Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Took a few days off from training cause I was feeling a little overtrained (achy joints, strained hip-flexor, overall fatigue) and then decided to just do a little bi/tri workout today.  Gonna start my new training regimen on Saturday so I just wanted to keep it light today and train some smaller muscles.  I usually train alone but today just when I was about to start the ONE guy at my gym that I trust as an occassional training partner shows up and asked what I was training and decides to jump in.  Had the best arm workout in a long time but I was actually feeling the same sick, light-headed, naseous feeling that people get from a really intense leg workout.  We did bicep curls, dips, skull crushers, hammer curls and finished on some cable stuff and I thought I was gonna heave for about half the workout.  Guess you do work harder with a training partner. 
Curls though?

I've read those are a waste of time.
I also read that people surveyed on doing bicep curls found their skin to become darker, hair loss (specifically on chest and legs), and in many cases, frosted tips.

once you bench over 315 you have to go down to your local poilce station and register your arms as lethal weapons.
Originally Posted by solelifik

im doing p90x and going to the gym 3-4 times a weeek ... is that to much ?

nah, im starting p90x soon but im gonna be on the same grind nest week.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Took a few days off from training cause I was feeling a little overtrained (achy joints, strained hip-flexor, overall fatigue) and then decided to just do a little bi/tri workout today.  Gonna start my new training regimen on Saturday so I just wanted to keep it light today and train some smaller muscles.  I usually train alone but today just when I was about to start the ONE guy at my gym that I trust as an occassional training partner shows up and asked what I was training and decides to jump in.  Had the best arm workout in a long time but I was actually feeling the same sick, light-headed, naseous feeling that people get from a really intense leg workout.  We did bicep curls, dips, skull crushers, hammer curls and finished on some cable stuff and I thought I was gonna heave for about half the workout.  Guess you do work harder with a training partner. 
Curls though?

I've read those are a waste of time.
I also read that people surveyed on doing bicep curls found their skin to become darker, hair loss (specifically on chest and legs), and in many cases, frosted tips.
curls are great for working out the biceps... if done properly. straight bar, reps start at the top (NOT THE BOTTOM). 
the second part of what you said sounds like a joke... can oyu explain?
Originally Posted by KidJs5

Originally Posted by solelifik

im doing p90x and going to the gym 3-4 times a weeek ... is that to much ?

nah, im starting p90x soon but im gonna be on the same grind nest week.
if you havent started it yet how do you know its not over training or fatiguing muscles too much ?
Originally Posted by KidJs5

Originally Posted by solelifik

im doing p90x and going to the gym 3-4 times a weeek ... is that to much ?

nah, im starting p90x soon but im gonna be on the same grind nest week.
if you havent started it yet how do you know its not over training or fatiguing muscles too much ?
Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Took a few days off from training cause I was feeling a little overtrained (achy joints, strained hip-flexor, overall fatigue) and then decided to just do a little bi/tri workout today.  Gonna start my new training regimen on Saturday so I just wanted to keep it light today and train some smaller muscles.  I usually train alone but today just when I was about to start the ONE guy at my gym that I trust as an occassional training partner shows up and asked what I was training and decides to jump in.  Had the best arm workout in a long time but I was actually feeling the same sick, light-headed, naseous feeling that people get from a really intense leg workout.  We did bicep curls, dips, skull crushers, hammer curls and finished on some cable stuff and I thought I was gonna heave for about half the workout.  Guess you do work harder with a training partner. 
Curls though?

I've read those are a waste of time.
I also read that people surveyed on doing bicep curls found their skin to become darker, hair loss (specifically on chest and legs), and in many cases, frosted tips.
curls are great for working out the biceps... if done properly. straight bar, reps start at the top (NOT THE BOTTOM). 
the second part of what you said sounds like a joke... can oyu explain?
Yeah it was definitely a joke.
i.e. the type of guy who tans, waxes, dyes his hair etc etc goes to the gym and does 100+ sets of bicep curls
This is what happens when a subculture grows into a culture, other subcultures start forming and then crossfit geeks in vibram five-fingers start talking about their workouts like they're preaching gospel, saying there's only one way to train and only one reason to work out and lift weights and that curls are useless, etc... If you're not a bodybuilder and you don't care about how your muscles look from one bodypart to the other, you just want functional strength and athleticism, you probably don't need to bother doing bicep curls.

And yeah, I know what you mean about guys hitting the gym 4 days a week and doing smith machine bench presses and bicep curls EVERY day and nothing else, but that's not me. Just happened to be a day I was training bi's and tri's.
Is it weird that i consume nearly 4,000 calories a day with hardly any exercise yet i struggle to keep weight on? I'm 6'0 140lbs by the way. Any help/tips to gain around 30lbs?

Edit:  by 30lbs i mean muscle and not fat.
Ok peoples, I wanted to lose some weight, I'm not really looking for a specific weight its more so a body change.

I'm about 180 pounds, 5'8 so what would be the best way of shedding some fat?

I was thinking interval cardio on the treadmill & elliptical and just a good diet.

Any input will be very helpful
Interval training is very effective. I used to smoke about 15 times per day, it was terrible and it's been a year since I quit....trying to get into good shape now after the lungs seem like they've fully recovered. I go for pretty long jogs and every hill I see, I sprint up, and a good diet is always key. Try to cut out pop totally because that stuff is just no good. I try to eat fish at least twice a week. Salmon and tuna are really healthy and will help you get the good omega protein you need. Good luck man, it's all about the commitment.
Originally Posted by blue23jordan

Is it weird that i consume nearly 4,000 calories a day with hardly any exercise yet i struggle to keep weight on? I'm 6'0 140lbs by the way. Any help/tips to gain around 30lbs?

Edit:  by 30lbs i mean muscle and not fat.
are you sure you are consuming 4000 cals a day EVERY DAY? Often, a weekend of below maintenance will ruin any lbs I gain that week.
Originally Posted by Sais 9mm
[h1]Warning about protein drinks[/h1]
Warning yes, but imo there is no reason to stop consuming in those low and metals.

On another note Muscle Milk and EAS = same companies? They got near identical responses to the report

I will be the first to say that muscle milk is full of poop "recommending only two servings"...the last time I had a tub of muscle milk was last year and I remeber the bottle saying to take some at wake, b4 gym, after gym, and b4 sleeping. They're by far the lowest ethic main stream company out there in the bodybuilding community imo.
Originally Posted by eeibaby

Ok peoples, I wanted to lose some weight, I'm not really looking for a specific weight its more so a body change.

I'm about 180 pounds, 5'8 so what would be the best way of shedding some fat?

I was thinking interval cardio on the treadmill & elliptical and just a good diet.

Any input will be very helpful

You're going to lose fat doing cardio but you will also lose muscle.
You're going to have to throw some weight lifting in there to help maintain the muscle you have and to help excellerate your metabolism to burn fat.

Try mixing cardio with weight; low weights with high repetition. I lost 30lbs in about 5 weeks doing this method.

Strict diet is very important. Fibers early in the day to keep you from getting hungry mixed in with proteins and vegetables. 
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by blue23jordan

Is it weird that i consume nearly 4,000 calories a day with hardly any exercise yet i struggle to keep weight on? I'm 6'0 140lbs by the way. Any help/tips to gain around 30lbs?

Edit:  by 30lbs i mean muscle and not fat.
are you sure you are consuming 4000 cals a day EVERY DAY? Often, a weekend of below maintenance will ruin any lbs I gain that week.
Yea I don't believe you're eating 4,000 calories a day. Please post your meal plan as I would like to see what you're eating.
30lbs of muscle will take you years to put on. You have quite a road ahead of you.
I thought usually most people are able to deadlift more than they can squat. Its the exact opposite for me. Anyone else like this?
^^ meh... you gotta push yourself with the deadlift, but maintain your form... I was doing 275x5 for the longest time then my bro told me to try 315x3. I ended up doing 8 reps easy, but the adrenaline was pumpin.

I squat 275x5 too.
Originally Posted by 18th letter

I thought usually most people are able to deadlift more than they can squat. Its the exact opposite for me. Anyone else like this?
Yea, but I think it is mainly because my grip gives out.  My grip is kinda weak, probably because I don't work with dumbells much.
Originally Posted by Me4u2Night

^^^ Same goes for me. I squat a whole lot more then I can deadlift.
Are you sure your form is correct on squat? if your legs aren't doing 90 degrees or lower it aint for *!%@
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