Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Do you guys have any suggestions (exercises) on burning belly fat? Im in shape pretty much, just that I have a bit of a belly. Legs are toned, so are arms.
abs are built in the kitchen..... but aerobic work burns fat while anaerobic work burns glucose..
What is everyone's definition of clean & dirty bulk?

I used to think it was solely based on the food that was ate.

But I recently ready that: Clean Bulk : 200-500 calories over maintenance, while Dirty Bulk: 1000-2000 calories over maintenance

That it didn't matter what food that were eaten mattered
i gotta hit the gym early now since i don't wanna get stuck with the resolution people ha ha ha. earlier some big fat dude was walking around the gym with an ipad in his hand looking for what type of exercise he should do. i think he left after 20 minutes.
Originally Posted by ricerocket1

i gotta hit the gym early now since i don't wanna get stuck with the resolution people ha ha ha. earlier some big fat dude was walking around the gym with an ipad in his hand looking for what type of exercise he should do. i think he left after 20 minutes.

O man i am dreading hitting the gym tonight because of fools like that

Thinking about just using my kettlebell at home tonight
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Can you guys help me out, I started running again but get tired real fast. I'm new at taking supplements and heard that taking muscletech neurocore can help. My question is tho, is this something I should be taking every time I workout?

And I plan to enroll in the fire academy this summer, what type of workout do you guys recommend?

You just have to get your body conditioned to do heavy cardio again. Just start small by building up your distance and lungs. No one supplement can necessarily just get you in shape for cardio and you won't get there over night so just push yourself to run longer and longer when you do. A lot these pre-workout supplements actually recommend that you DONT do cardio after taking them so be careful with that. I've played ball my whole life and trust me, there's no short cuts in cardio lol
Going to try and get some weighted dips with 65lbs later tonight... maybe curls with the 40s too depending on how I'm feeling.

Nervous but excited
Originally Posted by Checks McGee

Originally Posted by MoreUptempo

Water retention
isn't that only if you don't turn it into muscle?
You dont turn the water into muscle. The idea is that contractions of the muscle require water to function effectively. With more water in the muscle, it'll be able to work just a little harder, enough for you to get a few more reps in, or add a couple pounds to the bar. That extra weight will help you progress faster, provided your diet, rest, and training are otherwise on point.
Originally Posted by MoreUptempo

Originally Posted by bjamez20

My gym parking lot was full this morning at 930...dreading th new year.

Luckily most of the people were there for cardio and I was just hooping and lifting

This. Had the squat rack to myself for 45 minutes 

Glad I don't ride the bikes 
They usually tend to stay away from the free weights in general, so I don't have a problem with them.

I decided to switch up my routine a bit. I was doing bench, squat, deadlift, and rows with heavy weights every time I went to the gym. I'd workout, recover 2 days, and be back at it again. I've noticed as I increase the lb's I have less energy. Would it be detrimental if I split them up (Bench, Deadlift & Squat, Row) and went every other day?
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by MoreUptempo

Originally Posted by bjamez20

My gym parking lot was full this morning at 930...dreading th new year.

Luckily most of the people were there for cardio and I was just hooping and lifting

This. Had the squat rack to myself for 45 minutes 

Glad I don't ride the bikes 
They usually tend to stay away from the free weights in general, so I don't have a problem with them.

I decided to switch up my routine a bit. I was doing bench, squat, deadlift, and rows with heavy weights every time I went to the gym. I'd workout, recover 2 days, and be back at it again. I've noticed as I increase the lb's I have less energy. Would it be detrimental if I split them up (Bench, Deadlift & Squat, Row) and went every other day?
That sounds like a good idea, actually. If youve been consistently upping the weight for a while, you might also want to take a week off to let your body rest and catch up. I know that after a couple months of going hard, I start to die out if I dont give myself a break.

Not sure how you want to break it up but Im doing a day for each, every week until summer, provided I have time. If youre planning on doing two of the compound lifts every workout, Id probably suggest not squatting and deadlifting the same day.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by MoreUptempo

This. Had the squat rack to myself for 45 minutes 

Glad I don't ride the bikes 
They usually tend to stay away from the free weights in general, so I don't have a problem with them.

I decided to switch up my routine a bit. I was doing bench, squat, deadlift, and rows with heavy weights every time I went to the gym. I'd workout, recover 2 days, and be back at it again. I've noticed as I increase the lb's I have less energy. Would it be detrimental if I split them up (Bench, Deadlift & Squat, Row) and went every other day?
That sounds like a good idea, actually. If youve been consistently upping the weight for a while, you might also want to take a week off to let your body rest and catch up. I know that after a couple months of going hard, I start to die out if I dont give myself a break.

Not sure how you want to break it up but Im doing a day for each, every week until summer, provided I have time. If youre planning on doing two of the compound lifts every workout, Id probably suggest not squatting and deadlifting the same day.
Everything 2Lips has said is on point 

It also depends what your goals are.. care to share?
So much new +!@ in the gym tonight

Too bad it was too packed to do a damn thing. I'm going to have

to wake up at 5am these next two weeks to avoid the resoluters.
Originally Posted by MoreUptempo

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

They usually tend to stay away from the free weights in general, so I don't have a problem with them.

I decided to switch up my routine a bit. I was doing bench, squat, deadlift, and rows with heavy weights every time I went to the gym. I'd workout, recover 2 days, and be back at it again. I've noticed as I increase the lb's I have less energy. Would it be detrimental if I split them up (Bench, Deadlift & Squat, Row) and went every other day?
That sounds like a good idea, actually. If youve been consistently upping the weight for a while, you might also want to take a week off to let your body rest and catch up. I know that after a couple months of going hard, I start to die out if I dont give myself a break.

Not sure how you want to break it up but Im doing a day for each, every week until summer, provided I have time. If youre planning on doing two of the compound lifts every workout, Id probably suggest not squatting and deadlifting the same day.
Everything 2Lips has said is on point 

It also depends what your goals are.. care to share?
Just trying to get my weight up. I'm currently 5'11-6'0 175 lbs . I'd like to bulk up to at least 200 (Idk if that's OD or not
and cut until I'm about 180ish or until I look like Patrick Bateman in American psycho, real lean but still with a good amount of muscle tone.
Here's the best pic I could find.
Originally Posted by blakep267

Do you guys have any suggestions (exercises) on burning belly fat? Im in shape pretty much, just that I have a bit of a belly. Legs are toned, so are arms.

Ab roller, sit ups, and 30,60,90s....I'm going ham on the ab roller this year. Can almost do it from standing position now. I have a 6 pack, but I want the 8.
Came back from first session of 2012..

Squat - 230lb atg (need to hit 250ish in a few months) - gym buddies are hitting 390lbs but %+!* fools aren't even dipping below parallel so i personally wouldn't brag about that.
Incline - 150lbs (need to hit 175ish in a few months)
Flat - 165lbs (weakest - but have major improvements in the last 2 months - have been switching between DB and BB - need to get to 190ish)

Will post up other numbers soon.

147lbs (need to hit 155ish)
BF% 12 - 14%
Just saw some Greg Plitt motivational videos in the other thread.. is he worth subscribing to?
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