Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Bwood as big as you are...pause. I expected more from your diet. I'm talking complete proteins in every meal type stuff. Kinda took me by surprise.
Originally Posted by 4one5

Bwood as big as you are...pause. I expected more from your diet. I'm talking complete proteins in every meal type stuff. Kinda took me by surprise.
That's because it's someone of a myth how much protein you actually need...

To the folks consuming 2 scoops simultaneously after a workout....if that's not just for the sake of more calories, than it's useless. As mentioned many times in this thread, your body can only absorb so much at once...
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by 4one5

Bwood as big as you are...pause. I expected more from your diet. I'm talking complete proteins in every meal type stuff. Kinda took me by surprise.
That's because it's someone of a myth how much protein you actually need...

To the folks consuming 2 scoops simultaneously after a workout....if that's not just for the sake of more calories, than it's useless. As mentioned many times in this thread, your body can only absorb so much at once...

ive been cutting, and i found a diet/ routine that works for me 

every individual body reacts diff .

when i was ina bulking phase, it was a whollleee lot of protein/ and #!$# 
Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

You're trying to lean out so yea, oats is one of the best source of carbs there is

Not too impressed by the squats...but those deads

Couldnt help stare at shorty's pumpum

She had a nice little camel-toe action going on right there.
Was taking a look at one of All Pro's workout... How do you interpret the sets/reps scheme?

Bench Presses do 4 work sets rep scheme 4-5-6-7-8 Do 2 warm up sets. 25% of the work set weight for 15 reps and 50% of the work set weight for 10 reps.
Bent-Over Rows do 4 work sets rep scheme 4-5-6-7-8
Overhead Barbell Presses do 2 work sets rep scheme 6-7-8-9-10
Barbell Curls do 2 work sets rep scheme 8-9-10-11-12
Tricep press do 2 work sets rep scheme 8-9-10-11-12
Hammer grip dumb bell press do 2 work sets rep scheme 8-9-10-11-12
Pull down do 2 work sets rep scheme 8-9-10-11-12

For instance, it says 4 work sets... but '4-5-6-7-8' is 5. Likewise with 2 sets but '8-9-10-11-12'
Am I looking too into it and those are suggestions? Like either do 4 sets with a rep scheme of '4-5-6-7' or '5-6-7-8'
Originally Posted by bwood056

TxRook wrote:
So I've been hitting the gym 5 days a week (for the past 4 weeks).
At first I tried to not do cardio cause I felt like I could use that time to lift more.
But instead I just decided to add it because my stamina isn't where I want it to be.
So now I'm aiming to work out 1.25 - 1.5 hours, mainly lifting but I finish it up with a 1 - 2 mile run.

Also, I haven't completely adapted to a diet yet but I'm made some progress in my eating habits.
Breakfast: I was eating a bowl of cheerios but after reading some responses in here, I might switch.
On my lunch breaks I try to eat a Turkey sandwich on wheat bread, with a banana, and a water bottle for my drink.
For Dinner I usually just eat what my dad cooks but in smaller portions. He likes to cook vegetables so that's a plus.
Should I incorporate another meal/snack into my diet? Usually the three meals, plus my protein shake after each workout, keeps me full.

This thread right here is my motivation, big thanks to all the users who help out others.

turn that three meals a day into 6-8 small meals..

protein shakes are meal replacements btw 
seriously bro?
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by bwood056

TxRook wrote:
So I've been hitting the gym 5 days a week (for the past 4 weeks).
At first I tried to not do cardio cause I felt like I could use that time to lift more.
But instead I just decided to add it because my stamina isn't where I want it to be.
So now I'm aiming to work out 1.25 - 1.5 hours, mainly lifting but I finish it up with a 1 - 2 mile run.

Also, I haven't completely adapted to a diet yet but I'm made some progress in my eating habits.
Breakfast: I was eating a bowl of cheerios but after reading some responses in here, I might switch.
On my lunch breaks I try to eat a Turkey sandwich on wheat bread, with a banana, and a water bottle for my drink.
For Dinner I usually just eat what my dad cooks but in smaller portions. He likes to cook vegetables so that's a plus.
Should I incorporate another meal/snack into my diet? Usually the three meals, plus my protein shake after each workout, keeps me full.

This thread right here is my motivation, big thanks to all the users who help out others.

turn that three meals a day into 6-8 small meals..

protein shakes are meal replacements btw 
seriously bro?

as one of your 6-8 small meals a day.. YES...
been bulking for a couple months now, really been eating this month...

gained a lot on my bench (not that im doing that much weight)

im going to try to squat more and my bicep/back routine i dont like

i feel like everything is growing besides my biceps, i guess i need to do more curls?

and im eating around 4000 cals, i weigh about 221, not as muscular as some dudes on here tho
Got my Bench to 185, Squat to 265, and Deadlift to 265.

I'm around 150.

Tryna reach 200, 300 and 300 by the end of the year
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

You're trying to lean out so yea, oats is one of the best source of carbs there is

Not too impressed by the squats...but those deads

Couldnt help stare at shorty's pumpum

She had a nice little camel-toe action going on right there.

She has a nice physique. No joke...she has the upper chest/delt area I need in my life. Like all she does is incline press. Suggestions on how to build that area more?
Took this week off. I've been having a few nagging aches and pains. Mostly in my back but I have a chronic injury and my back/neck will bug me all the time.
I've also had to focus a lot on school so the break is much needed.

I think I am going to go pay how ever much I need to and get me an hour of a deep tissue massage or something before Monday rolls around. 

I need one.

I've made some decent gains, me pretty recently in flattering light.

For the guys that started out doing full body days every day... when did you switch over to a split?

Im getting to the point where its feeling impossible to finish my workouts going all out on every exercise, so Im starting to think about breaking it up somehow into different days.
Could someone reccomend me a good creatine to try? ive used the optimum powdered form but i dont really care for the taste, or the fact that its hard as hell to mix in liquids. 
Originally Posted by SoleFX

Is it wise to take whey protein while trying to lose weight (5 days a week) ?

I would say yes from my experience. 
I dropped about 13 pounds while on whey.  I was not trying to bulk at all...just shed fat....
Ok guys, I need some advice on workout splits...
This is what I've been doing for the past 3 months or so:

Monday- Chest, shoulders, triceps

Tuesday- Back & biceps

Wednesday- Cardio & abs

Thursday- Chest, shoulders, triceps

Friday- Back & biceps

Saturday- off

Sunday- off

This is what I started doing this week:

Monday- Chest

Tuesday- Biceps & Triceps

Wednesday- Cardio & abs

Thursday- Shoulders

Friday- Back

Which split will give me the most gains? I feel like the old split is too much and the new split is too little. Would i still see gains in my chest if im only doing it once per week?
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Ok guys, I need some advice on workout splits...
This is what I've been doing for the past 3 months or so:

Monday- Chest, shoulders, triceps

Tuesday- Back & biceps

Wednesday- Cardio & abs

Thursday- Chest, shoulders, triceps

Friday- Back & biceps

Saturday- off

Sunday- off

This is what I started doing this week:

Monday- Chest

Tuesday- Biceps & Triceps (Pretty much working your triceps back-to-back days there)

Wednesday- Cardio & abs

Thursday- Shoulders

Friday- Back

Which split will give me the most gains? I feel like the old split is too much and the new split is too little. Would i still see gains in my chest if im only doing it once per week?

Stick to the push and pull split.

Chest then back. Give a day or two off in between chest and shoulders.

Off or Legs
Arms day if you want. (I have one)
Repeat or off. (I repeat)
Smh I don't know what it is about 225 but it's like my body/brain won't allow me to get past it on any of the big 3. and my wrist game needs to impove ASAP !!*% be feeling like they about to fall off. Any tips to get them stronger?
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Ok guys, I need some advice on workout splits...
This is what I've been doing for the past 3 months or so:

Monday- Chest, shoulders, triceps

Tuesday- Back & biceps

Wednesday- Cardio & abs

Thursday- Chest, shoulders, triceps

Friday- Back & biceps

Saturday- off

Sunday- off

This is what I started doing this week:

Monday- Chest

Tuesday- Biceps & Triceps

Wednesday- Cardio & abs

Thursday- Shoulders

Friday- Back

Which split will give me the most gains? I feel like the old split is too much and the new split is too little. Would i still see gains in my chest if im only doing it once per week?
But who was legs?  Tri's after Chest day? Pull your skirt down and incorporate abs into your daily routines. Check for Splits.
For my oats eaters: How do you prepare them? I’ve never liked them so to eat it every morning I assume you guys are adding something to it to make it bearable.
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