State your name and 3 REAL facts about yourself.

I'm Steve Densmore

1. I'm a professional freelance photographer
2. I play basketball almost everyday
3. I can't seem to find a decent woman for the life of me
Originally Posted by dunks87

1. i'm sarcastic
2. i've recently been called arrogant which is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard
3. i'm going to VA tomorrow, and can't wait to get outta this snow!
moms too?
Better than you.

1. Recently became very addicted to golf.
2. Dry sense of humour and find offensive, inappropriate +#!$ hilarious.
3. Crazily motivated in both school and growing my spring/summer businesses.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey


1. Aspiring medical doctor (forensic pathologist)

2. Girls love me but I am super non-aggressive and I blow at closing deals.

3. I'm a bit of a narcissist and will be alone for the rest of my life for that reason.
.....oh well I'm getting used to it
1. Once an avid Basketball player on the come up again.

2. I have a research essay due in 3 hours on a topic I know nothing about. Started? Pftt..HAHAHA

3. Women distract me wayyyyyy too easily.
Mike F

1. Need a new whip by summer (BMW 645ci) used
2. Want to adopt a chinchilla and a cat soon
3. Want to date asian chicks
Name: ago225 but i meant to be AGO225

1. I was born when the VIII dropped.

2. I'm an only child.

3. I lay the kind of pipe that'll put the plumber out of business if you catch my drift.
Anthony AKA Neff (last name)

1. I don't drink
2. I don't smoke
3. I stopped eating fast food exactly a month ago
They call me Nieve.

1. I think out loud, it gets me into a lot of trouble.
2. I will do anything to see my mom happy.
3. I hate school.
Originally Posted by Pmighty

Originally Posted by CB94

Genius... I'll do the etymology for you
either im jus not that smart or youre jus that much more smarter than me but it dont matter i dont know what that means either. its been a long day im out
You might not be dumb, but I'm clearly more smarter than you'll ever be
Hello. My name is: Met. Kid

1) Music is therapy for me
2) honestly don't recall hanging with a friend that hasn't said "your hilarious" (call me conceded but i love being known for being funny)
3) I like to help out, just because i would like somebody to be there for me when $#%^ hits the fan.
freshone12 a.k.a. freshone12 b.k.a. marcuz Tizzle

1. im 6foot6
2. In my neck of the woods im that !#+%
3. I preserve my sexy!
Name: Hamp
1) Bout to graduate from University of Cincinnati in June
2) Im the coolest dude on earth always keep it 100
3) Im in love with hood chicks lol..
-I've haven't smoked in 2 weeks
-I'm a nerd....slightly emo
-I love asian women

1) I'm a die-hard Warriors, 49ers, and Cal Bears fan.
2) I major in mechanical engineering, but truthfully I don't know what I wanna do yet.
3) I'm too shy (scratch that....not confident enough) with strangers/people I don't know so it's real hard for me to meet people unless they takethe initiative.

My Moms thinks I'm Handsome

Females Hold me for Ransom
More Bread than you can fathom
My name is Jasmyne.
Some call me Jas. I don't know where that came from because honestly, I prefer to be called "Jasmyne".

1. I'm really an Aquarius.
2. I really am an American.
3. I really am in High School.
Christian, but everybody pretty much calls me Waterman (my last name)

-I can't wait to **** high school in june
-I'm broke as %*#$ right now


1. I got that black boy, white boy schwag
2. I holla at %%@+ at the green light.
3. I pull them %%@+ at the red light.

1. I don't smoke in fact I never smoked anything in my life.
2. I never cheated on a girlfriend.
3. I need a job (East Bay area) If you or anybody you know is hiring let me know!
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