Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Just opened my ON Casein Protein, and its looking very skimpy... like someone used it and returned it, and I then received it; compared to the ON Whey..

The ON Whey's tub is almost filled to the top, and the ON Casein isn't even nearly filled, wish I had a scale to measure it..
When I had ON Whey it was never at the top maybe you just got lucky
If anyone is NYC tomorrow head over to the Runners Expo on 19th St between 6th and 7th Ave (I forget the number to the building but you can't miss it.)
It's free admittance.

Muscle Milk is offering anyone who can do 70 pushups in a minute (or 100 pushups non stop no limit), two boxes of Muscle Milk for free!!!
I stacked the top shelf of my refrigerator with it earlier today and I'm heading over there tomorrow for more.
Can't go wrong with this. I have protein shakes to last me the month

I'm not saying I have bad genetics. I merely used that as an instance in which supps may be beneficial. It is (I'm pretty sure) harder for some to get in, and maintain, shape. I think you would agree with that...

I hate when this topic comes up, it's the same responses every time...but ok. Food and supps exist, not separately, but together. No one is advocating a kind of lifestyle that subscribes to the belief that supps are perfect and relegate food as mere supplement. I am insinuating that if one's knowledge of food is adequate and if one's knowledge of supps is excellent, one can get very good gains. One can survive on food (necessarily true), but one cannot, ostensibly, survive on supps alone (though they are sufficient in promoting good health).

Cmon Durden ,SEE THE LIGHT lol take some beta-alanine, do it. DO IT.

Oh, also...why can you not imagine that a group of people wouldn't want to help people? I can tell you that I want to help people and not necessarily for the pay (how and why is a topic that will assuredly require more than a few sentences to explain). These are people that enjoy bodybuilding and enjoy immersing themselves in the science of physiology. I would think this is pretty easy to imagine. You can't place a stigma on all business that crop up. Most people buy from the big brands, but there are people that buy from smaller, more unknown brands (like myself). A proper knowledge of what is cheapest, most effective is not so common, which is why people gravitate towards bigger names.

On a more metaphysical tangent, I wouldn't be so confident in saying that NOTHING will replace food as we know it. I have a feeling there is a real possibility that we won't be eating chicken breasts and anabolic oatmeal in the far, but not too far, future.

Let's just let this die (you won't let me have the last word though huh lol).

What's spring break looking like for you guys? Train hard, write hard is my goal.
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

I'm not saying I have bad genetics. I merely used that as an instance in which supps may be beneficial. It is (I'm pretty sure) harder for some to get in, and maintain, shape. I think you would agree with that...

I hate when this topic comes up, it's the same responses every time...but ok. Food and supps exist, not separately, but together. No one is advocating a kind of lifestyle that subscribes to the belief that supps are perfect and relegate food as mere supplement. I am insinuating that if one's knowledge of food is adequate and if one's knowledge of supps is excellent, one can get very good gains. One can survive on food (necessarily true), but one cannot, ostensibly, survive on supps alone (though they are sufficient in promoting good health).

Cmon Durden ,SEE THE LIGHT lol take some beta-alanine, do it. DO IT.

Oh, also...why can you not imagine that a group of people wouldn't want to help people? I can tell you that I want to help people and not necessarily for the pay (how and why is a topic that will assuredly require more than a few sentences to explain). These are people that enjoy bodybuilding and enjoy immersing themselves in the science of physiology. I would think this is pretty easy to imagine. You can't place a stigma on all business that crop up. Most people buy from the big brands, but there are people that buy from smaller, more unknown brands (like myself). A proper knowledge of what is cheapest, most effective is not so common, which is why people gravitate towards bigger names.

On a more metaphysical tangent, I wouldn't be so confident in saying that NOTHING will replace food as we know it. I have a feeling there is a real possibility that we won't be eating chicken breasts and anabolic oatmeal in the far, but not too far, future.

Let's just let this die (you won't let me have the last word though huh lol).

What's spring break looking like for you guys? Train hard, write hard is my goal.

Food and supplements dont exist together though.  Theyre supplements because theyre suppose to aid a person in something they might be lacking in.  A protein powder is designed to give someone more protein in their diet if they aren't able to consume enough. (small women, bad vegetarians, etc.)  It wasnt designed for the 160 lb. male who eats a chicken breast every day to take 3 scoops as well.  Thats misuse of the product.  Its now marketed that way because producers realized people would buy it if its sold to provide that benefit.

IF someones knowledge of food is great, (it has to be better than adequate) and they know about the supplement industry they have a chance to see a gain.  How big the gain is very debatable.  Is it worth the money and effort to see a small gain?  Thats a personal decision.  (Notice how you said an adequate knowledge of food and an excellent knowledge in supplements?  Subconsciously youre siding with supplements being more important than food.  I know you purposely didnt use those words but they do explain a lot.)  Also, supplements promote good health only if youre in bad health.  Food will always provide good health if its consumed properly.

Theres a difference between someone who wants to help another person and a BUSINESS that is designed to make money.  If a friend is willing to give you advice about item X and has no stake in the product, thats one thing.  Its a very different situation when someone has on a Brand Y shirt and is trying to get you to purchase the Brand Y product.  Supplement companies only care about money.  Its impossible for a company to care more about its consumer than dollars.  The industry isnt designed that way.  (Thats getting besides the point though)  (Im not even going to comment on the cheaper/most effective/bigger names line.  Its very flawed)

Nothing will replace food.  Never.  Were progressing towards that future, yet as a nation were more unhealthy than weve ever been.  Its not a coincidence.  Theres more unhealthy food items on the market than there are beneficial ones.

(And no, I wont let you have the last word
Jay Cutler and Evan Centopani training chest videos are up on Muscular Development if anyone is interested
alright, i'll only respond to a couple of things (i really want to play pokemon gold dammit lol).

i think you ARE expressing the same sentiment i have been saying. i said that supps and food exist together (coexist, really). your saying the samething when you say offer your defenition of what a supplement is. yes, food came before the supps, but now supps exist and they exist simultaneously with food. a supplement aids someone (which is something i never said it didn't do). think your just trying to push the idea that supps aren't to be depended on (which i already also expressed). like i have said before, personally i only use whey protein three times a week 36g of it pwo). that's just an example from my perspective, which is what i'm trying to defend in the first place.

I KNOWINGLY chose the words "adequate" and "excellent" to describe the knowledge one should have of food and supps respectively. i'm not subconsciously siding with supps as being more important. i didn't say "excellent" as some kind of positive indication of my devotion to supps lol. i don't think you read that right. See, to me, adequate knowledge of food is knowing what is in it (ingredients) and its nutritional value. an excellent knowledge of food would be something much deeper than that; excellent knowledge in this case would be knowing the bio-mechanics of the food. i don't think everyone is going to find that knowing the most complicated nuances of the food they ingest as a plausible endeavor, so adequate knowledge suffices here. an excellent knowledge of supps is required because there is more risk involved with supps. supps usually consist of only a few components, but they tend to be pretty imporant and unrecognizable. it's good to know what is in a supp and how it works. also, supps cost more, are backed by claims that may or may not be true, use an esoteric kind of language to explain its contents, etc. of course supps require more attention. food doesn't require so much attention because food is generally safe to consume (please don't take this as a green light to mention some obscure instance in which food is not generally safe, i feel that this is bait for you lol).

it's not like i'm trying to argue against your for argument's sake (pokemon dammit). i know your sticking to your guns, but cmon man! even in a healthy person supps can tip the scales in their favor that extra little bit. i see you conceded that creatine is okay in your book. i see beta-alanine as becoming just as well-respected. i will buy you some and send it to your addy brah.
been working out for 1.5 years. last month i broke my right hand. its tough to do anything. is there any exercise i can do for my chest/arms?
Okay okay... I jumped into body building and fast tracked my knowledge with avail resources. Obviously those resources are going to say that I need supplements to help me A) recover, B) induce anabolic growth, C) stay healthy and focused, D) burn fat faster, E) have more intense workouts, ETC ETC. b/c the scene is flooded with either promoters or people who read the same !+@! and think that way.

Therefore, no I don't know how I'd differ without the use of supplements. However I think it goes with the mentality that steroids are not used b/c they are frowned upon and could cause damage to your body longer term. Supplements are (seemingly) the little sister of steroids. The more I take the bigger I'll get.

Which brings me to my question..
Financial aside, is there any potential and ACTUAL negatives when using supps? i.e. NO, vitamins, fish oils, glutamine, CLA, etc.
Am I harming my body when using these products?

As far as food being the be all end all, [Durden], I understand that alot of these things are in food but not in quantities high enough to actually benefit. Aside from protein which is easily obtainable in food, what about other things that we typically purchase as supplements?

I donno... I've been skinny all my life and killing my self in the gym for 6 months now.. I want a clean bulk and refuse to force feed my self thousands of cals a day (more than 2500 is uncomfortable), so a $20 bottle of Glutamine here and seems fine.

And has anyone thought... that $400 in supps would take alot more than $400 in food a month to have the same effect maybe?
what do you think about Beta Alanine Durden?
  I havent read any studies/research, but to me its not necessary. 

i think you ARE expressing the same sentiment i have been saying. i said that supps and food exist together (coexist, really). your saying the samething when you say offer your defenition of what a supplement is. yes, food came before the supps, but now supps exist and they exist simultaneously with food. a supplement aids someone (which is something i never said it didn't do). think your just trying to push the idea that supps aren't to be depended on (which i already also expressed). like i have said before, personally i only use whey protein three times a week 36g of it pwo). that's just an example from my perspective, which is what i'm trying to defend in the first place.

I KNOWINGLY chose the words "adequate" and "excellent" to describe the knowledge one should have of food and supps respectively. i'm not subconsciously siding with supps as being more important. i didn't say "excellent" as some kind of positive indication of my devotion to supps lol. i don't think you read that right. See, to me, adequate knowledge of food is knowing what is in it (ingredients) and its nutritional value. an excellent knowledge of food would be something much deeper than that; excellent knowledge in this case would be knowing the bio-mechanics of the food. i don't think everyone is going to find that knowing the most complicated nuances of the food they ingest as a plausible endeavor, so adequate knowledge suffices here. an excellent knowledge of supps is required because there is more risk involved with supps. supps usually consist of only a few components, but they tend to be pretty imporant and unrecognizable. it's good to know what is in a supp and how it works. also, supps cost more, are backed by claims that may or may not be true, use an esoteric kind of language to explain its contents, etc. of course supps require more attention. food doesn't require so much attention because food is generally safe to consume (please don't take this as a green light to mention some obscure instance in which food is not generally safe, i feel that this is bait for you lol).

it's not like i'm trying to argue against your for argument's sake (pokemon dammit). i know your sticking to your guns, but cmon man! even in a healthy person supps can tip the scales in their favor that extra little bit. i see you conceded that creatine is okay in your book. i see beta-alanine as becoming just as well-respected. i will buy you some and send it to your addy brah.

To say that they co-exist is saying that they are dependant on one another.  There are only a few occasions in which they should exist together and I havent heard of anyone who has posted in here who falls into that category.  Supplements dont exist simultaneously with food.  Thats not what supplements are.  Im not even saying they shouldnt be depended on.  Im saying they simply arent necessary.

Knowing the nuances of food isnt a plausible endeavor but knowing exactly what supplements do and their safety is easier?  Having a good knowledge of food (what they are, whats good, whats bad, how they affect the body, how they breakdown, how much the body needs) is easier than knowing the science of supplements.  Coming from someone who has studied both, I personally dont even think its close.  A good knowledge of food will inform people that all they need is within what they should be eating.  Its really not a coincidence that as a nation were more unhealthy than ever and the dependence on supplements as well as general lack of nutrional knowledge contribute to that.

To me it just doesnt make sense that people who are so concerned with health and image are taking things they know nothing about.  Its similar to the food container analogy that ive used before.  It doesnt make sense to use a safe, economic-friendly container to store fried chicken or those bio-safe bottles to keep soda cold.  It just doesnt make sense.  People who eat "clean" and are strict with their diet yet take some supplements are sending an skewed message.

What im really against is the giving of advice on supplements here.  It just creates ignorance.

Which brings me to my question..
Financial aside, is there any potential and ACTUAL negatives when using supps? i.e. NO, vitamins, fish oils, glutamine, CLA, etc.
Am I harming my body when using these products? 

Theres certainly the chance that you can caue harm to your body.  Any time the body is faced with unfamilar substances or an abundance of something it puts the body at stress.  Im not saying its going to happen, but there certainly is the possibility.

As far as food being the be all end all, [Durden], I understand that alot of these things are in food but not in quantities high enough to actually benefit. Aside from protein which is easily obtainable in food, what about other things that we typically purchase as supplements?
Do you know that your body needs those high quantities?

I donno... I've been skinny all my life and killing my self in the gym for 6 months now.. I want a clean bulk and refuse to force feed my self thousands of cals a day (more than 2500 is uncomfortable), so a $20 bottle of Glutamine here and seems fine.

And has anyone thought... that $400 in supps would take alot more than $400 in food a month to have the same effect maybe?
Did you just start exercising 6 months ago?
I was pretty thin already but everytime I went on an eating binge my belly would grow out my cheeks would be bigger than head so my face would look like an eggplant. I wanted to lose body fat so I cut down on portion sizes and stayed active like skipping and other forms of cardio. But now everyone says I look malnourished. And looked better when I had meat one me. I can see my abs for the first time in a while. So I was thinking that they're just used to seeing me a certain why they'd get used to seeing me this way. I still feel like I haven't reached the tightness (face and abs) I want yet, but I really am getting thin. Sometimes I see my self in the mirror and I like what I see, but then sometimes I see my face got really bony, and the fact that I lost weight it made my head look small. And yesterday while I was cutting my hair, I saw my self sideways. I'm so skinny I look like a crackhead.

My goal was to lose body fat (get tight) and then add muscle. But I'm looking like a +*%@+*% in the process. Did I do thid wrong? Was there a way to lose body fat while maintaining weight properly? Its not as easy for me since I'm only 5'8, so the thin and small head look cant be pulled off easily.
Alright I'll only respond to theisinterpretAtion I noticed.

I didn't say knowing supps is easier than knowing food. I think what I said was that knowing supps is more to your benefit IF you are endevoring to use them. Supps may be harder to research but it is ultimately neccessary to do so in order to have an understanding of what is going into your body. Like you said these kinds of combinations of things aren't found in nature so one should be aware of what is going in them and how it may affect them. I know I do this. Ok that was quick.

Oh, durden, you should read up on beta alanine. Do it for me.
Started my mini-cutting routine/diet on Monday, and I already saw visible results as early as Thursday. Fitness is about getting it done, guys. You all have the knowledge; you just have to get it done.
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Started my mini-cutting routine/diet on Monday, and I already saw visible results as early as Thursday. Fitness is about getting it done, guys. You all have the knowledge; you just have to get it done.

Please share what your diet is..
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Started my mini-cutting routine/diet on Monday, and I already saw visible results as early as Thursday. Fitness is about getting it done, guys. You all have the knowledge; you just have to get it done.

Please share what your diet is..
page 1..
Anyone have any good shake recipes for chocolate flavored supplements?

Right now, I am doing:
- Bannanas
- Peanut Butter
- Milk
- 3 Ice Cubes

Is it good to exercise abs daily? or is every other day alright?
I donno... I've been skinny all my life and killing my selfin the gym for 6 months now.. I want a clean bulk and refuse to forcefeed my self thousands of cals a day (more than 2500 is uncomfortable),so a $20 bottle of Glutamine here and seems fine.

And has anyone thought... that $400 in supps would take alot more than $400 in food a month to have the same effect maybe?
Did you just start exercising 6 months ago?

No, I've been working out for about a year.. but it's been 6 months of taking it seriously and knowing what I'm doing.

As far as abs eveyrday - no. You don't work your chest everyday, so don't work your abs everyday. Allow at least 48hrs recovery
Where has Mayor been

Also do you guys add anything in your oatmeal to make it sweet?? right now all I use is oatmeal, flaxseed, almond butter
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Anyone have any good shake recipes for chocolate flavored supplements?

Right now, I am doing:
- Bannanas
- Peanut Butter
- Milk
- 3 Ice Cubes

Is it good to exercise abs daily? or is every other day alright?
eh, every other day is fine. or every 3 days.

i do it once a week. my favorite body part at first but idk, it seems to grow better with the rest of the body, so i stopped focusing on it so much

ive never seen anyone with ripped abs and a lacking chest/arms though?

lol, so dont be that fat guy doing 30 sets on the crunch machine!


oh and i put dried fruit in my oatmeal, just a bit though
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

I was pretty thin already but everytime I went on an eating binge my belly would grow out my cheeks would be bigger than head so my face would look like an eggplant. I wanted to lose body fat so I cut down on portion sizes and stayed active like skipping and other forms of cardio. But now everyone says I look malnourished. And looked better when I had meat one me. I can see my abs for the first time in a while. So I was thinking that they're just used to seeing me a certain why they'd get used to seeing me this way. I still feel like I haven't reached the tightness (face and abs) I want yet, but I really am getting thin. Sometimes I see my self in the mirror and I like what I see, but then sometimes I see my face got really bony, and the fact that I lost weight it made my head look small. And yesterday while I was cutting my hair, I saw my self sideways. I'm so skinny I look like a crackhead.

My goal was to lose body fat (get tight) and then add muscle. But I'm looking like a +*%@+*% in the process. Did I do thid wrong? Was there a way to lose body fat while maintaining weight properly? Its not as easy for me since I'm only 5'8, so the thin and small head look cant be pulled off easily.
Try focusing on both goals: building muscle and losing fat. It's really not impossible like many people make it out to be. Keep your workouts intense and make sure that you're not going overboard on the calories.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I donno... I've been skinny all my life and killing my selfin the gym for 6 months now.. I want a clean bulk and refuse to forcefeed my self thousands of cals a day (more than 2500 is uncomfortable),so a $20 bottle of Glutamine here and seems fine.

And has anyone thought... that $400 in supps would take alot more than $400 in food a month to have the same effect maybe?
Did you just start exercising 6 months ago?

No, I've been working out for about a year.. but it's been 6 months of taking it seriously and knowing what I'm doing.

As far as abs eveyrday - no. You don't work your chest everyday, so don't work your abs everyday. Allow at least 48hrs recovery

I've actually been doing abs 1-2 times a week... hitting them really hard (in terms of resistance) and have gotten great results. My abs are growing... no more skinny mans abs.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Where has Mayor been

Also do you guys add anything in your oatmeal to make it sweet?? right now all I use is oatmeal, flaxseed, almond butter

with or without protein I just throw oatmeal and flaxseed into a blender with fruit and milk or juice. just pound it!

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