Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

also dreading those damn new years resolution people...just another human weakness..."let's wait a few days to start working out"

first day back in a whole week...(feels like an eternity) had stitches last week :/
Originally Posted by syxth element

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

The new year resolution people.

Worst time of the year. Parking gets real tough. Damn resolutioners. Hopefully it lasts  ~1 month until they fall off.

It always only lasts 1 month or so, and it's also always cardio, you guys notice that? Treadmills, ellipticals and bikes get packed, rest of the gym stays peaceful 
#!*@ yeah.. holiday in NYC for a month.. hopefully will gain some weight haha maybe 3-5kgs.. then start my cut when I get back and add some muscle. 2012 will be a great great aesthetic year!
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

I need to lose 70lbs as soon as possible. What is the best exercise and supplements? I want an exercise that is easy and doesn't make me sweat too much and short workout durations, preferably something I can do while I am laying in bed watching tv. Also, what's good foods that taste great and I can eat in great quantities and still lose all the weight possible. Thanks bros. I gotta get my sexy on in time for the summer

....sounds like the typical Black Females approach to getting in shape  


For 2012, I'm hoping to reach:

250 LBs Bench Press
400 LBs Deadlift
350 LBs Squat

by the end of next year.

I actually accomplished my goals this year by benching 200 LBs, deadlifting 300 LBs and Squatting 250 LBs
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

I need to lose 70lbs as soon as possible. What is the best exercise and supplements? I want an exercise that is easy and doesn't make me sweat too much and short workout durations, preferably something I can do while I am laying in bed watching tv. Also, what's good foods that taste great and I can eat in great quantities and still lose all the weight possible. Thanks bros. I gotta get my sexy on in time for the summer


Originally Posted by bjamez20

My gym parking lot was full this morning at 930...dreading th new year.

Luckily most of the people were there for cardio and I was just hooping and lifting

Originally Posted by itzbooranss

For 2012, I'm hoping to reach:

250 LBs Bench Press
400 LBs Deadlift
350 LBs Squat

by the end of next year.

I actually accomplished my goals this year by benching 200 LBs, deadlifting 300 LBs and Squatting 250 LBs
1,000 club 

I'll be waiting for you when you get here bruh 

Good luck!

edit: If I were you, I would change that to

260 LBs Bench Press
360 LBs Deadlift
380 LBs Squat

Just to make the plates easy  
that feel when you can't add weight to the bar when doing squats cuz your hip is messed up

was about to put 2 plates on that thing. lol

Anyways, what do you guys eat while at work? My bulking has suffered dramatically the past 2 weeks because I can't eat the necessary amount of calories due to only having 1 30 min break at work. It +%%!*@+ blows man.
Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

that feel when you can't add weight to the bar when doing squats cuz your hip is messed up

was about to put 2 plates on that thing. lol

Anyways, what do you guys eat while at work? My bulking has suffered dramatically the past 2 weeks because I can't eat the necessary amount of calories due to only having 1 30 min break at work. It +%%!*@+ blows man.

You really shouldn't be squatting with an injured hip. You'll be doing much more harm than good.
I usually stash a bunch of Clif bars in the bathroom, then eat them when I go to take a piss 

It's the only solution I came up with; didn't want to look unprofessional sitting there eating at my desk if it wasn't lunch.
Originally Posted by 504 D1 Prospect

This dude might just be the boss when it comes to lifting and Ive never heard of him but damn he looks like a clown

"Get your strongest body in 16 weeks"
Okay guys can someone help me as i'm trying to gain weight. I'm currently 6'4 196lbs and I would like to put on 20lbs or so in a 9-12 weeks. According to I need to take in 5662 calories a day.My question for you all is what do i eat that will help me reach that goal daily.I'm totally clueless when it comes to things like this.
what kind of preworkouts supplements that dont make you look like a balloon?? is there a certain ingrediant to look for in the product?
Originally Posted by jorrdanfan23

what kind of preworkouts supplements that dont make you look like a balloon?? is there a certain ingrediant to look for in the product?

avoid creatine
Originally Posted by Based Mod

Originally Posted by jorrdanfan23

what kind of preworkouts supplements that dont make you look like a balloon?? is there a certain ingrediant to look for in the product?

avoid creatine
Avoid creatine. Although, many pre-workout supps have creatine in them.
If you want to get raw, just load on potassium (one or two bananas work), a bit of glutamine, and anhydrous caffeine pre-workout (~250mg). 
Can you guys help me out, I started running again but get tired real fast. I'm new at taking supplements and heard that taking muscletech neurocore can help. My question is tho, is this something I should be taking every time I workout?

And I plan to enroll in the fire academy this summer, what type of workout do you guys recommend?
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Can you guys help me out, I started running again but get tired real fast. I'm new at taking supplements and heard that taking muscletech neurocore can help. My question is tho, is this something I should be taking every time I workout?

And I plan to enroll in the fire academy this summer, what type of workout do you guys recommend?

You probably don't need any kind of supplement if you're just starting out/getting back into things. You'll see great progress if you just stick with it, beginner gains are pretty dramatic.

As for your second question, I'm not familiar with the fire academy, but I would assume you're looking for a functional workout. Do something like Starting Strength or 5x5 program instead of those bodybuilding workouts where you mainly isolate. Or do ninja warrior training.
long time lurker, but got a question for you guys.  ive been working out for a few months now, mostly big compound lifts. however i feel as though ive lost flexibility and overall mobility. like i can feel my muscles stretching when scratching my back and stuff like that. should i be doing more post workout stretching to avoid this?
Going through a tough time with my gf so my appetite isn't the same and i'm working out twice as hard to relieve stress. I know I gotta get food so I've been drinking shakes. On the positive side i'm just about spring/summer ripped during the winter haha.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by 504 D1 Prospect

This dude might just be the boss when it comes to lifting and Ive never heard of him but damn he looks like a clown

"Get your strongest body in 16 weeks"
yeah that definitelyis clever marketing but cressey is that dude bro,� Eric’s writing and his work with athletes have been featured in such local and national publications as Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, ESPN, T-Muscle,
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