Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by FullMetal

Sup guys. I've been working out for 3 months and gotten some pretty decent gains. Now I want to spend more time on my basketball game, so I was wondering will I lose the muscle I gained from lifting if I stick strictly to playing basketball and stopped working out?

its somewhat counter productive but its what im currently doin... eat right and have a protein shake after your lift and that should be enough to keep your gains from bein stagnant no mater how much ur hoopin... ive lost 9 lbs from hoopin/cardio in as many days and im still getting stronger

after i get down to my target weight/BF i will start with the creatine for the popcorn muscles. then when i plateau there an off week and maybe see what this NO Xplode is about 

edit: jus realized i read ur question wrong... u will always lose gains if u stop homes...

I dont think its counter productive at all.  Recreational basketball is much more anaerobic than it is aerobic.  There wont be any physiologic changes to the muscles from playing basketball at a recreational level.

Why would you reduce weight to then start taking creatine?
/\ cuz that weight is all fat... I realize creatine is gunna bloat me back up with water weight. I like to go a phase at a tim we tho... Limit variables so I have concrete stats on what things work best for me.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Audi.... don't front like Joe. We want some gotdamm before and after pics.

Im sayin. Thats one thing I regret the most was not taking before and after pics of my first cycle. Till this day
If anyone is looking for Lifetime Fitness week passes im able to email them to you. If interested let me know, you get 7 free days to use the gym 24/7
I got a question fellas. If i can and only have time to workout at night particularly after 9pm and i want to use a pre-workout supp (jack3d) what time should i take it and will it keep me up pass midnight. I have to be up at 4am the next morning for work is why i ask. I work 10hr days and commute to work from the IE to LA (the marina) at least 4 days outta the week. So as you can see sleep is already limited somewhat.

Or should i try the gatorade pre workout drink (which i have high doubts it works)
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

People who have done ec long do you run it for?
I ran it for 6 weeks.....
Been off for like 4-5 weeks probably...
I wanna do another 3 weeks.....
Originally Posted by rhester

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

People who have done ec long do you run it for?
I ran it for 6 weeks.....
Been off for like 4-5 weeks probably...
I wanna do another 3 weeks.....

would you recommend the 6 weeks without a break or would 4 or 5 sound better?
i just realized i only bought enough ephedrine for 20 days, gotta get some more 
I do 4 weeks EC, 1 week off....rinse and repeat.

It all depends on your reaction to stims though....each person is different!

Back on EC

Recently I started taking a multi along with fish oil about 1 month ago. This week I started to notice these brown spots on my back and now creeping along my neck. They are a bit darker than my original skin and only come in spots. It is not too bad but I am getting a bit concerned. I have not changed my diet other than eating more and taking muilti/ fish oil. Is it possible that I am having some sort of allergic reaction? I'm thinking of not taking them to see if it goes away.
Originally Posted by davizzy

Recently I started taking a multi along with fish oil about 1 month ago. This week I started to notice these brown spots on my back and now creeping along my neck. They are a bit darker than my original skin and only come in spots. It is not too bad but I am getting a bit concerned. I have not changed my diet other than eating more and taking muilti/ fish oil. Is it possible that I am having some sort of allergic reaction? I'm thinking of not taking them to see if it goes away.
this is happening to me to what the hell is going on? Prof X recruiting?
Yo, I been reading through this post for info on EC, gotta say, you guys have really shed some light...

I've already lost about 27 pounds naturally though diet, high intensity lifting, and playing a lot of basketball... i started around 260 in december and im currently around 233

I feel like my body has "plateaued" cuz I can't seem to get below the 230's, which is why I'm considering the EC... I've read the hotnfit site as well and noted the dosages, but was wondering if ya'll think that weight affects the dosage.

Like you know how they say a bigger dude needs more protein for his body weight? like i would need more protein than a dude thats 150 or w.e, im wondering if that concept applies to the EC??

Order kaizen ephedrine hcl online or buy primatene tablets at a walgreens

c is just caffeine buy it anywhere

take 25mg e with 200 mg c 3x a day
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Order kaizen ephedrine hcl online or buy primatene tablets at a walgreens

c is just caffeine buy it anywhere

take 25mg e with 200 mg c 3x a day
So i could buy these Primatine Tablets , but what source of caffeine???

combine the EC stack with diet, and working out i should be good, right?
Originally Posted by DoEBoiFreshsince88

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Order kaizen ephedrine hcl online or buy primatene tablets at a walgreens

c is just caffeine buy it anywhere

take 25mg e with 200 mg c 3x a day
So i could buy these Primatine Tablets , but what source of caffeine???

combine the EC stack with diet, and working out i should be good, right?
any caffeine pills will do. 
yeah i mean EC will help but 90% of it is your diet and exercise

as long as you have the last two in check youre good
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