State your name and 3 REAL facts about yourself.

Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY


1. tease
2. i volunteer and i love littl kids
3. i'm an alcoholic on the low
What's your drink Jessica?

and i love all drinks what the hell lol
Jay Be
  1. Most stubborn person you will meet
  2. I'm a bartender.
  3. I'm In love with Myself and wouldn't change for anybody/ anything.
Brey the Gemini

I understand Spanish much better than I talk it
Im addicted to fresh
Im the best lyricist in the city
The names Boris 1. Im the reincarnation of Chris Farley 2. I smell like deteriorated cabbages 3. Im a prodigy in Eastern-Polish folk dance

im only 20 n have grays
theres only like 4 ive seen..but still..stress ftl

crazy charming

i cant sleep without the fan on..all year long..
i'm josh

1. been smoking since i was 13
2. i wanna drop out of high school, even tho i'm bout to graduate
3. music is life

1. Aspiring medical doctor (forensic pathologist)

2. Girls love me but I am super non-aggressive and I blow at closing deals.

3. I'm a bit of a narcissist and will be alone for the rest of my life for that reason.
.....oh well I'm getting used to it

-ATL is my favorite movie I watch it 3 to 4 times a week
-I'm ambidextrous
-I'm half woman half amazing but I don't utilize my potential
Originally Posted by CB94

Genius... I'll do the etymology for you
eitherim jus not that smart or youre jus that much more smarter than me but it dont matter i dont know what that means either. its been a long day im out
I'm Antoine aka Antwizit, A-1, Ant, Twoine and so on

1. I practically get paid to listen to my iphone, and browse the Internet all damn day (government jobs FTW)
2. I'm the go to guy for everyone i know (you need someone to hook up your high speed internet? need someone to fix your computer? need directions towhere? just need to talk? I'm a jack of all trades forreal)
3. I'm a movie/music/sports freak. I couldn't function without any one of them.

1.) if Mexico had better paying jobs, I'd live there

2.) i care a lot bout my friends and family, and i dont think many people know how much i really DO care bout them

3.) i hate school with a passion esp. math and i would rather be working...only reason im in college is to make my parents proud
Originally Posted by Pmighty

Originally Posted by CB94

Genius... I'll do the etymology for you
either im jus not that smart or youre jus that much more smarter than me but it dont matter i dont know what that means either. its been a long day im out

word origins/meanings/breakin it down

Name is Samantha

-I want to move. waiting to hear back from prospective landlord
-wedding is in less than a month, I'm getting nervous. I hate being around a lot of people. But I'm looking forward to the vacation.
-I'm unhappy with my job but with the economy the way it is I'm stuck. feels like I'm wasting my degree.
1. i'm sarcastic
2. i've recently been called arrogant which is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard
3. i'm going to VA tomorrow, and can't wait to get outta this snow!

POST 1000. woot!

1. i'm wasting my degree
2. addicted to the history channel
3. i hate the month of february

I live in CA but have a NY state of mind
I currently have NO social life due to me- A. Finally finishing my last semester before my transfer to a state school in the fall (17 units, an associatesdegree and it's finally a WRAP at city.) B. Helping out my family business while still somehow managing to make my own money on the side. C. Working outlike a mad man. I get home everyday pass out around 1030 and wake up everyday at 7 to get on the grind again. It's kinda nice though...(well, outside ofnot being able to really talk to the women in my life i would like to and not being able to see my other family (the boys) as much as I would like to.)
I pray for this recession to be over everyday. I don't mind not working for nothing, but I would feel more accomplished if the work I did helped bring inmore capital. (Damn recession)

-I've been sober for 3 months, but hopefully that'll change this weekend
-I have 91 gigs of porn on my external hard drive
-I'm a Sacramento Kings fan
My dudes call me GOOCHI

1. I grew up in Africa
2. One of the few people in my school that aint scared of non white folks
3. I dont have my license or permit and Im 17 smh

-I've been sober for 3 months, but hopefully that'll change this weekend
-I have 91 gigs of porn on my external hard drive
-I'm a Sacramento Kings fan
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