Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Pretty interesting article:

Among other things it touches on the post workout nutrition someone asked about on the last page, I feel kinda stupid but kinda supported after reading this... it usually takes just under an hour for me to get home and down a shake.

Originally Posted by fresh2deff

How to improve my bench press?? Any tips???? I max out right now at like 165..... Pretty new to weight lifting, but I feel embarrassed seeing dudes half my size pushing 200+.
Keep benching?

How many sets/reps are you doing? I hope youre also doing a standing overhead press. Reading Starting Strength if you havent might help you on your form on some of the major lifts, including this one. Heres a quick link though:

Yeah definitely do the standing military press.

It helps if you have a spotter too, add a bit of weight that you can barely lift and get a spotter to protect you.  Sometimes it is a pyschological edge having a spotter there because you know you can lift heavier without the bar !#*@@%+ your pretty face up.

I was stuck at 60kg for ages, now im at 75kg and moving upwards beb!!  My target is 90kg.
Next step for me is getting over my fear of dead lifts
awww and working out alone and not being about to really test your limit or max #feelsbadman
Aight so for the first time ever Im really planning my diet to try and make sure I get the right macros and amount of calories in.

Based on a (super) rough estimate my maintenance is around 2700, I weigh 175-180 lbs and my body composition is pretty average. Im thinkin I need 180-270g protein and 90-180g fat but now that Ive actually sat down and started to evaluate where Im getting with what I eat Im realizing thats pretty far away.

When the school year starts my roommates and I are taking turns making dinner so I want to get as much of my protein and fat in as I can before dinner because they prob wont give a #%#! about whats in their food and prepare a lot of processed crap
At least then Ill be able to use the whole IIFYM principle for dinner and probably be straight. Thats why I want to get the rest of the day down and then do what I can to make dinner work.

Usually my breakfast is a bowl of oats with milk and a teaspoon sugar, which Im not counting. A cup of oats and a cup of whole milk comes out to 13g fat, 19g protein and 67g carbs for a total of 446 cals. Should I look into substituting/adding something else to get more out of this meal?

Every now and then Ill cook a 3 egg omelette with a sliced up hotdog and half a chopped onion that comes out to 29g fat, 23.5g protein and 6g carbs for 382 calories. I usually eat it with some toast, but Im thinkin I should get rid of that and just cook up a bigger omelette instead.

Ideas/suggestions/a sample meal plan to get started?
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Next step for me is getting over my fear of dead lifts
awww and working out alone and not being about to really test your limit or max #feelsbadman

If you go to a gym, ask someone (who you think knows what he is doing) to spot you.  No reason you shouldn't be able to max out unless you work out at home.
Originally Posted by fresh2deff

How to improve my bench press?? Any tips???? I max out right now at like 165..... Pretty new to weight lifting, but I feel embarrassed seeing dudes half my size pushing 200+.
High amount of reps = low weight = definite gains

Alof of dudes in the gym will keep trying to "max out" but form is crap.
Some people are just naturally strong, others need to get there.

Good Luck

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Aight so for the first time ever Im really planning my diet to try and make sure I get the right macros and amount of calories in.

Based on a (super) rough estimate my maintenance is around 2700, I weigh 175-180 lbs and my body composition is pretty average. Im thinkin I need 180-270g protein and 90-180g fat but now that Ive actually sat down and started to evaluate where Im getting with what I eat Im realizing thats pretty far away.

When the school year starts my roommates and I are taking turns making dinner so I want to get as much of my protein and fat in as I can before dinner because they prob wont give a #%#! about whats in their food and prepare a lot of processed crap
At least then Ill be able to use the whole IIFYM principle for dinner and probably be straight. Thats why I want to get the rest of the day down and then do what I can to make dinner work.

Usually my breakfast is a bowl of oats with milk and a teaspoon sugar, which Im not counting. A cup of oats and a cup of whole milk comes out to 13g fat, 19g protein and 67g carbs for a total of 446 cals. Should I look into substituting/adding something else to get more out of this meal?

Every now and then Ill cook a 3 egg omelette with a sliced up hotdog and half a chopped onion that comes out to 29g fat, 23.5g protein and 6g carbs for 382 calories. I usually eat it with some toast, but Im thinkin I should get rid of that and just cook up a bigger omelette instead.

Ideas/suggestions/a sample meal plan to get started?

Not sure what Phone you use but check out the app Calorific.
I was at my prime about 3yrs ago, at  28yrs old 200lbs n working out 5 days a week , then just said F it now i'm up to 259 and don't work out at all , getting married next august so i'm kicking my healthiness into HIGH GEAR!

Recently started watching what I eat with that app, you can input age, height, weight and amount of exercise you're doing & it gives you your daily caloric intake & water .

Most meal plans are VERY restrictive, i use the "Hungry Girl" blog (no %@@%) but she has really great recipes on the site AND doesn't void out taste. it's hard to go from going out pounding beers n red meat to tofu.... so she makes you have like chicken burgers with pasta sauce so you have a little bit of taste & don't hate life lol

Good luck!
^ I don't know about that calorific thing, its trying to tell me that eggs are bad, and that bread is better than chicken
Originally Posted by needsomejays

^ I don't know about that calorific thing, its trying to tell me that eggs are bad, and that bread is better than chicken
You have to get used to it.
Eggs are bad due to the yolk but if you search egg whites etc it will give you better results.

Its a free app vs paying for weight watchers, there might be a better app out there but even if you use it ONLY to find out your daily caloric intake its a win win 

Originally Posted by Type X

Originally Posted by needsomejays

^ I don't know about that calorific thing, its trying to tell me that eggs are bad, and that bread is better than chicken
You have to get used to it.
Eggs are bad due to the yolk but if you search egg whites etc it will give you better results.


Yolks are not bat for you in moderation. All of the vitamins in an egg are in the yolk. Its good cholesterol that our body needs. I normally eat 4-5 egg whites per day with 1 yolk.   
ive gained like 8 pounds recently! i quit working out and eat fast food almost everyday. what to do????
Originally Posted by solesavage

Originally Posted by Type X

Originally Posted by needsomejays

^ I don't know about that calorific thing, its trying to tell me that eggs are bad, and that bread is better than chicken
You have to get used to it.
Eggs are bad due to the yolk but if you search egg whites etc it will give you better results.


Yolks are not bat for you in moderation. All of the vitamins in an egg are in the yolk. Its good cholesterol that our body needs. I normally eat 4-5 egg whites per day with 1 yolk.   
Most people out there aren't eating 4-5 egg whites & 1 yolk a day 

Originally Posted by Type X

Originally Posted by solesavage

Originally Posted by Type X

You have to get used to it.
Eggs are bad due to the yolk but if you search egg whites etc it will give you better results.


Yolks are not bat for you in moderation. All of the vitamins in an egg are in the yolk. Its good cholesterol that our body needs. I normally eat 4-5 egg whites per day with 1 yolk.   
Most people out there aren't eating 4-5 egg whites & 1 yolk a day 

I wont really have a chance to use any apps for now so thats whatever to me, I can track it without it just as well anyway, I think.
Whats the cap on the amount of egg yolks I should consume daily and why exactly shouldnt I eat more? Ive heard some people say it will bring up cholesterol and others say that consuming dietary cholesterol wont have a direct effect on our cholesterol.
Originally Posted by OHyeah10

ive gained like 8 pounds recently! i quit working out and eat fast food almost everyday. what to do????

Continue eating fast food and not working out. You woundn't want to have to change your sig, would you?
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by Type X

Originally Posted by solesavage

Yolks are not bat for you in moderation. All of the vitamins in an egg are in the yolk. Its good cholesterol that our body needs. I normally eat 4-5 egg whites per day with 1 yolk.   
Most people out there aren't eating 4-5 egg whites & 1 yolk a day 

I wont really have a chance to use any apps for now so thats whatever to me, I can track it without it just as well anyway, I think.
Whats the cap on the amount of egg yolks I should consume daily and why exactly shouldnt I eat more? Ive heard some people say it will bring up cholesterol and others say that consuming dietary cholesterol wont have a direct effect on our cholesterol.

I eat like 5-6 eggs whole
Originally Posted by OHyeah10

ive gained like 8 pounds recently! i quit working out and eat fast food almost everyday. what to do????

uhh get back in the gym and stay away from fast food?... I can't believe some of the stuff I read in this thread
well since we were on the topic of calorie counters and what not, i found one "calorie counter by fatsecret". I really like it, you can even scan the bar codes of the food you eat and it saves all the info for you. Even has stuff from fast food and chain restaurants(not that we should eat either of them) Tells me how many calories i should eat and what ive burned, i really like it. If anyone if looking for a good calorie counter i definitely recommend this one 
Originally Posted by Dropten

Never understood this zyzz craze. He was always scrawny to me. Did aas to obtain that???
Well, he wasn't massive, but he was probably the ideal size for most people.

And what he obtained was only over the course of 2 years, which is impressive...juice or no juice.

I am so pissed, I was living on my own but had to move back with my parents for personal reasons. When I was, I was able to gym 4-5 days a week, now being back home the closest gym is about 1 hour walk away. I haven't been able to gym consistently, it's really pissing me off and I don't know what to do. I'm too broke to join a gym on my own, taking public transportation back and forth is going to be a pain. Any suggestions for home working out temporary?
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by OHyeah10

ive gained like 8 pounds recently! i quit working out and eat fast food almost everyday. what to do????

uhh get back in the gym and stay away from fast food?... I can't believe some of the stuff I read in this thread
no motivation brah. What do you do when you feel lazy?
Originally Posted by OHyeah10

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by OHyeah10

ive gained like 8 pounds recently! i quit working out and eat fast food almost everyday. what to do????

uhh get back in the gym and stay away from fast food?... I can't believe some of the stuff I read in this thread
no motivation brah. What do you do when you feel lazy?
being flabby and sloppy should be enough motivation if you ask me
Originally Posted by OHyeah10

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by OHyeah10

ive gained like 8 pounds recently! i quit working out and eat fast food almost everyday. what to do????

uhh get back in the gym and stay away from fast food?... I can't believe some of the stuff I read in this thread
no motivation brah. What do you do when you feel lazy?
grab a health magazine and read through it, they have stories in there of people that have dealt with all types of problems dealing with health, weight,etc and how they overcame it, or you can go on youtube and check out some work out videos.

I've lost motivation over the summer to get back up until recently, going to check out a gym tomorrow hopefully.
Originally Posted by eeibaby

I am so pissed, I was living on my own but had to move back with my parents for personal reasons. When I was, I was able to gym 4-5 days a week, now being back home the closest gym is about 1 hour walk away. I haven't been able to gym consistently, it's really pissing me off and I don't know what to do. I'm too broke to join a gym on my own, taking public transportation back and forth is going to be a pain. Any suggestions for home working out temporary?

find some p90x or insanity videos online. p90x requires equipment (dumbbells, pull up bar, yoga mat) and insanity is just you and the floor
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