Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Gained a good 12 lbs in 2011. Trying to gain around 10-15 more by the end of this year.
I know it sounds far away but i'm a "hard gainer" and it's hard to gain weight.

I also give myself plenty of time in this goal because I plan on staying pretty lean the whole time. Not a big fan of doing bulking and cutting phases. 

I'm too hyperactive and have too much energy, my mind gets pissed at me if I don't run for a few days lol.
Cutting season yeaaabuddy.

Ran outside yesterday and my foot slipped into a crack in the street, ankle has been sore the whole day. Advice: don't run where there is little to no light.

I'm at 171, hopefully drop down easily to a decent 158-160 with some of the mass from the bulk.

Goodluck everyone.
Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

what do you guys think of Campbells Chunky Soup line as a lunch meal for work days?

Canned soup has a lot of sodium 
Instead of looking at it like healthy or not, and no offense, the way you got to where you are now shows you don't really care for whether food is healthy or not.

In other words look at it like this: a campbells(sp?) soup probably is at 250-450 cals, it's empty cals too, no nutritional benefit but that's beside the point, will the soup fill you up? As oppose to 2 table spoons of olive oil, packed with good fats or 4 apples 90cals a pop, or 4 bananas 100 a piece, or even a 1/4 a chicken 380 cals protein and fats... what will be enough for you to fill your tank up and not eat anymore, some may say just mental fortitude but it's hard, I know it is, so this is a better way to look at it. Get that food app, which tells you how many cals a item has.

I know being healthy is an ideal goal, but let's be serious, you didn't come here to be healthy, you came here to lose weight and look good for the summer and if you get healthy on the way, that's great.

Now if your goal is to be healthy, then I apologize, and would just say if your hungry eat an apple, if your still hungry after that eat another apple. However, this is a short term solution, you and only you know what will fill you up, write those foods down and then check their nutritional values(pro/fat/carb), and factor it in. At this point, since you just started I am guessing, you should only be focused on your diet, what is my maintenance? How much calories can I consume without gaining weight? Then focus on your ratios 40pro/30fat/30carb.

Goodluck regardless, remember you don't have to give it your 100 everyday at the gym, you just have to go there year round and get $$+% done. Consistency is key, then comes intensity.
definitely feeling a difference in my strength, stamina, energy and performance in my workouts/basketball pickups after working out solidly for maybe a montha and a half. but I still got a long way to go in the shirtless department.

I wish that I had never let myself go.
Can anyone help me develop a workout plan? I'm trying to lose 40 lbs or so in hopes of becoming lean. I was thinking of getting the Insanity workout plan but how does that effect the long run? Is it worth it? I was also thinking I could just walk/run on a treadmill and ride a stationary bike until I shed it all off.

I would also like meal/food recommendations. I've already bought some things that would help (fruits, vegetables, multi-grain whole wheat bread, egg whites, turkey bacon, etc). I wanna look good but I want to be able to maintain it as well. I'm allergic to nuts so I have to skip out on those. Any help is appreciated.
Was 170 in july, now I'm at 138 (5'9).

Trying to gain weight is tough but I'm very cut. I'm not a typical skinny kid, But I want to get up to around 155-160.

Anyone else hate bulking? My face gets all puffy and I lose my abs. The worst. I feel bloated. Feelsbadman
Fat, sick, and nearly dead. Anyone seen this documentary. It's inspiring and intriguing. After some research on doing a juice fast, I want to try. Looks super beneficial. Anyone tried this?
Originally Posted by SdotCAR619

HELP. I need some tips on doing pull ups. I need to get to 3 by May and I can barely do 1 right now. I leave for bootcamp in June, but I need to pass the Initial Strength Test. Thanks in advance

During P90X, I had to use a small stool to place my feet on, and kept using it until I didn't need it
So just keep practicing, and if your goal is at 3, you should aim for 6 just so you'll reach 3 faster 
Originally Posted by CaptainKicks

Originally Posted by 216301baller

For my NT fitness guru's: Why is it that bench declines every week..I started at 185 max now Its damn near impossible to do one

For me, I do 3x15, 4x10, 5x5, in order and I usually see gains each time. Obviously alternate each workout

Got this from my HS football coach, usually use those sets and reps for most of my workouts.

What sort of weight do you use?  I assume you start of lightest with 3x15, a bit heavier with 4x10 then go HAM on 5x5?

So if my 1RM for flat bench was 100kg, maybe start at 65 for x15, 75 for x10 and 100 for x5?

Im going to experiment with this on squats, deads, shoulder press and pretty much on all my workouts that recruit big muscle groups..
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by CaptainKicks

Originally Posted by 216301baller

For my NT fitness guru's: Why is it that bench declines every week..I started at 185 max now Its damn near impossible to do one

For me, I do 3x15, 4x10, 5x5, in order and I usually see gains each time. Obviously alternate each workout

Got this from my HS football coach, usually use those sets and reps for most of my workouts.

What sort of weight do you use?  I assume you start of lightest with 3x15, a bit heavier with 4x10 then go HAM on 5x5?

So if my 1RM for flat bench was 100kg, maybe start at 65 for x15, 75 for x10 and 100 for x5?

Im going to experiment with this on squats, deads, shoulder press and pretty much on all my workouts that recruit big muscle groups..
You don't do all of that in the same workout, that would be madness.
The idea is that each workout you do a different rep range.

So for a 3 day split (ABA, BAB) it would look something like this

Week 1

A 4 X 10

B 5 X 5

A 3 X 15

Week 2

B 4 X 10

A 5 X 5

B 3 X 15

Etc. Basically each time you do the same workout, you change the reps/sets. Really important to keep a journal and keep track of every workout if you do this though. Much easier to know you're seeing results. Additionally, I actually prefer 3x12, 4x8, 5x5... but it's really up to you. 6x3, 10x1 etc. is great too.
Originally Posted by 8PM at MSG

Can anyone help me develop a workout plan? I'm trying to lose 40 lbs or so in hopes of becoming lean. I was thinking of getting the Insanity workout plan but how does that effect the long run? Is it worth it? I was also thinking I could just walk/run on a treadmill and ride a stationary bike until I shed it all off.

I would also like meal/food recommendations. I've already bought some things that would help (fruits, vegetables, multi-grain whole wheat bread, egg whites, turkey bacon, etc). I wanna look good but I want to be able to maintain it as well. I'm allergic to nuts so I have to skip out on those. Any help is appreciated.


That's a beginner workout that's worked quite well for me. It's only 3 days a week, and I do mine on Mon, Wed, and Friday. So I hit abs and do some extra cardio on the off days (Tues, Thurs, and Sat.). Sunday is an off day to get ready for the next heavy day.

As far as food options, I'd like help on that too. I'm in pretty good shape now, but I'd probably be downright cut if my diet wasn't still unhealthy.
Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by CaptainKicks

For me, I do 3x15, 4x10, 5x5, in order and I usually see gains each time. Obviously alternate each workout

Got this from my HS football coach, usually use those sets and reps for most of my workouts.

What sort of weight do you use?  I assume you start of lightest with 3x15, a bit heavier with 4x10 then go HAM on 5x5?

So if my 1RM for flat bench was 100kg, maybe start at 65 for x15, 75 for x10 and 100 for x5?

Im going to experiment with this on squats, deads, shoulder press and pretty much on all my workouts that recruit big muscle groups..
You don't do all of that in the same workout, that would be madness.
The idea is that each workout you do a different rep range.

So for a 3 day split (ABA, BAB) it would look something like this

Week 1

A 4 X 10

B 5 X 5

A 3 X 15

Week 2

B 4 X 10

A 5 X 5

B 3 X 15

Etc. Basically each time you do the same workout, you change the reps/sets. Really important to keep a journal and keep track of every workout if you do this though. Much easier to know you're seeing results. Additionally, I actually prefer 3x12, 4x8, 5x5... but it's really up to you. 6x3, 10x1 etc. is great too.

No sir - I get that you do it each workout - but what sort of weight do we carry?  Enough weight so that the last rep is challenging?

So for example:

Monday - Chest
Flat bench 3x15
Incline bench 3x15

Tues - Shoulders
BB shoulder press 5x5
Lateral raises 5x5

Thurs - Chest
Flat Bench 4x10
Incline bench 4x10

is that correct?
Here's my story. Just cut down from 270 to 190 in about 9 months and I hit a weight loss gain. So I just started intermittent fasting today and I liked it a lot. But my diet and schedule is completely messed up... Im 20 years old, 6ft and weigh 195 at about 18% BF. I wanna get down to about 13%... My supposed cal requirement is 3100 bit I highly doubt that. Ive been cutting at 1700 calories but I wanna bump it up to 1800 cals. i have a really slow metabolism

Heres my workout schedule and its pretty much set in stone because I play d2 college football and this is what we do as a team. saturday and sunday is my own workout

Monday workout 215-345 pm (low reps mostly power clean and some other FB workouts) 30 min HIIT
practice from 515-645 pm

Tuesday 7am-8 am HIIT (may add shoulders in the afternoon if i have time)

Wednesday 415-545 pm (low rep mostly squat and other FB workouts) 30 min HIIT

Thursday 5-630 pm Practice w/ 30 min HIIT (my do shoulders on this day instead)

Friday 245-415pm practice 30 min HIIT then 415-6pm low rep chest workout with the team

Saturday 10am-1130 am solo workout back and biceps then a 25 min w/ 140-150 heart rate

Sunday 10am-1130 am solo workout chest and tris then a 25 min w/ 140-150 heart rate

I will do p90x ab ripper x 2-3 times a week where i can fit it in

Diet Schedule and food. ****This is where I need the most help*** The IF 16 hour fast. 1230am-830pm eating period

wake up at 730am. First Meal at 1230 pm turkey sandwich on wheat, mustard lettuce tomato. avg size salad with vinegar and olive oil. Fruit
2 pm (preworkout) 2 tblsp peanut butter
4 pm (post workout ) SRO protein shake (80 cal, no carbs), 3 pieces of baked chicken. salad. a lot of fruit.
630 pm SRO protein shake. 2 pieces grilled chicken and steamed vegetables.
8 pm snack nuts and dried fruit mix, about 1 cup to 1.5 cups

supplements . Fishoil and optimen multivitamin with first meal.
Xtend BCAA 12.5 g before and after workouts while fasting
Dexaprine/ Heat/ DCP stack throughout the day

avg macro count playing around with numbers today looked like 1900 cal. 80 g Fat. 150 g Carbs. 200 g Protein .

Help Me out please!!!!
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by CaptainKicks

Originally Posted by 216301baller

For my NT fitness guru's: Why is it that bench declines every week..I started at 185 max now Its damn near impossible to do one

For me, I do 3x15, 4x10, 5x5, in order and I usually see gains each time. Obviously alternate each workout

Got this from my HS football coach, usually use those sets and reps for most of my workouts.

What sort of weight do you use?  I assume you start of lightest with 3x15, a bit heavier with 4x10 then go HAM on 5x5?

So if my 1RM for flat bench was 100kg, maybe start at 65 for x15, 75 for x10 and 100 for x5?

Im going to experiment with this on squats, deads, shoulder press and pretty much on all my workouts that recruit big muscle groups..

To make it easy, let's say I do 135 for 3x15. I would do 145 for 4x10 and 155 for 5x5.

My general rule of thumb is that you should be able to do 2.5-5 lbs more for the next "tier". Recently hit 205 bench, #feelsgoodman. Haven't hit that since football days.

My goal now is to hit 315 squat/deadlift and 225 bench by end of May
Originally Posted by CaptainKicks

Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by CaptainKicks

For me, I do 3x15, 4x10, 5x5, in order and I usually see gains each time. Obviously alternate each workout

Got this from my HS football coach, usually use those sets and reps for most of my workouts.

What sort of weight do you use?  I assume you start of lightest with 3x15, a bit heavier with 4x10 then go HAM on 5x5?

So if my 1RM for flat bench was 100kg, maybe start at 65 for x15, 75 for x10 and 100 for x5?

Im going to experiment with this on squats, deads, shoulder press and pretty much on all my workouts that recruit big muscle groups..

To make it easy, let's say I do 135 for 3x15. I would do 145 for 4x10 and 155 for 5x5.

My general rule of thumb is that you should be able to do 2.5-5 lbs more for the next "tier". Recently hit 205 bench, #feelsgoodman. Haven't hit that since football days.

My goal now is to hit 315 squat/deadlift and 225 bench by end of May
If you can do 135 15 times, then 155 is way too low for 5 reps.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Fat, sick, and nearly dead. Anyone seen this documentary. It's inspiring and intriguing. After some research on doing a juice fast, I want to try. Looks super beneficial. Anyone tried this?

Just double checking...
Originally Posted by Caerus

Was 170 in july, now I'm at 138 (5'9).

Trying to gain weight is tough but I'm very cut. I'm not a typical skinny kid, But I want to get up to around 155-160.

Anyone else hate bulking? My face gets all puffy and I lose my abs. The worst. I feel bloated. Feelsbadman

I've went down from 180 to 120 in highschool
. I'm a freshmen in college @145lb. It's really difficult for me to bulk up and worry about fat gain. Figured that gaining fat and muscle was the only way to bulk up. Just had to find the right diet and workouts to cut the fat out.
How is everyone doing with their goals?
I'm similar to a few of the guys who posted above. 5'9 about 133 pounds. I'm a solid 133 though 
.  Pretty build and pretty lean and I want to stay that way. I don't gets down with a cut/bulk phase..I just do things the old fashioned way...hard work over time. I want to be 145-150 by Christmas, which I know is very doable.

Let's keep a fire under our !@%*% guys.

As for carpal tunnel - damb famb, I feel for you.

I don't have CTS but I do have a pinched nerve on each side of my back (due to a neck injury) running along my rotator cuff. Some days it really, really, sucks - some days it's bearable. Basically I have skeletal, nerve, and muscular problems. It's awesome! lol. But really, my only option is to go to a chiropractor "get adjusted" and hope that after awhile the neve un-pinches itself, if that's not - which I can't it might just be one of those awful things you have to deal with.

Which is what i'm afraid your case is.
Anybody reco me a weight loss, muscle gain plan?  I'm only able to workout about 3 times a week due to work.  What should I focus on?
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