Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

low carb killed me today at the gym, shoulders + traps was so lame i felt weak as !%*#. even easy %*%% like front raises were brutal. plus i forgot my ipod. oh well, its all worth it in the end.

I would hate to do a workout without my ipod.

I forgot it at home once and all through the session im thinking "What the hell is this?"

yeah dude its the absolute worst for me. or when i take it and the battery is dead. 
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

low carb killed me today at the gym, shoulders + traps was so lame i felt weak as !%*#. even easy %*%% like front raises were brutal. plus i forgot my ipod. oh well, its all worth it in the end.

I would hate to do a workout without my ipod.

I forgot it at home once and all through the session im thinking "What the hell is this?"

yeah dude its the absolute worst for me. or when i take it and the battery is dead. 
Ive found that I have better/quicker workouts when I dont have an ipod.  That being said, I typically always bring it. 
I HATE listening about people's weekends at the gym.

Takes me out of my zone 100%.

on the same hand... I mean mug everyone and if someone has to say something to me it's really awkward. People beside me asking something and I blatantly ignore them but I just cant hear them.
I've found it better to lift weights without music, it keeps you focused.

I do listen to music when I run though.

And I hate when people act like its a social club in the gym. You're here to work out, not to conversate about chick you just smashed.
I keep getting in the same argument with my rommmates girlfriend.
She wants to get fit and in above average shape. coming to me for advice and $*#+ all the time.

she is legitimately scared of "getting bulky" she was bragging about her burning workout that consisted of curling 3lbs dumbbells. I didnt even know they made those.

she just told me I'm grossly over exaggerating how hard it is for girls to get bulky.

SMH i get talking to her about it.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

low carb killed me today at the gym, shoulders + traps was so lame i felt weak as !%*#. even easy %*%% like front raises were brutal. plus i forgot my ipod. oh well, its all worth it in the end.

joe how low are you going on carbs?
no direct carb sources on off days, 1/2 cup oats on lifting days (26g). no fruit, prob 10g extra from vegetables etc. throughout the day. 
Durden7 wrote:
low carb killed me today at the gym, shoulders + traps was so lame i felt weak as !%*#. even easy %*%% like front raises were brutal. plus i forgot my ipod. oh well, its all worth it in the end.
Well its a good thing theyre not necessary then.  


wow, i wouldnt be able to function. how high is your fat intake?

i dont use ipods at ipod mini broke (dont remember the generation) an i said i was never gonna buy an iPod yea i dont use music to work like the only one w/o music in the gym very few ppl i notice do this.

"100% of the people in this thread have disordered eating."

How do you feel about this statement.

whatchutalkinbout brett?

edit: im gonna try really low carb an see how it effects me, im curious. ill prob sip some aminos every 2-3 hours thru out the day
dude last two night its been killing me i am eating probably 1600-1900 cals/day and i have so many carb sources sitting around begging to be eaten

not sure if i'm gonna be able to keep this up for that much longer, maybe i will "cycle" on and off and up the carbs for a week to like 60-80 on training days and then drop back down.

fat intake is about 90+ g/day.......90 is on the low end actually. eggs, olive oil, avocado, salmon, some fat from meat, etc.

this sucks. if you try it do it for at least 8 or 9 days, the first week wasn't so bad for me but then i really started to notice it in the gym and with the craving for carbs. 
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

dude last two night its been killing me i am eating probably 1600-1900 cals/day and i have so many carb sources sitting around begging to be eaten

not sure if i'm gonna be able to keep this up for that much longer, maybe i will "cycle" on and off and up the carbs for a week to like 60-80 on training days and then drop back down.

fat intake is about 90+ g/day.......90 is on the low end actually. eggs, olive oil, avocado, salmon, some fat from meat, etc.

this sucks. if you try it do it for at least 8 or 9 days, the first week wasn't so bad for me but then i really started to notice it in the gym and with the craving for carbs. 
i prob wont be able to last a week.............100 grams was real hard to do. basically started breakfast with 1 cup of oats at about 60 w/o i had like 40 grams of carbs

thing i hate about low carb is you feel SOOO depleted, it does work though. do you have a load up day or like do you load up on weekends? i think there is a better way to do it so you dont go insane or feel like (#&$
thats the not sure if a carb up day is required and if it would do anything but delay my progress. i know for keto diets you need them after having been in ketosis for so long but i am not carb depleted to that point (i don't think).

maybe at the end of next week ill carb up or just take it back up to 80g or so a day for a while

yeah you feel depleted and you look depleted too....its frustrating because i know im losing fat and water but even as i get leaner i look worse in the mirror because of how flat/small my muscles look.

also my go to low carb snack throughout the day is almonds and i ran out a while back and keep forgetting to buy them.

one thing i am gonna do is start taking a preworkout again, i have a couple tubs of jack3d sitting here unopened so those will help a little
yea i understand......................i always read different things, i think different things work for different ppl..........well duh right?

yea feeling and looking depleted made me feel so crappy...........few chicks i know were like "youre so skinny" it was really getting to me lol..............

i was tryna explain why everytime, they are like "nah you needa put weight back on"

how bout you #@%%

yea shirts an ()#& didnt snug on the arms and chest etc like before lol.

as far as pre far i like the plasmajet an i only take it mon, wed, first i didnt like it but i think it took some time for it to kick in my friday workout strength and reps were great, BUT that could just be from me gettin my strength does keep you pumped for a long time though.........

right now not something id throw money at again, i wanna try presurge unleashed.
yeah regular presurge was nice for me at least at first, then the energy died down real quick and i just was left with the focus. not too bad, but the new one is prob a lot better. aen is a top tier supp company.

girls say that too me all the time. even my mom saw me a week ago and she said i looked "thinner" immediately even though i had a jacket and ##!# on........i thought in my head damn is it that noticeable???

w/e it'll all be worth it in a month or so, then i can very cleanly bulk up to the summer instead of cutting last minute trying to look lean for the beach. much more relaxed that way i feel.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Al Audi

"100% of the people in this thread have disordered eating."

How do you feel about this statement.

whatchutalkinbout brett?

Had a lengthy discussion about this with a friend.
I know, to some degree, the amount of carbs fats and protein I consume each day.

And that is considered disordered eating. 

lol saw someone said the same thing on forums in the nutrition section. "90% of the people who post here have a eating disorder"

Made me think about it a little bit and I guess I agree but at the same time I like the control (counting calories, tracking macronutrients, etc.) of what I eat and what goes into my body and the results/consequences that come with it.

Atleast I wont be those people who try to lose weight and say "I've tried every diet out there/eating healthy and I still havent lost weight/ no results".
Thought I'd give a plug for Pavel's "Beyond Bodybuilding". Great book with more information than you can ever plan on using. He discusses so much, from "power bodybuilding", to the perfect moves to develop each bodypart, loads of sample routines, etc. I know some of you guys would definitely find it useful(Joe, Audi). You can buy all or just one of the three parts.
How did you guys formulate your current routines? Just curious...

I've come up with mines through watching different channels on Youtube. Me being somewhat a "beginner" and not yet as consistent as I'd like, I watch most videos to see proper form, etc. Anybody a fan of Scott Herman? He looks like a bit of a douche honestly, but he really seems to know what he's doing.
has anybody tried costcos version of "no x-plode"? was in costco today and saw it for 19.99. any thoughts about this mix?
Originally Posted by Seatown2o6

has anybody tried costcos version of "no x-plode"? was in costco today and saw it for 19.99. any thoughts about this mix?

i hate no x-plode...

the side effects are

had me running to the bathroom halfway into my workout. blowing that toilet up
starting to build up stamina for my cardio, i hit the pool for 25 laps about 2x a week. feels great just going continuously and not stopping
Originally Posted by uknowho85

Wut up fellow Nters! I just signed up to a gym ( so yes I'm a newb to working out). I found this 4 week work out plan for people starting to work out. Tell me what ya'll think.

Sorry if link was already posted. I didn't feel like looking through 600 pages
IMO that's a solid workout.

Take your time to develop your form b/c compound exercises can be a little tricky to learn, but knowing how to squat/bench/DL from the beginning is a big advantage
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