Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Al Audi


The ideal physique for anyone. No homosexual.

I dont know though... that was like 10 exercises, and at 25 reps each it just seems like a waste of time.
I only do woodchoppers, windshield wipers, and cable curls and it works for me. 3x15 of each.
Doing that high of volume to me is the equivalent of doing 300 bicep curls
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Al Audi


The ideal physique for anyone. No homosexual.

I dont know though... that was like 10 exercises, and at 25 reps each it just seems like a waste of time.
I only do woodchoppers, windshield wipers, and cable curls and it works for me. 3x15 of each.
Doing that high of volume to me is the equivalent of doing 300 bicep curls


he is exactly what im looking to go for.....with a lil more mass

rob riches is a top fitness model in the industry............all natural body builder. check his resume
Originally Posted by Redrum

6 pack abs, what's the key to getting them?
I've been doing inclined situps at the gym, like 4 sets of 25 everytime I go which is around 3 - 4 times a week and I've noticed that my stomach is stronger but there's no sign of any 6 pack. Idk, maybe it's because I use to be real big, I still have some excess skin on my stomach which is real soft. Any tips on getting rid of that and tightning up my stomach?
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Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Al Audi


The ideal physique for anyone. No homosexual.

I dont know though... that was like 10 exercises, and at 25 reps each it just seems like a waste of time.
I only do woodchoppers, windshield wipers, and cable curls and it works for me. 3x15 of each.
Doing that high of volume to me is the equivalent of doing 300 bicep curls
Looking at his physique..... I think he knows what he's talking about. Not to sound like a douche, but are your abs better than his?
I wasn't saying that wouldn't work.. but after a certain point you may as well just be jerking off.

I posted a pic a few pages ago asking if someone could estimate my BF. I have higher bf% than him by about 4% therefore, his abs will obviously have way more definition than I.

With that said.. he probably has 10 years of ab work outs on me to boot.
There is simply no comparison.

EDIT: for reference
Spending (what seems like an hour) on abs for 5 years:

Spending 10 mins once a week (if that) on abs for 10 months
Genetics play a huge role in abs in terms of how much fat you';d have to shed in order to see them.

When I was at 7% bf I still couldn't see my abs. That's because I store most of my fat in my midsection.
On the other hand I trained with a dude who was 9-10% and you could see his abs.

Also, a lot of folks have unrealistic goals because of what they see on-line or in magazines or TV. More people use than what the general perception is.
The only thing about that video I didnt like was when we was talking about the lower and upper part of the abs.  Its impossible to train the abs in parts.
Originally Posted by Durden7

The only thing about that video I didnt like was when we was talking about the lower and upper part of the abs.  Its impossible to train the abs in parts.

I had this argument with someone yesterday...

He says to me "buddy your triceps have different parts and so do your abs. all areas have different areas to be trained"

. It's ONE unit
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Genetics play a huge role in abs in terms of how much fat you';d have to shed in order to see them.

When I was at 7% bf I still couldn't see my abs. That's because I store most of my fat in my midsection.
On the other hand I trained with a dude who was 9-10% and you could see his abs.

Also, a lot of folks have unrealistic goals because of what they see on-line or in magazines or TV. More people use than what the general perception is.
Glad you cleared that up. Initially I thought my body fat caliper was off when it said I was at 13% when I started p90x. I'm at 11-12% now and I still can't see them....
I'm trying to steadily lose about 10 lbs, but I want to add (maintain?) functional strength (I am intensifying my competition training for tkd)
Since I'm not trying to bulk, any tips? I know muscle will add weight and some would say cut weight first/build strength first, vice versa but that's a procedure I don't necessarily want to do
this dude had a pretty crazy transformation within just 2.5 years

2.5 year transformation

I joined up to the gym in Feburary 2008, started actually training properly about 5-6 months later though when i set a proper routine and started eating properally. I was 61kgs (134lbs) with an estimated 11-12% bodyfat when joined up to the gym, i was basically just skin and bones i diddnt even have abs. I am now sitting at 75kgs (165lbs) with an estimated 6-8% bodyfat. Here is some before/after pics and also a vid.







Life has gone from 5/10 to 11/10, back before the gym i use to do nothing relly just skate all day every day which i enjoyed no doubt about it, i use to be a sponsored skater so i was quite serious about my skating made a couple of vids been in a mag im not going to lie i enjoyed life but it wasent amazing or anything, it was fun at the most. But now its completly off the chain, i love going hard at the gym every week with mates its what we live for, eating properally none of this junk food like i use to when i was a skinny skater kid, then come the weekends and im out going to bars/clubs with mates just socializing with random people having a good time enjoying life getting home at early hours of the morning. I use to be quite shy back then but now im much more confident, maby its my ego i dont know? Im trying to be humble and modest here im actually a very humble and modest person but going to raves with my gym buddies taking my shirt off having chicks constantly coming up to me talking to me asking me for photos etc, leaving with so many numbers i dont even know nor remember, just walking around getting a compliment like every 5-10 secounds (literally) "ohh that guys ****ing ripped" "omg its the situation" "wow nice abs" watching everyones eyes just bertstare me, random people pointing at me to get there friend(s) to look. Deffently feels good and makes all the hard work and dedication pay off.

Also the job oppurtunitys bodybuilding has opened up for me, back then i had no idea what i wanted to do with my life i failed every subject in school except P.E (Physical Education) i droped out early i diddnt know what i was going to do with my life, but now that i have found my passion i know exctally what i want to do, im currently studying with ISSA to become a personal trainer, i have always been told to do what you love, this is what i love. Also just been offered a topless waitering job at $60-$80 an hour. Like i said before, lifes good.

My goals for now though are to get my PT cert and start training others helping them reach there goals whatever it may be, i have a good knowledge on exercise/nutrition/gym related things, so i cant wait untill i am qualified and can get into it.
BEST PHYSIQUE IN THE MISC 2010 - MAKE YOUR VOTE: http://www.simplyshredded...misc-summer-contest.html

New vid - interview -

Before & After pics - http://forum.bodybuilding...owthread.php?t=125536783
Originally Posted by WarMachine

Originally Posted by Redrum

Well, when I go to gym I do a full body workout, I work everything well except legs I don't really lift or work on those, but I run 2-3 miles as well on the treadmill. I hit the sauna as well a good two times when I'm done. I seen my biceps grow decently and my back as well, stomach is flatter than it use to be too. It probably is just my diet, I haven't really been strict with that. I'll try to go on a high protein low fat diet next week and see if that helps.
start working legs, don't be a *****ot
You must be a Misc'r.
That is the most insane transformation I've seen.

Can you imagine how that would affect your life? Forget the {()}... that physique demands respect even with clothing on. To add 35lbs of muscle in two years definitely gets my respect.
Something I was talking to my boys about last night. We were at Hooters during UFC and there were a lot of dudes that just looked super strong. Has the weight lifting world become like Baseball in the Early 2000s? Where it is assumed folks are dirty? Especially since Jersey Shore folks just blatantly discuss how roided up they are it just seems like I am being left behind because I want to hold on to my integrity. Even in terms of certain supplements I refuse to take because I feel like it is almost cheating. But also I don't know the long term effects of many of these projects.

Like all of these dudes being posted in here I wonder how legit they are. But does it even matter anymore or is the end result all that matters?

Plus I am scared I might become infertile and/or have my stuff shrink by taking stuff.
Dude, you look like Chingy right thurr. Looking good and proportionate. Lean out a bit more and you would be a beast.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Something I was talking to my boys about last night. We were at Hooters during UFC and there were a lot of dudes that just looked super strong. Has the weight lifting world become like Baseball in the Early 2000s? Where it is assumed folks are dirty? Especially since Jersey Shore folks just blatantly discuss how roided up they are it just seems like I am being left behind because I want to hold on to my integrity. Even in terms of certain supplements I refuse to take because I feel like it is almost cheating. But also I don't know the long term effects of many of these projects.

Like all of these dudes being posted in here I wonder how legit they are. But does it even matter anymore or is the end result all that matters?

Plus I am scared I might become infertile and/or have my stuff shrink by taking stuff.
Dude... your body is a high performance, hand crafted luxury sport car. It's class is unparalleled and timeless. You fuel it with the highest quality octane (eat healthy), and keep it running smooth (working out).

Just because some idiot dropped a supercharger in his dodge neon doesn't mean it's a supercar.

Besides...I started reading a lot about juice a little while ago from a board of actual body builders. There was a couple sticky threads to attend the mass amount of guido newbies who wanted to add 40lbs of muscle tomorrow. This is what I got out of it.

-All anabolic steroids such as "deca" "d-bol" "whinstrol" "hgh" ETC ETC at simply accessory drugs to be stacked with Testosterone. Any of these drugs on their own are pointless.
-After three years of dedicated training and nutrition most humans will reach a genetic potential. (or at least 80%, the remaining 20% being 80% harder to achieve). Coincidentally, after three years of training you should know EXACTLY how certain rep ranges, certain sets, time between sets, days of rest, rations of macros, hours of sleep, ETC ETC affect your progress.

So, unless a person is at that point in their body building career drugs are pointless and even harmless. From what I've read that is.

Which doesn't explain why so many guidos are absolutely know damn well they dont know any of that.

Especially after watching Jersey Shore and they were all using machines at the gym and doing curls...shows they know zero about body building
Originally Posted by krazyg

Dude, you look like Chingy right thurr. Looking good and proportionate. Lean out a bit more and you would be a beast.
Thats not me....that is chingy...its just how Im trying to get minus the muscle gut
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