Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Just tried this arm workout that was posted the other day:

I thought the biceps portion was excellent, but it took like 5 minutes which made it feel useless. I'm really not sure if I'll feel it at all tomorrow. The triceps were a little lacking so I added another set of dips and a set of heavy skullcrushers... this is probably because I didn't go heavy enough on the triceps pushdowns or kneeling triceps extensions.
first off thanks for all the info in this thread reached my goal and am at 170-171 at 5'9 gonnna copt white flood next week this wont make me gain weight correct?.... Do I just drink it before and follow my work out with protein shake?
Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Just tried this arm workout that was posted the other day:

I thought the biceps portion was excellent, but it took like 5 minutes which made it feel useless. I'm really not sure if I'll feel it at all tomorrow. The triceps were a little lacking so I added another set of dips and a set of heavy skullcrushers... this is probably because I didn't go heavy enough on the triceps pushdowns or kneeling triceps extensions.
I tried this same routine yesterday and I feel the same exact way. I didn't feel like I was pushing my muscles hard enough at all, since the routine is so short.

But today, I'm definitely feeling the work I put in on my biceps, but not my triceps.

I think next week, I'm going to do each exercise for 2 sets instead of 1.
Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

I know white flood seems to be the popular N.O. product in this thread, but has anyone ever tried Jack3d? Saw a review on and's worth a anyone?

love it. however, i have not used any other NO products. i picked jack3d based on reviews, and its done everything it claims to do.
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Yea, I have been fast food free for quite some time now, except when I bought subway a while back. I do not drink a lot, so there isn't really a problem there, except for last weekend when I did drink.

What is your current routine like and how much do you weigh?

My current routine is rather haphazard.
tues - some legs + abs
wed - chest + bi
thurs - some legs + abs
fri - shoulders
sat - some legs + abs
sun - cardio or off

I'm 6'0 and 161 lbs..
I'm going to post a progress pic soon
My WOD yestday: 30 second intervals, 10 second rest for max reps.

jump rope
one-legged push-ups
kettleball swings
russian twists

5 sprints on the treadmill on speed 11 and incline 6

Three rounds and I wanted to vomit.
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Just tried this arm workout that was posted the other day:

I thought the biceps portion was excellent, but it took like 5 minutes which made it feel useless. I'm really not sure if I'll feel it at all tomorrow. The triceps were a little lacking so I added another set of dips and a set of heavy skullcrushers... this is probably because I didn't go heavy enough on the triceps pushdowns or kneeling triceps extensions.
I tried this same routine yesterday and I feel the same exact way. I didn't feel like I was pushing my muscles hard enough at all, since the routine is so short.

But today, I'm definitely feeling the work I put in on my biceps, but not my triceps.

I think next week, I'm going to do each exercise for 2 sets instead of 1.
Yeah... my biceps were HURTING. I actually really liked the kneeling triceps extensions, I'm just not a fan of triceps pushdowns. Actually, if you read the article... it becomes pretty clear this guy is obsessed with biceps. I guess we'll see how I feel tomorrow, but in principle I favor triceps over biceps... especially since I'm trying to grow my arms and not sculpt them.
Originally Posted by Durden7

When did this become the supplement thread? 
Hey guys, I'm 5'3 124 pounds and I think I've reached my genetic potential. I think its time for me to do a cycle. Right now I'm only taking glutamine, creatine, protein, NO Explode, white flood, Animal Pak and BCAAs. They keep me pumped during my intense tricep workouts!

Come on browskis...healthy eating + consistency in the gym > Supplements.
ya a lil too much supplement talk

but whatever i wont lie i bought protein when i 1st started going to the gym too


and at a ridiculous price
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by Durden7

When did this become the supplement thread? 
Hey guys, I'm 5'3 124 pounds and I think I've reached my genetic potential. I think its time for me to do a cycle. Right now I'm only taking glutamine, creatine, protein, NO Explode, white flood, Animal Pak and BCAAs. They keep me pumped during my intense tricep workouts!

Come on browskis...healthy eating + consistency in the gym > Supplements.
I was going to say you don't have to be a %+$* about it but I 100% agree.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by Durden7

When did this become the supplement thread? 
Hey guys, I'm 5'3 124 pounds and I think I've reached my genetic potential. I think its time for me to do a cycle. Right now I'm only taking glutamine, creatine, protein, NO Explode, white flood, Animal Pak and BCAAs. They keep me pumped during my intense tricep workouts!

Come on browskis...healthy eating + consistency in the gym > Supplements.
was that directed at me
what about healthy eating, consistency and supps in equal market shares
Funny story

today was laundry day for me...I still live at home so my laundry is done with my family's...well I fathered my stuff like I usually clothes and my gym clothes...well I get to the gym...and I take outy stuff...and I see thaty short appears abnormally small...I begin to suspect that it shrunk a little bit...but was worse than that...I pick it up and examine it...and I notice the tag isn't the normal games's some flowery crap...I begin to panic...because the short I had with me...was in fct my SISTERS!...I have no idea what I'm pong o do...I contemplate all kinds of things... Wonder is I should go douchey shirtless...but no...I decided yo squeeze into it...I looked akward and stupid...the shirt was mega tiny and obnoxiously tight...way to revealing...but I got through it...
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

The hell? Why didn't you just run home and get one of your shirts?

Also, I always thought that everyone wore tennis/running/bball shoes to the gym, but last night, for the first time in my life, I saw someone wearing sandals at the gym
Not even Adidas or JB type, the dude was wearing Abercrombie style.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by Durden7

When did this become the supplement thread? 
Hey guys, I'm 5'3 124 pounds and I think I've reached my genetic potential. I think its time for me to do a cycle. Right now I'm only taking glutamine, creatine, protein, NO Explode, white flood, Animal Pak and BCAAs. They keep me pumped during my intense tricep workouts!

Come on browskis...healthy eating + consistency in the gym > Supplements.
was that directed at me
what about healthy eating, consistency and supps in equal market shares
If you eat properly supplements are 100% unnecessary.
What other muscle group do you guys normally work out with shoulders. I'm attempting to streamline my routine so I combining 2 muscle groups for 2 of the days.

Day 1 = Chest
Day 2 = Back + BI
Day 3 = Legs
Day 4 = Shoulders + Tri's?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by Durden7

When did this become the supplement thread? 
Hey guys, I'm 5'3 124 pounds and I think I've reached my genetic potential. I think its time for me to do a cycle. Right now I'm only taking glutamine, creatine, protein, NO Explode, white flood, Animal Pak and BCAAs. They keep me pumped during my intense tricep workouts!

Come on browskis...healthy eating + consistency in the gym > Supplements.
was that directed at me
what about healthy eating, consistency and supps in equal market shares
No it wasn't...just a vent directed at no one in particular.

People just got to realize that these supplement companies are businesses looking to make profit. Thus, they'll market these supplements as if you NEED them to improve your bodies. You do not need them at all. I'm sure all of us know dudes that are cut/and or muscular without ever using a supplement in their lives. Sure they may have good genetics but its also a combination of hard work, consistency and relatively good food. I was talking to some dude at the gym 2 weeks ago who was telling me that he used to spend $400/month on supplements until he realized he was wasting his money
To my story-I go to my campus gym, 13 miles from home and I have class right after I'm done.

To the anti-supp sentents- it's just kind of hard to deny the effectiveness of some supps. Granted 400 dollars is overkill and the kind of person spending that much must not have an awareness of which supps are those that are effective.
Say someone has BAD genetics and this person struggles to make the kind of gains that someone with good genetics makes. Equal effort in the gym, equal diet, equal lifestyle...but the guy with bad genetics can't seem to catch up to the guy with good genetics. Would it not be right to consider supps as a way to close the gap? Supps are not inherently useless/bad/wasteful...they serve some purpose and only some of them succeed in paying off.

Plus you have to realize that some of the guys that start these companies have a sincere passion for the fit lifestyle. They WANT to help others and not just make money. Some companies sell products at a loss because they want to provide people with solid products that do, in fact, help. It's not all money grubbing ppl. If your smart about how to spen you money and knowledgeable about which products do work, I don't find that one should be faulted for going forward with purchasing supps. Sometimes supps are more efficient than food anyway, at least I find.

Anyway, it's spring break guys. How's the progress?
You know I just noticed that there was alot of talk about supplements.
I'm never one to talk about supplements because the only thing I take is Optimum Nutrition Natural Whey but thats only as a precautionary measure to make sure i'm having enough protein in my daily diet. Some days I don't eat any meat so thats why.

I think what supplements do now is give the user a placebo effect for the most part. I mean if it makes you "think" your getting gains or getting some energy then naysayers are not going to deter you from taking it, so keep taking it as long as you feel good taking it. I can agree that all that cutting supplements and nitric oxide talk is b.s. BUT that is from my standpoint. If your seeing gains then do you.

Everyone in this thread at some point or another is gonna tell you "eating right > supplements" even those who use multiple supplements so whats the sense...its been a basic staple of this thread so people should already know what to do. People should just keep the supplement talk to a minimum as well as what foods to eat and talk more about excercises and techniques.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by Durden7

When did this become the supplement thread? 
Hey guys, I'm 5'3 124 pounds and I think I've reached my genetic potential. I think its time for me to do a cycle. Right now I'm only taking glutamine, creatine, protein, NO Explode, white flood, Animal Pak and BCAAs. They keep me pumped during my intense tricep workouts!

Come on browskis...healthy eating + consistency in the gym > Supplements.
was that directed at me
what about healthy eating, consistency and supps in equal market shares
If you eat properly supplements are 100% unnecessary.

That can be true for some, but some people just like supplements.  Can I train without creatine?  Sure.  Do I notice a difference when I'm off it? Absolutely.  Same for preworkout supplements.  I don't use them year round, but I do find I have consistently better workouts when I'm on them.  Just a matter of preference.  There are too many supplements and supp. companies, but I don't think there's anything wrong with taking them if you like the results.
Plus you have to realize that some of the guys that start thesecompanies have a sincere passion for the fit lifestyle. They WANT tohelp others and not just make money. Some companies sell products at aloss because they want to provide people with solid products that do,in fact, help. It's not all money grubbing ppl. If your smart about howto spen you money and knowledgable about which products do work, Idon't find that one should be faulted for going forward with purchasingsupps. Sometimes supps are more efficient than food anyway, at least Ifind.
Really? Which companies are selling at a loss? Interested in reading about this.

I think that for the most part, supplements do have a major placebo effect on people. Sure, many of them do work but people do not really need them. Some people think that if they dont drink protein shakes, they wont gain muscle. Then when they start drinking protein shakes they think that they are getting stronger and bigger because of the supplement

Some skinny dudes think that they need a weight gainer supplement to gain weight. They dont realize that if they aren't gaining weight, they aren't eating enough.

Some dudes who have little energy while working out think they need a preworkout supplement. Low energy probably means that you didnt eat properly/enough, or that you didnt get enough sleep or you're simply tired that day. You dont need a supplement that is just basically full of caffeine...just drink coffee if you feel tired.
To the anti-supp sentents- it's just kind of hard to deny theeffectiveness of some supps. Granted 400 dollars is overkill and thekind of person spending that much must not have an awareness of whichsupps are those that are effective.
Say someone has BAD genetics and this person struggles to make the kindof gains that someone with good genetics makes. Equal effort in thegym, equal diet, equal lifestyle...but the guy with bad genetics can'tseem to catch up to the guy with good genetics. Would it not be rightto consider supps as a way to close the gap? Supps are not inherentlyuseless/bad/wasteful...they serve some purpose and only some of themsucceed in paying off.

Plus you have to realize that some of the guys that start thesecompanies have a sincere passion for the fit lifestyle. They WANT tohelp others and not just make money. Some companies sell products at aloss because they want to provide people with solid products that do,in fact, help. It's not all money grubbing ppl. If your smart about howto spen you money and knowledgeable about which products do work, Idon't find that one should be faulted for going forward with purchasingsupps. Sometimes supps are more efficient than food anyway, at least Ifind.
Its not hard to argue that the same effect can be achieved without the supplement as well.

How do you know you have bad genetics?  A person will convince themselves they have bad genetics if they dont see the exact results they want.  Often times their goals are unattainable or take more time so they justify to themselves that they were cursed with bad genetics.

Also, why does someone need to close the "gap".  Why is it a competition?  Ive mentioned this in the other thread, but its not a race or bout.  There shouldnt be a need to close some gap between those with good genetics and those with "bad" genetics.  (Most supplements wont even change the "bad" genetics because theyre all muscle attachment location, length of limbs, etc.)

If someone did start a company because they wanted to help people, that company is no longer having that as their mission.  Its a business, and theyre going to do anything they have to in order to have a bigger market share.  Look at the brands people purchase from.  Theyre all big name, common brands.  They arent in the business to "help" people.  In fact, ive never seen or heard of an example that would show me that the company is anything but a standard business.

Supplements may seem more "efficient" than food, but theyre not.  Nothing will ever replace food.  It might seem efficient because its "only" that product but the body wasnt made to take in items in that manner.

That can be true for some, but some people just like supplements. Can I train without creatine?  Sure.  Do I notice a difference when I'moff it? Absolutely.  Same for preworkout supplements.  I don't use themyear round, but I do find I have consistently better workouts when I'mon them.  Just a matter of preference.  There are too many supplementsand supp. companies, but I don't think there's anything wrong withtaking them if you like the results.

I cant argue with the creatine line.  Its the only supplement that can make a good case against what im saying.  Mentally you might think that preworkout supplements make a difference.  It really is a placebo effect.  Theres so many other variables that come into play that would affect how you feel when youre not taking/taking something.  If you enjoy taking them and purchasing them, then thats fine.  It might not seem like there too many supplement companies, but the fact that anyone can have a supplement on the market in a few days is very concerning.  Theres basically no regulation on any of the products.

Im not going to say someone in evil because they take them.  What I have an issue with is people suggesting and giving advice on what supplements to take.  Its not right.

Just opened my ON Casein Protein, and its looking very skimpy... like someone used it and returned it, and I then received it; compared to the ON Whey..

The ON Whey's tub is almost filled to the top, and the ON Casein isn't even nearly filled, wish I had a scale to measure it..
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