Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by bittersweet

Because I like breads and cheese.

But just think about how delicious a chicken breast would be with that bread and cheese?
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

I didnt eat as often as I normally do today and I couldnt even get the bar off the bench to bench press. Is this because I was low on sleep or because I didnt eat as much and often as I normally do?
Its not that I didnt eat as much as I normally do I worded it wrong. I  ate the same amount but I just didnt space it out like I normally do every 2 to 3 hours. It was more like a big breakfast and lunch
Brett, I lift by myself so I dont have alot of those #'s. I mostly use dumbells when lifting. I was able to put up 205 for 6 reps when I pyramided flat bench a few weeks back. Not sure what that could equate to for a 5 rep max without prior heavy lifitng.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

curious to know:

What is everyone's 5 rep max bench, squat, deadlift, military, row ???


    Bench - 8 reps 190
    Squat  - 12 reps 225
    Deadlift - 8 reps 215
    Military - 8 reps 125
   Cleans - 8 reps 125

I don't do rows. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

BitterSweet, what is the history of you and being a non-meat eater? (No hetero)
yo really? pm her if you want to know stuff like this

Brett, I lift by myself so I dont have alot of those #'s. I mostly use dumbells when lifting. 

I've been meaning to ask this from alot of you for a while but I wanted to gauge what everybody thinks the best routine is for gaining muscle mass within a 2-3 month period. Is it:

- full body routines done a couple times a week (different excercises for each session)
- seperate muscle groups on a day by themselves
- pulling/pushing/leg muscles each on a different day
- or something else

I'm asking this because I went from doing full body routines to pushing/pulling muscle groups to now seperate muscle groups on each day and I felt that the seperate muscle groups routine worked better...anyone think otherwise?

Grimlock from my studies it's the compound exercises, i.e. the big five I mentioned. That's what I'm doing.

my current >> goal 5rm
bench - 150 - 225
squat - 195 - 275
military - 135 - 185
dead - 225 - 315
row - 135 - 185
Grimlock, I do supersetting:

Day 1: Chest/Back
Day 2: Shoulders/Bi's/Tri's
Day 3: Legs

With some helpful advice from posters in this thread I have tweaked things here and there. I pyramid my lifts, whether up or down, and alternate between heavy & light days. The supersetting keeps me active throughout my lift, which is why I enjoy it.

I mix in 4-5 days of cardio, mostly HITT, takes about 20-25 minutes and usually a 20-25 mile bike ride 1 day a week that usually takes place of one of my leg days.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

curious to know:

What is everyone's 5 rep max bench, squat, deadlift, military, row ???

Id have to look up my 5 reps numbers, but here are my latest 10 rep numbers:

Bench - 80 DB
Squat - 225
Deadlift - 260
Military - 125ish
Don't really know the 5 on the dot. Same as Durden, I'd have to do the math, since I don't really powerlift.

Bench: 275 x 6 to 8 reps
Squat: 405 x 5
Deadlift: 495 x 3
Rows: 225 x 10-12
Military Press: 185 x 8-10
i've never done a 5RM max, but based on my 5x5 or 3x5's

bench - 195-205
squat - ~225
deadlift (stiff-legged) - 225-235?

don't do rows, and do dumbbell shoulder presses never at weight for 5 reps.. i've only started getting back into legs which would explain why those numbers aren't as high

btw.. i'm 5'2 , ~130, only supp i take is ON whey protein
Originally Posted by 55steep

I'm a distance runner (I run 70mi a week) and I'd like to add a little extra muscle. I've been lifting hard regularly for the past six months, but I've only gained 5 pounds total, so I was thinking about taking a supplement or something for weight gain (I don't know the first thing about this kind of stuff).

Does anybody know a good supplements or whatever would work to gain a little extra weight (5-10 pounds) or a any easy to understand resources online that could help me figure it out?

keepzdasneakz wrote:
^Chill on the running. Problem solved. It was impossible for me to gain when I was a distance runner as well...and I ran not but a 1/4 of what you're doing per week.

I don't want to drop my mileage down since I'm still a really competitve runner, but I do want to add a few pounds of muscle and look a lil more cut, would supplements or anything of that kind help me?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Grimlock from my studies it's the compound exercises, i.e. the big five I mentioned. That's what I'm doing.

my current >> goal 5rm
bench - 150 - 225
squat - 195 - 275
military - 135 - 185
dead - 225 - 315
row - 135 - 185
So wanna be like me 

Bench: 235x5

Squat: 245x5 (my legs are having trouble gaining for some reason)

Dead lift: 295x5

Currently at 172. 
Guys I need a little help, I've been using thedailyplate pretty extensively since I've started this carb cycling. According to my macros, even under a watchful eye, I'm still consuming roughly 50% carbs and 34% protein with 16% fat....what are some things i could eat to reduce the carbs? I've only eaten about 950 calories, with just yogurt, a turkey sandwich, protein cereal....seems like its so hard to find anything that'll fill me without carbs in it. Suggestions? I've been eating tilapia and chicken breasts as well with microwaved veggies.
Question regarding "turning fat into muscle"

I've always heard (and assumed) that fat can turn into muscle.
First of all it makes sense.. also frail dudes can't build muscle if
they continue eating at maintenance--but with that being said,
does that work in a situation where someone has excess fat and
is lifting??

Because I came across
this site

which is pretty awesome/informative, but
somewhere within (I don't remember where, browse)
it brings up that fat cannot be converted into muscle

any thoughts?
Originally Posted by heartofthacity

Question regarding "turning fat into muscle"

I've always heard (and assumed) that fat can turn into muscle.
First of all it makes sense.. also frail dudes can't build muscle if
they continue eating at maintenance--but with that being said,
does that work in a situation where someone has excess fat and
is lifting??

Because I came across
this site

which is pretty awesome/informative, but
somewhere within (I don't remember where, browse)
it brings up that fat cannot be converted into muscle

any thoughts?
Fat cant be turned into muscle.

You can reduce fat and gain muscle, but the fat isnt converted into muscle.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Don't really know the 5 on the dot. Same as Durden, I'd have to do the math, since I don't really powerlift.

Bench: 275 x 6 to 8 reps
Squat: 405 x 5
Deadlift: 495 x 3
Rows: 225 x 10-12
Military Press: 185 x 8-10
How much do you weigh? (I'm just curious)
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

BitterSweet, what is the history of you and being a non-meat eater? (No hetero)
Never liked it, also when my mom was carrying me she reacted to it because of me.

Still don't like it, plus I think about the poor animals.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Guys I need a little help, I've been using thedailyplate pretty extensively since I've started this carb cycling. According to my macros, even under a watchful eye, I'm still consuming roughly 50% carbs and 34% protein with 16% fat....what are some things i could eat to reduce the carbs? I've only eaten about 950 calories, with just yogurt, a turkey sandwich, protein cereal....seems like its so hard to find anything that'll fill me without carbs in it. Suggestions? I've been eating tilapia and chicken breasts as well with microwaved veggies.

I've started looking at all the labels since I want to increase my carbs, tuna and chicken have very little from what I remember.

Also, I'm impressed at your stats for your weight. What did you start at? (lifting stats + body weight)
how's my form.. 51"
and I didn't come in as hot as it looked
i'd say a two step before the hop, which still isn't from a stand still.
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