Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

I play soccer. I want to be stronger, but not lose any speed. Is there a way to get more upper and lower body strength/mass without losing anything else?
I play soccer. I want to be stronger, but not lose any speed. Is there a way to get more upper and lower body strength/mass without losing anything else?
Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns
3200 cals a day

i think i've seen pics of you. we're around the same build if i'm not mistaken... (i'm 5'7" 155 lbs).

i've gone thru my bulking phase but its just way too hard to maintain that kind of diet because of expenses; not to mention the time it takes to prepare all that food.

i applaud you sir. I've accepted the fact that I'm an Ectomorph and that, realistically, i'll never be huge. I'm ok with being lean and cut at this point. 
1 cup oatmeal
1 cup milk

1 cup (
egg whites

1 scoop whey

big spoon full of peanut butter


Buy all of those items at bulk and when they are on sale. Blend. Eat twice a day ON TOP on what you normally eat. It's 1000cals and fits into a 20oz cup perfectly... put in work!

I'm 6'0 180lbs which would be about the same build
new pic at 224lbs.

this cut i did was just eating healthy, and super setting/ high intensity workouts.

the stack iam going to run will hopefully get rid of stubborn fat, and lean me out.
I just pounded a medium cheese pizza
Calorie - 1140
Protein - 60
Fat - 30
Carbs - 156

Feels so good... couldn't resist. I didn't want to, but I did.

Preworkout nutrition FTW
GJ bwood056...stubborn fat...don't even get me started bro.

I'm trying so damn hard to get ultra obliques showing without me flexing 100% shredded.

What bcaa's you rockin with?
Originally Posted by bwood056

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

GJ bwood056...stubborn fat...don't even get me started bro.

I'm trying so damn hard to get ultra obliques showing without me flexing 100% shredded.

What bcaa's you rockin with?
Ah...just ordered scivation xtend blue rasberry
I have the Bodytech bcaa pills...looking to see how i like the powdered form better.
Bruhs tell me what you think about this workout plan, with the following considerations: I think my chest is overly built relative to the rest of my body, and my current goal is to build up my lower body and arms. To that end, I've come up with the following plan.

Day 1: DL, Romanian DL, Upright Row BB, BB Curl, Forearm Exercise, Hammer Curls, Calf Raises.
Day 2: Squat, Goblet Squat, Incline Bench, Close Grip Bench, Weighted Triceps Dips, Triceps Rope.
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: DL, Standing Military Press, BB Curl, Forearm BB, Calf Raises.
Day 5: Squat, Close Grip Bench, Weighted Triceps Dips, Triceps Rope.
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Rest
do you guys jump rope/jumping jacks frequently to lose weight? heard its better than running. so ive recently started.
Originally Posted by gConquer

if you guys do 2 a days at the gym what do you workout in each
i do my plate workouts in the am.

in the PM stick to core, and cardio related workouts to my body parts i worked out earlier.

Originally Posted by PltcsAsUsual

Need you guys help with a duet to lose weight a tad quicker

Before 235 lbs

After 4.1 weeks of 2x intense running a week | Full muscle work outs gym/ home | Healthy diet (No soda, Candy, Strictly gatorade chicken and rice [ocasinal break every other weekend] ) | Not much sex [it made me lazy and spoiled because I was able to pull women fat so in my head I knew I could increase quality with a better quality body]

I'm looking for the idris Elba type effect by next year this time

I haven't use any supplements besides a bit of WHEY and N.O explode

I honestly think it's good genes and muscle memory from high school so I want to build on this.

I need a good reliable diet to get my metabolism going and burn fat.. I'm thinking of taking Phentermine again as a dietary supplement also recommend me some good WHEY products to use and where to get them and should I continue N.O explode or get on anything else?
yo how tall are you?
Originally Posted by Hugo

do you guys jump rope/jumping jacks frequently to lose weight? heard its better than running. so ive recently started.
Jumping jacks are whack. Maybe as part of a warm-up. I love jumping rope. I do it around twice a week. It really gets the heart rate going and when you get into a groove you just wanna keep going. It's pretty intense.

Originally Posted by BmoneyBagz

Has anyone taken oxyeliite pro stacked with recreate?

I've taken both, but not at the same time. Recreate didn't do much, but Oxyelite Pro is good stuff. Just stick with that. You will have a lot of energy and will feel super hot though. I remember I would start sweating after my first empty stomach dose. Best fat burner I've used besides the EC stack.
Strained my bicep near my elbow earlier this week. I have a back workout coming up. Should I skip back this week as not to aggregate the injury further or do you think it would be okay to do some light back workouts? The strain isn't too bad. It's only a slight pain when i contract my biceps relatively hard. 1.5 weeks into Keto and I am pleased so far. Going to start doing post workout light-cardio next week and start the ec stack in 2 weeks. Hopefully I'll be able to get to single digit bf% again. All my lifts have been the same since I started Keto. My bench went up a little actually.
hardly any sleep, no gym for the last 3 days, tons of stimulants, irregular diet. $#%% my life, what a terrible way to end a cycle. i gotta lift extra hard thru pct i guess.
Originally Posted by car9vel

I play soccer. I want to be stronger, but not lose any speed. Is there a way to get more upper and lower body strength/mass without losing anything else?
its a lot more challenging than a typical gym workout....but it fits your goals: olympic lifting. will increase your strength and power, which will translate into more speed. you prob won't get as much mass as a bb style workout but that's not what you need anyway.  
as for a specific oly plan either google it or ask someone who knows their stuff like wawaweewa, i dont have much experience with oly lifting. i just know its ideal for your goals.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

hardly any sleep, no gym for the last 3 days, tons of stimulants, irregular diet. $#%% my life, what a terrible way to end a cycle. i gotta lift extra hard thru pct i guess.

just dont turn into those dudes that are "seasonal", and only lift while on a cycle.

i see those dudes alllllll the time man.

btw you should peak strength wise week or 2 after your cycle.

i jump rope for about 3-5 minuets (usually the length of a song on my workout playlist) i do it before as a warmup.
I'm joining a gym next week for the first time in my life. I'm not out of shape because I play basketball (6'0 205lbs) but I wanna bulk up a bit and lose the slight gut that is slowly developing due to my bad diet the last few weeks...Any advice for a first timer?
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