Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0


Everything You Know About Fitness is a Lie
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Posted By Daniel Duane On January 21, 2011 @ 3:06 pm In Cover Stories,Features,Mind & Body
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Photograph by Frederik Broden
[h2]Gym machines are boring, CrossFit is sadistic, and dieting sucks. Luckily, none of them is essential to being truly fit. Through years of trial and error — and humiliation at the hands of some of the world’s top trainers — the author discovered the secrets to real health.[/h2][h5]by Daniel Duane[/h5]
I hate the gym. At least, I hate “the gym

this is the problem with this thread, and to be honest it can't be helped. Newbies to the lifting/healthy lifestyle come to the thread, just merely skimming over things and they see the more experienced people talking about it and its upsides...they can't help but think...damn I can get like them if I take the supps they are taking.

This is why I always preach for people to go out to reputable websites and do research themselves before getting involved in this thread...

My bad for the dbag comment though...
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

^ How many days a week does he workout and how intense? How old is he?

Clean bulk? Dirty bulk?

i think he would do a dirty bulk, he's 23

and i think he is able to workout 5-6 times a week

and bulk hasnt started yet
Maintenance: 2482 Calories/day

I would say at least 3000 up 3500 a day.

Not 100% accurate because it varys from person to person. Also, calorie excess amounts change as his weight changes.

Make sure he monitors his weight weekly and make changes accordingly.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT


this is the problem with this thread, and to be honest it can't be helped. Newbies to the lifting/healthy lifestyle come to the thread, just merely skimming over things and they see the more experienced people talking about it and its upsides...they can't help but think...damn I can get like them if I take the supps they are taking.

This is why I always preach for people to go out to reputable websites and do research themselves before getting involved in this thread...

My bad for the dbag comment though...

I agree that its a big problem with this thread.  I dont think it can be solved, but I do think the problem can be lessened.

Which is why I said that people should care about the supplement discussion in here.  Even though I dislike the "chemtalk", I can admit that it's useful at times.  Its not often, but there have been discussions about supplements in here that have been worthwhile.  Im always for any healthy, non-aggressive discussion.  The supplement suggestion posts are the ones that I dislike.

I also agree with the logic that some people come in here possessing.  The "I can get them like by doing/taking X, Y,Z".  Thats where the problem is, and its not just relegated to this thread.  Thats a common way of thinking in numerous aspects of life.  Its impossible to solve.

Dont worry about the dbag comment.  It wasnt the first time ive heard that, and im sure it wont be the last time either.  Its all good.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT


this is the problem with this thread, and to be honest it can't be helped. Newbies to the lifting/healthy lifestyle come to the thread, just merely skimming over things and they see the more experienced people talking about it and its upsides...they can't help but think...damn I can get like them if I take the supps they are taking.

This is why I always preach for people to go out to reputable websites and do research themselves before getting involved in this thread...

My bad for the dbag comment though...

I agree that its a big problem with this thread.  I dont think it can be solved, but I do think the problem can be lessened.

Which is why I said that people should care about the supplement discussion in here.  Even though I dislike the "chemtalk", I can admit that it's useful at times.  Its not often, but there have been discussions about supplements in here that have been worthwhile.  Im always for any healthy, non-aggressive discussion.  The supplement suggestion posts are the ones that I dislike.

I also agree with the logic that some people come in here possessing.  The "I can get them like by doing/taking X, Y,Z".  Thats where the problem is, and its not just relegated to this thread.  Thats a common way of thinking in numerous aspects of life.  Its impossible to solve.

Dont worry about the dbag comment.  It wasnt the first time ive heard that, and im sure it wont be the last time either.  Its all good.

you'll always come off as a condescending dbag 

just the way you write, which is all good. 

god knows you and i have had run ins.

but its true, people in here need to know that a foundation is IMPORTANT.

cant jump into doing 2x your body weight on bench, or 3x on deadlift, ect.

takes time, and alot of building. 

ive been lifting on a constant basis for about 3 years now, and im always learning new things still till this day. 

dont get discouraged to the newbies; that results are not coming as quickly as wished. this was not meant to be easy, if it was, every one would be ripped, or jacked.
Originally Posted by bwood056

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT


this is the problem with this thread, and to be honest it can't be helped. Newbies to the lifting/healthy lifestyle come to the thread, just merely skimming over things and they see the more experienced people talking about it and its upsides...they can't help but think...damn I can get like them if I take the supps they are taking.

This is why I always preach for people to go out to reputable websites and do research themselves before getting involved in this thread...

My bad for the dbag comment though...

I agree that its a big problem with this thread.  I dont think it can be solved, but I do think the problem can be lessened.

Which is why I said that people should care about the supplement discussion in here.  Even though I dislike the "chemtalk", I can admit that it's useful at times.  Its not often, but there have been discussions about supplements in here that have been worthwhile.  Im always for any healthy, non-aggressive discussion.  The supplement suggestion posts are the ones that I dislike.

I also agree with the logic that some people come in here possessing.  The "I can get them like by doing/taking X, Y,Z".  Thats where the problem is, and its not just relegated to this thread.  Thats a common way of thinking in numerous aspects of life.  Its impossible to solve.

Dont worry about the dbag comment.  It wasnt the first time ive heard that, and im sure it wont be the last time either.  Its all good.

you'll always come off as a condescending dbag 

just the way you write, which is all good. 

god knows you and i have had run ins.

but its true, people in here need to know that a foundation is IMPORTANT.

cant jump into doing 2x your body weight on bench, or 3x on deadlift, ect.

takes time, and alot of building. 

ive been lifting on a constant basis for about 3 years now, and im always learning new things still till this day. 

dont get discouraged to the newbies; that results are not coming as quickly as wished. this was not meant to be easy, if it was, every one would be ripped, or jacked.
I think you guys are talking just to talk.  Theres always going to be people coming into this thread asking for advice and it's our jobs to help them....if we want.  Not our faults if they don't achieve what they set out to...happens to alot of guys are taking other's shortcomings to serious....experience is the best teacher, those who only give advice are only guides to said experience.
If your tired of responding to people's basic questions then don't answer.  After that they'll figure to do their own research.
Speaking of supplements and what not...... I am traveling overseas tomorrow......... Should I be carrying my supps with me on my carry-on or with my check-in luggage??

I'm not gonna bother bringing ephedrine or any injectables with me
But I do wanna continue my cycle of HGHup... its not really HGH but is a PH.
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

You should space out your chest day and shoulder a little more. Depending how hard you lift, you use a lot of shoulder on chest day and arms.
Not only that, there doesnt sound like theres alot of rest time in between.
You could say rest is just as/more important than the effort put in the gym.

True. This is me.

Mon: Legs
Tuesday Cardio or Off
Wednesday Chest/Bicep
Thursday Cardio or off
Friday Cardio or off
Saturday: Shoulders (Front/Middle Deltoids)
Sunday: Back/Tricep.

Off days could be used for calfs, abs, squats, forearms, whatever.
Alright, i dont go to hard to yet, but im gonna prolly change it off, not have as many off days, but try to separate them out
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Speaking of supplements and what not...... I am traveling overseas tomorrow......... Should I be carrying my supps with me on my carry-on or with my check-in luggage??

I'm not gonna bother bringing ephedrine or any injectables with me
But I do wanna continue my cycle of HGHup... its not really HGH but is a PH.
Put it in your check-in. f....TSA can still be A-holes or who ever it is your gonna be dealing with. Id change the bottle too. Use a vitamin bottle or something.
I have an RX for my stuff but still wouldnt take it for on board
For those who make sandwiches, which cheese do you use go with? I've been recommended Swiss.

First day of summer was today, gymmed for ~3 hours
, cardio.

Edit: Current @ 174, will try to cut down in BF.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

For those who make sandwiches, which cheese do you use go with? I've been recommended Swiss.

First day of summer was today, gymmed for ~3 hours
, cardio.

3 hours of gym though...get more efficient bro.
Swiss is a good cheese.  Just look for low-fat versions if you MUST have cheese. 
What would you suggest (in terms of cardio) in order to be more efficient? Any help is appreciated.

I went to the steamroom for about 10 minutes, then balled for about 2 hours and ran for about 15 minutes, then cooled down for 10 (brisk walking).
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387
Some tips:
-Stick to it. I think this should be Rule number 1. Lots of people quit cause they don't see results, that's the wrong mentality
-Do your exercises with the right form. You'll get better results and less chance of injury if you do things correctly
-Stay with a weight you can do. Kind of refers to the right form thing. Too much weight usually means bad form and injury
-Eat smartly. The workout doesn't end in the gym, you need to eat good foods to ensure you're maximizing your gains

I think that's all that's important for now. Just stick to the plan and you'll see results
Thanks a lot man, I appreciate the tips. Definitely not gonna try to impress anyone at the gym trying to lift more than I can
. Should I hit the ground running and go 4-5 times a week, or take it easy at first and go 2-3 times a week?
Go easy, 2-3 times a week is good. That way you stay motivated and you can look forward to going to the gym. Once you get used to it and enjoy going then you can go whenever. I'd go to the gym everyday if I could
Originally Posted by bwood056

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

hardly any sleep, no gym for the last 3 days, tons of stimulants, irregular diet. $#%% my life, what a terrible way to end a cycle. i gotta lift extra hard thru pct i guess.

just dont turn into those dudes that are "seasonal", and only lift while on a cycle.

i see those dudes alllllll the time man.

btw you should peak strength wise week or 2 after your cycle.

nah i def am not....but school got very serious for a bit so i had to be studying way too much and couldn't go to the gym for the last 4 days. horrible way to end it, could be mental but i think i look small as %*#%. but it wont be my last cycle so w/e
thats good to hear though about the strength thing, i usually hear horror stores about pct being +%%+#% but im using toremifene so i hope it is not too bad. 
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by bwood056

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

hardly any sleep, no gym for the last 3 days, tons of stimulants, irregular diet. $#%% my life, what a terrible way to end a cycle. i gotta lift extra hard thru pct i guess.

just dont turn into those dudes that are "seasonal", and only lift while on a cycle.

i see those dudes alllllll the time man.

btw you should peak strength wise week or 2 after your cycle.

nah i def am not....but school got very serious for a bit so i had to be studying way too much and couldn't go to the gym for the last 4 days. horrible way to end it, could be mental but i think i look small as %*#%. but it wont be my last cycle so w/e
thats good to hear though about the strength thing, i usually hear horror stores about pct being +%%+#% but im using toremifene so i hope it is not too bad. 
You might have a slight case of  Bigorexia like I do. I swear im not that much bigger than lets say, 2 years ago. Yet I cant fit any of my clothes (234lbs right now). Hoepfully you took before and after pictures so you can see your progress.
The main problem is that we look at ourselves in the mirror everyday all day and Its hard to see the size difference.

Its true your strength may go up for a few days on pct (not sure why this happens), but dont rely on the nolva to get you through it. After 3 cycles, I realized its all a mental. What ever you do, dont stop training no matter how much like crap you feel. Get some B12 and VitD. Make sure you eat even if you dont want to. ....But luckily for me pct doesnt exist because im on HRT for life

Btw..this is IICE
Most people get discouraged because they don't know what the *#*+ they're doing. It's true for people working out 3 months ,3 years, or 13 years.
Most people approach training in absolute rather than relative terms. The have huge misconceptions about the most basic of training facets.
Most everyone can reach a relatively high level. There's nothing magic about training. 
Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by bwood056

just dont turn into those dudes that are "seasonal", and only lift while on a cycle.

i see those dudes alllllll the time man.

btw you should peak strength wise week or 2 after your cycle.

nah i def am not....but school got very serious for a bit so i had to be studying way too much and couldn't go to the gym for the last 4 days. horrible way to end it, could be mental but i think i look small as %*#%. but it wont be my last cycle so w/e
thats good to hear though about the strength thing, i usually hear horror stores about pct being +%%+#% but im using toremifene so i hope it is not too bad. 
You might have a slight case of  Bigorexia like I do. I swear im not that much bigger than lets say, 2 years ago. Yet I cant fit any of my clothes (234lbs right now). Hoepfully you took before and after pictures so you can see your progress.
The main problem is that we look at ourselves in the mirror everyday all day and Its hard to see the size difference.

Its true your strength may go up for a few days on pct (not sure why this happens), but dont rely on the nolva to get you through it. After 3 cycles, I realized its all a mental. What ever you do, dont stop training no matter how much like crap you feel. Get some B12 and VitD. Make sure you eat even if you dont want to. ....But luckily for me pct doesnt exist because im on HRT for life

Btw..this is IICE
ya man i think its mostly mental. ive gotten tons of comments from people asking me what im taking, if ive been working out more etc.
i will lift today and im going extra hard during pct no doubt. no way im gonna be one of those clowns who loses it all off cycle.

any tips for pct? also are you doing blasts and cruises or just normal hrt doses? good to have u back around here dude

oh and 234 goddamn thats big
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