Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

I think the best fool proof way to losing weight is:

Caloric Deficit
Low Carb/ Low Fat / High Protein Diet
Max OT training
HIIT 2-3 days. preferably after every workout
Protein Shakes are optional. If youre eating around your desired body weight in grams for protein, youre set.
Multivitamin and Fish Oil pills.
I think the best fool proof way to losing weight is:

Caloric Deficit
Low Carb/ Low Fat / High Protein Diet
Max OT training
HIIT 2-3 days. preferably after every workout
Protein Shakes are optional. If youre eating around your desired body weight in grams for protein, youre set.
Multivitamin and Fish Oil pills.
progress report (May 9) @ 235
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Will post next update in a month, goal is T.O by end of July
Wow. This thead definitely moved. Just my views from skimming some of the pages:

Quite a few of you guys really aren't moving much weight to be focusing on 10 different exercises a session. Instead of focusing on 5 types of curls and only 2 pulls, focus more on the compound movements for a bit. Exhaust your linear progression and then adjust to your goals. Look up Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength. Actually buy the book though. It is definitely worth the money. He goes into extreme, meticulous detail while explaining the squat, deadlift, bench press, press, and power clean as well as some other accessory moves. If you don't buy it for the programming, atleast buy it for the instruction on the form of the big lifts. As long as you can keep adding weight to the bar every workout without sacrificing form, you should probably consider doing it. Progress is easily made by those that follow this routine correctly.

Just because you hear sounds from your GI tract, doesn't mean that you're hungry. Learn to distinguish true hunger from digestion noises.

Also, definitely try to train by yourself or with one other person maximum. Lately I've gone to the gym with a few friends and those workouts were extremely unproductive. Bring a log and know what you're gonna do before you step foot in the gym. Otherwise, you'll definitely waste time. Training doesn't mean walking to all the different machines and doing what's fun until you feel like it.
Haven't worked out in such a long time, gonna start once school is over and I move out of my crappy apartment.
I tore the deltoid ligament in my right ankle last night playing basketball. 

Walking boot and crutches for the next week and no sports for 6 weeks.

This suuuucks.
I quit that ketosis diet...

I made it 4 days....

It just couldn't stand eating all that food, having to cook everyday, and having to eat that many times was an inconvience....

I'll just configure my own diet....
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

First time, I started working my legs, I felt major soreness after my leg day... Now, that I worked in my legs the soreness I used to get the day after is no longer happening..

Does, this mean its becoming ineffective?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

How are you guys cooking your turkey burgers? mine always burn
if your cooking inside, use foreman grill or keep at low

btw, what cheese yall using
Originally Posted by Grizzlyboy

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

How are you guys cooking your turkey burgers? mine always burn

foreman grill
mann i need to buy a damn foreman grill.  i got an outside one the balcony but its almost never convenient to use.  so i end up lightly oiling a skillet and pan frying them with couple slices of turkey bacon.  if im really in my chef mode ill crack and egg and mix it with some egg whites and throw that on the burger too.  then ill dab the extra grease off the turkey patty, throw some cheese on it and add some sweet baby rays barbecue
. even tho it comes out delicious id rather just throw a patty on a foreman and let the grill do all the work without makin much of a mess.
workout 4 days out of the week with weights and 2 days running.

what special running workout can i do to lose some stomach fat ? Can i do the HIT running workout?
Does dieting affect your sleeping period? Ive been jogging and have been cutting calories but im wondering if I cut too low.
okay a little off topic but what are the healthiest type of chicken breast there is to buy?

Right now i'm messing with the five individually wrapped Perdue uncooked chicken breast, but I know Perdue isn't the best company in terms of handling/treating their animals there another option(s)?
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

okay a little off topic but what are the healthiest type of chicken breast there is to buy?

Right now i'm messing with the five individually wrapped Perdue uncooked chicken breast, but I know Perdue isn't the best company in terms of handling/treating their animals there another option(s)?

Organic I suppose.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

okay a little off topic but what are the healthiest type of chicken breast there is to buy?

Right now i'm messing with the five individually wrapped Perdue uncooked chicken breast, but I know Perdue isn't the best company in terms of handling/treating their animals there another option(s)?
Look for something free range and local, that's much more sustainable and better for the animals.
Any tips for increasing bench press? My chest is weak and I couldnt work out for months so its almost like im starting over. I struggle benching 140 smh. Also, should I keep my shoulders in when benching? When I kept them out more my left bicep started to hurt a little.
Went out for my 21st last night. Kept control, didn't get poopfaced, but drank enough to enjoy the night. Now I'm wondering how this will affect my workouts, if at all. And I got dissed by two (attractive) pronstars.
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Any tips for increasing bench press? My chest is weak and I couldnt work out for months so its almost like im starting over. I struggle benching 140 smh. Also, should I keep my shoulders in when benching? When I kept them out more my left bicep started to hurt a little.

start doing dumbbell presses
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