Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Originally Posted by FResHtuDEF

Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

can someone reup that youtube vid with the old dude talking about making your own preworkout drink?

Here's my own recipe 6 gram beta alanine 8 to 10 grams of aakg 500 mg of luecine 5 grams of citruline malate 500 mg to 1gram of agmatine 300 mg of caffeine Sometimes I dose in yohombine hcl and 1,3 demeth. But barely, it work's I dump it all into a scoop of xtend for added bcaa 's Of o want creatine, I'd dump it in a scoop of green mag. Best preworkout ever pumps are sickning. Thank me later

Are you serious?


I started mid April at 208.6LB by cutting junk food/eating healthier, I tried the daily calorie intake thing for a month at about 1,800-2000 calories a day (estimated I was consuming around 3-4k calories a day w/ soda and cheetos lol, lost 10 pounds by keeping track of what I ate, I just generally stopped caring about calories but I differentiated between good food and bad food & my appetite since then has decreased. I used to over stuff myself during lunch/dinner. Now I weigh at 169LB, 5 months in I've lost almost 40 pounds by just eating healthier. I got rid of some fat but not all, I'm going to give in to the p90x stuff, hopefully it works & i'll build up SOME mass.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Originally Posted by FResHtuDEF

Here's my own recipe 6 gram beta alanine 8 to 10 grams of aakg 500 mg of luecine 5 grams of citruline malate 500 mg to 1gram of agmatine 300 mg of caffeine Sometimes I dose in yohombine hcl and 1,3 demeth. But barely, it work's I dump it all into a scoop of xtend for added bcaa 's Of o want creatine, I'd dump it in a scoop of green mag. Best preworkout ever pumps are sickning. Thank me later

Are you serious?


What's funny though?  That sounds like it's a great pre-workout drink. 
yeah i dont get the lol's

that sounds intense because it's pretty much the maximum effective dose of a lot of proven, effective pre workout ingredients
Like I said it was my OWN RECIPE.

u guys can play around with the dosages, but that works for me.

My body can handle alot of stuff. Even heavy Stims.

Oh yea Joe, if u are into recovery and sleep products.

Try biorhythms regenerate. My favorite supplement to date.

Suppose to slightly raise igf-1 levels while sleeping although , growth hormones only work if they're injected.

Best thing about this product is sleep. Helps me achieve r.e.m. every time with wild crazy bogus dreams.

2 hours of sleep felt good as 10 hours no lie, never once felt groggy waking up, as I wake up fully energized and ready to go.

Recovery between sets were awesome so to say.

I'm a firm believer that rest builds muscle. I gained a bit of muscle and strength
Nothing spectacular, but to me every lil bit helps.

I had a cut on my arm somewhat big gash, it helped closed and heal it within 3 or 4 days, scabs fell off on its own.
Take it for what's it worth.

Local Gnc price tag is 75 bucks, dealing with them I got it for 35 or 40 don't remember.
To me this product is worth its weight in gold.
Squat 255x3 for the first time today. Really nailed the form on each rep too. Feels great.

I want to continue the push to 190lbs but I absolutely HATE having extra unwanted fat on my midsection. Poor genetics ftl. I put fat on easy, muscle on slow, and if I stop eating I lose everything. Yes diet on point
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

yeah i dont get the lol's

that sounds intense because it's pretty much the maximum effective dose of a lot of proven, effective pre workout ingredients
Jack3d had nothing on nothing on the recipe I posted.

Just to let u guys know it was 110 dumbbells for reps all across the board for chest today.

130's here I come.

Pats myself on my back for a job well done

I can bench more than I can squat.


Working weights (8 x 4sets)
Bench 195
Squat 185

I dont think leg strength is the problem. I can leg press (yes i know you pure BBers frown upon it) 12 plates of 45lbs (6 each side) without too much of a struggle. What do?

I'm 5'8" 145lbs if that matters.
Originally Posted by Based Mod


I can bench more than I can squat.


Working weights (8 x 4sets)
Bench 195
Squat 185

I dont think leg strength is the problem. I can leg press (yes i know you pure BBers frown upon it) 12 plates of 45lbs (6 each side) without too much of a struggle. What do?

I'm 5'8" 145lbs if that matters.
Could be a mobility issue, and possibly you're squatting incorrectly.  Squats are the #1 most incorrectly performed exercise out there, IMO.  Just make squatting with proper form a priority and it'll come.  I'm just really getting into making squats a priority, and now I enjoy them like 500% more than I used to, all varieties, too.  Front, back, overhead

Anyone into O-lifting?  My snatch technique is way better/comes way more natural than my clean
Im increasing well on my flat and incline bench..

I did some deadlifs the other day and now im feeling the effects of *!#+ form. My lower back is in so much pain haha.. if you're deadlifst correctly especially at a heavy weight you shouldn't feel much/or any pain.
After I get this hernia surgery i'm going to start training again... See if I can walk on and play football when I transfer.

I'm 185 now but my ultimate goal is to be somewhere around 235lbs. I've been reading lots of articles about supplements and proper nutrition.

Day i got the hernia i was in a training session and let my ego get the best of me.... Squated and deadlifted 315 x8 3 sets. Miss that feeling of being in the weight room so much.
I joined a new gym a few blocks away from my previous one this past Sunday, and in all honesty, I've had a better workout throughout this entire week than I've been having at my previous gym.

The equipment, the atmosphere, all so much better at the new gym. In the long run, I'll be paying more, but I don't mind it at all.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

i just ordered some, sounds good

ya rest is crucial man

Let us know how it works for you. I'd like to try myself but a little pricey for me.
I didnt lol @ freshs drink but goddamn bruh... Haha u better b shredded or u really r wasting alot of money/time/energy
Never tried reforge but bruh, I wouldn't lie about a supplement that is my favorite. I'm big on recovery and sleep as much as my diet.

Aye jewjay, its not alot of money, think of how long it lady's u down the line, last me over 8 months already and still have plenty.
I'm not a competitive bber, but bruh, I'd bet my bank on it that it'll be instant respect if u were to see my lifts and physique

Try my recipe. It also works as a good intra minus some stim ingredients
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Squat 255x3 for the first time today. Really nailed the form on each rep too. Feels great.

I want to continue the push to 190lbs but I absolutely HATE having extra unwanted fat on my midsection. Poor genetics ftl. I put fat on easy, muscle on slow, and if I stop eating I lose everything. Yes diet on point
Never tried reforge but bruh, I wouldn't lie about a supplement that is my favorite. I'm big on recovery and sleep as much as my diet.

Oh, I don't doubt you've experienced gains with it. In my case, I have tried reforge (one month's supply) and noticed similar effects like lucid dreams
and feeling pretty great in the morning. I guess I'm just researching to see which product is more effective.
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