Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Movie is a month out and promotion has been relatively non existent compared to what TFA and TLJ was around this time. This is a sign that Disney is bracing for impact. I know it’s a long shot but I want this movie to fail. Like 900 mil- 1 billi flat “fail”. And it’s very possible it can happen since everyone has now opened their eyes to how awful TLJ was on multiple levels. Even it’s most ardent defenders have realized that they were playing themselves. The law of diminishing returns would be enough for Iger to boot that air head Kennedy from her position and put Star Wars on the shelf for at least another decade. I feel horrible for George Lucas. Watching his child die like this :smh:
Dude shut up you sound like a scorned lover.

Yeah I’m real sure the guy who made the deals to buy Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars, and Fox, and has made Disney record profits is going to get the boot.

Let’s not forget you think the Speed Racer movie is a gem. That’s all that need to be said about you.
Umm Lame said Iger would boot Kennedy not Iger getting the boot. It wouldn’t happen either way. I’m pretty sure Iger is ready to ride off in to the sunset anyway.
:rofl: :rofl:

So I knew this was fake when I read this rumor came from the guy that spread the rumor that Disney has lost faith in Brie Larson, the lead of one of the MCU's billion dollar franchises (one of 3 solo movie billion dollar franchises). As if that makes any common sense let alone business sense.

Cosmicbook news seems to be down to post any trash rumor for clicks :lol:

Now the rumor itself is a bit baffling. First off screen testings a month away from release date? 3 versions made to rectify the low scores of the first two versions? George Lucas brought in to do the third and thats the most successful one? A secret Skywalker?

Man some George Lucas fanboy is clearly behind this.

The best part about this rumor is Rian Johnson being fired and wont be doing his bull **** SW trilogy. Hope that's true.
That site seems like some kinda weird right wing bro , fake news comic book mashup.
Umm Lame said Iger would boot Kennedy not Iger getting the boot. It wouldn’t happen either way. I’m pretty sure Iger is ready to ride off in to the sunset anyway.
Yeah Iger is the one that's been trying to retire for the past 5 years now or something.

He kept deciding to stay on to see certain things through; Star Wars movies rollout, Fox acquisition, Disney+ launch, etc.
Movie is a month out and promotion has been relatively non existent compared to what TFA and TLJ was around this time. This is a sign that Disney is bracing for impact. I know it’s a long shot but I want this movie to fail. Like 900 mil- 1 billi flat “fail”. And it’s very possible it can happen since everyone has now opened their eyes to how awful TLJ was on multiple levels. Even it’s most ardent defenders have realized that they were playing themselves. The law of diminishing returns would be enough for Iger to boot that air head Kennedy from her position and put Star Wars on the shelf for at least another decade. I feel horrible for George Lucas. Watching his child die like this :smh:

Disney has released 4 film's since Lucas did the prequel trilogy.

Am I wrong, or have those film's outgained the prequel trilogy? By a fair margin no less?

Am I incorrect here?
Yep, I just checked.

Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and Rogue One all, ALL made more both Domestically, AND Worldwide made more than any of the prequels.

Only Solo didn't.

So to say George Lucas is "watching his child die" is so overdramatic. His franchise has never been healthier.

And if IX "fails" at only a billion, it'll only add to Disney's stronghold. Despite Lame's objections.

Next you're going to say "box office numbers don't matter"....... :lol: yeah, they actually do.

And if this makes 1.5 or so........ man, you're going to be so heated.
Dude shut up you sound like a scorned lover.

Yeah I’m real sure the guy who made the deals to buy Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars, and Fox, and has made Disney record profits is going to get the boot.

Let’s not forget you think the Speed Racer movie is a gem. That’s all that need to be said about you.

And you just proved that you have the reading comprehension of a carrot stick. You’re dismissed.

Disney has released 4 film's since Lucas did the prequel trilogy.

Am I wrong, or have those film's outgained the prequel trilogy? By a fair margin no less?

Am I incorrect here?

And do you think the perception of Star Wars is the same today as it was in the early-mid 00’s? When you couldn’t go anywhere without hearing about or seeing double bladed lightsabers or clone wars merchandising? Go outside Niketalk, say Jedi council forums or r/box office and you’ll see that RotS ticket sales at this point and time are significantly less than what TLJ was at the same time before release. But we both know you knew that...
And you just proved that you have the reading comprehension of a carrot stick. You’re dismissed.

And do you think the perception of Star Wars is the same today as it was in the early-mid 00’s? When you couldn’t go anywhere without hearing or seeing double bladed lightsabers or clone wars merchandising? Go outside Niketalk, say Jedi council forums or r/box office and you’ll see that RotS ticket sales at this point and time are significantly less than what TLJ was at the same time before release. But we both know you knew that...

Lame, sir, you think that I believe fans were "happy" during the prequels? :lol:

You serious? :lol: You know I know better, right? We were furious during that trilogy. FURIOUS. George Lucas hated us.

Fans were happy after TFA.
They were THRILLED after Rogue One.
They were mixed after TLJ
They were indifferent about Solo.

Now we have IX and The Mandalorian before we see what's next.

Ep III closed strong, IX could as well. :nerd:
Lame, sir, you think that I believe fans were "happy" during the prequels? :lol:

You serious? :lol: You know I know better, right? We were furious during that trilogy. FURIOUS. George Lucas hated us.

Fans were happy after TFA.
They were THRILLED after Rogue One.
They were mixed after TLJ
They were indifferent about Solo.

Now we have IX and The Mandalorian before we see what's next.

Ep III closed strong, IX could as well. :nerd:

By your logic making good films and making Star Wars fans happy are mutually exclusive and I’m saying they aren’t. People that aren’t happy with prequels are those who went years reading the EU and finally got a continuation that wasn’t what they expected. Ironically, you claim my gripe with the ST is because I didn’t get what I expected :lol: say what you want about the prequel trilogy but I was there too and it was no where near as divisive as this ST was. Phantom Menace did a billi in the 90’s and had movie theater lines wrapped for miles at the middle of the night. Attack of the Clones controlled any and all childhoods at the time of release from merchandising to animated television and Revenge of the Sith gave you an official look at how the greatest villain of all time came to be and everyone was content at how it happened. The ST has been criticized in every form and fashion from the first being completely un original to the second being touted as the film that ruined Star Wars. Your poll in this thread is completely evident of how much disdain for The Last Jedi there was that you couldn’t face it or wanted to make light of it, little bit of both? Bottom line is you know what’s up

Uhhhhhhhhhhhh ? Huh?

Yep, TLJ had more presell tickets at this juncture before its release than Rise of Skywalker has comparably. Since you’re focusing on the box office I hope you’re aware that TLJ made 700 mil LESS than TFA making it the biggest sequel to sequel loser in terms of earnings ever, right? Here’s some toilet material for you

And Rise of Skywalker is trending to make less than TLJ as it stands :nthat:
By your logic making good films and making Star Wars fans happy are mutually exclusive and I’m saying they aren’t. People that aren’t happy with prequels are those who went years reading the EU and finally got a continuation that wasn’t what they expected. Ironically, you claim my gripe with the ST is because I didn’t get what I expected :lol: say what you want about the prequel trilogy but I was there too and it was no where near as divisive as this ST was. Phantom Menace did a billi in the 90’s and had movie theater lines wrapped for miles at the middle of the night. Attack of the Clones controlled any all childhoods at the time of release from merchandising to animated television and Revenge of the Sith gave you an official look at how the greatest villain of all time came to be and everyone was content at how it happened. The ST has been criticized in every form and fashion from the first being completely un original to the second being touted as the film that ruined Star Wars. Your poll in this thread is completely evident of how much disdain for The Last Jedi there was that you couldn’t face it or wanted to make light of it, little bit of both? Bottom line is you know what’s up

Yep, TLJ had more presell tickets at this juncture before its release than RotS has comparably. Since you’re focusing on the box office I hope you’re aware that TLJ made 700 mil LESS than TFA making it the biggest sequel to sequel loser in terms of earnings ever, right? Here’s some toilet material for you

And Rise of Skywalker is trending to make less than TLJ as it stands :nthat:

........What does the EU have to do with the prequel trilogy? :lol:

The original EU, the start of it, the origins of it, was the continuation of Luke/Han/Leia post RotJ. It had NOTHING to do with the prequels, or that era. Nothing.
LATER, it added some filler to the prequels, after they were done.
What you're suggesting is dead wrong.

And TLJ dropping off TFA is because TFA was thee biggest film in history Domestically, and 2nd all time. OF COURSE it was going to drop off.

And that drop off, STILL, more than any prequel, or OG film. :lol: :lol: c'mon man.
And Rise of Skywalker is trending to make less than TLJ as it stands


More Lame false information, but do your thing fam.
PT came out @ a different time. No internet social media for fans to form mobs and troll and hate or all create more hype to something.

Can't really compare. I just know during that trilogy I was not aware of much fan backlash to those movies. It was only after it was done in 2005 I noticed everybody saying it was trash :lol:

The only way IX is seen as a failure in this box office climate is if it only makes 800+ total.

Also I feel the real reason SW is going on a break after this is cuz they've reassessed @ Lucasfilm and everybody they gave trilogies have been fired (Rian, D&D). So they kinda have to hire more talent to actually develop movies before announcing more movies. At the time it was nothing but praise and hype when they were given movies and rightfully so. Nobody could predict GoT would end so poorly and Rian would massively **** the bed.
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More Lame false information, but do your thing fam.

:rofl: @ Fandango being the only place to get presell tickets. Tell me, how current is that article to where we didn’t get a link but a snapshot instead? Pretty sure I mentioned that at this exact moment RoS is lagging behind TLJ in presell tix as well but the thread knows when I have you on your toes like this I’m on to something :nthat:
:rofl: @ Fandango being the only place to get presell tickets. Tell me, how current is that article to where we didn’t get a link but a snapshot instead? Pretty sure I mentioned that at this exact moment RoS is lagging behind TLJ in presell tix as well but the thread knows when I have you on your toes like this I’m on to something :nthat:

You're ON somethin alright, not onto something. :lol:

It's 2 weeks old.

Atom has it at #2 all time, behind Avengers Endgame.

So yeah, it's doin just fine. Hell, I haven't even bought mine yet, but you know it's comin. :lol:
PT came out @ a different time. No internet social media for fans to form mobs and troll and hate or all create more hype to something.

Can't really compare. I jist know during that trilogy I was not aware if much fan backlash to those movies. It was only after it was done in 2005 I noticed everybody saying it was trash :lol:

The only way IX is seen as a failure in this box office climate is if it only makes 800+ total.

Also I feel the real reason SW is going on a brrak after this is cuz they've reassessed @ Lucasfilm and everybody they gave trilogies have been fired (Rian, D&D). So they kinda have to hire more talent to actually develop movies before announcing movies. At the time it was nothing but praise and hype when they were given movies and rightfully so. Nobody could predict GoT would end so poorly and Rian would massively **** the bed.

Which is how you know CP is just an EU snob who led the hate brigade on the prequels. I remember there being disdain for Jake Lloyd being young Anakin and gripes here and there about Hayden’s acting in the following 2 films but there was never any real vitriol toward the prequels. Even today there’s hate on the prequels but no one has put it on the same level of awful as TLJ
Which is how you know CP is just an EU snob who led the hate brigade on the prequels. I remember there being disdain for Jake Lloyd being young Anakin and gripes here and there about Hayden’s acting in the following 2 films but there was never any real vitriol toward the prequels. Even today there’s hate on the prequels but no one has put it on the same level of awful as TLJ

Lame, get it thru your thick *** skull, the EU has nothing to do with the prequels. :lol:

There's a ******* movie made on hating Lucas and the prequels, it wasn't made by book readers. :lol:
if they don’t give me a something as to Reys parentage or literally any twist at this point...

i have the prequels > the recent trilogy
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