi-chlorians?”
“Chesco, Sebulba. Chipoka oomen geesa. Me teesa radical fbombati chop chawa.”
“Uh! So uncivilized.”
“Now this is pod racing!”
“So this is how liberty dies… with thunderous applause.”
“…It is only natural. He cut off your arm, and you wanted revenge.”
“Always two there are, no more, no less.”
“Mom, you said that the biggest problem in the universe is no one helps each other.”
“He owes me what you’d call a ‘life-debt.’ Your gods demand that his life belongs to me.”
“From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!”
“I thought we had decided not to fall in love. That we’d be forced to live a lie and that it would destroy our lives.”
“A vergence, you say?”
“Now that I’m with you again, I’m in agony. My heart is beating, hoping that that kiss will not become a scar.”
“No loose wire jokes.”
“Your mother had gone out early, like she always did, to pick mushrooms that grow on the vaporators.”
“For reasons we can’t explain, we are losing her.”
“…Well, then you really are lost!”
“He said… you killed younglings!”
“What if the democracy we thought we were serving no longer exists, and the Republic has become the very evil we have been fighting to destroy?”
“I have waited a long time for this moment, my little green friend.”
“…I’ll try spinning. That’s a good trick. Whoa-ah!”
“Train yourself to let go… of everything you fear to lose.”
“There was no father. I carried him, I gave birth, I raised him. I can’t explain what happened.”
“You were banished because you were clumsy?”
“You are in my very soul, tormenting me…”
“…We used to come here for school retreat. We would swim to that island every day. I love the water. We used to lie out on the sand and let the sun dry us and try to guess the names of the birds singing.”
“At an end your rule is, and not short enough was it.”
“Ray shields!”
“Just being around her again is… intoxicating.”
“Your new Empire?”
“They live inside me?”
“I don’t understand.”
“Your presence is soothing.”
“…We live in a real world, come back to it. You’re studying to become a Jedi, I’m… I’m a senator.”
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Yeah, if you take out every single thing except Maul and the music, it's not too bad.
Please tell me what's wrong with it? I don't think it's a good Flim or even decent but what makes it that bad to you?

I’m doing this off the top of my head, so bare with me.

The opening 5 minutes of the movie, I was already furious. The Viceroy’s, look, and dialogue. Atrocious. Horrible accents, horrible lines, horrible costume look. They looked like evil muppets, but worse.
Obi Wan’s dialogue.
The “Humor” and I use that term VERY loosely. They tried to be funny, to kids. They used the same someone just stepped in **** joke like 3 times, NONE of that belongs in a Star Wars movie.
Watto, same as the Viceroys. Horrible dialogue, horrible speech delivery.
The king Gungan in the underwater city. Yet another horrible speech and delivery. If you look at Jabba as an ugly, fat, terrible looking puppet, at the very least they changed his language so that he was unique. These guys, they just gave terrible accents and called that good. **** that.
The podraces. So freaking pointless.
Midi Clorians. Really?
The blockade. A bunch of ships in a circle. Hell, you are the galactic alliance, you could send 50 ships and surround those bumbling idiots, but no, send two Jedi instead.
Qwi Gon. Useless, ineffective, and pointless. The OG trilogy gave us the map, Obi Wan says flat out that he tried to teach Anakin, and that Yoda was the one that instructed him. Well then what the **** do we have this useless Liam Neeson for? :smh:
The title, Phantom Menace, which speaks on none other than Darth Maul………who trains for years to become a Sith, and has all the anger and hatred within him……….kills a single Jedi, then dies. Kiss my ****ing *** George. A Sith, trained all those years, and kills one guy. :stoneface: Are we serious? And ironically, the Jedi “leadership” that is Yoda and Mace are confused, was he the Master, or the Apprentice? HE KILLED ONE DUDE GUYS, HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW THAT WITH ALL YOUR JEDI “WISDOM”?????? :lol:
Anakin, an 8 year old boy. The leader of the planet Naboo, is a 14 year old girl. Really? A planet full of people, is ran by a 14 year old girl, and I’m supposed to be ok with this? Princess Leia was 18, and a bad *** and she didn’t run no damn planet. Give me a freakin break.
Anakin, saves the day, randomly flying one **** to destroy an entire blockade. But the freaking Galactic Alliance couldn’t have done that.
Jar Jar :stoneface:

Jar Jar, son.

The big, stupid, fish. Absolutely terrible.
Green Screens, on green screens.
“Humorous” droids. Roger Roger. :smh:
One little ship gets away, oh but a part is failing, have to land on Tatooine, and we’ll try to find the one part in the galaxy to fix it, at a junkyard. Instead of just calling for another ship to come pick them up, being a Queen and all. With an entire Jedi Order of people you can trust, or other Senators, a billion other planets, etc etc etc. Come on. :smh:
Anakin has no father now. Born of the Force, oh God.
Jedi are a bunch of sensitive do gooders. But Qwi Gon has a temper and doesn’t follow orders, Obi Wan doesn’t follow orders, Anakin doesn’t follow orders. None of the Jedi follow orders, in the Jedi Order. Ok. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Here’s what they got right.
Darth Maul’s look, and “menace”. Perfect. Dude was insane with it. Every time he was on screen (all 18 minutes) I had goosebumps.
Maul’s lightsaber. One of the greatest enhancements from the OG. A duel lightsaber. Brilliant
The force fields randomly coming down during the fight. Maul, pacing back and forth, full of anger, hitting the field with his lightsaber, angry, like a caged animal, a true Sith. While Qwi Gon sleeps on his knees, a sensitive Jedi, feeling his force. :lol: (absolute great way to show the difference between the two sides, Jedi v Sith. Easily one of the only things George got right, and I guarantee it was by accident. )
The underwater city was beautiful, and a great idea. They just ruined it with Gungans.
The droid army, forcefield, etc. Loved the look of it. Needed better than Gungans fighting them tho.
Palpatine running the Sepratists, and the Alliance at the same time. Terrific setting there.

The movie was terrible, and yet was loaded with so much potential. It could have been a great start, much like A New Hope, to get the trilogy off on the right foot. Instead they had a child defeating a blockade, a 14 year old girl running a planet, a Jedi out of nowhere they killed for no reason, a Sith out of nowhere they killed for no reason, Yoda still talking backwards, and Samuel L Jackson. :smh:

I’m sure there’s more that I’m forgetting, but that’s because I’m trying to forget that movie, and just live with the “real” movie in my mind. The one that should have been made. :lol:
Bravo CP :lol:

I still find TPM >>>> AOTC... Maybe that's just because there's nothing that really stands out in Clones imo. You at least had a few moments in Menace.
I do agree with some points You made (Jar jar :stoneface: Vice Roy look and the gunganns..............mauls death :stoneface: )

Everything else I just don't see what's wrong *ye shrug*

Edit: forgot to mention the humor is trash :stoneface:

Also a lot of people complain about the age thing :rolleyes never understood what's wrong with it.
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Everything else I just don't see what's wrong *ye shrug*

Do you have an example? Something you thought was ok that I didn't, I can try to elaborate depending on what it is.
Do you have an example? Something you thought was ok that I didn't, I can try to elaborate depending on what it is.

Midi-clorians-People bought what the force was without explanation (scientific) in the OT

Age- makes no difference. If Anakin was as old as you like why would Yoda and mace allow him in the order if he's a teenager (it's not like Luke's situation)

Father- The fact that Anakin is born out of the force shows us how special he is (choose one)

Jedi - Explained in the Aotc (about Jedi not following orders)

Qwi-Gon - after his death isn't just Yoda and Obi-wan teaching anakin?
Oh, how could I forget, Darth Vader created C-3P0. :smh:
And Obi Wan doesn't remember 3P0 or R2, but spent 15 years with them around. :lol: :smh:

Plot holes on a story 2 decades old. Like, how does that happen?
That's one plot hole that probably should of got rewrote in 1977. He probably thought it wouldn't take off like it did.
Do you have an example? Something you thought was ok that I didn't, I can try to elaborate depending on what it is.

Midi-clorians-People bought what the force was without explanation (scientific) in the OT

Age- makes no difference. If Anakin was as old as you like why would Yoda and mace allow him in the order if he's a teenager (it's not like Luke's situation)

Father- The fact that Anakin is born out of the force shows us how special he is (choose one)

Jedi - Explained in the Aotc (about Jedi not following orders)

Qwi-Gon - after his death isn't just Yoda and Obi-wan teaching anakin?

Ok, good questions.

I’ll just ramble, so please forgive me.
Midi-Clorians, I would be able to handle and accept, if they cleaned the script better, I would accept it. But they triple, quadrupled up. No human could podrace, cept Anakin. No Father, born of the force. Midi Clorians, off the charts. We get it already, he’s special. We knew that coming in, we all, already knew that, Anakin Skywalker was special, gifted, etc. Everyone knew that……….yet, Qwi Gon Jin, a Jedi Master, couldn’t sense him in the force from a mile away. :lol: BORN of the force, a Jedi master can’t sense him, in the same room as him. :rofl: He has to “test” his blood cells, to be sure he’s force sensitive. Do you see the holes in that mess? If Qwi Gon felt him immediately walk into the room, finds out no father, then boom, we get it, he’s special, Force, etc. We don’t need to hear about only human that can podrace, or Midi Clorians. Make sense my complaint now?

Age. Does make a difference, a huge one. Luke was “too old” at 23 per the OG, yet was eventually trained and became an elite Jedi. :lol: Anakin could have been 17ish, not 8. There was zero need to introduce him at 8. Luke was 18 when we were introduced to him, why would you start at 8, for Anakin? It’s too Kidsy, the entire reason he failed us all. He did the same thing the next movie with Boba Fett being a 10 year old boy. :smh:

It doesn’t mesh with the OG wording by Ben. He tells Luke, “you must go to the Degobah system, there you will find Yoda, the Jedi Master that trained me”. (*creates prequel that has Qwi Gon Jin train Owi Wan*) :lol: :lol: :lol: It’s right there, all you have to do is watch The Empire Strikes Back, and you could write your new script then and there, and somehow George goes, ya know what this really needs, a completely new Jedi to train Ben, not the one Ben says trained him, and then we’ll kill said Jedi, and Ben won’t be trained anymore, instead, we’ll give him a child to train himself. :lol: Know why that all happened? They wanted to use a Jedi that could be useful in battle in Phantom. They didn’t want Yoda’s small, slow walking *** walkin around thru the movie teaching Owi Wan, so they wrote in another human Jedi to do all that. I swear, he wrote the Phantom Menace on the back of a pizza box. Ironically, they then have Yoda fight like a warrior the next two films. :smh:

As for the droids and Obi Wan, no way would you re-write that in 77, there was no NEED for 3-P0 or R2 in the prequel trilogy. Again, they just wanted to keep rehashing the old familiar, and use them to connect the dots. They didn’t need to do that. And it only clutters things up worse by having them with Obi Wan for the entire trilogy, only for them to KNOW what he had already said in Episode IV. How can they get that wrong? :lol: :lol:
Oh, how could I forget, Darth Vader created C-3P0. :smh:
And Obi Wan doesn't remember 3P0 or R2, but spent 15 years with them around. :lol: :smh:

Plot holes on a story 2 decades old. Like, how does that happen?


I remember my sister and I would justify that little tidbit. In a New Hope, Obi looks at the droids with a pensive expression as if he knew who they were.

:lol: I still somewhat still use that same justification.
Ok, good questions.

I’ll just ramble, so please forgive me.
Midi-Clorians, I would be able to handle and accept, if they cleaned the script better, I would accept it. But they triple, quadrupled up. No human could podrace, cept Anakin. No Father, born of the force. Midi Clorians, off the charts. We get it already, he’s special. We knew that coming in, we all, already knew that, Anakin Skywalker was special, gifted, etc. Everyone knew that……….yet, Qwi Gon Jin, a Jedi Master, couldn’t sense him in the force from a mile away. :lol: BORN of the force, a Jedi master can’t sense him, in the same room as him. :rofl: He has to “test” his blood cells, to be sure he’s force sensitive. Do you see the holes in that mess? If Qwi Gon felt him immediately walk into the room, finds out no father, then boom, we get it, he’s special, Force, etc. We don’t need to hear about only human that can podrace, or Midi Clorians. Make sense my complaint now?

Age. Does make a difference, a huge one. Luke was “too old” at 23 per the OG, yet was eventually trained and became an elite Jedi. :lol: Anakin could have been 17ish, not 8. There was zero need to introduce him at 8. Luke was 18 when we were introduced to him, why would you start at 8, for Anakin? It’s too Kidsy, the entire reason he failed us all. He did the same thing the next movie with Boba Fett being a 10 year old boy. :smh:

It doesn’t mesh with the OG wording by Ben. He tells Luke, “you must go to the Degobah system, there you will find Yoda, the Jedi Master that trained me”. (*creates prequel that has Qwi Gon Jin train Owi Wan*) :lol: :lol: :lol: It’s right there, all you have to do is watch The Empire Strikes Back, and you could write your new script then and there, and somehow George goes, ya know what this really needs, a completely new Jedi to train Ben, not the one Ben says trained him, and then we’ll kill said Jedi, and Ben won’t be trained anymore, instead, we’ll give him a child to train himself. :lol: Know why that all happened? They wanted to use a Jedi that could be useful in battle in Phantom. They didn’t want Yoda’s small, slow walking *** walkin around thru the movie teaching Owi Wan, so they wrote in another human Jedi to do all that. I swear, he wrote the Phantom Menace on the back of a pizza box. Ironically, they then have Yoda fight like a warrior the next two films. :smh:

As for the droids and Obi Wan, no way would you re-write that in 77, there was no NEED for 3-P0 or R2 in the prequel trilogy. Again, they just wanted to keep rehashing the old familiar, and use them to connect the dots. They didn’t need to do that. And it only clutters things up worse by having them with Obi Wan for the entire trilogy, only for them to KNOW what he had already said in Episode IV. How can they get that wrong? :lol: :lol:

Midi-clorians ~ Cp I'm very younger than you so when I saw TPM I didn't know Vader=Anakin(hadn't seen the OT) Lucas wrote the some parts of the story more Kiddie for people like me( the newer Generation).

I'm sure in TPM Qwi-Gon knew Anakin was force sensitive as soon as he told him he pod raced.

Age- It doesn't make a difference The only reason Luke was trained because he was there only hope in the galaxy. In THE Galaxy.

Anakin being a boy doesn't do any harm. It would feel like the OT if he was near Luke's age ( I remember hearing Lucas changed his age from 12 to 9. It wouldn't matter to me if he was 12 )

Qwi-Gon~ Yoda as seen in AOTC trains all the young ones. Then he passes them on to other masters.
Yeah, I didn't know what to say to that either. But it makes sense why he wouldn't have a bad taste in his mouth about the prequels I suppose.
LOS ANGELES — Disney’s 20-month effort to integrate “Star Wars” into its Magic Kingdom appears to be hitting light speed.

Disney Interactive on Thursday announced Star Wars: Commander, a free-to-play game for mobile devices. The Disney Channel on Tuesday said it would unveil a new animated movie, “Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion,” on Oct. 3. Disney XD, a separate channel, will roll out the related “Star Wars Rebels” series on Oct. 13.

Construction plans are progressing at multiple Disney theme parks for “Star Wars"-themed “lands.” (The model is Cars Land, a successful two-year-old addition to the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, Calif.) Disney Stores recently added “Star Wars” merchandise to shelves for the first time; new non-toy products – in particular “Star Wars"-licensed food – begin to reach retail aisles starting this week.

The Walt Disney Company bought Lucasfilm, the boutique “Star Wars” studio, for $4.05 billion in October 2012. As the two-year anniversary of the acquisition approaches, Disney executives are eager to show integration results. The promise of “Star Wars” – once plugged into Disney’s vaunted franchise management system – is one reason Disney’s stock price has climbed 18 percent this year, to about $90.

Star Wars: Commander, a free-to-play game for mobile devices, was introduced by Disney Interactive on Thursday. Credit Disney Interactive
Disney is also facing pressure from Lucasfilm fans, some of whom have been increasingly impatient about the arrival of fresh “Star Wars” content. The last theatrically released film, “Revenge of the Sith,” came in 2005. The last new television show, “Star Wars: The Clone Wars,” arrived in 2008.

“The natives are getting very restless,” said Brander Roullett, 44, a longtime “Star Wars” devotee, in an interview last month at the Comic-Con International fan convention in San Diego. “What’s taking so long?”

Because of Disney’s intricate cross-departmental approach to mining entertainment brands, integration efforts tend to move gradually – at least from the outside looking in. It took Disney more than two years to demonstrate significant synergies with Marvel Entertainment, which was acquired in 2009 for $4 billion.

With Lucasfilm, Disney’s first priority was setting up a new big-budget “Star Wars” movie. Production on “Star Wars: Episode 7” is now underway, with a release scheduled for December 2015. “The footage we have seen so far is spectacular, certainly worthy of the fan frenzy and excitement this movie is generating around the world,” Robert A. Iger, Disney’s chief executive, told analysts this month.

The new video game announced on Thursday is particularly notable. Disney Interactive – home to gaming, and, as of last month, – has struggled with layoffs and retrenchments, not to mention financial losses. With the release last year of Disney Infinity, a video game and action figure initiative, the division has finally strung together four profitable quarters in a row, but the hope is that Lucasfilm properties will bolster operations even further.

(Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes arrives in stores on Sept. 23. A “Star Wars” version is expected late next year.)

Developed internally, Commander is a free-to-play combat strategy game aimed at what the entertainment industry calls “mid-core” players – people interested in a more in-depth experience than offered by a Candy Crush Saga but less time-consuming and expensive than a Call of Duty. Commander, initially available exclusively on Apple devices, features an array of classic “Star Wars” vehicles and characters, from Chewbacca to TIE Fighters.

“We’re being very careful about where we choose to invest our resources,” said James A. Pitaro, Disney Interactive’s president, “and ‘Star Wars’ is a huge priority.”
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