Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by jorrdanfan23

Anyone here try Jet Fuse? someone recommend me a preworkout... i tried MP Assault but it gave me nautious stomach. Anabolic ignite,No stim or caffeine = easy stomachAre u sensitive to caffeine?
Never tried assault, what is probably upsettting your stomach is probably the fillers, companies use such as aspartame, maltodextrin and othner stuff that are added for volume and weight.

Can u post the ingredients? Is it a prop blend? I hate those, u never know how much of each ingredient u are getting,
Or maybe it your diet, usually a bit more Carb intake and take care of it.
Has anyone ever seen the documentary Forks Over Knives? Should check it basically says everything people mention they're eating in here is causing cancer (except whole foods)...not quite that simple but....had me shook either way.
MP Assault

Take 1 scoop with 10-12 oz. of water before workout. For Optimal results drink a minimum of 1 gallon of water daily.

Serving Size 1 scoop
Servings Per Container 30

Amount Per Serving % DV

Calories 80.00

Calories from Fat 0.00

Sodium 72.00 mg 3%

Sugars 0.00 g

Total Carbohydrates 20.00 g

Calcium (Phosphate) 100.00 mg 10%

Vitamin B6 (pyroxidine hcl) 25.00 mg 1250%

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 140.00 mcg 2333%

Phosphorus (as Calcium Phosphate) 60.00 mg 6%

Assault Proprietary Blend 40000.00 mg **

Muscle Explosion NO Matrix 0.00 **

Glycine **

Citrulline Malate **

Di-Arginine Malate **

arginine ethyl ester **

Beta Alanine **

Suma Root Extract **

L-Arginine Blend (L-Arginine AKG [A-AKG] **

Arginine Orotate) **

Strength Domination & Recovery Matrix 0.00 **

L-Glutamine **

Di-Creatine Malate **

Creatine Ethyl Ester (CEE) **

CreaPure **

Kre-Alkalyn **

Mind Connection Matrix 0.00 **

L-Tyrosine **

Taurine **

Pyru- Glutamin Acid **

Papain 500mg **

Caffeine 200mg **

Glucose Polymers (Maltrodextrin) **

Other Ingredients:  MCT Oil (Fractionated Coconut Oil), Silicon Dioxide, Natural & Artificial Flavors, Magnesium Oxide, Acesulfame Potassium, Sucralose, Citric Acid, Salt, Potassium Chloride, Calcium Phosphate, Pyroxidine HCL, Cyanocobalamin, FD&C Blue #1
Jetfuse any feedback for this supplement??

Calories 30 Gm N/A*

Calories From Fat 0 Gm N/A*

Total Fat 0 Gm N/A*

Saturated Fat 0 Gm N/A*


Cholesterol 0 Gm N/A*

Total Carbohydrate 8 Gm N/A*

Dietary Fiber 0 Gm N/A*

Sugars 0 Gm N/A*

Protein 0 Gm N/A*

Vitamin C 100 Mg N/A*

Calcium 250 Mg N/A*

Phosphorous 200 Mg N/A*

Sodium 190 Mg N/A*

Potassium 100 Mg N/A*

* Daily value not established Other Ingredients:
JETFUSE PROPRIETARY BLEND: 20,500 mg: GAT JETFUSE FOR SIZE & OPTIMIZED PUMP: L-arginine AKG, l-arginine, di-arginine malate, creatine anhydrous, creatine monohydrate, waxy maize (ultra-high molecular weight long chain starch), l-taurine, l-citrulline malate. GAT JETFUSE FOR FOCUS & INTENSITY: Beta-alanine, l-tyrosine, green tea, glucoronolactone. GAT JETFUSE FOR MUSCLE REPAIR, GROWTH, STAMINA, SPEED & ENDURANCE: L-leucine, l-valine, l-isoleucine, acai extract, mangosteen extract, vitamin C, l-glutamine, modified glucose polymers, 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine, betaine. GAT JETFUSE ELECTROLYTES FOR REPLENISHMENT: Di-calcium phosphate, di-potassium phosphate, di-sodium phosphate.Other ingredients: Maltodextrin, citric acid, waxy maize starch, natural and artificial flavors, sucralose, acesulfame potassium, FD&C red #40, FD&C red #40 lake, FD&C blue #1 lake, FD&C blue #1.
Jordanfan, they both have prop blend which I usually stay away from.

They probably fill it up with the least expensive ingredient and a lil bit of the more expensive ingredient.
You just never how how much of it u are intaking.

How much is assault or jetfuse ?

What are u looking for in a preworkout?

If u want q crazy preworkout for around 20 bucks look for ctd labs noxipro.
Very decent forcthe price, it gets the job done.
Originally Posted by Based Mod


I can bench more than I can squat.


Working weights (8 x 4sets)
Bench 195
Squat 185

I dont think leg strength is the problem. I can leg press (yes i know you pure BBers frown upon it) 12 plates of 45lbs (6 each side) without too much of a struggle. What do?

I'm 5'8" 145lbs if that matters.

It could be one of many reasons:
-your form sucks

-bad ankle mobility

-core strength is pathetic

-you're scared


Practice form with light weight...then it will become muscle memory from there.  You can progress with higher weights from there.
/\ my bet is the ankles, most americans have some form of lower leg dismorphia
i myself have pretty over developed calfs leading to cronically tight soleous'

it took a cpl weeks of stretching and low weight reps jus focusing on form before i started doin any kinda real weight on squat again
^^ has to be his core strength

However the deadlift is my best lift next to squat. But my chest is severely pathetic compared to dead and squats lol
Word. My bench is @*%+. Strongest is squat, deadlift, shoulder press then bench lol
ok fellas,

been sick with Mono for the past stomach and throat being all messed up caused me on some days to not even eat (horrible).

Ive lost 15-16lbs since i got sick...

question is, when I get better will that weight get put back on? I will be in the gym religiously once Im better, but it takes me FOREVER to put weight on..

i think it took me about 8 months to put on about 10lbs of muscle...and thats going to the gym 5-6 days a week and eating like Im a professional body builder lol

any help or comments would be appreciated. anyone else have this problem?

Originally Posted by jordan23collecta

ok fellas,

been sick with Mono for the past stomach and throat being all messed up caused me on some days to not even eat (horrible).

Ive lost 15-16lbs since i got sick...

question is, when I get better will that weight get put back on? I will be in the gym religiously once Im better, but it takes me FOREVER to put weight on..

i think it took me about 8 months to put on about 10lbs of muscle...and thats going to the gym 5-6 days a week and eating like Im a professional body builder lol

any help or comments would be appreciated. anyone else have this problem?


Creatine nitrate is the best creatine I tried yet.If u lost all that weight, I'm pretty sure u can gain it back since ur eating bloke a professional bber.Takes a bit of time but I should say less than 8 months
Originally Posted by FResHtuDEF

Originally Posted by jordan23collecta

ok fellas,

been sick with Mono for the past stomach and throat being all messed up caused me on some days to not even eat (horrible).

Ive lost 15-16lbs since i got sick...

question is, when I get better will that weight get put back on? I will be in the gym religiously once Im better, but it takes me FOREVER to put weight on..

i think it took me about 8 months to put on about 10lbs of muscle...and thats going to the gym 5-6 days a week and eating like Im a professional body builder lol

any help or comments would be appreciated. anyone else have this problem?


Creatine nitrate is the best creatine I tried yet.If u lost all that weight, I'm pretty sure u can gain it back since ur eating bloke a professional bber.Takes a bit of time but I should say less than 8 months
I doubt youre eating like a pro bb if it takes you that long to gain weight. Up your daily caloric intake by 500 from that and see what happens. I bet you'll be gaining weight at least twice as fast.

On a side note, today was my first day back in the gym after being sick, and my lifts all went up
Call it a couple of recovery weeks I guess.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

On a side note, today was my first day back in the gym after being sick, and my lifts all went up
Call it a couple of recovery weeks I guess.

Havent been able to walk normally all day
Squatted 10 pounds more than usual, on my 10 rep work sets. Im definitely skipping squats tomorrow, but going in on the SLDLs.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by Based Mod


I can bench more than I can squat.


Working weights (8 x 4sets)
Bench 195
Squat 185

I dont think leg strength is the problem. I can leg press (yes i know you pure BBers frown upon it) 12 plates of 45lbs (6 each side) without too much of a struggle. What do?

I'm 5'8" 145lbs if that matters.

It could be one of many reasons:
-your form sucks

-bad ankle mobility

-core strength is pathetic

-you're scared


Practice form with light weight...then it will become muscle memory from there.  You can progress with higher weights from there.

 - I think my form's fine.  Drop down with my @#+ out, back straight, push off with heels.
 - Not sure about ankle mobility.  I've had bad luck with ankle sprains from hooping. I once twisted my ankle pretty bad just from jogging up the court.
 - Core strength...probably the main reason.  I don't work my abs often enough.  Lower back gets hit from weekly deadlifts.
 - Not scared.  I drop down and just struggle to get back up.  Veins popping out of my neck and forehead like crazy

I've been doing the same weight for a long time with what seems like zero progress. 
Originally Posted by Based Mod

I've been doing the same weight for a long time with what seems like zero progress. 
I feel like this might actually be the cause of the problem. How many reps are you doing on your work set(s)?

If its above 5 reps try adding a 5pound plate on each side and banging out as many as you can. Maybe have a spotter help you to knock out the last few reps with some assistance to beat you up even more. You might be surprised at what you're actually capable of lifting. Then just work on hitting that weight with better form, drop down to adding a 2.5 on each side, and hit more than your previous amount of reps with a lower bottom out point on you squat and perfect form. Once youve got that down, start getting back on the adding weight grind.
Your basic squat form might not be "bad", but there's lots more that can go into squat form that will help:
-hip drive
-external knee rotation
-foot supination.

Lots of things could be hurting your squat:
- hip mobility
- ankle mobility
- thoracic spine mobility
- valgus knee collapse

Your ability to leg press a lot, but inability to squat a lot tells me it's a combination of a mobility issue, glute/hamstring weakness, and maybe technique.
Anyone else do heavy weights but dont feel the pain til 2 days+ later?

Seriously.. its like you work hard M W F and ball in the weekends means hardly no rest FML
Originally Posted by I3

Anyone else do heavy weights but dont feel the pain til 2 days+ later?

Seriously.. its like you work hard M W F and ball in the weekends means hardly no rest FML
YES. In my stronger muscles like my biceps and pecs I normally dont feel it until 2 days after for some reason after a heavy session.

For my progress..

Started off at: 148
Last checked in at: 153.5
Weighed in this morning at: 157.0
Goal: 170.

Like I mentioned my diet consists of a lot of whey protein, chicken, rice, and breads. Ive been trying to add the ocassional banana or apple to give my body some vitamins (bear grylls voice) and Ive been taking fish oil after heavy days. I started doing more pull ups before and after my workouts to give me a sort of full body workout. Id say by spring I should meet my goal. I feel stronger and my shoulders are growing the most which I love. Working out just gives you that high when youre doing it and that swag when you leave the fitness center because you feel all pumped 
 Keep workin NT, Ill keep yall up on my quest to bulk up. Should be easier in the winter since the lady likes to cook up all sorts of heavy protein and carb meals

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