Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

I usually find healthy alternatives on campus.
If not then I just carry a shaker cup with protein powder in there and drink it at some point. 
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Rest in peace: Jack LaLanne 1914-2011
It's a shame because it seems like all of the old time strongmen are retired/dead. Strongmen are still around, but the feats that I've heard of don't measure up with what old timers did. Bert Assirati, Arthur Saxon, Jack Lalanne, and the like

Edit: Here's a link I've been meaning to post here for a while:

Lots of insane feats of strength in there
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

School started back up and I already feel my diet going down the drain!

What do you guys do when you have class all day?
Almonds and protein bar to munch on in class. I don't know if you have any breaks in between but I usually bring a sandwich or two.
Hit a PR on bench today doing 285x5 while I lost 5 pounds over the last couple of weeks. Also I finished up my exercise science classes last semester but I'm still trying to learn as much as I can, got the 3rd edition of strength training anotomy today to stay sharp with that but what other books do you guys suggest???
had no carbs today

i wanna try this whole ketosis thing out

my workout was fine today too.

amino acids and good fats are my best friends right now
I been working our for a while and have been seeing some change, is whey protein any good? Also i weigh 145 right now and im trying gain more weight but not by eating the wrong things.
Any healthy food in the morning and afternoon?
Is there anything else i should be taking?
Not embedded for profanity.

Amazing source of motivation despite the fact I have team do and don't understand what he's saying do.
Five rules to losing fat.
1. Avoid white carbohydrates. Anything that is, or can be, 'white', except for 30 mins following 'resistance training'
2. Decrease the amount of carbohydrates. If you feel lethargic, it's more than likely because you are not getting enough calories (not carbs). Load up on veggies and legumes.
3. Don't drink calories. Drink a lot of water, unsweetened tea, low-creme coffee, and if you really need to: a few diet sodas.
4. Don't eat fruit (six days a week). Except tomatoes and avocados. Your European ancestors probably didn't have florida oranges in December.
5. Take one day off per week. Paradoxically, dramatically spiking caloric intake in this way once per week increases fat-loss by ensuring that your metabolic rate (thyroid function and conversion of T4 to T3, etc.) doesn't downshift from extended caloric restriction.

Paraphrased from the book Four Hour Body

Meal plans and food are included. I want to try this out... but sticking to strength training for another four months. Need lotsa carbz
^I guess you can try doing that but I think that's just a lot of broscience... #'s 1, 2, 4, maybe 5 with the dramatically spiking caloric intake.

A lot of people have had success just following these 3 simple rules:

- Workout 3 times a week with weights.
- Eat 1g protein / lb lean body mass.
- Reduce calories to lose 1-2 lbs / week.

taken from How To Lose Fat For Noobs thread from forums
the example i used was not the best.

keto is easy for the first 2-3 days, its after that where you feel weird. Cheese will become your best friend.
Finally, hit 300 on bench yesterday at 175lbs. 

Damn I love working out in the morning. I woke up extra early after missing yesterday to get in a good lifting sesh and I've been feeling great all day
Some of the things you guys are saying are brosciene smh.

Its simple in fat loss you need to up your cardio up in duration and times per wk followed by weight training. Eat grapefruit and watermelons it speeds and contributes to fat loss. And as stated before decrease carbs, fatty acids. AND GET SOME SLEEP AT LEAST 8 HOURS.. and while in this regimen listen to your body- if you're really sore and not mentality focused to go hard in the gym take a day but don't make it a habit!
Originally Posted by Humanflight4 23

Some of the things you guys are saying are brosciene smh.

Its simple in fat loss you need to up your cardio up in duration and times per wk followed by weight training. Eat grapefruit and watermelons it speeds and contributes to fat loss. And as stated before decrease carbs, fatty acids. AND GET SOME SLEEP AT LEAST 8 HOURS.. and while in this regimen listen to your body- if you're really sore and not mentality focused to go hard in the gym take a day but don't make it a habit!
not everyone does cardio to lose weight... oh rly? eat grapefruit and watermelon n i lose weight that simple? kai green wont even agree to the grapefruit part
Originally Posted by nikestreetdotcom

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by nikestreetdotcom

Finally, hit 300 on bench yesterday at 175lbs. 

5'9 170 380 2 reps u mad?

Not at all. Nice work!
And btw, why are you always so negative?

lol wut I;m never negative ehhh I guess BB humor doesnt translate well to NT sometimes my bad homie.
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