Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

^ sounds like a heart attack >:O

but yeah will probably put it up on ebay

buddy tried it and didnt feel anything.. ive read into it about it's nickname as SUPERDUMP and all but didnt experience that.

and i RARELY take pre-workout supps... i cycle jack3d about once very 2-3weeks mostly on leg days.

well i had this sorta weird crazy feeling on my 4th set of squats where i was shaking the barbell on the rack for no reason.

went to the gym sunday form 5 A.M to 1 P.M. from running and lifting and my arms or killing me today what did  I do wrong any suggestions would be appreciated  send ya boy a message
Don't post in here, but creep on here almost daily after my workouts. Keeps me motivated. Thanks to all those with good info.
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by Fade On You

I3 wrote:
I just did some HIIT.. the next day my midsection feels like its been worked out..

For some reason I feel I get more of an ab workout with HIIT than actual ab work.

Im beginning to neglect ab workouts, I usually hit them hard with sqauts/deads/standing military press. I do however do the occasional hanging leg raises/weighted leg raise/weighted decline situps.

Anyone got a good ab workout? Or is it really just diet + cardio?

What HITT exercises did you do for abs? I really need to get on something for the abs. Im watching my diet now and doing p90x ab ripper x on top of my workouts 3 times a week but its not giving me the results i want.

Just simply sprinting for 20-30secs then jogging back to my mark, then doing it again.  I try to do this at least 1x a week.  I feel like my midsection is more targeted than doing specific AB work for some reason.  My obliques are worked out, as with my lower and upper sections. 

Your abs will come though, I know I have to eat a bit more cleaner/do more cardio in order to see them, but if your diet is on point, you work out regularly - you will see them. 

Neal - I will look it up. 

But yeah fellas, I suggest doing more cardio than sit-ups or specific ab workouts - it'll burn off the fat quicker.  I always always feel lean the few days after a good HIIT session!

I've noticed that as well. When I've slacked and then tried to do some running after a long time of not doing any, I noticed being sore in my core as well. It makes sense though. 
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

Never mind I found Out why

...and the answer was....

24 hours to 48 hours after a hard workout, most people begin to experience soreness in the body parts trained. This is called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, or DOMS.

DOMS is caused by tiny microscopic tears that occur in the muscle as a result of high intensity exercise (such as weight training, intense cycling, etc). After the workout, the muscle begins to rebuild itself (provided it is allowed enough time and nutrients to recover). This is the rebuilding process which creates new muscle that is bigger and stronger than before. In other words, your muscles are growing. Your muscles grow when you are at rest - not when you’re at the gym.
Beginners who have never exercised before would experience quite severe DOMS at first. However, the human body is an amazing thing and even the beginner’s body will slowly adapt to the workload and eventually - these episodes of soreness will be less severe. Remember the first time you blasted your biceps in the gym, only to realise that you could barely hold a pencil to write on a piece of paper the next day? Well, do you still experience such soreness today? Understand what I mean?
I need help. I'm currently looking throughout Google, but I decided to ask NT anyways.

...Anytime I work out abs, my abs lock up on my and cramp really bad. In the past month I've really limited my abs workout, thus really impacting how they look.

Any suggestions to prevent this?
Originally Posted by toast1985

I need help. I'm currently looking throughout Google, but I decided to ask NT anyways.

...Anytime I work out abs, my abs lock up on my and cramp really bad. In the past month I've really limited my abs workout, thus really impacting how they look.

Any suggestions to prevent this?
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

superpump250 is wackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

i got 6 jugs of this %!+ left


impulsive buys ftl
I'll swipe a bottle if you give me NT discount

I was close to paying retail here in Canada.. but caught myself before I made the stupid!
I'd like to try it out. I've tried NO xplode and NO shotgun.. I want to check this out and jacked (sp?) as well as trying out nothing haha
Originally Posted by toast1985

I need help. I'm currently looking throughout Google, but I decided to ask NT anyways.

...Anytime I work out abs, my abs lock up on my and cramp really bad. In the past month I've really limited my abs workout, thus really impacting how they look.

Any suggestions to prevent this?
sounds like a nutrition issue. tim your abs look better they're coming in nice
Monday's workout...

Warmup: 20 turkish get-ups (24kg)
Technical: Overhead squat (165lbs)
WOD: 15 front squats (135lbs), 400 meter run - 5 rounds for time

Yesterday's workout...

Warmup: 20 wall-balls (20lbs, 10ft), 20 SDHP (24kg), 20 double-unders
Technical: 5x5x3x3x1 deadlift (I did 135, 225, 275, 315, 385)
WOD: 5 knee-to-elbows, 10 medicine ball pushups, 15 KB swings (24kg) - as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes
Originally Posted by toast1985

I need help. I'm currently looking throughout Google, but I decided to ask NT anyways.

...Anytime I work out abs, my abs lock up on my and cramp really bad. In the past month I've really limited my abs workout, thus really impacting how they look.

Any suggestions to prevent this?
I experience something similar. Not all the time though. Whenever it starts to happen I just lift my arms up and stretch. It tends to go away quickly after. I've never really attempted to find out the reason for it as it only happens when I do heavy ab work (especially heavy cable crunches)and it doesn't happen all the time. When I feel the cramping coming on I just stretch and it goes away.

Most likely it is a lack of flexibility coupled with a deficit (either a sustained long term deficit or an occasional deficit at the time of training) of salt(s).
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

toast1985, are you dehydrated?
No, I usually take a swig between reps. I am well hydrated I would say.

Looking throughout Google, some say it may be a lack of potassium in my diet. I sometimes eat a banana before my workout, but I am going to make sure I have enough before I work out.
I have forearm problems. Whenever I do any sort of upper body workout, bicep curls, pull ups, etc, my forearm always hurt like crazy. It seems that my forearms give out before my biceps do. Is there anything I can do to prevent this or any advice? Thanks a lot
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