Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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    Votes: 68 71.6%
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    Votes: 27 28.4%

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Not bein an ***hole, that breaks my heart.

Lucas is a freaking idiot for telling people that ****. :smh:
I do agree with some points You made (Jar jar :stoneface: Vice Roy look and the gunganns..............mauls death :stoneface: )

Everything else I just don't see what's wrong *ye shrug*

Edit: forgot to mention the humor is trash :stoneface:

Also a lot of people complain about the age thing :rolleyes never understood what's wrong with it.

I bet padme was diddling that little boy. The age thing is kinda gross if u think bout it

I always wanted jar jar to say meesa wants pizza just for the hell of it
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I’ve had a tempestuous relationship with Star Wars, the same as many of you. I loved it as a kid and a young adult, really getting excited about the Special Edition rereleases and being crazy hopeful for the Prequels. I was battered by that trilogy, and in the end I walked away from Revenge of the Sith soured on Star Wars. The next decade of the internet didn’t help - an endless barrage of Han in carbonite merch and Boba Fett stuff and ****** mash-ups kept the repetitive iconography of Star Wars in my face, repressing everything else that had made the first two films interesting. Star Wars, a massive saga of action and philosophy, had been weakened by the Prequels and ground down by the Pavlovian fanbase.

When Episode VII was announced my cynicism was high. I wrote about the film because it brought hits, and they’re important to keep the site running. I viewed the Star Wars stories as the price I paid to run articles about old movies or weird history. Nobody reads that stuff, so Star Wars was subsidizing their existence.

Then, about a month ago, I began to get information. People in various levels of the Star Wars machine began telling me things about the movie. Some of them were incredulous - “Can you believe this is what they’re doing?” - but what they told me piqued my interest. I have a number of sources, and they all started giving me puzzle pieces that were shockingly intriguing*.

I started putting everything together and the larger shape of this all was… exciting. JJ Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan (and I’m starting to increasingly believe the ghost of Michael Arndt’s script) are approaching this sequel from a very different perspective. Everything my sources told me indicates this isn’t a film about the triumphant world the Rebellion had wrought but rather the very real, very compromised world that grew out of a galaxy yet in turmoil. For some fans the end of Return of the Jedi promised a happy-go-lucky universe where the three main characters were best buds and had adventures and spent their lives defending an idyllic status quo. That isn’t the approach Episode VII is taking, and dramatically that seems fruitful and exciting and fresh.[/SIZE=5]

The more I hear about the story of Episode VII - including some spoiler stuff that, if true, will rock the fanbase to its core - the more excited I get. JJ Abrams is a master imitator, following in the footsteps of Lucas and Spielberg. [/SIZE=4]But what if Abrams decided to imitate the Lucas who made Star Wars, not the one who inserted teddy bears in Jedi or trade negotiations in Phantom Menace? What if he followed the Lucas who was intrigued at the idea of having Luke turn to the Dark Side at the end of Jedi instead of the Lucas who overruled it[/SIZE=5], as the series was essentially for kids?

Because that’s the Lucas that Abrams seems to be imitating here.[/SIZE=5]

That’s Episode VII - I have a lot of hope for it. But Star Wars is more than Episode VII, and the hiring that Lucasfilm has been doing for the next wave of films has been hard to fault. More than hard to fault, it’s been great, especially with Rian Johnson taking the reins for Episode VIII. Johnson alone would be enough to make me hopeful for the future of Star Wars, but there’s still more to make me optimistic.The spin-off directors - Gareth Edwards and Josh Trank so far - are bold choices that reveal a company looking to the future and looking for real talent, not just shooters or yes-men.

And then there’s the Big Story.

Marvel Studios has shown that multiple franchises can work together to tell one story, and they’ve even played with a bit of transmedia by having Agents of SHIELD peripherally involved. But Star Wars is about to blow that out of the water; there have been big meetings setting the future of the Star Wars universe, and these meetings are going to impact everything we see from Star Wars moving forward. Everything.

“We’re going to redefine longform storytelling,” a Lucasfilm employee boasted to me, and I believe it. For the first time in franchise history, the arc of the new trilogy is planned out in advance. They’re taking this story someplace, not just picking up the loose ends and figuring out where to go next with each new film. Even with the Prequels, which had a predetermined ending, Lucas was kind of making it up as he went along.[/SIZE=5]

That longform vision alone is exciting. But what’s more, they’re going to weave this story through cartoons and books and comics, making every piece of side story count. Star Wars has too long been a central series of movies surrounded by absolutely disposable books, comics and games. No more. You won’t have to know that stuff to follow the main story, but if you do know that stuff you’re going to be rewarded. As a nerd I like knowing that stuff, and I like knowing it counts.

It’s all going to matter. They’re taking all the pieces seriously. And they care. That’s the thing that sold me - Lucasfilm gives a ****. The new Sequel Trilogy felt like a cash grab, a way to expand that IP (and god knows that is what’s happening, and in a massive way), but it is becoming clearer to me by the week that they’re actually trying to make it good. And that means they’re creating a new trilogy that could make fans mad, that puts solid storytelling, smart characterization and strong plotting ahead of fan service and wish-fulfilment. They’ve hired filmmakers who will take this story in new directions, give us unexpected turns and bring fresh ideas to a franchise that, frankly, has been dead in the water since 1983.

As of right now Star Wars is in the best place it has been in thirty years. It is in the hands of people who care enough to know that slavish devotion to what came before will only kill this franchise. It is in the hands of people who want to remain respectful of what came before but make real, lasting marks on the universe. And it’s in the hands of people who have a huge vision, who have a bigger ambition, and who have the means to pull it all off.

Will Episode VII be good? I don’t know! A lot can go wrong between now and release. They’re not even close to finishing prinicipal photography. I may have misconstrued the pieces of information that have leaked. But everything tells me that not only is Episode VII going to be more than good, the new and expanding Star Wars universe is going to redefine all our geeky **** for another thirty years

Coming from Star Wars hater #1,this is huge :lol:
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Good, I like the sound of what he's saying. I hope like hell he's right.

But I def agree, Johnson, Edwards, and Trank are names of guys that I have high high hopes for. And if they are all working together, I know I will be happy with what they do, at least way more so than what Lucas gave me with the PT.
Been lurking this thread for a while and gotta say I was inspired by some of the post (specifically CP's passionate essays 
) to take the next couple of weekends to rewatch the whole series since I was only 5 when TPM came out and I had no clue the change in tone the series underwent to try and attract viewers like myself, the younger generation.

I have got to say after rewatching TPM I can totally see why most of the guys who grew up on the original trilogy hate the direction they went with it but I can't help but still enjoy it now even if its for nostalgic reasons. This movie introduced me to what would become one of my favorite franchises and though they ****** it up big time in very important areas I don't think it is as bad as some people make it seem, just moreso disappointing.

Liam Neeson was a beast, played his role perfectly even though at times it seemed like you could see his frustration with the horrible dialogue on his face, but I think Lucas hit his character out of the park. I love Mcgregor in Star Wars but I feel like he should have had a much more prominent role in the film. He literally spent an hour of the movie just sitting on the **** ship doing nothing but radioing Qui Gon for updates. They should have had him with Padme and Qui Gon on Tattoine that way to give more moments between him and Anakin, let them grow together, show a little jealousy at potentially being replaced, idk something!

I have to say I disagree with some of the thread on having Anakin start older but I'm completely biased due to how young I was when the film came out. I remember thinking Anakin was the coolest kid ever cuz he was just a few years older than me and was pod racing, flying ships, shooting droids, and getting trained as a Jedi. I wanted to be Anakin. Had my mom buy me and my brother his lightsaber and we used to bat the **** out of each other with em
. And I think this was one of the reasons George did it the way he did. Annd with every movie anakin grew older I felt he was growing up with me and it made the cinematic experience that much better.

However, George royally ******* up by essentially making it a kids movie. He could have kept the tone lighter to still make it child friendly but creat Jar Jar ******* Binks was an insult. And tbh I remember hating that mother****** as a child, and I was 5!!! I don't know a single kid I grew up with that liked that pos. He was horrible and absolutely ruined every scene he was in, from the very beginning of the movie to the end battle scene where he's clumsily destorying half the force 
. Rewatchiggn it today I literally prayed he would die in every scene he was in. I don't know what the **** Lucas was thinking there 

Now on to Darth Maul. My ***** was the truth and was on screen for maybe 30 min. WHY?!! The design team drew up a perfect villian that if executed correctly could have been one of the GOAT's, straight Darth Vader status. Maybe I would understand showing him sparingly as a tease for the 2nd episode where he would play a much bigger part but no you just go and kill him off...WHAT??? So much wasted potential there 
. And just by watching the film you can see how they could have made his character so much better. For starters I would have had him destroy some **** early on in the movie. For instance during the pod race I'd have had him slowly walk into the track on the last lap when Anakin is about to win, have Qui Gon and Obi Wan freaking out about the force disturbence or some ****, and have Maul do something like a mix of Mickey Rourke in IM2 and Majin Vegeta. Destroy a pod, kill the racer, force pull one of the stands down killing hundreds of innocents talking straight OP. Pure chaos and he's established as a pure bad***. Have Anakin barely escape, the two jedi fight Maul for a bit, he escapes and they're shaken up about a new Sith presence. Have him report back to Sidious and be sent out on another mission.. Kill a senator or somebody important idk, give him some GD backstory!!! (Lucas you ******* idiot) Make me see where this crazed lunatic came from. Proceed with the rest of the movie, have him kill Qui Gon the same way and after pushing Obi Wan off the ledge he leaves thinking there both dead. Have Anakin see all that go down so he has hatred buried inside for Maul. Obi Wan's still alive to train Anakin as a Jedi and show him vengeance isn't the answer and it leads to the darkside while also showing his internal battle with the same thooughts. Bam!! on two episode 2 Have Maul wrecking **** again still working for Sideous. The entire movie builds up to the showdown between Maul vs Obi Wan and Anakin all while starting the beginning of the Clone wars. Keep Count Dooku in his role but have him underneath Maul (I don't like the Rule of Two I say let them mf's build an army of Sith and have a huge Jedi vs Sith battle in Ep III like CP said but whatever) Show Sideous being arrogant in his strength and decide to go against the doctrine to show he is the strongest Sith Lord ever. Beginning of Ep III Anakin kills Maul in an epic battle forshadowing his turn to the Sith instead of Dooku and walah! We have a bad*** villian in Maul who we were terrified of for 6 years just to have Anakin finally defeat him making us wonder "well **** how strong could Anakin be as a Sith" and it better shows just how powerful Vader was. It all would connect but instead we have this incredibly intimidating red skinned, dual wielding sith lord killed after 30 min of screen time....idk what to say man. Complete bull****

Sorry for the huge rant just figured this would be one of the few places people would read my thoughts lol. On to Episode II now 
I would change some thing on the prequels but they wouldn't be major.
No jar jar
And no mail death so soon that's all.
They shoulda made anakin a troubled teen in the first place. Then it would have been so much more believable that he turned to the dark side
I must say that watching Clone Wars has made the prequels much more enjoyable.

Been telling people who dislike the prequels this forever.

You get to see why Anakin is this famous Jedi General in Episode III, you see why he hates the council so much, you actually see him show off his force potential. It explains the clones actions in the movies, ties up lose ends from episode II, etc.

If you watch just the key episodes of The Clone Wars, the prequel trilogy will be a whole lot easier to swallow.
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@rianjohnson: (Pssssst. Hey. Everyone. Following @ridley_daisy right now is the twitter equivalent of buying Apple stock in 1997)

Becoming more and more clear that she'll be the lead.
Becoming more and more clear that she'll be the lead.
Thought john boygea??? Was gonna lead :frown:

I think he'll be 1B to Daisy's 1A. They both are highly rumored to be the ones who move the story forward. But Daisy will be the one who most definitely survives the Trilogy and carries the franchise forward imo.....

Plus she'll probably be the one who carries the Skywalker blood in her veins
I think he'll be 1B to Daisy's 1A. They both are highly rumored to be the ones who move the story forward. But Daisy will be the one who most definitely survives the Trilogy and carries the franchise forward imo.....

Plus she'll probably be the one who carries the Skywalker blood in her veins
Probably is Leia daughter she looks similar to Carrie and natile.

If Luke does has a son who plays him? Driver,Oscarr?
I don't think they're giving Luke a son anymore. But if they were I'd go with Gleeson. I could actually see Oscar or Driver being the Solo son.
And andy serkis doing motion capture and voice for jar jar binx jedi knight son Tar Tar and donning an actual ewok costume to play wicket's first born dicket
Hey if you guys listen to Sat Wars podcasts I highly recommend the Rebel Force Radio series they have called Star Wars Oxygen. They have 9 episodes so far and it's them going in depth about the music of John Williams in the movies. They've done Episodes iV, V, and some of VI. They are also going to do the prequels. I highly recommend them.
Not that there was ever really any doubt, but those Strom trooper helmet pictures are 1000% legit. The pic had had GPS coordinators that led to Pinewood studios. You can even see the windows on the roof that match the reflection on the helmets :lol:

Jesus Christ :lol:

Game of Thrones swordsman Actor Miltos Yerolemou joins Star Wars film


He played expert and athletic swordsman Syrio Forel in Thrones and has taken on several other parts which involve sword fighting during his career.

His extensive experience will inevitably lead to speculation that he may use a lightsabre in the film.

However, his character in Star Wars is not thought to be a major one.

Yerolemou has appeared on stage with the Royal Shakespeare Company, and has recently been filming a role in a BBC adaptation of Hilary Mantel's booker prize winning novel Wolf Hall.

He is the latest member of the Game of Thrones cast to join Star Wars. In June it was announced that Gwendoline Christie who plays Brienne of Tarth would have a role in the next instalment of the sci-fi saga.

Lucasfilm declined to comment on Yerolemou's casting.

Star Wars: Episode VII has recently resumed filming at Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire after a hiatus of a few weeks following an on-set accident where Harrison Ford, who plays Han Solo, broke his leg.

As well as Ford, Mark Hamill, who plays Luke Skywalker, and Carrie Fisher - Princess Leia - have returned to reprise their roles from the original trilogy.

They are joined by newcomers including British actors Daisy Ridley and John Boyega.

Star Wars: Episode VII will be released in December 2015.

One good thing tho, now I'm convinced that there's either going to be a very active Jedi Order or multiple Lightsaber wielding Darkside users. Way too many people with acrobatic ability/sword fighting skills in this film for there not to be :smokin
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