Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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    Votes: 68 71.6%
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    Votes: 27 28.4%

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You're implying Kylo knows. I'm not. I don't think he does. I just think he's lying, period. Maybe they aren't brother and sister, maybe she's just random and he loves her (or will love her) I don't know. Maybe she's not Han's daughter, just Leia's. ( :nerd: ) There's plenty of angles, I don't just have to buy his word that she's nobody, even tho he could be telling the truth.
Nah. I can't jive with any scenario right there other than what they gave us; She's a nobody.

He lied? What purpose would that serve at this point? He wants her to join him. Saying your my sis may jusy be the extra nudge in Kylo's mind. Not to mention she confirms it. Hell she's the one that says it.

As for the love angle, I'm hoping the way it ended means there's no chance of it. He goes on to keep killing rebels, trying to kill her. I feel like Ben Solo is dead and w/e remaining light is gone or swallowed up by darkness. Rey's vision will not come to pass. No more chance of a turn even if he's still conflicted.

Leia cheating on Han or them separating and some other dude knocks her up and they still lose or abandon Rey is a moot point. Who is left to convey that? And give that reveal any meaning? That's a double twist just for the sake of it.

I really don't think this all based on Kylo's word. He merely saw a truth that he knew Rey knew to be true deep down and helped her say and accept it. Its not like Kylo showed her "fake"evidence or Snoke lied about it. This was a straight up moment of admission on the issue.
Nah. I can't jive with any scenario right there other than what they gave us; She's a nobody.

He lied? What purpose would that serve at this point. He wants her to join him. Saying your my sis may jusy be the extra nudge in Kylo's mind. Not to mention she confirms it. Hell she's the one that says it.

As for the love angle, I'm hoping the way it ended means there's no chance of it. He goes on to keep killing rebels, trying to kill her. I feel like Ben Solo is dead and w/e remaining light is gone or swallowed up by darkness. Rey's vision will not come to pass. No more chance of a turn even if he's still conflicted.

Leia cheating on Han or them separating and some other dude knocks her up and they still lose or abandon Rey is a moot point. Who is left to convey that? And give that reveal any meaning? That's a double twist just for the sake of it.

I really don't think this all based on Kylo's word. He merely saw a truth that he knew Rey knew to be true deep down and helped her say and accept it. Its not like Kylo showed her "fake"evidence or Snoke lied about it. This was a straight up moment of admission on the issue.

Han had another wife, maybe they did have a "break" and she got knocked up, and the dad took her. Maybe Leia doesn't even realize it could be her. Again, I'm not saying it's likely, I'm saying it's a possibility. Maybe she finds out in 9, and dies soon after. (they are gonna have to CGI her a lil bit anyways, and then take her away somehow)

That said, I agree with Ben staying bad, and Rey staying light. I hope there is no redeem, or turn or whatever, we had that with Vader. I hope Kylo goes down evil as hell the whole way, and Rey has to take him down.
Mark Hamill was credited as Luke Skywalker / Dobbu Scay

Anyone know what the deal with Dobbu Scay is?
It's more than just saying "I'm down". I think he was getting her emotionally ready to join him. Cutting off any connection she might have had with her lineage would be a step. The human side of her that would care would be untrustworthy in what he's trying to get done. He would tell her anything to cut her off from this part of her, but he knew what she was really struggling with.
I forget, was there a reason why Rian Johnson got this film and JJ got episode 7 and 9 instead of all three?
Originally like the OT each movie would have 3 different directors.

Trevorrow had real creative differences with Lucasfilm (KK and co.) and quit/was fired. So then they just decided to bring JJ back to finish it. Rian didn't get it cuz supposedly they already okayed his own trilogy.
I honestly don’t give a damn about who her parents are. I don’t see why they can’t be junkies.

We going to start wondering who the lil boys parents at the end are to? :lol:
No lie the ending had me scratching my head and just brushed it off. I knew who the kids were from earlier but with that ending I was like who the **** is that kid? This makes no sense. Like somehow the story of Luke Skywalker has already spread across the galaxy? Like they really tried to end the movie on a hopeful note but it did nothing for me.
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C CP1708 you gotta let the lineage theory go. Kylo didn’t even mention who Rey’s parents were until she herself said it. If Rey could see Kylo’s past then Kylo could see her’s which is why she came clean about her parents being junkers.

....unless you want to admit that Rian Johnson is a hack writer and you’re looking for JJ Abrams of all people to fix this it is what it is. Like fam Rey sonned THE Luke Skywalker, with his dad’s lightsaber :sick: :smh: Had him damn near in the fetal position for interrupting her FaceTime call with her boyfriend. ******* nonsense.
One of the few things I really disliked about the movie was broom kid and how he got the last shot of the movie.

Had me wanting to see this scene again

Han had another wife
The only other "wife" I know about Han having was established in the SW comics and that happened before the OT. There was no wedding or marriage ceremony. She was his wife as a part of a con they were running as smugglers.

Now if you're talking about something else I'm not aware.

maybe they did have a "break" and she got knocked up, and the dad took her.
So Leia has Ben, and at the latest in his teens he's sent to train under Luke. Rey is either the same age or younger than Ben. She bangs some other dude, gets pregnant, somehow young Ben doesn't even know and then the fathers takes the daughter away and somehow she ends up alone on junker sand planet?

Who will convey this unnecessarily convoluted sequence of events?

Maybe Leia doesn't even realize it could be her.

CP c'mon, Vader sensed Luke was his son off jump. Leia knows she has a daughter out there and a super force sensitive girl shows up and she's just totally unaware? Instead she just sends her to Luke as well.

Again, from a writing and storytelling this doesnt makes sense. Its almost nonsensical in execution. This isn't like when George didnt have an iron clad plan and in RotJ we learn Leia is Luke's sister. They set this Rey stuff up in TFA and in TLJ the non reveal is there and in its simplest way to get the message across. Basically do what George didn't do in the prequels.

Again, I'm not saying it's likely, I'm saying it's a possibility. Maybe she finds out in 9, and dies soon after. (they are gonna have to CGI her a lil bit anyways, and then take her away somehow)
Well sure, its possible but I thinkd they would not be able to do it well or to a satisfying degree. Hell, its possible Lando shows up and claims her but right now I'm just going with things as are.

The rest I agree with.
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Maybe the kid was shown to represent hope?
Exactly, did y'all forget when leia sent an sos but no one responded. That kid was hope for the rebels. Everyone was blinded by skywalker arc, there's also the other heroes too lol. Let the past die y'all, there's more than just the skywalkers
Speaking to EW, Johnson spoke about how he was able to answer the question of who Rey’s parents are in the way he wanted, but acknowledges that J.J. Abrams and Chris Terrio could go their own way in Episode IX:

“I can’t speak to what they’re going to do. And there’s always, in these movies, a question of ‘a certain point of view,’…But for me, in that moment, Kylo believes it’s the truth. I don’t think he’s purely playing chess. I think that’s what he saw when they touched fingers and that’s what he believes. And when he tells her that in that moment, she believes it.”
Exactly, did y'all forget when leia sent an sos but no one responded. That kid was hope for the rebels. Everyone was blinded by skywalker arc, there's also the other heroes too lol. Let the past die y'all, there's more than just the skywalkers
No one is saying Jedi are only Skywalkers it’s the fact that the kid is using the force with out training and which was supposed to be a myth in the force awakens. Seriously I can’t wait till the next trilogy with out the Skywalkers and see how much it makes compared to these. Y’all really think Skywalkers are not that important?
Just random thoughts, no particular order, spoilers (of course)...

I'm not sure how to feel about Rey's "origin." There's a part of me that is glad that she's just a nobody (which hearkens back to Anakin being born into slavery), then there's another part that's disappointed that she isn't the grand daugher of Obi-Wan and Satine (thus being the Duchess of Mandalore who could potentially unite the galaxy wielding the darksaber, playing into the whole Disney princess theme). It's always possible that even though Kylo and Rey genuinely think her parents are nobodies, she may still have royal lineage, but who knows.

Reviewing sequels are so difficult. You want to grade the movie on it's own merit, but you also are beholden to the interpretations of the characters in the past. Anyways, as a standalone film, it has it's share of good and bad.

Pacing and performances were solid. Character development for the new players in this saga was hit or miss. I thought Kylo and Poe had interesting arcs while Rey and Finn's were lacking (which is a weird reversal from my thoughts in TFA).

I did love the fact that "this" time, the plan to deactivate a component of a ship failed, but the buildup chewed up so much screen time, that rather than being a smart, bold creative move, it wound up being a waste of time. I don't agree with others that the entire sequence should be omitted, but it definitely needed to be trimmed.

All the action scenes were well shot, as well as the lone fight sequence (Reylo v. the Elite Praetorian Guard). From a technical perspective, the film was stunning to look at.

Story/script seemed all over the place and the countless "twists" didn't help. It was almost as if the screenwriter was trying to think 4-5 steps ahead of an audience member. All in all, I can see why there's such a chasm between the critics and audience members on this one.

As for Luke and Leia, honestly, it's become more and more apparent that Disney is just throwing them in this just to be a bridge for the new trilogy and not giving them much to do. Leia was in a coma for half the film and Luke was just content with fishing and drinking milk. Rey essentially went to Ahch-To to obtain the Journal of the Whills (as well as other Jedi related scripture) and to irritate the caretakers.

In the end, I really do feel for the fans who are into the novels (canon/ and now non-canon), TV shows and Episodes I-VI who are currently being letdown by this story. As a film, I was entertained while I was in the theater and didn't feel like I wasted my money. Will probably watch again on HBO or Starz, whichever one picks it up.

CP c'mon, Vader sensed Luke was his son off jump. Leia knows she has a daughter out there and a super force sensitive girl shows up and she's just totally unaware? Instead she just sends her to Luke as well.

Vader didn't sense Luke was a his son, Luke's last name was Skywalker.

Did Vader sense Leia was his daughter? :nerd: She was standing right beside him, multiple times. He didn't "sense" her, orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr she didn't have his old last name? :lol:
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