Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Me4u2Night

^^^ Same goes for me. I squat a whole lot more then I can deadlift.
Are you sure your form is correct on squat? if your legs aren't doing 90 degrees or lower it aint for *!%@
thats the wrong definitio though. the crease between your stomach and your thighs has to go right below the apex of your knees. thats a full squat.
saying 90 degrees... the person might just let the angle between hamstring and calves = 90 and thats not a real squat
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Me4u2Night

^^^ Same goes for me. I squat a whole lot more then I can deadlift.
Are you sure your form is correct on squat? if your legs aren't doing 90 degrees or lower it aint for *!%@
thats the wrong definitio though. the crease between your stomach and your thighs has to go right below the apex of your knees. thats a full squat.
saying 90 degrees... the person might just let the angle between hamstring and calves = 90 and thats not a real squat
^^^ Yup, form is correct when squating. Squating was one of the first things I learned when I started lifting yrs ago. 90 degrees, straight back, knees behind foot, etc.
But my form on my deadlifts need to be tweaked, so that can also be a reason.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by 18th letter

I thought usually most people are able to deadlift more than they can squat. Its the exact opposite for me. Anyone else like this?
Yea, but I think it is mainly because my grip gives out.  My grip is kinda weak, probably because I don't work with dumbells much.
mixed grip helps A LOT for deadlifts.
Tried my own version of a 5 x 5 workout today. Cutting my training frequency down to try to get more recovery time, etc...

Today's workout:

Squats: 315 for 5reps x 5sets
Romanian Deadlift: 275 for 5 reps x 5 sets
Leg Press: 6 plates, century set
Lying Leg Curl: 70lbs, century set

Legs felt dead but great afterwards. Felt a better pump in my legs than I can remember feeling. I'll see how it goes but I'm going to try training this way for the next 6 weeks or so, just going up in weight for my core lifts a little bit each week, so next week I'll do 335 x 5, and so on.
Doing the StrongLifts 5x5 workout today.. for as long as I can keep getting stronger.

Pretty simple workout, was done in 50mins. I love it. Today was day 1. Not too overly concerned with diet, as long as I eat relatively clean, whole foods, no sodas, maybe 1 day a week I eat whatever I want.

Do you put on mass with a strength programme? I'll be eating heaps and doing cardio 3-4x a week.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Tried my own version of a 5 x 5 workout today. Cutting my training frequency down to try to get more recovery time, etc...

Today's workout:

Squats: 315 for 5reps x 5sets
Romanian Deadlift: 275 for 5 reps x 5 sets
Leg Press: 6 plates, century set
Lying Leg Curl: 70lbs, century set

Legs felt dead but great afterwards. Felt a better pump in my legs than I can remember feeling. I'll see how it goes but I'm going to try training this way for the next 6 weeks or so, just going up in weight for my core lifts a little bit each week, so next week I'll do 335 x 5, and so on.
Are you doing the leg curls with both legs simultaneously or are you doing the curls individually?
Originally Posted by Me4u2Night

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by blue23jordan

Is it weird that i consume nearly 4,000 calories a day with hardly any excercise yet i struggle to keep weight on? I'm 6'0 140 lbs by the way. Any help/tips to gain 30lbs?

Edit:  by 30lbs i mean muscle and not fat.
are you sure you are consuming 4000 cals a day EVERY DAY? Often, a weekend of below maintenance will ruin any lbs I gain that week.
Yea I don't believe you're eating 4,000 calories a day. Please post your meal plan as I would like to see what you're eating.
30lbs of muscle will take you years to put on. You have quite a road ahead of you.

I don't have an actual meal plan but i did do a project calculating all the calories a day i eat for two weeks and the average amount turned out to be 4,080 calories.
I eat a lot of fast food sometimes with out trying and a lot of cheese. A lot of cheese like a lot of mozerrella sticks and really a lot
of grilled cheese sandwiches but that still doesn't define all that i eat.  
& now that it's summer with no school for now, i eat almost every hour or visit my fridge every hour or so.
and i started working out for a week before i posted in here and i've gained 3lbs

although that really doesn't mean anything since my weight changes a lot throughout the day. I can weigh 138 when i wake up and then 145 by noon/mid-day and then 142 by night.
I just started my workout plan today, trying to lose about 50 pounds before the end of the year(even more if possible). I'm mainly just going to do cardio work with some lifting in between as well. Bought a jump rope from Amazon and also some Optimum Nutrition Platnium HydroWhey for weightlifting.

I did about a hour of light jump roping for my cardio work just for today and it tired me out ridiculously. Not going to start my lifting until Tuesday though.

My main question though is my diet plan. I understand what is good and bad for you but I guess seriously my main problem is my will power to eat heatlhly. I have no problem working out and pushing myself to work, but once its comes to eating, I still eat the foods I would usually eat, just in smaller portions. I'm sure others can probably relate to this, this is really my only problem. I lost 30 pounds over a 7 month time frame last year from June to December and I have gained it all back.

Any help/tips/suggestions is welcomed.
Originally Posted by Me4u2Night

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Tried my own version of a 5 x 5 workout today. Cutting my training frequency down to try to get more recovery time, etc...

Today's workout:

Squats: 315 for 5reps x 5sets
Romanian Deadlift: 275 for 5 reps x 5 sets
Leg Press: 6 plates, century set
Lying Leg Curl: 70lbs, century set

Legs felt dead but great afterwards. Felt a better pump in my legs than I can remember feeling. I'll see how it goes but I'm going to try training this way for the next 6 weeks or so, just going up in weight for my core lifts a little bit each week, so next week I'll do 335 x 5, and so on.
Are you doing the leg curls with both legs simultaneously or are you doing the curls individually?

I did them simultaneously this time.  I'll probably switch around my finishing lifts from week to week, so I would go individually once in a while. 

Originally Posted by Me4u2Night

^^^ Yup, form is correct when squating. Squating was one of the first things I learned when I started lifting yrs ago. 90 degrees, straight back, knees behind foot, etc.
But my form on my deadlifts need to be tweaked, so that can also be a reason.
knees shouldnt be behind foot... unless you're powerlifting.
^ Shouldn't the knee be behind the front toes, or at least as far back as possible.. back arched? head looking strait, bum goes first then knees..
Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Me4u2Night

^^^ Same goes for me. I squat a whole lot more then I can deadlift.
Are you sure your form is correct on squat? if your legs aren't doing 90 degrees or lower it aint for *!%@
thats the wrong definitio though. the crease between your stomach and your thighs has to go right below the apex of your knees. thats a full squat.
saying 90 degrees... the person might just let the angle between hamstring and calves = 90 and thats not a real squat
Youre both essentially saying the same thing.
^ Shouldn't the knee be behind the front toes, or at least as far backas possible.. back arched? head looking strait, bum goes first thenknees..
Alright tell me what you guys think of this: I need to allocate some time during the next couple months because of class and other reasons, So far I've been doing a muscle group per day- 5 days a week so instead of doing 5 days I want to do 3 days with multiple muscle groups in a day.

I used to do chest,tri's,shoulders on day 1/ back, lats, biceps, forearms on day 2 / and legs on day 3

Since I want to try something new would it be okay if I did chest, biceps, forearms, shoulders on day 1 and back triceps, traps on day 2?

I know that people usually group pulling muscles on one day and pushing on another in terms of upper body so would my arrangement do more harm than good for a change in my workout regimine?
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Alright tell me what you guys think of this: I need to allocate some time during the next couple months because of class and other reasons, So far I've been doing a muscle group per day- 5 days a week so instead of doing 5 days I want to do 3 days with multiple muscle groups in a day.

I used to do chest,tri's,shoulders on day 1/ back, lats, biceps, forearms on day 2 / and legs on day 3

Since I want to try something new would it be okay if I did chest, biceps, forearms, shoulders on day 1 and back triceps, traps on day 2?

I know that people usually group pulling muscles on one day and pushing on another in terms of upper body so would my arrangement do more harm than good for a change in my workout regimine?
I'm not a fan of doing splits. I just focus on doing compounds. There are very few instances where isolation exercises are useful(bodybuilding, very heavy strength work, etc.) in my opinion. Like PanaRican said, if you just want overall athleticism, isolation moves aren't crucial. Instead of a split, why not just choose a few moves that you'd like to work on for each day. You don't necessarily have to keep the same moves every week or anything. Variety is what keeps it interesting.

If you choose to do 2-4 compounds plus an isolation exercise or two, you should be set. Deadlift, front squat, back squat, lunges, sprints, standing press, bench press, power clean, bent over/pendlay row, pull ups(weighted), dips(weighted), etc. There are a lot of moves to choose from, and as long as you pick a rep/set range that's appropriate for your goals, you should be fine.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Alright tell me what you guys think of this: I need to allocate some time during the next couple months because of class and other reasons, So far I've been doing a muscle group per day- 5 days a week so instead of doing 5 days I want to do 3 days with multiple muscle groups in a day.

I used to do chest,tri's,shoulders on day 1/ back, lats, biceps, forearms on day 2 / and legs on day 3

Since I want to try something new would it be okay if I did chest, biceps, forearms, shoulders on day 1 and back triceps, traps on day 2?

I know that people usually group pulling muscles on one day and pushing on another in terms of upper body so would my arrangement do more harm than good for a change in my workout regimine?
I'm not a fan of doing splits. I just focus on doing compounds. There are very few instances where isolation exercises are useful(bodybuilding, very heavy strength work, etc.) in my opinion. Like PanaRican said, if you just want overall athleticism, isolation moves aren't crucial. Instead of a split, why not just choose a few moves that you'd like to work on for each day. You don't necessarily have to keep the same moves every week or anything. Variety is what keeps it interesting.

If you choose to do 2-4 compounds plus an isolation exercise or two, you should be set. Deadlift, front squat, back squat, lunges, sprints, standing press, bench press, power clean, bent over/pendlay row, pull ups(weighted), dips(weighted), etc. There are a lot of moves to choose from, and as long as you pick a rep/set range that's appropriate for your goals, you should be fine.
??? I never said I just do isolation excercises.  I'm not really overly concerned with athleticism, more to gain a bit more size.  I incorporate many of the compound excercises you listed save for the power clean and lunges.

Your right with variety, thats why every week I think i'll switch 1 excercise out for another for each body part.
Yeah for the dudes seeking just a complete workout, or are new to the gym.. just focus on the 'big four' - Deadlifts, Squats, Military Press and Bench.

Like Neal said above, if you can incorporate those four then add 1-2 isolation exercises, 3x a week you'll be working more efficiently and will go up in strength.

I think you see a lot of programmes with 3/4 day splits, they'll be good, but with compounds you really get a full body workout and get the chance to build a excellent base. From there if your into the bodybuilding route you can modify accordingly and reap the gains from isolation work etc.. or if your into specific performance/athleticism - then modifying your rep/set range for compounds will keep the body guessing.

I would recommend this 5x5 programme for those beginners/semi-intermediate people.. its really simple, its effective and you dont have to worry about rep/sets or anything else much. It will also teach you good form/technique with a low weigh to begin with!

Best of all its 3x a week around 45-50mins max!
Originally Posted by BlackChiney06

Interval training is very effective. I used to smoke about 15 times per day, it was terrible and it's been a year since I quit....trying to get into good shape now after the lungs seem like they've fully recovered. I go for pretty long jogs and every hill I see, I sprint up, and a good diet is always key. Try to cut out pop totally because that stuff is just no good. I try to eat fish at least twice a week. Salmon and tuna are really healthy and will help you get the good omega protein you need. Good luck man, it's all about the commitment.

Originally Posted by Me4u2Night

Originally Posted by eeibaby

Ok peoples, I wanted to lose some weight, I'm not really looking for a specific weight its more so a body change.

I'm about 180 pounds, 5'8 so what would be the best way of shedding some fat?

I was thinking interval cardio on the treadmill & elliptical and just a good diet.

Any input will be very helpful

You're going to lose fat doing cardio but you will also lose muscle.
You'regoing to have to throw some weight lifting in there to help maintainthe muscle you have and to help excellerate your metabolism to burn fat.

Try mixing cardio with weight; low weights with high repetition. I lost 30lbs in about 5 weeks doing this method.

Strict diet is very important. Fibers early in the day to keep you from getting hungry mixed in with proteins and vegetables. 

Thanks a lot guys.

I know you said low weights with high repetition but would it be fine if I just did the usual bench press and upper body workouts then after do cardio?

I know I'll take rest days in between but I will do cardio 7 days a week
Originally Posted by blue23jordan

Originally Posted by Me4u2Night

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by blue23jordan

Is it weird that i consume nearly 4,000 calories a day with hardly any excercise yet i struggle to keep weight on? I'm 6'0 140 lbs by the way. Any help/tips to gain 30lbs?

Edit:  by 30lbs i mean muscle and not fat.
are you sure you are consuming 4000 cals a day EVERY DAY? Often, a weekend of below maintenance will ruin any lbs I gain that week.
Yea I don't believe you're eating 4,000 calories a day. Please post your meal plan as I would like to see what you're eating.
30lbs of muscle will take you years to put on. You have quite a road ahead of you.

I don't have an actual meal plan but i did do a project calculating all the calories a day i eat for two weeks and the average amount turned out to be 4,080 calories.
I eat a lot of fast food sometimes with out trying and a lot of cheese. A lot of cheese like a lot of mozerrella sticks and really a lot
of grilled cheese sandwiches but that still doesn't define all that i eat.  
& now that it's summer with no school for now, i eat almost every hour or visit my fridge every hour or so.
and i started working out for a week before i posted in here and i've gained 3lbs

although that really doesn't mean anything since my weight changes a lot throughout the day. I can weigh 138 when i wake up and then 145 by noon/mid-day and then 142 by night.
You're not going to put on 30lbs of muscle eating that.
Averaging 4,080 calories in 2 weeks doesn't really mean you're eating that in a day.

Start eating meats, veggies, fiber to get your weigh up.
Originally Posted by eeibaby

Originally Posted by BlackChiney06

Interval training is very effective. I used to smoke about 15 times per day, it was terrible and it's been a year since I quit....trying to get into good shape now after the lungs seem like they've fully recovered. I go for pretty long jogs and every hill I see, I sprint up, and a good diet is always key. Try to cut out pop totally because that stuff is just no good. I try to eat fish at least twice a week. Salmon and tuna are really healthy and will help you get the good omega protein you need. Good luck man, it's all about the commitment.

Originally Posted by Me4u2Night

Originally Posted by eeibaby

Ok peoples, I wanted to lose some weight, I'm not really looking for a specific weight its more so a body change.

I'm about 180 pounds, 5'8 so what would be the best way of shedding some fat?

I was thinking interval cardio on the treadmill & elliptical and just a good diet.

Any input will be very helpful

You're going to lose fat doing cardio but you will also lose muscle.
You'regoing to have to throw some weight lifting in there to help maintainthe muscle you have and to help excellerate your metabolism to burn fat.

Try mixing cardio with weight; low weights with high repetition. I lost 30lbs in about 5 weeks doing this method.

Strict diet is very important. Fibers early in the day to keep you from getting hungry mixed in with proteins and vegetables. 

Thanks a lot guys.

I know you said low weights with high repetition but would it be fine if I just did the usual bench press and upper body workouts then after do cardio?

I know I'll take rest days in between but I will do cardio 7 days a week

You will burn yourself out if you do cardio 7 days a week. You don't need to do cardio 7 days a week. 
You need to take a break to allow your body to heal. 

Believe it or not, that day off plays a big part in burning fat. 

Don't only focus on your upper body. Work out your entire body for the best results.
Damn, got quiet in here...

Today's workout:

Flat Bench:
245lbs 5 x 5

Military Press:
155lbs 5 x 5

100 reps, no more than 20 seconds rest at each point of failure. (took forever)

Definitely need to revise my chest, shoulder, tricep day, just not sure what to add in/take away.
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