Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Durden7

P.S.  Subway isnt fast food.
according to who?
According to their nutritional information.
That might be true..

But, for me I consider anything not made at home, fast food..
Restaurants too?
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Durden7

P.S.  Subway isnt fast food.
according to who?
According to their nutritional information.
That might be true..

But, for me I consider anything not made at home, fast food..
Restaurants too?
Yea... because you can order the most nutritional meal on the menu.. but you still do not know what the cook's are doing in the back.. so your health is in their hands; Versus a home-cooked meal..
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Durden7

P.S.  Subway isnt fast food.
according to who?
According to their nutritional information.
That might be true..

But, for me I consider anything not made at home, fast food..
Restaurants too?
Yea... because you can order the most nutritional meal on the menu.. but you still do not know what the cook's are doing in the back.. so your health is in their hands; Versus a home-cooked meal..
You paranoid the cooks are adding sticks of butter to your meal or something?
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Durden7

P.S.  Subway isnt fast food.
according to who?
According to their nutritional information.
That might be true..

But, for me I consider anything not made at home, fast food..
Restaurants too?
Yea... because you can order the most nutritional meal on the menu.. but you still do not know what the cook's are doing in the back.. so your health is in their hands; Versus a home-cooked meal..
If you order a baked potato, you're gonna get a baked potato. If you order a garden salad, you're gonna get a garden salad. You can make plenty of healthy choices at a restaurant, you just have to be a little picky. A lot of the food such as pasta, chicken, steak, seafood are healthy on their own but ofcourse restaurants will add sauces and other tasty things that will have you racking up calories like nothing.
Can you guys tell me how this routine and diet looks? I used to go to the gym and do BJJ/MMA regularly last year but I stopped doing BJJ/MMA because the gym moved farther away and I just kind of drifted away from lifting, so I'm going back to the gym tomorrow and will restart MMA in a couple of weeks. I'm trying to lose weight by the way, and also get my cardio back up a little so I can be in better shape when i start MMA back up. I'm 5'9 and weigh between 230-240, but I have a weird frame and most people think I weigh 200 at most

Lifting (No MMA yet)
Monday- Back/Bi
Deadlift 4x5
Lat Pulldown 4x8
Seated Row 4x8
Bicep Curl (switch every week between barbell, hammer, and DB curls) 4x8
Walk at 3.5-4.0 for 20-30 minutes

Tuesday: HIIT
Run 30 seconds, walk 30 seconds. Repeat 10x

Chest/tri + Cardio
Bench press 4x5
Decline bench press 4x5
Incline DB press 4x8
Tricep push down 4x8
Walk at 3.5-4.0 for 20-30 minutes

Thursday- HIIT
Run for 1 minute, walk for 1 minute repeat at least 5x, more if I can, but 10 at most

Friday/Saturday- Shoulders/legs
Squat 4x5
Military Press 4x5
Front/Lateral Raises 4x8
Calf Raise 3x15
Shrugs 4x8
Leg press 4x8

I dont want to make this post longer than it is so I'm going to post my diet and what my routine will be like when I restart MMA again in a new post
Meal 1
2 cups of whole milk, 2 scoops of whey protein. I have a weak stomach in the morning so this is like the only thing I can have

Meal 2
1 cup of white rice, 4 oz of chicken breast

Meal 3
1 cup of white rice, 4 oz of chicken breast, 1/4 cup of cheese, 1 scoop of whey with water

Meal 4 (pre workout)
1 banana, 1 scoop of whey with water

Directly post workout: 2 scoops of whey, 15g of dextrose, 5g of creatine

Meal 5 (around an hour after workout)
1-2 cups of white rice, 4 oz of chicken breast, some kind of veggie, beans, or something else

Pre bed
1 cup of cottage cheese

Totals (not exact)
Calories: 2500
Protein: 240-250
Carbs: not sure, im going to guess around 200

When i go to MMA, im going to cut down lifting to 1-2 times a week, heres what I would be doing. Each class is 1 hr. I;m only going to go 2x a week for a while then go back to full time. Here's the full schedule
Monday- BJJ, MMA, BJJ
Tuesday- Muay Thai
Thursday- Muay Thai, BJJ
Sunday- BJJ

I need some help on adjusting my diet when i go back toMMA

Sorry for the long posts
i ate subway almost everyday for 6 months (6 inch chicken breast on wheat with nothing else on it). i feel that now, since i eat ezekiel bread with chicken breast exclusively for lunch, i feel better. the preservatives that are in Subway chicken breast are gone and i feel cleansed. subway's bread would be kind of not so good sometimes and their chicken would taste like fish or something ewwww. yeah, i hate subway now and refuse to eat that stuff again.
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Durden7

P.S.  Subway isnt fast food.
according to who?
According to their nutritional information.
That might be true..

But, for me I consider anything not made at home, fast food..
Restaurants too?
Yea... because you can order the most nutritional meal on the menu.. but you still do not know what the cook's are doing in the back.. so your health is in their hands; Versus a home-cooked meal..
Someone once mentioned they only eat at restaurants that will provide the nutritional information.
I respect that.. but I couldn't muster up the nuts to be that guy.
. But you can't really go wrong with chicken _____ and veggies. avoid licking the fatty sauce off the plate and its no different than a home cooked meal
how do you guys feel about running? i mean like 3-mile runs 2x a week. im bulking right now but have the urge to start running regularly. is hiit my only option?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Durden7

P.S.  Subway isnt fast food.
according to who?
According to their nutritional information.
That might be true..

But, for me I consider anything not made at home, fast food..
Restaurants too?
Yea... because you can order the most nutritional meal on the menu.. but you still do not know what the cook's are doing in the back.. so your health is in their hands; Versus a home-cooked meal..
Someone once mentioned they only eat at restaurants that will provide the nutritional information.
I respect that.. but I couldn't muster up the nuts to be that guy.
. But you can't really go wrong with chicken _____ and veggies. avoid licking the fatty sauce off the plate and its no different than a home cooked meal
I'm not paranoid when I go out to eat.. In all fairness, I just prefer to prepare my food.. Yeah, of course healthy choices when at restaurants.. I normally will get fish/rice meal or something with chicken..
thought this was weird but ive heard about people TAKIN A SHOT OF VODKA before they work out?! anyone have any legitimate info on this?
Originally Posted by gberdin

thought this was weird but ive heard about people TAKIN A SHOT OF VODKA before they work out?! anyone have any legitimate info on this?

If you want to be a little bent when you work out, then sure.  I've never heard of this and I'm not sure what the benefit is supposed to be, but as a fitness professional, I'm pretty sure it would be in my best interest to not advise my clients to do shots before we train.

Just finished the quad workout.  Doesn't seem like much, but it was brutal since I've been working my way back from injury.  After all my warmups, I did:

Box Squats:
95lbs 2x10
135 2 x 10
185 1 x 10
225 1 x 10
275 1 x 8
315 1 x 6

225 1 x 10, then drop set right to 135 1 x 20

Single Leg Press:
4 x 15
Leg Press:
3 x 20

Quads are done.  I want to be able to do a little more but I guess I have to come back slowly.  It also takes so much more time to warmup and build up to a decent weight on squats that by the time I get to my 3rd exercise my body is just shot, and I've been lifting well over an hour already.  Also, I tried a single shot of Carnivor, and I won't be buying a tub.  It left a bad aftertaste that just stayed with me for like over an hour and is kind of still there, and as soon as I got home, I was running to the bathroom.  Not a good look, so I'll just stick to whey protein.

On the Subway website, they acknowledge that they are indeed fast food.  It's got healthier options, but it's still fast food. 
Well the term "fast food" gives the assumption that its unhealthy.  So it may be classified as fast food, but its certainly not a place someone should feel bad about getting a meal there.
i ate subway almost everyday for 6 months (6 inch chicken breast onwheat with nothing else on it). i feel that now, since i eat ezekielbread with chicken breast exclusively for lunch, i feel better. thepreservatives that are in Subway chicken breast are gone and i feelcleansed. subway's bread would be kind of not so good sometimes andtheir chicken would taste like fish or something ewwww. yeah, i hatesubway now and refuse to eat that stuff again.
Well of course what you eat now makes you feel better because at large quantities the self-prepared food is going to be much healthier.  Going to subway on occasion (1 maybe 2x/week) isnt considered falling off the wagon or eating unhealthy.

how do you guys feel about running? i mean like 3-mile runs 2x a bulking right now but have the urge to start running regularly. ishiit my only option?
As long as you eat enough youll be fine.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Just finished the quad workout.  Doesn't seem like much, but it was brutal since I've been working my way back from injury.  After all my warmups, I did:

Box Squats:
95lbs 2x10
135 2 x 10
185 1 x 10
225 1 x 10
275 1 x 8
315 1 x 6

Don't really see the point of the 95lb and 135lb sets...
Originally Posted by gberdin

thought this was weird but ive heard about people TAKIN A SHOT OF VODKA before they work out?! anyone have any legitimate info on this?
In Russian we take vodka shots before everything... although no it has absolutely NO benefits in your training or building. ac tally its counterproductive. but an alcoholic will come up with any reason to drink

I have heard of drinking one beer a day for body building?
This guy I went to highschool with drank 1 beer at lunch everyday and when confronted by the school staff he'd say "suspend me if you want, but i drink one beer for body building everyday"
Originally Posted by Durden7

Well of course what you eat now makes you feel better because at large quantities the self-prepared food is going to be much healthier.  Going to subway on occasion (1 maybe 2x/week) isnt considered falling off the wagon or eating unhealthy.
I can't agree with you here.  I think going to subway more than 2-3x a month is too much even for people who workout and have goals.  I can see how subway can be seen as one of the healthier places to eat out there in a world filled with fast food spots...BUT subway 2x a week with all the sauces and the bread you really don't need to eat with the processed meats is all gonna add up.  I used to eat subway maybe 3-4x a week 2 years ago since i've stopped eating there I felt such an improvement.  My problem is mostly with their breads and the processed meat. 

Originally Posted by Vancity74

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Just finished the quad workout.  Doesn't seem like much, but it was brutal since I've been working my way back from injury.  After all my warmups, I did:

Box Squats:
95lbs 2x10
135 2 x 10
185 1 x 10
225 1 x 10
275 1 x 8
315 1 x 6

Don't really see the point of the 95lb and 135lb sets...
About 2 weeks ago I couldn't even squat 95lbs for a few reps without my left knee hurting and basically just locking up on me. (twisted it slipping on ice.)  Just been resting and recovering but still trying to work around the injury and it's been getting better, but it just takes alot more warmup before I'm gonna think about trying to squat 185 or 225.  Just what's necessary for me right now.  Normally I warmup with 135, and 225 and start my working sets around 315. 

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by Durden7

Well of course what you eat now makes you feel better because at large quantities the self-prepared food is going to be much healthier.  Going to subway on occasion (1 maybe 2x/week) isnt considered falling off the wagon or eating unhealthy.
I can't agree with you here.  I think going to subway more than 2-3x a month is too much even for people who workout and have goals.  I can see how subway can be seen as one of the healthier places to eat out there in a world filled with fast food spots...BUT subway 2x a week with all the sauces and the bread you really don't need to eat with the processed meats is all gonna add up.  I used to eat subway maybe 3-4x a week 2 years ago since i've stopped eating there I felt such an improvement.  My problem is mostly with their breads and the processed meat. 

yep, stuff is trash. definitely fast food...

that being said i still i have it every once in a while
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by Durden7

Well of course what you eat now makes you feel better because at large quantities the self-prepared food is going to be much healthier.  Going to subway on occasion (1 maybe 2x/week) isnt considered falling off the wagon or eating unhealthy.
I can't agree with you here.  I think going to subway more than 2-3x a month is too much even for people who workout and have goals.  I can see how subway can be seen as one of the healthier places to eat out there in a world filled with fast food spots...BUT subway 2x a week with all the sauces and the bread you really don't need to eat with the processed meats is all gonna add up.  I used to eat subway maybe 3-4x a week 2 years ago since i've stopped eating there I felt such an improvement.  My problem is mostly with their breads and the processed meat. 

It wont add up any more than anything else will.  If someone puts sauces, etc. on their Subway hoagie then theyre most likely going to do it with whatever they eat at home.  If a person has healthy eating habits at home, they wont add more to their hoagie than they need.  A wheat hoagie with meat, lettuce, and either tomatoes/peppers/pickles/whatever with no cheese is going to be considered unhealthy?  Smart decisions is whats important, not where you eat.

2-3x is too much for someone who works out and has goals?  So someone who exercises (already needs more of everything than someone who doesnt) is going to hinder their goals (whatever it may be) by eating at subway once a week?  Not everyone has goals that are to be in the 6-8% bodyfat range.  If someone wants to lose weight in general, subway is a bad recommendation?

If subway is considered unhealthy/not a good place to eat then every single meal that isnt prepared at home should be frowned upon.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Grimm, can you post up your routine again? I remember seeing it awhile back, just dont remember what page #.
Incline Bench (3x8 + 3x20) supersetted with:
Reverse standing rows (3x8 + 3x20)

Flat Bench Cable Flys(3x8 /20) SS w/
Lat pulldowns w/triangle handle (3x8 /20) - hate those

Chest Press(Auxiliary) (3x8 /20) SS w/
Low Row (Aux) (3x8 /20)

10 min abs/20 mins treadmill

Tuesday - Legs
Squat (3x16. 8 half form (i try to do these quick and controlled w/o locking out. 8 full form (low, controlled, slow)) SS w/
Calf raises (smith machine) (3x25)

Leg press (3 x 10) w/ both legs
(3 x 20) w/one leg (alternating)

Thigh press (aux) (3 x 8 /20) SS w/
Hamstring (aux) (3 x 10 both legs) / 3 x 20 (alternating legs...half the weight)
Hill run now that its warm out

Wed - shoulders/arms
Standing Arnolds (DBs) (3 x 8 /20) ss w/
Incline DB curl (3 x 8 /20)

Upright rows (Barbell) (3x8 )....3x20 on Smith machine..lighter weight
Triceps Dips (up to 4 plates) (3xfailure..i pyramid these..1 plate..2 plate..3...till failure)

Standing Cable Curls (3 x 8 /20) ss w/
Tri extension (3 x 8/20)


8 = heavy set
20 = light

The cycle gets repeated Thurs - Sat with a few minor changes in exercises
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