Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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The pod race was and still is a joke and a waste of time.

Maul was the only thing in that film worth a ****, the rest is complete garbage.

I'd give anything for Disney to reboot the prequels. Please God let it happen someday.

I'd give anything to get you to shut up about it. You're so ******* annoying when it comes to the prequels. You're so negative and bitter. You're legitimately upset because George didn't make the fan film you created in your own mind. You're the reason I stopped coming into the thread. We get it, you hate them, move on.
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Funnny i just watched the PH since TNT been airing Star Wars. That little kid was a trash actor :lol: wanted to slap him.

I've always wondered if Greedo knew who little Annie grew up to be? Dude put the hands on him on Tattooine, I figured Vader would've hunted him down since he's pretty extra with it :lol:
The pod race imo is awesome. Even better when it's on the big screen. I don't understand how one can not like the pod race scenes. Maybe a little long but that's being picky
The pod race was one of the few times jake lloyd didn't do anything to screw the movie up. It's hard to watch in 15 years later on TV but seeing it on the big screen was a spectacle
The pod race was kind of fresh. Can't lie. But that doesn't change the fact that TPM is still hot, molten, garbage.
The pod race was and still is a joke and a waste of time.

Maul was the only thing in that film worth a ****, the rest is complete garbage.

I'd give anything for Disney to reboot the prequels. Please God let it happen someday.

I'd give anything to get you to shut up about it. You're so ******* annoying when it comes to the prequels. You're so negative and bitter. You're legitimately upset because George didn't make the fan film you created in your own mind. You're the reason I stopped coming into the thread. We get it, you hate them, move on.

I have to balance your pathetic undying devotion to George.

"I'm 100% in favor of the altered OG films and prequels that tried to ruin the franchise"

:lol: :lol:

Try thinking for yourself, it's liberating.
ESB is number one on my list too. I can't really rate TFA and R1 yet on my all time list yet. For those 30 and below, this is (at least for me) a totally different experience in watching SW. Before the special editions came out in the 90s, I just watched 4-6 on tv. I would never catch them from the beginning, it was always in the middle.

The big twist of Vader and Luke was public knowledge spread acrossed several tv shows like Tiny Toons, the Muppets etc. When the special editions were released I got to see them fully for the first time at the Coronet in SF with rabid SW fans. In that instant I became a fan; being able to see the films fully in the proper context made a difference but I still knew what was coming.

The trio were etched into pop culture lore forever and that's all you knew. Directly or indirectly everyone got to know these legends for decades. Details and aspects of the 6 films we got to prod, digest, love, hate, etc. were mirinated in my mind since I was a kid and now.

With Finn, Rey and Poe we've only known them for a year. I love that I don't know where the story is going like I did when I was a kid. This is a new era in the galaxy and we are still learning it.
The pod race was and still is a joke and a waste of time.

Maul was the only thing in that film worth a ****, the rest is complete garbage.

I'd give anything for Disney to reboot the prequels. Please God let it happen someday.

I'd give anything to get you to shut up about it. You're so ******* annoying when it comes to the prequels. You're so negative and bitter. You're legitimately upset because George didn't make the fan film you created in your own mind. You're the reason I stopped coming into the thread. We get it, you hate them, move on.

I have to balance your pathetic undying devotion to George.

"I'm 100% in favor of the altered OG films and prequels that tried to ruin the franchise"

:lol: :lol:

Try thinking for yourself, it's liberating.

I don't pretend to be a professional movie critic or a screenplay writer like yourself. I don't take fandom too seriously. I like what I like, and don't get bothered by things I feel don't change anything in the movie.

You're what's wrong with fandom. People like you, who to **** on other fans for liking things YOU don't like because you cant fathom the fact that George created a Star Wars movie that was so different from what you created in your head, as if your ideas were infinitely better (they're not). Then you go on a never ending rant about how scorned you are, how he ruined your life and childhood blah blah blah blah blah.

You take yourself, your ideas, and fandom too seriously. Grow up, and move on.

You're just a nuisance, a pest, an old relic of fandom that grows smaller each generation as the prequel generation gets older. There will be a point in life, where the people who prefer the prequels will outnumber the people who like the originals, because that's what they grew up with, and you know what, that ok because it's ALL STAR WARS.
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Ate a brownie before heading out to watch the movie yesterday...big mistake. Will have to catch it again sometime :smh:
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Hey hey guys let's keep the peace in here :lol: we're all here for the love of Star Wars at the end of the day. We're some of the coolest posters on NT :lol:
Ate a brownie before heading out to watch the movie yesterday...big mistake. Will have to catch it again sometime :smh:
:lol: i tried watching x-men stoned and I kept on focusing on apocalypse. Dude reminded me of ivan ooze so much for some reason.
The pod race was and still is a joke and a waste of time.

Maul was the only thing in that film worth a ****, the rest is complete garbage.

I'd give anything for Disney to reboot the prequels. Please God let it happen someday.

I'd give anything to get you to shut up about it. You're so ******* annoying when it comes to the prequels. You're so negative and bitter. You're legitimately upset because George didn't make the fan film you created in your own mind. You're the reason I stopped coming into the thread. We get it, you hate them, move on.

I have to balance your pathetic undying devotion to George.

"I'm 100% in favor of the altered OG films and prequels that tried to ruin the franchise"

:lol: :lol:

Try thinking for yourself, it's liberating.

I don't pretend to be a professional movie critic or a screenplay writer like yourself. I don't take fandom too seriously. I like what I like, and don't get bothered by things I feel don't change anything in the movie.

You're what's wrong with fandom. People like you, who to **** on other fans for liking things YOU don't like because you cant fathom the fact that George created a Star Wars movie that was so different from what you created in your head, as if your ideas were infinitely better (they're not). Then you go on a never ending rant about how scorned you are, how he ruined your life and childhood blah blah blah blah blah.

You take yourself, your ideas, and fandom too seriously. Grow up, and move on.

You're just a nuisance, a pest, an old relic of fandom that grows smaller each generation as the prequel generation gets older. There will be a point in life, where the people who prefer the prequels will outnumber the people who like the originals, because that's what they grew up with, and you know what, that ok because it's ALL STAR WARS.


You think you know me or have me figured out, you’re so far off it’s ridiculous.

I have never once ever, EVERRRRRRRRRRRR said I am a movie critic, or a screenplay writer, or any of that. Never. Not once, ever. Have I screwed around and put thoughts into posts in here and seen how they look? Yes, absolutely. That is the same as writing a post about a football game I watched, don’t make me a scout or an analyst. So you already off base before you even get started.

Take fandom too seriously? Fandom is fandom. Everyone is different. We all get that. But since day one, you have managed to jump around and move the goal posts each and every time to try and help fix your complaints against me. At first it was, oh, everything is George’s, he’s the best, his way is the only way, the EU is nothing without George’s consent, he didn’t sign off, it doesn’t matter……. *I point out that George used various parts of the EU in his own stories * “Oh, well, those don’t count”. :lol:

Then it was everything was based off George, and no one else deserved any credit, just George, his movies, his way, his stories. *Ok, he said Anakin/Vader betrayed and murdered the Jedi * We had 3 films, did you see that happen? :nerd: Don’t, well, we can ASSUME off screen it happened, DID YOU SEE THAT TAKE PLACE? No, you didn’t. So again, his own story, contradicts what his own films said?

Then you said that people who hate the prequels are the silent minority. Just a few loud mouths, most people really like the prequels. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: The internet is FULL of people that bash the prequels to death. I’m not talking about one or two trolls, every film has those, hell, Empire has people that claim it’s overrated, we know those people are just tryin to be contrarians. TFA had naysayers, Rogue One even has the occasional “meh’s” from those one or two. We all understand those people are going to exsist. That is not the case with the prequels. George himself has admitted he was pissed about the backlash from the prequels. It pissed him off good. That’s not some silent minority, man.

I didn’t ask George to make my fan service films. I asked George to do what he said he was going to do. Completely tell the story that Obi Wan tells Luke in the first hour of Episode IV in 1977. He didn’t do that. He attempted too. He certainly danced around some of the topics. Christ man, they had to make a six season cartoon about the Clone Wars and tried to fill in gaps he left. I have said, REPEATEDLY that had he simply skipped all the 8 year old little boy stuff with Anakin and Boba Fett and told an actual solid story, I’d be fine. He focused on Jar Jar, and crap jokes, and pathetic dialogue that we ALL witnessed. You tryin to tell the entire world they’re wrong somehow makes ME the one with a twisted fandom? :lol:

And then you follow that up with “I have no problem with the remastered OG’s.” :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That’s your whole issue, you back every single detail for George, and I don’t. That’s your problem, not mine. This thread was built on George selling to Disney and letting some real people revive the franchise. 2 movies in, both have drawn RAVE reviews. Now look how people talk about the prequels. Pretty telling people are loving what random people are doing with Star Wars. LOVING it. And George has nothing to do with it. *then I remember you tryin to say TFA was based off the treatment by George, only they said flat out they didn’t use his treatment, and then George himself said they didn’t use his ideas * :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So if you don’t like the things in I say, in my thread, then you can either block me, or get the **** out, neither of them matter to me. I will say what I want, and I will mock your idiotic attempts to protect anything and everything George, every time. Deal with it or be gone.
Ate a brownie before heading out to watch the movie yesterday...big mistake. Will have to catch it again sometime :smh:
:lol: i tried watching x-men stoned and I kept on focusing on apocalypse. Dude reminded me of ivan ooze so much for some reason.

I :pimp: daily so I didn't really think anything of it. Usually it wears off before I get to the movie so I decided to take an edible this time :lol: :x

The action sequences were pretty mindblowing but I hardly remember anything about the plot. I actually was in and out consciousness for the first half of the movie. When the action really picked in the second half of the movie I was extremely overwhelmed. My heart was racing and I had to close my eyes for a couple minutes because I literally felt like I was on a rollercoaster during some of the flight sequences. Stomach and head were both going bonkers. I swore I was in this movie, that's how intense it felt. My girlfriend slept through the entire movie.

"I am one with the force and the force is with me" :rofl:
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The pod race was and still is a joke and a waste of time.

Maul was the only thing in that film worth a ****, the rest is complete garbage.

I'd give anything for Disney to reboot the prequels. Please God let it happen someday.

I'd give anything to get you to shut up about it. You're so ******* annoying when it comes to the prequels. You're so negative and bitter. You're legitimately upset because George didn't make the fan film you created in your own mind. You're the reason I stopped coming into the thread. We get it, you hate them, move on.

I have to balance your pathetic undying devotion to George.

"I'm 100% in favor of the altered OG films and prequels that tried to ruin the franchise"

:lol: :lol:

Try thinking for yourself, it's liberating.

I don't pretend to be a professional movie critic or a screenplay writer like yourself. I don't take fandom too seriously. I like what I like, and don't get bothered by things I feel don't change anything in the movie.

You're what's wrong with fandom. People like you, who to **** on other fans for liking things YOU don't like because you cant fathom the fact that George created a Star Wars movie that was so different from what you created in your head, as if your ideas were infinitely better (they're not). Then you go on a never ending rant about how scorned you are, how he ruined your life and childhood blah blah blah blah blah.

You take yourself, your ideas, and fandom too seriously. Grow up, and move on.

You're just a nuisance, a pest, an old relic of fandom that grows smaller each generation as the prequel generation gets older. There will be a point in life, where the people who prefer the prequels will outnumber the people who like the originals, because that's what they grew up with, and you know what, that ok because it's ALL STAR WARS.


You think you know me or have me figured out, you’re so far off it’s ridiculous.

I have never once ever, EVERRRRRRRRRRRR said I am a movie critic, or a screenplay writer, or any of that. Never. Not once, ever. Have I screwed around and put thoughts into posts in here and seen how they look? Yes, absolutely. That is the same as writing a post about a football game I watched, don’t make me a scout or an analyst. So you already off base before you even get started.

Take fandom too seriously? Fandom is fandom. Everyone is different. We all get that. But since day one, you have managed to jump around and move the goal posts each and every time to try and help fix your complaints against me. At first it was, oh, everything is George’s, he’s the best, his way is the only way, the EU is nothing without George’s consent, he didn’t sign off, it doesn’t matter……. *I point out that George used various parts of the EU in his own stories * “Oh, well, those don’t count”. :lol:

Then it was everything was based off George, and no one else deserved any credit, just George, his movies, his way, his stories. *Ok, he said Anakin/Vader betrayed and murdered the Jedi * We had 3 films, did you see that happen? :nerd: Don’t, well, we can ASSUME off screen it happened, DID YOU SEE THAT TAKE PLACE? No, you didn’t. So again, his own story, contradicts what his own films said?

Then you said that people who hate the prequels are the silent minority. Just a few loud mouths, most people really like the prequels. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: The internet is FULL of people that bash the prequels to death. I’m not talking about one or two trolls, every film has those, hell, Empire has people that claim it’s overrated, we know those people are just tryin to be contrarians. TFA had naysayers, Rogue One even has the occasional “meh’s” from those one or two. We all understand those people are going to exsist. That is not the case with the prequels. George himself has admitted he was pissed about the backlash from the prequels. It pissed him off good. That’s not some silent minority, man.

I didn’t ask George to make my fan service films. I asked George to do what he said he was going to do. Completely tell the story that Obi Wan tells Luke in the first hour of Episode IV in 1977. He didn’t do that. He attempted too. He certainly danced around some of the topics. Christ man, they had to make a six season cartoon about the Clone Wars and tried to fill in gaps he left. I have said, REPEATEDLY that had he simply skipped all the 8 year old little boy stuff with Anakin and Boba Fett and told an actual solid story, I’d be fine. He focused on Jar Jar, and crap jokes, and pathetic dialogue that we ALL witnessed. You tryin to tell the entire world they’re wrong somehow makes ME the one with a twisted fandom? :lol:

And then you follow that up with “I have no problem with the remastered OG’s.” :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That’s your whole issue, you back every single detail for George, and I don’t. That’s your problem, not mine. This thread was built on George selling to Disney and letting some real people revive the franchise. 2 movies in, both have drawn RAVE reviews. Now look how people talk about the prequels. Pretty telling people are loving what random people are doing with Star Wars. LOVING it. And George has nothing to do with it. *then I remember you tryin to say TFA was based off the treatment by George, only they said flat out they didn’t use his treatment, and then George himself said they didn’t use his ideas * :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So if you don’t like the things in I say, in my thread, then you can either block me, or get the **** out, neither of them matter to me. I will say what I want, and I will mock your idiotic attempts to protect anything and everything George, every time. Deal with it or be gone.

I didn't read any of that.

Just the fact you wrote THAT much tells me how seriously you take yourself.

Im moving on.
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Yeah, sure. Until the next time I speak ill of the prequels and you come back crying, like every other time you pull that ****. :lol:
Yeah, sure. Until the next time I speak ill of the prequels and you come back crying, like every other time you pull that ****. :lol:

Nobody takes you, or your obsessed fanboy rants seriously. The sooner you realize that, the sooner your presence in here will be seen in a more, positive light.

Yet, every time I say something about the prequels or George, you come running...... :nerd: :smile:

I don't give a flying **** about positive light, you soundin real sweet talkin like that bruh.
Rogue One was fantastic, In that last scene I'm sitting here in my head yelling at this dude to hand the disk through the door opening. "come on hand it off! Hand it off!" Freaking out that Vader is gonna reach him.

Then he hands it off and I'm sitting here like "obviously, vader didn't reach him because episode 4 happened"

to evoke that kind of suspense even when we all know the outcome, that is why we go to the movies. Loved it. Will watch again, and for that matter any other "Star Wars Stories"
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