Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I'm joining a gym next week for the first time in my life. I'm not out of shape because I play basketball (6'0 205lbs) but I wanna bulk up a bit and lose the slight gut that is slowly developing due to my bad diet the last few weeks

Congrats. Stick to it.
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I'm joining a gym next week for the first time in my life. I'm not out of shape because I play basketball (6'0 205lbs) but I wanna bulk up a bit and lose the slight gut that is slowly developing due to my bad diet the last few weeks

Congrats. Stick to it.
Thanks bruh..I meant to add "Any advice?" to the end of that post
I used to work out at home a few years ago but being close to a tv and couch is too distracting so I have to be in an environment where I can stay focused
Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

What is a good choice for protein bars?

If you have the option I would opt for liquid protein instead of bars. Protein is best delivered in the bloodstream through liquid form. 
You don't even need to go out and buy protein. Just make the Original Arnold Shake or chocolate milk after a workout. Both way better than protein powders. 
Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

I'm looking for a meal replacement/substitute so what are my options for liquid protein

look into whey protein.

a protein shake is a meal replacement.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Originally Posted by Hugo

do you guys jump rope/jumping jacks frequently to lose weight? heard its better than running. so ive recently started.
Jumping jacks are whack. Maybe as part of a warm-up. I love jumping rope. I do it around twice a week. It really gets the heart rate going and when you get into a groove you just wanna keep going. It's pretty intense.

This... I jump rope 3x/week pretty intense and very efficient in a good timeframe.  You be surprised how effective jump roping is in 20 minutes
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I'm joining a gym next week for the first time in my life. I'm not out of shape because I play basketball (6'0 205lbs) but I wanna bulk up a bit and lose the slight gut that is slowly developing due to my bad diet the last few weeks

Congrats. Stick to it.
Thanks bruh..I meant to add "Any advice?" to the end of that post
I used to work out at home a few years ago but being close to a tv and couch is too distracting so I have to be in an environment where I can stay focused
Some tips:
-Stick to it. I think this should be Rule number 1. Lots of people quit cause they don't see results, that's the wrong mentality
-Do your exercises with the right form. You'll get better results and less chance of injury if you do things correctly
-Stay with a weight you can do. Kind of refers to the right form thing. Too much weight usually means bad form and injury
-Eat smartly. The workout doesn't end in the gym, you need to eat good foods to ensure you're maximizing your gains

I think that's all that's important for now. Just stick to the plan and you'll see results
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by bwood056

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

GJ bwood056...stubborn fat...don't even get me started bro.

I'm trying so damn hard to get ultra obliques showing without me flexing 100% shredded.

What bcaa's you rockin with?
Ah...just ordered scivation xtend blue rasberry
I have the Bodytech bcaa pills...looking to see how i like the powdered form better.
I am going to sound like an idiot, but what are these for?
Anyone know why I feel sore 2 days after my workout and not the immediate day after?
Did deadlifts Tuesday night, felt fine yesterday but today my lower back is all kinds of sore.
breakthrough in the gym for me recently

been real stressful at work lately and ive been using the gym as my remedy...i just go in there and beast mode it

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Anyone know why I feel sore 2 days after my workout and not the immediate day after?
Did deadlifts Tuesday night, felt fine yesterday but today my lower back is all kinds of sore.

U most likely spend too much time sitting like most americans... Tight psoas equals lower back strain. work on correcting ur posture and drawing your navel in as far as possible during your reps. I used to have this problem too
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Anyone know why I feel sore 2 days after my workout and not the immediate day after?
Did deadlifts Tuesday night, felt fine yesterday but today my lower back is all kinds of sore.

google DOMS
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), also called muscle fever, is the pain and stiffness felt in muscles several hours to days after unaccustomed or strenuous exercise. The soreness is felt most strongly 24 to 72 hours after the exercise.[sup][1][/sup] It is a symptom of muscle damage caused by eccentric exercise.[sup][2][/sup] After such exercise, the muscle adapts rapidly to prevent muscle damage, and thereby soreness, if the exercise is repeated.[sup][3][/sup]

DOMS always kicks in the second day... and it's been so damn bad lately

Last week my legs were OD sore for 5 days... brutal
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387
Some tips:
-Stick to it. I think this should be Rule number 1. Lots of people quit cause they don't see results, that's the wrong mentality
-Do your exercises with the right form. You'll get better results and less chance of injury if you do things correctly
-Stay with a weight you can do. Kind of refers to the right form thing. Too much weight usually means bad form and injury
-Eat smartly. The workout doesn't end in the gym, you need to eat good foods to ensure you're maximizing your gains

I think that's all that's important for now. Just stick to the plan and you'll see results
Thanks a lot man, I appreciate the tips. Definitely not gonna try to impress anyone at the gym trying to lift more than I can
. Should I hit the ground running and go 4-5 times a week, or take it easy at first and go 2-3 times a week?
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by car9vel

I play soccer. I want to be stronger, but not lose any speed. Is there a way to get more upper and lower body strength/mass without losing anything else?
its a lot more challenging than a typical gym workout....but it fits your goals: olympic lifting. will increase your strength and power, which will translate into more speed. you prob won't get as much mass as a bb style workout but that's not what you need anyway.  
as for a specific oly plan either google it or ask someone who knows their stuff like wawaweewa, i dont have much experience with oly lifting. i just know its ideal for your goals.
joe, I'm not sure O-lifting is the best way to achieve that. The o-lifts are very technical and take a long time to learn. They're great moves, but unless you're an oly lifter or want to oly lift, you don't need to do them. Derivatives such as power cleans, jump shrugs, etc. provide the benefits without the steep learning curve. 
Might want to check out the work of Ross Enamait. He works with combat athletes who need to maintain condtioning, agility, etc. and he's shown how to gain mass while maintaining those attributes.

The basics still apply. Squat, deadlift, press, pull, and eat more.
Whats good NT. Haven't been on this for awhile. I'm deployed right now, and i finally found my grove on hitting the weights again. but i saw this thread, and peoples input and advice and what not,Looks pretty nice. im gonna stay up to date on this.

--But My advice is i've been stuck on what protein to take. I'm a huge fan of ON, i recently bought ON's platinum Hydrobuilder. Almost out, I researched it, and it says its just a 'post workout' protein shake. Because I'm starting to take it throughout the day.. but really didnt know thats ok. well please any input would be appreciated. btw if this helps, im looking to get muscle obviously but not gain any weight. I wanna Be cut/lean. im 6'4 roughly 203lbs.

--And my gym regimen is [mon]-chest-tris/light legs workout [tue]-shoulders-arms-back [wed]-cardio/abs/legs then [thurs]-same as mon. but higher weight. [fri]-same as tue, higher weight. [sat]-run/insanity we do that for 2 weeks then 1 week just insanity, and we cycle off and on that. I barely came up with this regimen hopefully it works. and from what i read from up above, start jump roping and do some burpees and hit the punching bag to start the workout and get me hyped. Take care. any help would be appreciated.
Originally Posted by thekryptonite

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Ah...just ordered scivation xtend blue rasberry
I have the Bodytech bcaa pills...looking to see how i like the powdered form better.
I am going to sound like an idiot, but what are these for?

Basica Chain Amino Acids - In short, they help counteract muscle breakdown after long strenuous exercise.  They also help with muscle soreness (DOMS) and are especially good for people on cuts...since they help preserve muscle-loss.

If you want the long it.
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