Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

nah i def am not....but school got very serious for a bit so i had to be studying way too much and couldn't go to the gym for the last 4 days. horrible way to end it, could be mental but i think i look small as %*#%. but it wont be my last cycle so w/e
thats good to hear though about the strength thing, i usually hear horror stores about pct being +%%+#% but im using toremifene so i hope it is not too bad. 
You might have a slight case of  Bigorexia like I do. I swear im not that much bigger than lets say, 2 years ago. Yet I cant fit any of my clothes (234lbs right now). Hoepfully you took before and after pictures so you can see your progress.
The main problem is that we look at ourselves in the mirror everyday all day and Its hard to see the size difference.

Its true your strength may go up for a few days on pct (not sure why this happens), but dont rely on the nolva to get you through it. After 3 cycles, I realized its all a mental. What ever you do, dont stop training no matter how much like crap you feel. Get some B12 and VitD. Make sure you eat even if you dont want to. ....But luckily for me pct doesnt exist because im on HRT for life

Btw..this is IICE
ya man i think its mostly mental. ive gotten tons of comments from people asking me what im taking, if ive been working out more etc.
i will lift today and im going extra hard during pct no doubt. no way im gonna be one of those clowns who loses it all off cycle.

any tips for pct? also are you doing blasts and cruises or just normal hrt doses? good to have u back around here dude

oh and 234 goddamn thats big

Just stay focused. Its something you gotta fight through. But then again, you could be one of those that have no issues with pct. Especially since you were only on prop. Prop to me is the easiest to deal with and is my fav test by far. I honestly think youll do pretty well on pct, just get some vidD and or B12 to keep your energy up. I say get vitD because theres a connection with vitD and test. I myself have very low D.

I just blast from time to time. Im getting ready for my first comp end of this summer so im doin a lil cycle.
750mg cyp/ wk for 12 weeks
Then switch to 75mg prop/ day for 6 weeks
25mg tren a/ day for 6 weeks ( may bump it up but tren is not my friend lol)
50-100mg/ winni 6 weeks
And clen for 3 weeks.
Hcg all throughout.
Hcg is what I use for hrt and so far so good. I would suggest everyone use hcg for every cycle they do. Keeping ur nuts.working is so beneficial for.pct, makes recovery time shorter imo.
Ran a mile this morning on the track in 7:01
sick.gif so use to running on the treadmill I forgot how hard running the track trying to get it in the low 6...

Also tried to do a muscle up for the first time...failed miserably
...they look alot easier than they are
started using oxy elite pro today, whats funny is that everyone else in here who said they used it said they almost had to force themselves to eat, but im just as hungry as always 
Hey guys, just canceled my gym membership. yall got any workouts to gain strength for biceps, triceps, shoulders, and chest to use things around the house??
Originally Posted by Bballkingsrule

Hey guys, just canceled my gym membership. yall got any workouts to gain strength for biceps, triceps, shoulders, and chest to use things around the house??

^^^^ P90x for sale lol
I've been so out of shape since I quit playing ball....
I jog 2 miles often throughout the week and just mostly do cardio....
I plan to kick it into high gear on Monday...or atleast have a structured workout/cardio plan....I weigh 195 right now...wanna try and get down to 170-175......
Hey guys, just canceled my gym membership. yall got any workouts to gain strength for biceps, triceps, shoulders, and chest to use things around the house??
Hey guys, just canceled my gym membership. yall got any workouts to gain strength for biceps, triceps, shoulders, and chest to use things around the house??
Originally Posted by jordan231025

5'11"/178. Was able to hit 120lb. flat dumbell press today. #feelsgoodman. Keep it up NT!


...almost two years of training and I'm struggling with 70 lb flat DB press today. 

...same stats 

Zyzz wrote:
anyone got a site or workouts to strengthen your core?

Squats... my abs are so damn sore the day after squatting. Also, pullups. Do these correctly and your core is aces
Originally Posted by Zyzz

anyone got a site or workouts to strengthen your core?
Nothing strengthens the core like gymnastics work. I mean absolutely nothing. Front lever, l-sit, back lever. Joint integrity, proprioception, balance, etc. that develop alongside it are not bad either
For all the lifters...what type of carbs are you ingesting if workout?

I'm using dextrose right now but i'm wondering if I could tweak it and use say oats or another carb source.

If i'm trying to gain strength a little size...are pwo carbs totally necessary?
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

For all the lifters...what type of carbs are you ingesting if workout?

I'm using dextrose right now but i'm wondering if I could tweak it and use say oats or another carb source.

If i'm trying to gain strength a little size...are pwo carbs totally necessary?

Right after my workout I take in my protein shake with a banana. About 45 minutes later I have my actual meal.. my pwo carbs generally come from sweet potatoes, beans, veggies, or brown rice. 

You should def try to include oats in your diet.. 

You should def be taking in the right pwo carbs. They are essential to your body after a workout. Protein and carbs help your muscles recuperate and grow.
Small update..

In January I was 218. The heaviest I had ever been. But since then I picked back up on my hoopin' and liftin' and I'm down to 201 now. Slow and steady weight lost in an attempt to keep as much muscle as possible. My diet is on point and things are going great. Miami in two weeks so I had to get right!!! 
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