Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Stupid question probably but I got some Creatine and Whey. The Creatine its fruit punch Whey chocolate. I took the Creatine with just water and before/after workout it makes my mouth dry as hell and thirsty. Does anybody mix the two? If so how does it taste? Fruit Punch and Chocolate? Or should I just take them separate. 
Originally Posted by 5thGearidah

Originally Posted by lynchpin33

My lower back has been killing me after I squat.  I have asked various trainers in the gym to watch my form and they that nothing is wrong, they say my form is perfect.I have also read , watched various videos on youtube and I just do not know what is going on.  I only have 135 on the bar.  When ever I start to jog or play ball, I have to quit playing.  I was using the free motion machine, but I feel I get more out of squatting by using the bar.  I have only been at it for 3 weeks but, that is too long to still be having back pain. Can any body out there give me pointers.  I am also warming up a stretching before and after I work out.  Help please... 
something has to be up w/ your form...are you using a low or high bar position?
i used the high bar position if you mean walking up to the bar and starting from there, putting it on your neck and going from there.  I really hate to go back to the freemotion machine, i feel i am getting more out of the excercise by squatting but i hate this lower back pain.. thanks for all the replies so far
Originally Posted by iLL W1LLiam

Stupid question probably but I got some Creatine and Whey. The Creatine its fruit punch Whey chocolate. I took the Creatine with just water and before/after workout it makes my mouth dry as hell and thirsty. Does anybody mix the two? If so how does it taste? Fruit Punch and Chocolate? Or should I just take them separate. 

Take the creatine with some form of sugar.  (Orange juice, Apple juice, any flavor Gatorade, Grape juice, fruit punch, etc.)
Originally Posted by iLLest

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

So strange..

before I starting doing this 5x5 ("bulking") program, I had some noticeable side fat, towards the infront area. My abs have always been ripped but these side fat pockets rally popped out

I've been EATING like a horse and stopped taking supplements for the month of may.

strength = increase.
weight = no change.
bodyfat = gone

veins popping outta the abs and skin like %@#$##* lulu lemon pants
...of course this is in the morning after sleeping like 12 hours, so probably not eating for 14
No Romo, but can someone like you post progress pics. Will help a lot with motivation and just a chance to see what results you get with your routine.
He's still has little muscle and is quite small actually but props for eatin good brett
had my one cheat meal this week

first fried food in so long
had some of a bloomin onion
time to work it off tomorrow
^Lol funny, don't be too hard on yourself. As for me, we'll see what tonight has in store....there will be alcohol where I'm going. I just hope I don't get too caught up in the moment...
Any safe preworkout stuff? was thinking about jacked, no xplode and !%*# like that, but since i'm on hbp meds that's a no go.
I'm taking weight training next year at my school, but I'm also going to join Cross Country.
I'll have to run for a little over an hour everyday after school.
Will the running minimize the muscle gains from lifting?
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by TheDudeMT

Ok, so I have flab that I want/need to get rid of...the lower abdomen area. It's such a pain to get rid of. I've been cutting my calories the past couple weeks and doing some p90x ab ripper along with working out and some cardio. I'm seeing results but I want to kick up my activity/intensity a notch.

I'm trying to burn fat by the way.

Do you guys recommend me to do HIIT? For those who had/have difficulty with the area, what did/are you guys doing?
I would suggest HIIT for you 2-3x a week like anyone else.  I had a bit of lovehandle fat myself and I still have a very slight bit but the reason I think it has been reduced is not by my reduction in calories...since I want to gain muscle I've been actually eating more.  If your going to do HIIT I would def suggest doing it with no eating besides maybe water or some juice 4 hours prior.  If you wake up with energy then do HIIT first thing when you get up if you have a treadmill.

I use to do HIIT, but my knee hurts after awhile so I kinda stopped. I guess I'll go at it again. Is there anything wrong with doing it at night or is it just better to do it in the morning?
What's a good BMI for a 20 year old? Apparently, mine is like 24. How is that? Is that good? What should I be aiming for?
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

What's a good BMI for a 20 year old? Apparently, mine is like 24. How is that? Is that good? What should I be aiming for?

[table][tr][td]Adults[/td] [td]Women[/td] [td]Men[/td] [/tr][tr][td]anorexia[/td] [td]< 17.5[/td] [/tr][tr][td]underweight[/td] [td]<19.1[/td] [td]<20.7[/td] [/tr][tr][td]in normal range[/td] [td]19.1-25.8[/td] [td]20.7-26.4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]marginally overweight[/td] [td]25.8-27.3[/td] [td]26.4-27.8[/td] [/tr][tr][td]overweight[/td] [td]27.3-32.3[/td] [td]27.8-31.1[/td] [/tr][tr][td]very overweight or obese[/td] [td]>32.3[/td] [td]>31.1[/td] [/tr][tr][td]severely obese[/td] [td]35 - 40[/td] [/tr][tr][td]morbidly obese[/td] [td]40 - 50[/td] [/tr][tr][td]super obese[/td] [td]50 - 60[/td][/tr][/table]BMI doesn't tell the whole story though.
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Any safe preworkout stuff? was thinking about jacked, no xplode and !%*# like that, but since i'm on hbp meds that's a no go.

Neogenix Bodyforge maybe. 

Nothing in it that'll spike you up so it should be safe but the best bet is to ask your doctor about it.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

So strange..

before I starting doing this 5x5 ("bulking") program, I had some noticeable side fat, towards the infront area. My abs have always been ripped but these side fat pockets rally popped out

I've been EATING like a horse and stopped taking supplements for the month of may.

strength = increase.
weight = no change.
bodyfat = gone

veins popping outta the abs and skin like %@#$##* lulu lemon pants
...of course this is in the morning after sleeping like 12 hours, so probably not eating for 14
I'm telling you brett it was that extra protein you were taking that was part of that side fat.  It could have been something else but I don't find it a coincidence that after a month off of extra protein from supplements that you find that the flab you once had is gone...goes with the thinking that people actually need less protein than that 1g per pound rule.

Or its the dehydrated state from not eating or drinking for 14 hours......

That's what I'm thinking... however, regardless of time of day (morning and completely empty), or after eating 4000 cals, my weight does not fluctuate. Very odd.
As mentioned, there is 3g of water retention per 1g of carb, therefore I understand why my body looks different later in the day.
These things don't really matter to me though... I'm just trying to add mass and I know sleeping in so later is not helping. I need to get up at 8am to sufficiently consume everything in my day.

Anyways.. I posted pics not too long ago, I don't think it's worth while re-psoting as I haven't changed too much. I'm on week 6 of the 5x5, and I'll post after 6 months :tongue:.
I'm on my way to a squat of 315lbs and a bench of 225lbs... currently at squat:205 and bench:165

keep up the good work everyone. dont forget to READ and EAT
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Any safe preworkout stuff? was thinking about jacked, no xplode and !%*# like that, but since i'm on hbp meds that's a no go.
What HBP meds are you taking?

Youd be wise to not take any pre-workout supplements.

What's a good BMI for a 20 year old? Apparently, mine is like 24. How is that? Is that good? What should I be aiming for? 
Thats the population average so youre fine.

dont forget to READ and EAT
Great advice.

Just how important is sleep if you're trying gain muscle mass? LIke what happens if I get an average of around 6 hours of sleep and not 8
Originally Posted by gatorad3

Just how important is sleep if you're trying gain muscle mass? LIke what happens if I get an average of around 6 hours of sleep and not 8
your body grows when you sleep
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Any safe preworkout stuff? was thinking about jacked, no xplode and !%*# like that, but since i'm on hbp meds that's a no go.
What HBP meds are you taking?

Youd be wise to not take any pre-workout supplements.

What's a good BMI for a 20 year old? Apparently, mine is like 24. How is that? Is that good? What should I be aiming for? 
Thats the population average so youre fine.

dont forget to READ and EAT
Great advice.

I take diovan hct and bystolic, i swear it feels like they drain the energy outta me sometimes and make me bloated, but ya'll right, i'll just gut it out and not touch anything till i speak to my doctor.
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Any safe preworkout stuff? was thinking about jacked, no xplode and !%*# like that, but since i'm on hbp meds that's a no go.
What HBP meds are you taking?

Youd be wise to not take any pre-workout supplements.

What's a good BMI for a 20 year old? Apparently, mine is like 24. How is that? Is that good? What should I be aiming for? 
Thats the population average so youre fine.

dont forget to READ and EAT
Great advice.

I take diovan hct and bystolic, i swear it feels like they drain the energy outta me sometimes and make me bloated, but ya'll right, i'll just gut it out and not touch anything till i speak to my doctor.

Yeah you should absolutley talk to your doctor about it.  Bystolic is a beta-blocker so taking some form of a pre-workout supplement would negate that medication, but the Diovan is an ARB so it basicallys mimics a supplement.

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by iLL W1LLiam

Stupid question probably but I got some Creatine and Whey. The Creatine its fruit punch Whey chocolate. I took the Creatine with just water and before/after workout it makes my mouth dry as hell and thirsty. Does anybody mix the two? If so how does it taste? Fruit Punch and Chocolate? Or should I just take them separate. 

Take the creatine with some form of sugar.  (Orange juice, Apple juice, any flavor Gatorade, Grape juice, fruit punch, etc.)
What should I take pre and post workout?
Originally Posted by iLL W1LLiam

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by iLL W1LLiam

Stupid question probably but I got some Creatine and Whey. The Creatine its fruit punch Whey chocolate. I took the Creatine with just water and before/after workout it makes my mouth dry as hell and thirsty. Does anybody mix the two? If so how does it taste? Fruit Punch and Chocolate? Or should I just take them separate. 

Take the creatine with some form of sugar.  (Orange juice, Apple juice, any flavor Gatorade, Grape juice, fruit punch, etc.)
What should I take pre and post workout?
pre workout... coffee?
post workout... spaghetti and meat sauce?
postwork: Brown rice and Chicken or fish would be a better alternative to spaghetti and meat sauce. Less sodium and saturated fat.
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