Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0


So my main goal is to gain some muscle mass with a "clean" bulk

My current daily intake is about 2700 calories (~50g fat / ~280g pro / ~290g carb) and my diet is pretty routine so it's pretty much the same every day (I've been at a steady 195lbs if it matters)

I know the answer is EAT but what's a good way to add 4-500 cals daily for building muscle while keeping a fairly "clean" diet?
Would pounding pb work or would that be too fattening?

Any help is much appreciated
Originally Posted by GetYaShinebox


So my main goal is to gain some muscle mass with a "clean" bulk

My current daily intake is about 2700 calories (~50g fat / ~280g pro / ~290g carb) and my diet is pretty routine so it's pretty much the same every day (I've been at a steady 195lbs if it matters)

I know the answer is EAT but what's a good way to add 4-500 cals daily for building muscle while keeping a fairly "clean" diet?
Would pounding pb work or would that be too fattening?

Any help is much appreciated
eggs, turkey
Originally Posted by GetYaShinebox


So my main goal is to gain some muscle mass with a "clean" bulk

My current daily intake is about 2700 calories (~50g fat / ~280g pro / ~290g carb) and my diet is pretty routine so it's pretty much the same every day (I've been at a steady 195lbs if it matters)

I know the answer is EAT but what's a good way to add 4-500 cals daily for building muscle while keeping a fairly "clean" diet?
Would pounding pb work or would that be too fattening?

Any help is much appreciated
Reduce protein intake to 200g. Increase your fats to about 100g. Increase carbs to about 375g.
Wahla.. 3200 cals.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by GetYaShinebox


So my main goal is to gain some muscle mass with a "clean" bulk

My current daily intake is about 2700 calories (~50g fat / ~280g pro / ~290g carb) and my diet is pretty routine so it's pretty much the same every day (I've been at a steady 195lbs if it matters)

I know the answer is EAT but what's a good way to add 4-500 cals daily for building muscle while keeping a fairly "clean" diet?
Would pounding pb work or would that be too fattening?

Any help is much appreciated
Reduce protein intake to 200g. Increase your fats to about 100g. Increase carbs to about 375g.
Wahla.. 3200 cals.
hmmm interesting.  doubling fat intake seems iffy but I might just try it (I still have to shake the "fat is bad" mentality, i realize fats are needed)
Do you have any suggestions for fat sources?

dmv:  thanks for the suggestion
week 7 of being back in the gym after a 2 yr hiatus...

bout 211 lbs currently... would like to get down to about 196 and get my abs back

also my arms are really thin still

getting stretchmarks

execuse the dbag growl face. i started takin pictures of myself every morning last week so i can track growth and tweak my workouts

and also the toothpaste on mirror hah
Sup guys. I've been working out for 3 months and gotten some pretty decent gains. Now I want to spend more time on my basketball game, so I was wondering will I lose the muscle I gained from lifting if I stick strictly to playing basketball and stopped working out?
You can lift and ball at the same time.
It messes up your jumpshot though. I still havent gotten my jimmy back since ive been hitting the gym hard.
I party every day. I...feel kinda guilty that it doesn't really show. EDC is coming up and that weekend is (maybe?) going to wreak havoc on me.

At least, that's the plan. That way, I get motivated to engage with this thread again.

At least the catty-ness has died down...
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

arent you like 6'4"? those are good #'s man, you have a way bigger ROM than a normal sized dude. 
Yeah, 6'4". Thanks bro. I sort of feel my grip failing though, as if I've reached its limits. I might have to look into straps or those blue plastic things. Thoughts?
I feel the ROM issue much more on pull-ups and push-ups than anything else. I literally can't do more than 6 solid pull-ups. 
 It might be that I'm using ROM as an excuse to tell myself that's how it's gonna be, but for whatever reason I've never really been able to many pull-ups/push-ups. 
i've always had grip troubles, to this day in fact, since i have a sort of ecto-meso frame which means i've had forearms on the skinnier side.
never used straps though, i kind of see dl's and shrugs as an opportunity to build up my forearms as well as the target muscles. 

for dl's have you tried a mixed grip? one hand facing away from you, the other hand towards you?

and yeah pullups will definitely be harder with longer arms.....i am only 6' but i have about a 6'2" or 6'3" wingspan i believe.....regular pullups and chinups are fine i can crank out a ton but once i start to go wide with my grip

Based Mod wrote:
i think its great for overall health but my god those crossfit guys are such d-bags. it's like a cult. even the girls.
also you're not gonna get that big doing it.

also i would have some concerns about crossfit and joint wear and tear given their style of workouts. if you have knee problems or anything like that i'd be cautious.

shadykay- looking ripped dude!

lol same it's really lame. worst perpetrator of this is actually a girl.

ShadyKay- 6% is pretty nuts, are you getting down there with no extra help or are you using some sort of thermo/stim?

Well so far the one thing I realized is 90% of the crossfitters where I'm at are fighters first. So they mostly use crossfit for shape, and so far everyone has seemed cool to me. I usually dont work out much, and feel this would be good for cardio and strength. I'm actually looking to lose weight and get in shape, so I don't mind not gaining much size.
Originally Posted by Teddythegr:nerd:ne

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Yeah, 6'4". Thanks bro. I sort of feel my grip failing though, as if I've reached its limits. I might have to look into straps or those blue plastic things. Thoughts?
I feel the ROM issue much more on pull-ups and push-ups than anything else. I literally can't do more than 6 solid pull-ups. 
 It might be that I'm using ROM as an excuse to tell myself that's how it's gonna be, but for whatever reason I've never really been able to many pull-ups/push-ups. 
i've always had grip troubles, to this day in fact, since i have a sort of ecto-meso frame which means i've had forearms on the skinnier side.
never used straps though, i kind of see dl's and shrugs as an opportunity to build up my forearms as well as the target muscles. 

for dl's have you tried a mixed grip? one hand facing away from you, the other hand towards you?

and yeah pullups will definitely be harder with longer arms.....i am only 6' but i have about a 6'2" or 6'3" wingspan i believe.....regular pullups and chinups are fine i can crank out a ton but once i start to go wide with my grip

Based Mod wrote:
my facebook newsfeed gets spammed by people posting pictures/vids of their workouts daily.

and they're ridiculously snobby when it comes to discussions of health/fitness 
ShadyKay- 6% is pretty nuts, are you getting down there with no extra help or are you using some sort of thermo/stim?

Well so far the one thing I realized is 90% of the crossfitters where I'm at are fighters first. So they mostly use crossfit for shape, and so far everyone has seemed cool to me. I usually dont work out much, and feel this would be good for cardio and strength. I'm actually looking to lose weight and get in shape, so I don't mind not gaining much size.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Trust i know some girls that will %%*# all over your weekly routine %*$+!+#*...[/color]

haven't worked out in 2 weeks

first week was because i said i was going to take a week off to let my CNS rest...then i get sick this week....dying to hit the gym up.
Originally Posted by FullMetal

Sup guys. I've been working out for 3 months and gotten some pretty decent gains. Now I want to spend more time on my basketball game, so I was wondering will I lose the muscle I gained from lifting if I stick strictly to playing basketball and stopped working out?

its somewhat counter productive but its what im currently doin... eat right and have a protein shake after your lift and that should be enough to keep your gains from bein stagnant no mater how much ur hoopin... ive lost 9 lbs from hoopin/cardio in as many days and im still getting stronger

after i get down to my target weight/BF i will start with the creatine for the popcorn muscles. then when i plateau there an off week and maybe see what this NO Xplode is about 

edit: jus realized i read ur question wrong... u will always lose gains if u stop homes...
Messed up my left shoulder pressing the other day.

Any recommendations on what I can do in the gym while I wait for recovery?

I realized that I cannot not lift. Thanks.
Originally Posted by justforkickz

anyone try tonalin CLA 1000?

<---- trying to cut weight and eating healthier

I have, can't say I noticed a difference.  But, CLA is cheap enough.  I am a big proponent of fish olis though, some Omega-3.
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