Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

I'm starting to take testosterone supplements but the bottle doesn't suggest the best time to take them. Anybody have any info on the best time? In the morning? pre or post workout?
Anywhere between 3,500-4,500 calories. I'm 5'10", 160 lbs.

Bench 180x5
Squat 275x5
Deadlift 300x5

Ball for an hour or two a day
Originally Posted by af1 1982

Anywhere between 3,500-4,500 calories. I'm 5'10", 160 lbs.

Bench 180x5
Squat 275x5
Deadlift 300x5

Ball for an hour or two a day

If you're getting 4500 calories a day then your metabolism has to be off the rails. 
Do you count your calories or you just take a guess? I'm asking because people looking to consumer higher amounts of calories tend to overestimate.
I do a rough estimate of counting, thats why i gave such a big margin haha. It never goes under 3500 though. My metabolism is very fast, its so hard for me to gain weight. I eat the same amount if not more than dudes weighing 200+ who lift
I just really got back into working out before going to Cabo hitting 315 on bench, I came back (two weeks of booze no gym) and I hit 340. I'm wondering if anyone can help me increase my bench as im looking to hit 400 for June 30th
today is june are you guys looking with half of 2011 gone....

time for the hot weather.
Originally Posted by af1 1982

I ball and lift 5 times a week. I feel like balling makes me lose a lot of muscle mass. Any suggestions? I still eat a lot to compensate for the burned calories though
Yea.. not balling as much is the best option.. I stick to ballin like twice a week as of late.

Originally Posted by The Kid Fiasco

Anyone take casein Protein? is it a good buy? or just a waste...
I've tried ON Casein but it is WAAAYY too thick and it just tastes gross no matter how much extra liquid you add to it. I'm sure it has some positive effects but its too gross for me to drink regularly.
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by The Kid Fiasco

Anyone take casein Protein? is it a good buy? or just a waste...
I've tried ON Casein but it is WAAAYY too thick and it just tastes gross no matter how much extra liquid you add to it. I'm sure it has some positive effects but its too gross for me to drink regularly.
I heard about the thickness, but did you drink enough to see results, and its ONLY intentions are before bed....?
Usually you take Casein before bed because it's a slow digesting protein. Good source of protein for your muscles while they repair when you sleep.

It's not as thick when you drink it with water.
Can you guys recommend me some weight gainers powder? I'm trying to speed things up besides eating like a pig.
can u guys give me some tips on FAT BURNING cardio? im at 6'1 at 190 but wants to really lower our my body fat % and get cut up..any tips?
Originally Posted by Bay Area shoehead

can u guys give me some tips on FAT BURNING cardio? im at 6'1 at 190 but wants to really lower our my body fat % and get cut up..any tips?

All cardio is fat burning.
Originally Posted by Bay Area shoehead

can u guys give me some tips on FAT BURNING cardio? im at 6'1 at 190 but wants to really lower our my body fat % and get cut up..any tips?

isnt fat burning cardio kinda redundant?
hows your diet?
Originally Posted by Freakazoid

Can you guys recommend me some weight gainers powder? I'm trying to speed things up besides eating like a pig.

try to just add more liquid calories if you are feeling tired of eating. 
It just clicked for me that i need to do that, and for the past few days has been looking good.

halfway point this year

Bench 225

Clean 235

Squat 380

hoping to be 260,285,425 by around the end of this year, just depends how this summer goes.
I got my graduation this week so i'm gonna be out the gym until next week...I hope the progress I was making in my lifts doesn't deteriorate too much.
Did bench on Monday.

Wednesday evening and my chest is still so damn sore... having trouble reaching for my seatbelt and +#%@
Originally Posted by bwood056

Yo drop, how many cycles have you run?

Most productive stack you ran?
4 until I started hormone replacement. So cycles dont "exist" to me anymore, just blast and cruise.
As far as productive, I cant realy say. They've all been good. It all depends in how the person reacts. Ive seen ppl juice their heads off and I would never guess they're on any aas.
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