Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by I3

Zyzz dead?

Its all over BB and his facebook..
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

JCS....congrats on the PR for the deadlift @ 365....just a quick question, are you lifting that raw?

youre thinking of someone else bro
rip to a legend.....was lifting before i even heard of him but he inspired me to push myself in the gym and have fun doing it



too young man....same age as me 22 
I feel like if Zyzz isnt uber-trolling some people are gonna try to use his death as an example of why excessive weight training and supplements are evil...
^ There is a HUGE difference between GNC supplements and steriods (which he takes). Excessive weight training is evil?
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

^ I still don't think it's true.
A major newspaper in Austrailia got confirmation and ran a story on it. I think its pretty legit. But damn dude was only 22, had is whole life ahead of him
^ I think it was a tabloid newspaper and they got their information and sources from Facebook.
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

^ There is a HUGE difference between GNC supplements and steriods (which he takes). Excessive weight training is evil?

Originally Posted by AG 47

Put a bunch in a pan with a touch of olive oil (when you're cooking, use olive oil as your cooking fat instead of butter or another oil. it can be a little more expensive than plain cooking oil, but it has GREAT fats in it and has natural anti inflammatories) and it will cook down to a fraction of its normal size. Goes great in an omelette.

But under high heat, olive oil (and most vegetable oils) break down and lose their health benefits. Oils with saturated fats such as Coconut Oil or Palm Oil do not break down over high temps and contain MCT's, which can help you become/stay thin.
It seems like coconut oil doesnt get a lot of recognition, but Im thinking it might be the way to go, despite the vast majority of people recommending olive oil
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

JCS....congrats on the PR for the deadlift @ 365....just a quick question, are you lifting that raw?

youre thinking of someone else bro

You might be thinking of me.  I did 365x6 a few weeks ago.  I dont know what you classify as raw, but I only used chalk.  (No straps, belt, or suit)
I saw Zyzz out in a Fitness First in Parramatta, Sydney Australia - this was about 1.5-2 months ago..

The Australian Foreign Affairs confirmed the death of a 22yr old man in Thailand which doesn't exclusively indicate it is him. That whole stigma of 'its in the news - its real' isn't exactly concrete these days.

Another rumour floating around points to this stunt as a way of killing of his character. Perhaps he got sick of his alias and found a professional contract or something similar along the lines of that.

He was a good guy outside of playing his character from what ive heard from circles.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

JCS....congrats on the PR for the deadlift @ 365....just a quick question, are you lifting that raw?

youre thinking of someone else bro

You might be thinking of me.  I did 365x6 a few weeks ago.  I dont know what you classify as raw, but I only used chalk.  (No straps, belt, or suit)
Ahhh....sorry, got yall confused.  Anyways, congrats on that Durden.

Chalk is good in my book...that's raw. 
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

youre thinking of someone else bro

You might be thinking of me.  I did 365x6 a few weeks ago.  I dont know what you classify as raw, but I only used chalk.  (No straps, belt, or suit)
Ahhh....sorry, got yall confused.  Anyways, congrats on that Durden.

Chalk is good in my book...that's raw. 
Thanks.  I got 345 this past weekend after a softball tournament.  Im hoping I can go higher than 365 this weekend.
Originally Posted by gConquer

had a moment of weakness and monched on some of my mom's homemade choc. chip cookies. PISSED. how do ya'll fight cravings/deal with cheating

Fit it into your macros.
Or ask you how much that item of food will assist you in your goals.

Getting over the immediate pleasure of taste is a challenge that will take you into greater success than six pack abs.

Take it as a life lesson
Originally Posted by Thisismyvibe

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Thisismyvibe

Exactly. Egg yolks should be limited to TOPS one per day. 

no this is a myth. eggs won't raise your cholesterol, eat up

Mmm... Everything I've heard and read says otherwise. Sources?
dietary cholesterol levels dont actually raise blood cholesterol levels
plus there are several kinds of cholesterol.......general knowledge regarding cholesterol is very very poor , a lot of it is based on faulty studies done like 50+ years ago 


one more of zyzz.....

 i need to look like that. give me til this time next year. 
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Anyone use a Total Gym? Are they any good??
This is what I started out on. I definitely put on some muscle using it, but I'm sure noob gains were mostly responsible for that.

In no way does it compare to free weights, though.
I don't know if I should be
at the fact I couldn't do Squats until I got the bar on my shoulder after that it will all remembering the steps.
How to improve my bench press?? Any tips???? I max out right now at like 165..... Pretty new to weight lifting, but I feel embarrassed seeing dudes half my size pushing 200+.
Pretty interesting article:

Among other things it touches on the post workout nutrition someone asked about on the last page, I feel kinda stupid but kinda supported after reading this... it usually takes just under an hour for me to get home and down a shake.

Originally Posted by fresh2deff

How to improve my bench press?? Any tips???? I max out right now at like 165..... Pretty new to weight lifting, but I feel embarrassed seeing dudes half my size pushing 200+.
Keep benching?

How many sets/reps are you doing? I hope youre also doing a standing overhead press. Reading Starting Strength if you havent might help you on your form on some of the major lifts, including this one. Heres a quick link though:
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