Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

Any advice for someone looking to do Insanity workout? I`m out of shape like hell if that matters.

No matter how tired you are...always finish the video. Take 30 sec breaks at max, and STICK WITH IT. It'll suck the first 2-3 weeks or so, but you kinda get used to doing it. I give thanks to the Insanity workout videos. I lost about 15 lbs after completion, but it made me want to keep going with other goals.
Originally Posted by TheeQuickness

Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

Any advice for someone looking to do Insanity workout? I`m out of shape like hell if that matters.

No matter how tired you are...always finish the video. Take 30 sec breaks at max, and STICK WITH IT. It'll suck the first 2-3 weeks or so, but you kinda get used to doing it. I give thanks to the Insanity workout videos. I lost about 15 lbs after completion, but it made me want to keep going with other goals.
lol so with the 30 second breaks if I`m near death keep going I was reading up and they say the 30 sec breaks are vital. Is it best to do this early in the morning or in the evenings at night? Reason I ask is because I work 10-12 hour days, so I usually get off around 8-9 pm, but Im kinda straight on waking up at 5 am. I plan on starting this in Nov, for the reason of its homecoming season and theres no way I`m going to be able to do this and party.
Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

Originally Posted by TheeQuickness

Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

Any advice for someone looking to do Insanity workout? I`m out of shape like hell if that matters.

No matter how tired you are...always finish the video. Take 30 sec breaks at max, and STICK WITH IT. It'll suck the first 2-3 weeks or so, but you kinda get used to doing it. I give thanks to the Insanity workout videos. I lost about 15 lbs after completion, but it made me want to keep going with other goals.
lol so with the 30 second breaks if I`m near death keep going I was reading up and they say the 30 sec breaks are vital. Is it best to do this early in the morning or in the evenings at night? Reason I ask is because I work 10-12 hour days, so I usually get off around 8-9 pm, but Im kinda straight on waking up at 5 am. I plan on starting this in Nov, for the reason of its homecoming season and theres no way I`m going to be able to do this and party.
Do it whenever you feel is gonna work for you. If you feel like your energy level is highest in the morning do it then. I can almost guarantee youre not gonna wanna party and drink as much as you go on with working out... its kinda killed my urge to drink but I still get peer pressured into it - cognitive dissonance for reals.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

Originally Posted by TheeQuickness

No matter how tired you are...always finish the video. Take 30 sec breaks at max, and STICK WITH IT. It'll suck the first 2-3 weeks or so, but you kinda get used to doing it. I give thanks to the Insanity workout videos. I lost about 15 lbs after completion, but it made me want to keep going with other goals.
lol so with the 30 second breaks if I`m near death keep going I was reading up and they say the 30 sec breaks are vital. Is it best to do this early in the morning or in the evenings at night? Reason I ask is because I work 10-12 hour days, so I usually get off around 8-9 pm, but Im kinda straight on waking up at 5 am. I plan on starting this in Nov, for the reason of its homecoming season and theres no way I`m going to be able to do this and party.
Do it whenever you feel is gonna work for you. If you feel like your energy level is highest in the morning do it then. I can almost guarantee youre not gonna wanna party and drink as much as you go on with working out... its kinda killed my urge to drink but I still get peer pressured into it - cognitive dissonance for reals.
Yea I planned on starting in Nov because the next time I would go hard on drinknig would prob be like St Patricks day. Is there like a certain guide for Insanity? I have the videos but no books or anything because my homie hooked me up.
How do you guys commit to eating properly? I eat decent, i have veggies, peanuts as snacks and only consume water other then beer on weekends. I love pizza and i love chips(things i have trouble letting go), i just dont see how some of you dudes become fully dedicated to where everything that enters your mouth has a meaning. Examples: Under your daily cals, proteins, fats, carbos etc....

My thing is i work hard in the gym(5 days a week) eat pretty decent use P90x on the side a few days out of the week. Im reaching my set goals, but eating strict is so annoying and boring.

Im 6'2.5
weight: 226
Been working out consistently for a year and some with maybe a month break in the middle of that accrued time.
Background football young age, basketball through teen years and some of my adult years. Mediocre metabolism, don't play basketball to much anymore, just stay active by gym, P90, mountain biking, paint ball anything for cardio other then running which i do every so often. Im also in above average shape.

I need help on eating properly. Has anybody felt like i've felt and transformed into an healthy eater? Found a way to make eating healthy a plus instead of a chore. I dont eat fast food, but i dont control my eating. Anyone have any good guides?
Its all about making things a habit. Will power can only get you so far since its a limited resource. Just try forcing yourself to eat healthy and eventually youll get used to it. Remember, pain of discipline or pain of regret.
Hey guys, I'm trying to get lean.I'm 5'9 and weigh 176 lbs.
I have pointy man boobs, how to get rid of that?

Also, I going to the gym today and do 20 minutes of cardio, while working on my upper body( 3 sets of 2o push ups, 3 sets of all machines and bench press) and abs(3 sets of all the machines and 3 sets of 20 sit-ups). I plan of doing this 4-5 days a week for the next month, until I feel the need to adjust(increase the workload, because it's too easy)

My meals yesterday:

Breakfast(ate at around 11:30 a.m) - 1 plain bagel w/ butter

Lunch(around 2:30) - salad w/ 2 breaded tilapia fish

Dinner(around 6:30) - bagette w/ mayo/Boar's Head Turkey and Cheddar and salad in it.

My meals today:

Breakfast(around 8:30) - plain bagel, no butter or any condiment on it, w/ a banana

Lunch(around 12 pm) - salad, w/ two pieces of Boar's Head cheddar, 1 piece of BH turkey and 1 piece of BH salami.

What I'm Looking to Eat Daily 

Breakfast - Option 1.: 1 scrambled egg w/ 2 pieces of toast/2 waffles/one plain bagel(no butter or anything) Option 2: 2 pieces of toast/plain bagel/ 2 waffles(plain) w/ a fruit(banana, orange, etc)

Lunch - Option 1:Salad w/ tuna or cold cuts(turkey, chicken breast) Option 2: salad w/ cooked steak/chicken/ or fish(none of the options fried)

Dinner - Salad w/ cooked steak/fish/chicken

During this month, I will drink basically water. I was wondering guys, is it okay to drink(not get drunk)? Can I have a Bud Light or 2, or is it okay to drink 1-2 shot glassed worth/s of vodka or whiskey or rum?
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by VoidEmperor

What excersises could I do at home to improve my upper body strength?

I've been struggling lifting 90 pounds over a damn mental block. I know it ain't alot but it's pissing me off that I feel like I add weight to the bar. I also can't do 3x15 pulls ups.

90 lbs doing what? Bench? Overhead Press?

bench press and 50 on overhead

It ruffles my feathers, something serious.
Originally Posted by VoidEmperor

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by VoidEmperor

What excersises could I do at home to improve my upper body strength?

I've been struggling lifting 90 pounds over a damn mental block. I know it ain't alot but it's pissing me off that I feel like I add weight to the bar. I also can't do 3x15 pulls ups.

90 lbs doing what? Bench? Overhead Press?

bench press and 50 on overhead

It ruffles my feathers, something serious.
Well damn. Weight and height? And are you following an actual regimen or just messing around? Also, are you EATING or just eating?

And to the other cats, its not as simple as bad and good carbs. They both have their time and place, albeit "good" carbs are superior in most situations.
Originally Posted by scshift

Alright so I've gotten slightly fat (I kinda have a double chin now and can't see my ab outline anymore 
) over the past few weeks cause my local gym closed for a couple months.

Right now my main focus is to drop my body fat before I try and add more muscle again. I'd like to see my muscle outline as well as my ab outline so I have an idea of what I look like without high body fat (I'm probably like 16-18% right now).

What's the best way to lose fat and gain muscle? Throw everything at me - workouts, recovery, diet, frequency, I like to go all in for everything I do and this is no different.

The past few days I've been doing heavy lifting, some cardio (rowing, jump rope, running stairs, etc.) and eating less. I don't have too much muscle (a slightly average amount I guess but I'm not too sure), so I don't want to lose any of it. Just fat.

Can anyone help me out? Thanks in advance.

I hate to quote my own post, but can someone school me on good foods to eat and how to keep myself full while I'm dieting?

Trying to have a successful cut but I don't know where to start. I've been exercising pretty hard the last 5 days already, nonstop workouts at friend's homes, in the gym, on the playgrounds, everywhere.

What is the best way to burn fat, and fat only?
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Bagels are bad carbs.

Can I eat Honey-Nut Cheerios or Multi-Grain Cheerios.?
Also, do I have to have carbs when I eat dinner? Is it okay to eat meat w/ a salad, no sides(rice, pasta, etc)?
Originally Posted by CosmicCanon

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Bagels are bad carbs.

Can I eat Honey-Nut Cheerios or Multi-Grain Cheerios.?
Also, do I have to have carbs when I eat dinner? Is it okay to eat meat w/ a salad, no sides(rice, pasta, etc)?

Oatmeal is the best way to go if u plan on lifting.I tried eating cheerios for breakfast on lift days and I could barely finish my workout.I would def try to get some kind of carbs in your dinner on lifting days
a few of my go to foods

bacon and eggs
turkey bacon or real bacon
omelette with 2 whole eggs, 2 egg whites

turkey burger
ground turkey
diced onion

quaker oats

spoonful of brown sugar

whole grain toast with peanut butter
pb&j on whole grain bread

lots of milk
Can anyone tell me the difference between chest dips and tricep dips? When I try to just hit my triceps, I still feel it in my chest a bit which makes me think I'm doing it wrong.
Originally Posted by MrMundayNite

Can anyone tell me the difference between chest dips and tricep dips? When I try to just hit my triceps, I still feel it in my chest a bit which makes me think I'm doing it wrong.
leaning forwards puts an emphasis on your chest
if you want to hit your triceps, try to stay perpendicular to the floor.
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