Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Buy a ton of oats. I eat 120 grams of it the morning which is about 450 calories and add 2 cups of milk. Depends what my fat intake is going to be through the day I use fat free milk or 1%.

I think 1% is 130 calories a cup so thats 260 calories. Add a scoop of whey that's another 120.

That's already 830 calories right there.
Ive been trying to bulk for almost 3 weeks now. So-so progress :/

I feel considerably stronger and my Im doing heavier sets and I can see a some growth in my arms, chest and shoulders but the scale only says Im up 4 pounds.

Started: 149
Currently: 153ish
Goal: 165-170

Only things Ive been taking are fish oil and whey protein. It looks like I just need to eat more. Fast metabolism ftl.
Originally Posted by MarcMac360

Ive been trying to bulk for almost 3 weeks now. So-so progress :/

I feel considerably stronger and my Im doing heavier sets and I can see a some growth in my arms, chest and shoulders but the scale only says Im up 4 pounds.

Started: 149
Currently: 153ish
Goal: 165-170

Only things Ive been taking are fish oil and whey protein. It looks like I just need to eat more. Fast metabolism ftl.
Man 4 pounds in 3 weeks is impressive on a skinny frame...It took me like 3 months to gain that much o a 3500 calorie diet
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]wrote this in the other thread, an answer would be helpful. thanks.[/color]

Originally Posted by im that one

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I've used Jacked for the last two months or so, i like it. It's ok...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]but with anything you use your body will always get used to it and stop being affective. I'll try BCAAs + a caff pill this next go around. [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Is there a specific grouping (ex: box of GNC perfomance pills) of BCAAs that have been used? Reviews. etc.[/color]
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by alhubley

Real igF-1 isn't illegal but it isn't approved by the FDA either. It's a peptide that you inject. I doubt the spray works. You can get the real stuff online through research sites.Here's a link with some info

Theres a couple other articles on it over there along with countless info on all things bodybuilding.
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by MarcMac360

Ive been trying to bulk for almost 3 weeks now. So-so progress :/

I feel considerably stronger and my Im doing heavier sets and I can see a some growth in my arms, chest and shoulders but the scale only says Im up 4 pounds.

Started: 149
Currently: 153ish
Goal: 165-170

Only things Ive been taking are fish oil and whey protein. It looks like I just need to eat more. Fast metabolism ftl.
Man 4 pounds in 3 weeks is impressive on a skinny frame...It took me like 3 months to gain that much o a 3500 calorie diet

Nice to know! Im really new to the bulking up thing. I used to weigh like 215 (mostly fat) or so and I slimmed down for health reasons and since then Ive been wanting to gain muscle mass. I dont get close to 3500 cal but more like 2500 daily. I just lift really hard and drink a huge whey shake after. I need to frequent this thread more often for ideas and tips tho.
Originally Posted by MarcMac360

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by MarcMac360

Ive been trying to bulk for almost 3 weeks now. So-so progress :/

I feel considerably stronger and my Im doing heavier sets and I can see a some growth in my arms, chest and shoulders but the scale only says Im up 4 pounds.

Started: 149
Currently: 153ish
Goal: 165-170

Only things Ive been taking are fish oil and whey protein. It looks like I just need to eat more. Fast metabolism ftl.
Man 4 pounds in 3 weeks is impressive on a skinny frame...It took me like 3 months to gain that much o a 3500 calorie diet

Nice to know! Im really new to the bulking up thing. I used to weigh like 215 (mostly fat) or so and I slimmed down for health reasons and since then Ive been wanting to gain muscle mass. I dont get close to 3500 cal but more like 2500 daily. I just lift really hard and drink a huge whey shake after. I need to frequent this thread more often for ideas and tips tho.
I think it was alhubley who told me that skinny dudes like us with super fast metabolisms need around 5000 calories a day to gain significant size and weight
I wouldn't recommend 5000 calories to Marcmac because he was previously 215 and on the fat side. People who have been fat will gain the fat back pretty easily so they have to be more cautious.
Originally Posted by Dropten

Finally got the official pics from the competition. Thought id share
I'm mirin bro. I don't have the frame for that kinda size but something like that scaled down is my ideal physique. Nice job man
when y'all bulk, do you skip the cardio and just lift weights?

I'm on a bulk right now but I'm shook that I'll gain more fat than muscle if I cut off cardio. (I do HIIT on the treadmill btw)
So recently my friend and I from work have decided to hit the gym at our college.
I've been meaning to go but always slacked off, now that I have competition I'll be more inclined to go.

Now I got some questions for you fitness guru's:
Should I bring some protein powder and prepare a drink right after a workout or can I afford to wait till I get home?
What are some healthy snacks that I can have in between meals? (trying to speed my metabolism)
Also, just like itsbooranss asked, is cardio completely necessary or can I just bulk and minimize calorie intake?
As far as cardio goes it would depend on the individual. If you tend to put on fat quick then it wouldnt hurt. If you're struggling to gain any weight I wouldnt do it. Personally I never do cardio anymore not even when cutting. I would try to get your shake in right after your workout them eat a meal within an hour after shake. I don't have many snacks when I eat it's always a well balanced meal, usually every 2 to 3 hours.
ya i mean the right answer is do it, it's good for you

but you don't need it at all for changing your body composition

diet and lifting will get you cut as hell if you do it right
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

I just found out about an awesome dietery/nutritional/protein supplement that my personal training company is now promoting. After trying it for about a week, I can honestly say I feel a difference. Best of all, you can get a monthly free supply...really (I get mine free). If you're already taking a post-workout shake or a multi-vitamin, this should be a no-brainer, free product instead of paying for it... Msg me if you're interested.

Originally Posted by Dropten

Finally got the official pics from the competition. Thought id share




Here's a pic of me 90 day (3 months) before the pics above


Im also in a 90day body transformation contest. We'll see how that goes.
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